mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 21:00:06 +01:00
Fix file formatting for locales
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` المشتركين",
"`x` videos": "`x` الفيديوهات",
"LIVE": "مباشر",
"Shared `x` ago": "تم رفع الفيديو منذ `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "إلغاء الإشتراك",
"Subscribe": "إشتراك",
"View channel on YouTube": "زيارة القناة على موقع يوتيوب",
"newest": "الأجدد",
"oldest": "الأقدم",
"popular": "الاكثر شعبية",
"last": "اخر الفيديوهات المعدلة",
"Next page": "الصفحة الثانية",
"Previous page": "الصفحة السابقة",
"Clear watch history?": "مسح السجل ؟",
"Yes": "نعم",
"No": "لا",
"Import and Export Data": "استخراج و إضافة البيانات",
"Import": "إضافة",
"Import Invidious data": "إضافة بيانات Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "إضافةالإشتراكات من موقع يوتيوب",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "إضافةالمشتركين من FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "إضافة المشتركين من NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "إضافة بيانات NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "استخراج",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "استخراج المشتركين كـ OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "استخراج المشتركين كـ OPML (لـ NewPipe و FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "استخراج البيانات كـ JSON",
"Delete account?": "حذف الحساب ؟",
"History": "السجل",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "البديل الكامل لموقع يوتيوب",
"JavaScript license information": "معلومات ترخيص JavaScript",
"source": "المصدر",
"Login": "تسجيل الدخول",
"Login/Register": "تسجيل الدخول\\إنشاء حساب",
"Login to Google": "تسجيل الدخول بإستخدام جوجل",
"User ID": "إسم المستخدم",
"Password": "الرقم السرى",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "(يجب ان يكتب مثل هذا التنسيق) الوقت (h(ساعات):mm(دقائق):ss(ثوانى)):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA كلامية",
"Image CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA صورية",
"Sign In": "تسجيل الدخول",
"Register": "انشاء الحساب",
"Email": "الإيميل",
"Google verification code": "رمز تحقق جوجل",
"Preferences": "التفضيلات",
"Player preferences": "التفضيلات المشغل",
"Always loop: ": "كرر الفيديو دائما: ",
"Autoplay: ": "تشغيل تلقائى: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "شغل الفيديو التالى تلقائى: ",
"Listen by default: ": "تشغيل النسخة السمعية تلقائى: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "عرض الفيديوهات عن طريق الوكيل(proxy) ؟",
"Default speed: ": "السرعة الإفتراضية: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "الجودة المفضلة للفيديوهات: ",
"Player volume: ": "صوت المشغل: ",
"Default comments: ": "إضهار التعليقات الإفتراضية لـ: ",
"youtube": "يوتيوب",
"reddit": "Reddit",
"Default captions: ": "الترجمات الإفتراضية: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "الترجمات المصاحبة: ",
"Show related videos? ": "عرض مقاطع الفيديو ذات الصلة؟",
"Visual preferences": "التفضيلات المرئية",
"Dark mode: ": "الوضع الليلى: ",
"Thin mode: ": "الوضع الخفيف: ",
"Subscription preferences": "تفضيلات الإشتراك",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "إعادة التوجية من الصفحة الرئيسية لصفحة المشتركين (لرؤية اخر فيديوهات المشتركين): ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "عدد الفيديوهات التى ستظهر فى صفحة المشتركين: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "ترتيب الفيديو بـ: ",
"published": "احدث فيديو",
"published - reverse": "احدث فيديو - عكسى",
"alphabetically": "ترتيب ابجدى",
