mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 18:20:08 +01:00
Trying to watch an already watched video will make the video start 15 seconds before the end of the video. This is not very comfortable when listening to music or watching/listening playlists over and over.
790 lines
26 KiB
790 lines
26 KiB
'use strict';
var player_data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('player_data').textContent);
var video_data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('video_data').textContent);
var options = {
preload: 'auto',
liveui: true,
playbackRates: [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0],
controlBar: {
children: [
html5: {
preloadTextTracks: false,
vhs: {
overrideNative: true
if (player_data.aspect_ratio) {
options.aspectRatio = player_data.aspect_ratio;
var embed_url = new URL(location);
var short_url = location.origin + '/' + video_data.id + embed_url.search;
embed_url = location.origin + '/embed/' + video_data.id + embed_url.search;
var save_player_pos_key = 'save_player_pos';
videojs.Vhs.xhr.beforeRequest = function(options) {
// set local if requested not videoplayback
if (!options.uri.includes('videoplayback')) {
if (!options.uri.includes('local=true'))
options.uri += '?local=true';
return options;
var player = videojs('player', options);
player.on('error', function () {
if (video_data.params.quality === 'dash') return;
var localNotDisabled = (
!player.currentSrc().includes('local=true') && !video_data.local_disabled
var reloadMakesSense = (
player.error().code === MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK ||
player.error().code === MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED
if (localNotDisabled) {
// add local=true to all current sources
player.src(player.currentSources().map(function (source) {
source.src += '&local=true';
return source;
} else if (reloadMakesSense) {
setTimeout(function () {
console.warn('An error occurred in the player, reloading...');
// After load() all parameters are reset. Save them
var currentTime = player.currentTime();
var playbackRate = player.playbackRate();
var paused = player.paused();
if (currentTime > 0.5) currentTime -= 0.5;
if (!paused) player.play();
}, 5000);
if (video_data.params.quality === 'dash') {
errorInterval: 10
* Function for add time argument to url
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} [base]
* @returns {URL} urlWithTimeArg
function addCurrentTimeToURL(url, base) {
var urlUsed = new URL(url, base);
var currentTime = Math.ceil(player.currentTime());
if (currentTime > 0)
urlUsed.searchParams.set('t', currentTime);
else if (urlUsed.searchParams.has('t'))
return urlUsed;
* Global variable to save the last timestamp (in full seconds) at which the external
* links were updated by the 'timeupdate' callback below.
* It is initialized to 5s so that the video will always restart from the beginning
* if the user hasn't really started watching before switching to the other website.
var timeupdate_last_ts = 5;
* Callback that updates the timestamp on all external links
player.on('timeupdate', function () {
// Only update once every second
let current_ts = Math.floor(player.currentTime());
if (current_ts > timeupdate_last_ts) timeupdate_last_ts = current_ts;
else return;
// YouTube links
let elem_yt_watch = document.getElementById('link-yt-watch');
let elem_yt_embed = document.getElementById('link-yt-embed');
let base_url_yt_watch = elem_yt_watch.getAttribute('data-base-url');
let base_url_yt_embed = elem_yt_embed.getAttribute('data-base-url');
elem_yt_watch.href = addCurrentTimeToURL(base_url_yt_watch);
elem_yt_embed.href = addCurrentTimeToURL(base_url_yt_embed);
// Invidious links
let domain = window.location.origin;
let elem_iv_embed = document.getElementById('link-iv-embed');
let elem_iv_other = document.getElementById('link-iv-other');
let base_url_iv_embed = elem_iv_embed.getAttribute('data-base-url');
let base_url_iv_other = elem_iv_other.getAttribute('data-base-url');
elem_iv_embed.href = addCurrentTimeToURL(base_url_iv_embed, domain);
elem_iv_other.href = addCurrentTimeToURL(base_url_iv_other, domain);
var shareOptions = {
socials: ['fbFeed', 'tw', 'reddit', 'email'],
get url() {
return addCurrentTimeToURL(short_url);
title: player_data.title,
description: player_data.description,
image: player_data.thumbnail,
get embedCode() {
