**Do you have an idea how to improve the project?**
Create an [issue](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/issues/new?assignees=&labels=discussion&template=feature-request.md&title=Propose%3A+xxx) with a detailed description of your idea.
**Do you want to report a broadcast that is not working?**
Create an [issue](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/issues/new?assignees=&labels=broken+stream&template=broken-stream.md&title=Fix%3A+xxx) with a description of the channel (**IMPORTANT:** an issue should contain a report for only one channel, otherwise it will be closed immediately).
- find out from which country the channel is being broadcasted. This information can usually be found on [lyngsat.com](https://www.lyngsat.com/search.html) or [wikipedia.org](https://www.wikipedia.org/)
**Do you want to report a channel that is not on the playlist?**
Create an [issue](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/issues/new?assignees=&labels=channel+request&template=channel-request.md&title=Add%3A+xxx) with a description of the channel (**IMPORTANT:** an issue should contain a request for only one channel, otherwise it will be closed immediately).
- find out the full name of the channel and from which country it is being broadcasted. This information can usually be found on [lyngsat.com](https://www.lyngsat.com/search.html) or [wikipedia.org](https://www.wikipedia.org/)
- find out the full name of the channel and from which country it is being broadcasted. This information can usually be found on [lyngsat.com](https://www.lyngsat.com/search.html) or [wikipedia.org](https://www.wikipedia.org/)
- find the file that contains the channel. You can use a [GitHub Search](https://github.com/search/advanced?q=CHANNEL_NAME+repo%3Aiptv-org%2Fiptv+path%3A%2Fchannels&type=Code) to do this.
- open the file
- find the channel description
- specify the appropriate category in the `group-title` attribute. A complete list of supported categories can be found [here](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv#playlists-by-category).
- commit all changes
- send a pull request
**Do you want to change the channel language?**
- find the file that contains the channel. You can use a [GitHub Search](https://github.com/search/advanced?q=CHANNEL_NAME+repo%3Aiptv-org%2Fiptv+path%3A%2Fchannels&type=Code) to do this.
- specify the appropriate language in the `tvg-language` attribute. The name of the language must comply with the [ISO 639-3](https://iso639-3.sil.org/code_tables/639/data?title=&field_iso639_cd_st_mmbrshp_639_1_tid=94671&name_3=&field_iso639_element_scope_tid=All&field_iso639_language_type_tid=51&items_per_page=500) standard.
**Do you want to add a new EPG (Electronic Program Guide) source?**
- check which country the EPG is intended for
- check that this source is not already listed in the playlist. To do this, find the country in this [table](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv#playlists-by-country) and see if there is any other link. If not, continue.
**Do you want to activate the program guide for the channel?**
- find out which country the channel belongs to. This information can usually be found on [lyngsat.com](https://www.lyngsat.com/search.html) or [wikipedia.org](https://www.wikipedia.org/)
- open the `/channels` folder and find the file that has the same code in its name and open it
- check that the EPG source is specified in the file. To do this, just look at the header of the playlist. If the `x-tvg-url` attribute is present and has a link in it, everything is fine.
- open the file specified in the `x-tvg-url`
- find the channel list in the file. Usually it looks like this:
- find the channel you are interested in
- copy it `id` and paste it to the `tvg-id` attribute of the channel description inside the playlist
- create an issue using this [link](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv/issues/new?assignees=&labels=DMCA&template=remove-channel.md&title=Remove%3A+xxx) and add a link to the DMCA notice in it
## Project Structure
-`broken-stream.md`: issue template for reporting a broken stream.
-`channel-request.md`: template for channel request.
-`feature-request.md`: template for feature request.
-`remove-channel.md`: template for channel deletion request.
-`automerge.yml`: contain action that automatically merges all the changes created by other workflows.
-`format.yml`: contain actions that automatically sorts channels and removes duplicates from each playlist.
-`update.yml`: contain actions that automatically generates all additional playlists and updates the `README.md` file.
-`CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md`: rules you shouldn't break if you don't want to get banned.
-`CONTRIBUTING.md`: file you are currently reading.
-`_categories.md`: automatically generated list of all categories and their corresponding playlists.
-`_countries.md`: automatically generated list of all countries and their corresponding playlists.
-`_languages.md`: automatically generated list of all languages and their corresponding playlists.
-`config.json`: config for the `markdown-include` package, which is used to compile everything into one `README.md` file.
-`preview.png`: image displayed in the `README.md`.
-`template.md`: template for `README.md`.
-`ad.m3u`: country specific playlist.
- ...
-`int.m3u`: playlist for channels not belonging to any one particular country. These are usually channels that broadcast exclusively on the internet.
- ...
-`unsorted.m3u`: playlist with channels not yet sorted.
-`format.js`: used within GitHub Action to sort channels and remove duplicates from each playlist.
-`generate.js`: used within GitHub Action to generate all additional playlists.
-`helper.js`: contains functions that are used in other scripts.
-`test.js`: allows you to automatically test all channels in a playlist.
-`update-readme.js`: used within GitHub Action to update the `README.md` file.
-`index.m3u`: main playlist that contains links to all playlists in the `channels/` folder.
-`README.md`: project description generated from the contents of the `.readme/` folder.
| `EPG_ID` | Channel ID that is used to load EPG. Must match `id` from the EPG file specified in the playlist header. (optional) |
| `EPG_NAME` | Channel name that is also sometimes used to load EPG. Must match `<display-name>` from the EPG file specified in the playlist header. (optional) |
| `PRIMARY_LANGUAGE` | Channel language. The name of the language must conform to the standard [ISO 639-3](https://iso639-3.sil.org/code_tables/639/data?title=&field_iso639_cd_st_mmbrshp_639_1_tid=94671&name_3=&field_iso639_element_scope_tid=All&field_iso639_language_type_tid=51&items_per_page=500). (optional) |
| `SECONDARY_LANGUAGE` | If the channel is broadcast in several languages. (optional) |
| `LOGO_URL` | The logo of the channel that will be displayed if the player supports it. (optional) |
| `CATEGORY` | The category to which the channel belongs. The list of currently supported categories can be found [here](https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv#playlists-by-category). (optional) |
| `FULL_NAME` | Full name of the channel. It is recommended to use the name listed on [lyngsat](https://www.lyngsat.com/search.html) or [wikipedia](https://www.wikipedia.org/) if possible. May contain any characters except plus sign, minus sign, round and square brackets. |
| `STREAM_TIME_SHIFT` | Must be specified if the channel is broadcast with a shift in time relative to the main stream. Should only contain a number and a sign. (optional) |
| `ALTERNATIVE_NAME` | Can be used to specify a short name or name in another language. May contain any characters except round and square brackets. (optional) |
| `STREAM_RESOLUTION` | The maximum height of the frame with a "p" at the end. In case of VLC Player this information can be found in `Window > Media Information... > Codec Details`. (optional) |
| `STREAM_STATUS` | Specified if the broadcast for some reason is interrupted or does not work in a particular application. May contain any characters except round and square brackets. (optional) |