"alphabetically - reverse": "ابجدى - عكسى",
"channel name": "بإسم القناة",
"channel name - reverse": "بإسم القناة - عكسى",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "فقط إظهر اخر فيديو من القناة: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "فقط اظهر اخر فيديو لم يتم رؤيتة من القناة: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "فقط اظهر الذى لم يتم رؤيتة: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "إظهار الإشعارات فقط (إذا كان هناك أي): ",
"Data preferences": "إعدادات التفضيلات",
"Clear watch history": "حذف سجل المشاهدة",
"Import/Export data": "إضافة\\إستخراج البيانات",
"Manage subscriptions": "إدارة المشتركين",
"Watch history": "سجل المشاهدة",
"Delete account": "حذف الحساب",
"Administrator preferences": "إعدادات المدير",
"Default homepage: ": "الصفحة الرئيسية الافتراضية ",
"Feed menu: ": "قائمة التغذية",
"Top enabled? ": "تفعيل 'الأفضل' ؟ ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "تفعيل الكابتشا ؟",
"Login enabled? ": "تفعيل تسجيل الدخول ؟",
"Registration enabled? ": "تفعيل التسجيل ؟",
"Report statistics? ": "إبلاغ الإحصائيات",
"Save preferences": "حفظ التفضيلات",
"Subscription manager": "مدير الإشتراكات",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` مشتركين",
"Import/Export": "إضافة\\إستخراج",
"unsubscribe": "إلغاء الإشتراك",
"Subscriptions": "الإشتراكات",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` إشعارات لم تشاهدها بعد ",
"search": "بحث",
"Sign out": "تسجيل الخروج",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "تم الإنشاء تحت AGPLv3 بواسطة عمر روث.",
"Source available here.": "الأكواد متوفرة هنا.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "مشاهدة معلومات حول تراخيص الجافاسكريبت.",
"View privacy policy.": "عرض سياسة الخصوصية",
"Trending": "الشائع",
"Unlisted": "غير مصنف",
"Watch video on Youtube": "مشاهدة الفيديو على اليوتيوب",
"Genre: ": "النوع: ",
"License: ": "التراخيص: ",
"Family friendly? ": "محتوى عائلى? ",
"Wilson score: ": "درجة ويلسون: ",
"Engagement: ": "نسبة المشاركة (عدد المشاهدات\\عدد الإعجابات): ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "الدول المسموح فيها هذا الفيديو: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "الدول الحظور فيها هذا الفيديو: ",
"Shared `x`": "شارك منذ `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "يعرض فى 'x'",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "اهلا! يبدو ان الجافاسكريبت معطلة. اضغط هنا لعرض التعليقات, ضع فى إعتبارك انها ستأخذ وقت اطول للعرض.",
"View YouTube comments": "عرض تعليقات اليوتيوب",
"View more comments on Reddit": "عرض المزيد من التعليقات على\\من موقع Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "عرض `x` تعليقات",
"View Reddit comments": "عرض تعليقات ريدإت Reddit",
"Hide replies": "إخفاء الردود",
"Show replies": "عرض الردود",
"Incorrect password": "الرقم السرى غير صحيح",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "تم تجاوز عدد المرات المسموح بها, حاول مرة اخرى بعد عدة ساعات",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "غير قادر على تسجيل الدخول, تأكد من تشغيل المصادقة الثنائية 2FA.",
"Invalid TFA code": "كود مصادقة ثنائية 2FA غير صحيح",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "لم يتم تسجيل الدخول. هذا ربما بسبب ان المصادقة الثنائية 2FA معطلة فى حسابك.",
"Invalid answer": "إجابة خاطئة",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "الكابتشا CAPTCHA غير صاحلة",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "مكان الكابتشا CAPTCHA مطلوب",
"User ID is a required field": "مكان إسم المستخدم مطلوب",
"Password is a required field": "مكان الرقم السرى مطلوب",