// Single quotes inside here required. HTML inserted as is into value attribute of input
return "<iframe id='ivplayer' width='640' height='360' src='" +
addCurrentTimeToURL(embed_url) + "' style='border:none;'></iframe>";
if (location.pathname.startsWith('/embed/')) {
var overlay_content = '<h1><a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="' + location.origin + '/watch?v=' + video_data.id + '">' + player_data.title + '</a></h1>';
overlays: [
{ start: 'loadstart', content: overlay_content, end: 'playing', align: 'top'},
{ start: 'pause', content: overlay_content, end: 'playing', align: 'top'}
// Detect mobile users and initialize mobileUi for better UX
// Detection code taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/20293441
function isMobile() {
try{ document.createEvent('TouchEvent'); return true; }
catch(e){ return false; }
if (isMobile()) {
player.mobileUi({ touchControls: { seekSeconds: 5 * player.playbackRate() } });
var buttons = ['playToggle', 'volumePanel', 'captionsButton'];
if (!video_data.params.listen && video_data.params.quality === 'dash') buttons.push('audioTrackButton');
if (video_data.params.listen || video_data.params.quality !== 'dash') buttons.push('qualitySelector');
// Create new control bar object for operation buttons
const ControlBar = videojs.getComponent('controlBar');
let operations_bar = new ControlBar(player, {
children: [],
playbackRates: [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0]
buttons.slice(1).forEach(function (child) {operations_bar.addChild(child);});
// Remove operation buttons from primary control bar
var primary_control_bar = player.getChild('controlBar');
buttons.forEach(function (child) {primary_control_bar.removeChild(child);});
var operations_bar_element = operations_bar.el();
// Playback menu doesn't work when it's initialized outside of the primary control bar
var playback_element = document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-playback-rate')[0];
// The share and http source selector element can't be fetched till the players ready.
player.one('playing', function () {
var share_element = document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-share-control')[0];
if (!video_data.params.listen && video_data.params.quality === 'dash') {
var http_source_selector = document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-http-source-selector vjs-menu-button')[0];
// Enable VR video support
if (!video_data.params.listen && video_data.vr && video_data.params.vr_mode) {
switch (video_data.projection_type) {
player.vr({projection: 'equirectangular'});
default: // Should only be 'MESH' but we'll use this as a fallback.
player.vr({projection: 'EAC'});
// Add markers
if (video_data.params.video_start > 0 || video_data.params.video_end > 0) {
var markers = [{ time: video_data.params.video_start, text: 'Start' }];
if (video_data.params.video_end < 0) {
markers.push({ time: video_data.length_seconds - 0.5, text: 'End' });
} else {
markers.push({ time: video_data.params.video_end, text: 'End' });
onMarkerReached: function (marker) {
if (marker.text === 'End')
player.loop() ? player.markers.prev('Start') : player.pause();
markers: markers
player.volume(video_data.params.volume / 100);
* Method for getting the contents of a cookie
* @param {String} name Name of cookie
* @returns {String|null} cookieValue
function getCookieValue(name) {
var cookiePrefix = name + '=';
var matchedCookie = document.cookie.split(';').find(function (item) {return item.includes(cookiePrefix);});
if (matchedCookie)
return matchedCookie.replace(cookiePrefix, '');
return null;
* Method for updating the 'PREFS' cookie (or creating it if missing)
* @param {number} newVolume New volume defined (null if unchanged)
* @param {number} newSpeed New speed defined (null if unchanged)
function updateCookie(newVolume, newSpeed) {
var volumeValue = newVolume !== null ? newVolume : video_data.params.volume;
var speedValue = newSpeed !== null ? newSpeed : video_data.params.speed;
var cookieValue = getCookieValue('PREFS');
var cookieData;
if (cookieValue !== null) {
var cookieJson = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(cookieValue));
cookieJson.volume = volumeValue;
cookieJson.speed = speedValue;
cookieData = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(cookieJson));
} else {
cookieData = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ 'volume': volumeValue, 'speed': speedValue }));
// Set expiration in 2 year
var date = new Date();
date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 2);
var ipRegex = /^((\d+\.){3}\d+|[\dA-Fa-f]*:[\d:A-Fa-f]*:[\d:A-Fa-f]+)$/;
var domainUsed = location.hostname;
// Fix for a bug in FF where the leading dot in the FQDN is not ignored
if (domainUsed.charAt(0) !== '.' && !ipRegex.test(domainUsed) && domainUsed !== 'localhost')
domainUsed = '.' + location.hostname;
var secure = location.protocol.startsWith("https") ? " Secure;" : "";
document.cookie = 'PREFS=' + cookieData + '; SameSite=Lax; path=/; domain=' +
domainUsed + '; expires=' + date.toGMTString() + ';' + secure;
video_data.params.volume = volumeValue;
video_data.params.speed = speedValue;
player.on('ratechange', function () {
updateCookie(null, player.playbackRate());
if (isMobile()) {
player.mobileUi({ touchControls: { seekSeconds: 5 * player.playbackRate() } });
player.on('volumechange', function () {
updateCookie(Math.ceil(player.volume() * 100), null);
player.on('waiting', function () {
if (player.playbackRate() > 1 && player.liveTracker.isLive() && player.liveTracker.atLiveEdge()) {
console.info('Player has caught up to source, resetting playbackRate');
if (video_data.premiere_timestamp && Math.round(new Date() / 1000) < video_data.premiere_timestamp) {
if (video_data.params.save_player_pos) {
const url = new URL(location);
const hasTimeParam = url.searchParams.has('t');
const rememberedTime = get_video_time();
let lastUpdated = 0;
if(!hasTimeParam) {
if (rememberedTime >= video_data.length_seconds - 20)
player.on('timeupdate', function () {
const raw = player.currentTime();
const time = Math.floor(raw);
if(lastUpdated !== time && raw <= video_data.length_seconds - 15) {
lastUpdated = time;
else remove_all_video_times();
if (video_data.params.autoplay) {
var bpb = player.getChild('bigPlayButton');
player.ready(function () {
new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function () {resolve(1);}, 1);
}).then(function (result) {
var promise = player.play();
if (promise !== undefined) {
promise.then(function () {
}).catch(function (error) {
if (!video_data.params.listen && video_data.params.quality === 'dash') {
if (video_data.params.quality_dash !== 'auto') {
player.ready(function () {
player.on('loadedmetadata', function () {
const qualityLevels = Array.from(player.qualityLevels()).sort(function (a, b) {return a.height - b.height;});
let targetQualityLevel;
switch (video_data.params.quality_dash) {
case 'best':
targetQualityLevel = qualityLevels.length - 1;
case 'worst':
targetQualityLevel = 0;
const targetHeight = parseInt(video_data.params.quality_dash);
for (let i = 0; i < qualityLevels.length; i++) {
if (qualityLevels[i].height <= targetHeight)
targetQualityLevel = i;
qualityLevels.forEach(function (level, index) {
level.enabled = (index === targetQualityLevel);
src: '/api/v1/storyboards/' + video_data.id + '?height=90',
showTimestamp: true
// Enable annotations
if (!video_data.params.listen && video_data.params.annotations) {
addEventListener('load', function (e) {
addEventListener('__ar_annotation_click', function (e) {
const url = e.detail.url,
target = e.detail.target,
seconds = e.detail.seconds;
var path = new URL(url);
if (path.href.startsWith('https://www.youtube.com/watch?') && seconds) {
path.search += '&t=' + seconds;
path = path.pathname + path.search;
if (target === 'current') {
location.href = path;
} else if (target === 'new') {
open(path, '_blank');
helpers.xhr('GET', '/api/v1/annotations/' + video_data.id, {
responseType: 'text',
timeout: 60000
}, {
on200: function (response) {
var video_container = document.getElementById('player');
videojs.registerPlugin('youtubeAnnotationsPlugin', youtubeAnnotationsPlugin);
if (player.paused()) {
player.one('play', function (event) {
player.youtubeAnnotationsPlugin({ annotationXml: response, videoContainer: video_container });
} else {
player.youtubeAnnotationsPlugin({ annotationXml: response, videoContainer: video_container });
function change_volume(delta) {
const curVolume = player.volume();
let newVolume = curVolume + delta;
newVolume = helpers.clamp(newVolume, 0, 1);
function toggle_muted() {
function skip_seconds(delta) {
const duration = player.duration();