"Invalid username or password": "إسم المستخدم او الرقم السرى غير صحيح",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "الرجاء تسجيل الدخول 'تسجيل الدخول بواسطة جوجل'",
"Password cannot be empty": "الرقم السرى لايمكن ان يكون فارغ",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "الرقم السرى لا يتعدى 55 حرف",
"Please sign in": "الرجاء تسجيل الدخول",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "صفحة Invidious للمشتركين الخاصة\\مخفية لـ `x`",
"channel:`x`": "قناة:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "قناة ممسوحة او غير صالحة",
"This channel does not exist.": "القناة غير موجودة.",
"Could not get channel info.": "لم يستطع الحصول على معلومات القناة.",
"Could not fetch comments": "لم يتمكن من إحضار التعليقات",
"View `x` replies": "عرض `x` ردود",
"`x` ago": "`x` منذ",
"Load more": "عرض المزيد",
"`x` points": "`x` نقاط",
"Could not create mix.": "لم يستطع عمل خلط.",
"Playlist is empty": "قائمة التشغيل فارغة",
"Invalid playlist.": "قائمة التشغيل غير صالحة.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "قائمة التشغيل غير موجودة.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "لم يستطع عرض الصفحات الراجئة.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "مكان مخفى \"تحدى\" مكان مطلوب",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "مكان مخفى \"رمز\" مكان مطلوب",
"Invalid challenge": "تحدى غير صالح",
"Invalid token": "روز غير صالح",
"Invalid user": "مستخدم غير صالح",
"Token is expired, please try again": "الرمز منتهى الصلاحية , الرجاء المحاولة مرة اخرى",
"English": "إنجليزى",
"English (auto-generated)": "إنجليزى (تم إنشائة تلقائى)",
"Afrikaans": "الأفريكانية",
"Albanian": "الألبانية",
"Amharic": "الأمهرية",
"Arabic": "العربية",
"Armenian": "الأرميني",
"Azerbaijani": "أذربيجان",
"Bangla": "البنغالية",
"Basque": "الباسكي",
"Belarusian": "البيلاروسية",
"Bosnian": "البوسنية",
"Bulgarian": "البلغارية",
"Burmese": "البورمية",
"Catalan": "الكاتالونية",
"Cebuano": "السيبيونو",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "الصينية (المبسطة)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "الصينية (التقليدية)",
"Corsican": "الكورسيكية",
"Croatian": "الكرواتية",
"Czech": "تشيكي",
"Danish": "دانماركي",
"Dutch": "هولندي",
"Esperanto": "الاسبرانتو",
"Estonian": "الإستونية",
"Filipino": "الفلبينية",
"Finnish": "الفنلندية",
"French": "الفرنسية",
"Galician": "الجاليكية",
"Georgian": "الجورجية",
"German": "ألمانية",
"Greek": "الإغريقي",
"Gujarati": "الغوجاراتية",
"Haitian Creole": "الكاثوليكية الهايتية",
"Hausa": "الهوسا",
"Hawaiian": "هاواي",
"Hebrew": "العبرية",
"Hindi": "الهندية",
"Hmong": "همونغ",
"Hungarian": "الهنغارية",
"Icelandic": "أيسلندي",
"Igbo": "الإيبو",
"Indonesian": "الأندونيسية",
"Irish": "الأيرلندية",
"Italian": "الإيطالي",
"Japanese": "اليابانية",
"Javanese": "جاوي",
"Kannada": "الكانادا",
"Kazakh": "الكازاخية",
"Khmer": "الخمير",
"Korean": "الكورية",
"Kurdish": "كردي",
"Kyrgyz": "قيرغيزستان",
"Lao": "لاو",
"Latin": "لاتينية",
"Latvian": "اللاتفية",
"Lithuanian": "اللتوانية",
"Luxembourgish": "اللوكسمبرجية",
"Macedonian": "المقدونية",
"Malagasy": "مدجشقر\\مدغشقر",
"Malay": "الملايو",
"Malayalam": "المالايالامية",
"Maltese": "المالطية",
"Maori": "الماوري",
"Marathi": "المهاراتية",
"Mongolian": "المنغولية",
"Nepali": "النيبالية",
"Norwegian": "النرويجية",
"Nyanja": "نيانجا",
"Pashto": "الباشتو",
"Persian": "الفارسية",
"Polish": "البولندي",
"Portuguese": "البرتغالية",
"Punjabi": "البنجابية",
"Romanian": "روماني",
"Russian": "الروسية",
"Samoan": "ساموا",
"Scottish Gaelic": "الغيلية الاسكتلندية",