const curTime = player.currentTime();
let newTime = curTime + delta;
newTime = helpers.clamp(newTime, 0, duration);
function set_seconds_after_start(delta) {
const start = video_data.params.video_start;
player.currentTime(start + delta);
function save_video_time(seconds) {
const all_video_times = get_all_video_times();
all_video_times[video_data.id] = seconds;
helpers.storage.set(save_player_pos_key, all_video_times);
function get_video_time() {
return get_all_video_times()[video_data.id] || 0;
function get_all_video_times() {
return helpers.storage.get(save_player_pos_key) || {};
function remove_all_video_times() {
function set_time_percent(percent) {
const duration = player.duration();
const newTime = duration * (percent / 100);
function play() { player.play(); }
function pause() { player.pause(); }
function stop() { player.pause(); player.currentTime(0); }
function toggle_play() { player.paused() ? play() : pause(); }
const toggle_captions = (function () {
let toggledTrack = null;
function bindChange(onOrOff) {
player.textTracks()[onOrOff]('change', function (e) {
toggledTrack = null;
// Wrapper function to ignore our own emitted events and only listen
// to events emitted by Video.js on click on the captions menu items.
function setMode(track, mode) {
track.mode = mode;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
return function () {
if (toggledTrack !== null) {
if (toggledTrack.mode !== 'showing') {
setMode(toggledTrack, 'showing');
} else {
setMode(toggledTrack, 'disabled');
toggledTrack = null;
// Used as a fallback if no captions are currently active.
// TODO: Make this more intelligent by e.g. relying on browser language.
let fallbackCaptionsTrack = null;
const tracks = player.textTracks();
for (let i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
const track = tracks[i];
if (track.kind !== 'captions') continue;
if (fallbackCaptionsTrack === null) {
fallbackCaptionsTrack = track;
if (track.mode === 'showing') {
setMode(track, 'disabled');
toggledTrack = track;
// Fallback if no captions are currently active.
if (fallbackCaptionsTrack !== null) {
setMode(fallbackCaptionsTrack, 'showing');
toggledTrack = fallbackCaptionsTrack;
function toggle_fullscreen() {
player.isFullscreen() ? player.exitFullscreen() : player.requestFullscreen();
function increase_playback_rate(steps) {
const maxIndex = options.playbackRates.length - 1;
const curIndex = options.playbackRates.indexOf(player.playbackRate());
let newIndex = curIndex + steps;
newIndex = helpers.clamp(newIndex, 0, maxIndex);
addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
// Ignore input when focus is on certain elements, e.g. form fields.
// See https://github.com/ctd1500/videojs-hotkeys/blob/bb4a158b2e214ccab87c2e7b95f42bc45c6bfd87/videojs.hotkeys.js#L310-L313
const isPlayerFocused = false
|| e.target === document.querySelector('.video-js')
|| e.target === document.querySelector('.vjs-tech')
|| e.target === document.querySelector('.iframeblocker')
|| e.target === document.querySelector('.vjs-control-bar')
let action = null;
const code = e.keyCode;
const decoratedKey =
+ (e.altKey ? '+alt' : '')
+ (e.ctrlKey ? '+ctrl' : '')
+ (e.metaKey ? '+meta' : '')
switch (decoratedKey) {
case ' ':
case 'k':
case 'MediaPlayPause':
action = toggle_play;
case 'MediaPlay': action = play; break;
case 'MediaPause': action = pause; break;
case 'MediaStop': action = stop; break;
case 'ArrowUp':
if (isPlayerFocused) action = change_volume.bind(this, 0.1);
case 'ArrowDown':
if (isPlayerFocused) action = change_volume.bind(this, -0.1);
case 'm':
action = toggle_muted;
case 'ArrowRight':
case 'MediaFastForward':
action = skip_seconds.bind(this, 5 * player.playbackRate());
case 'ArrowLeft':
case 'MediaTrackPrevious':
action = skip_seconds.bind(this, -5 * player.playbackRate());
case 'l':
action = skip_seconds.bind(this, 10 * player.playbackRate());
case 'j':
action = skip_seconds.bind(this, -10 * player.playbackRate());
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
// Ignore numpad numbers
if (code > 57) break;
const percent = (code - 48) * 10;
action = set_time_percent.bind(this, percent);
case 'c': action = toggle_captions; break;
case 'f': action = toggle_fullscreen; break;
case 'N':
case 'MediaTrackNext':
action = next_video;
case 'P':
case 'MediaTrackPrevious':
// TODO: Add support to play back previous video.
// TODO: More precise step. Now FPS is taken equal to 29.97
// Common FPS: https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/81868#post323588
// Possible solution is new HTMLVideoElement.requestVideoFrameCallback() https://wicg.github.io/video-rvfc/
case ',': action = function () { pause(); skip_seconds(-1/29.97); }; break;
case '.': action = function () { pause(); skip_seconds( 1/29.97); }; break;
case '>': action = increase_playback_rate.bind(this, 1); break;
case '<': action = increase_playback_rate.bind(this, -1); break;
console.info('Unhandled key down event: %s:', decoratedKey, e);
if (action) {
}, false);
// Add support for controlling the player volume by scrolling over it. Adapted from
// https://github.com/ctd1500/videojs-hotkeys/blob/bb4a158b2e214ccab87c2e7b95f42bc45c6bfd87/videojs.hotkeys.js#L292-L328
(function () {
const pEl = document.getElementById('player');
var volumeHover = false;
var volumeSelector = pEl.querySelector('.vjs-volume-menu-button') || pEl.querySelector('.vjs-volume-panel');
if (volumeSelector !== null) {
volumeSelector.onmouseover = function () { volumeHover = true; };
volumeSelector.onmouseout = function () { volumeHover = false; };
function mouseScroll(event) {
// When controls are disabled, hotkeys will be disabled as well
if (!player.controls() || !volumeHover) return;
var wheelMove = event.wheelDelta || -event.detail;
var volumeSign = Math.sign(wheelMove);
change_volume(volumeSign * 0.05); // decrease/increase by 5%
player.on('mousewheel', mouseScroll);
player.on('DOMMouseScroll', mouseScroll);
// Since videojs-share can sometimes be blocked, we defer it until last
if (player.share) player.share(shareOptions);
// show the preferred caption by default
if (player_data.preferred_caption_found) {
player.ready(function () {
if (!video_data.params.listen && video_data.params.quality === 'dash') {
// play.textTracks()[0] on DASH mode is showing some debug messages
player.textTracks()[1].mode = 'showing';
} else {
player.textTracks()[0].mode = 'showing';
// Safari audio double duration fix
if (navigator.vendor === 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && video_data.params.listen) {
player.on('loadedmetadata', function () {
player.on('timeupdate', function () {
if (player.remainingTime() < player.duration() / 2 && player.remainingTime() >= 2) {
player.currentTime(player.duration() - 1);
// Safari screen timeout on looped video playback fix
if (navigator.vendor === 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && !video_data.params.listen && video_data.params.video_loop) {
player.ready(function () {
player.on('ended', function () {
// Watch on Invidious link
if (location.pathname.startsWith('/embed/')) {
const Button = videojs.getComponent('Button');
let watch_on_invidious_button = new Button(player);
// Create hyperlink for current instance
var redirect_element = document.createElement('a');
redirect_element.setAttribute('href', location.pathname.replace('/embed/', '/watch?v='));
var cb = player.getChild('ControlBar');
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// Save time during redirection on another instance
const changeInstanceLink = document.querySelector('#watch-on-another-invidious-instance > a');
if (changeInstanceLink) changeInstanceLink.addEventListener('click', function () {
changeInstanceLink.href = addCurrentTimeToURL(changeInstanceLink.href);