"Serbian": "صربي",
"Shona": "شونا",
"Sindhi": "السندية",
"Sinhala": "السنهالية",
"Slovak": "السلوفاكية",
"Slovenian": "سلوفيني",
"Somali": "الصومالية",
"Southern Sotho": "جنوب سوثو",
"Spanish": "الأسبانية",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "الأسبانية (أمريكا اللاتينية)",
"Sundanese": "السودانية",
"Swahili": "السواحلية",
"Swedish": "السويدية",
"Tajik": "الطاجيكية",
"Tamil": "التاميل",
"Telugu": "التيلجو",
"Thai": "التايلاندية",
"Turkish": "التركية",
"Ukrainian": "الأوكراني",
"Urdu": "الأردية",
"Uzbek": "الأوزبكي",
"Vietnamese": "الفيتنامية",
"Welsh": "الولزية",
"Western Frisian": "الفريزية الغربية",
"Xhosa": "زوسا",
"Yiddish": "اليديشية",
"Yoruba": "اليوروبا",
"Zulu": "الزولو",
"`x` years": "`x` سنوات",
"`x` months": "`x` شهور",
"`x` weeks": "`x` اسابيع",
"`x` days": "`x` ايام",
"`x` hours": "`x` ساعات",
"`x` minutes": "`x` دقائق",
"`x` seconds": "`x` ثوانى",
"Fallback comments: ": "التعليقات المصاحبة",
"Popular": "لاكثر شعبية",
"Top": "الأفضل",
"About": "حول",
"Rating: ": "التقييم",
"Language: ": "اللغة",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "الكل",
"Music": "الاغانى",
"Gaming": "الألعاب",
"News": "الأخبار",
"Movies": "الأفلام",
"Download as: ": "تحميل كـ",
"Download": "تحميل",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "(تم تعديلة)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "رابط التعليق على اليوتيوب",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "'x' اعجب بهذا",
"Audio mode": "الوضع الصوتى",
"Video mode": "وضع الفيديو",
"Videos": "الفيديوهات",
"Playlists": "قوائم التشغيل",
"Current version: ": "الإصدار الحالى"
"`x` subscribers": "`x` المشتركين",
"`x` videos": "`x` الفيديوهات",
"LIVE": "مباشر",
"Shared `x` ago": "تم رفع الفيديو منذ `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "إلغاء الإشتراك",
"Subscribe": "إشتراك",
"View channel on YouTube": "زيارة القناة على موقع يوتيوب",
"newest": "الأجدد",
"oldest": "الأقدم",
"popular": "الاكثر شعبية",
"last": "اخر الفيديوهات المعدلة",
"Next page": "الصفحة الثانية",
"Previous page": "الصفحة السابقة",
"Clear watch history?": "مسح السجل ؟",
"Yes": "نعم",
"No": "لا",
"Import and Export Data": "استخراج و إضافة البيانات",
"Import": "إضافة",
"Import Invidious data": "إضافة بيانات Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "إضافةالإشتراكات من موقع يوتيوب",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "إضافةالمشتركين من FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "إضافة المشتركين من NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "إضافة بيانات NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "استخراج",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "استخراج المشتركين كـ OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "استخراج المشتركين كـ OPML (لـ NewPipe و FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "استخراج البيانات كـ JSON",
"Delete account?": "حذف الحساب ؟",
"History": "السجل",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "البديل الكامل لموقع يوتيوب",
"JavaScript license information": "معلومات ترخيص JavaScript",
"source": "المصدر",
"Login": "تسجيل الدخول",
"Login/Register": "تسجيل الدخول\\إنشاء حساب",
"Login to Google": "تسجيل الدخول بإستخدام جوجل",
"User ID": "إسم المستخدم",
"Password": "الرقم السرى",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "(يجب ان يكتب مثل هذا التنسيق) الوقت (h(ساعات):mm(دقائق):ss(ثوانى)):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA كلامية",
"Image CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA صورية",
"Sign In": "تسجيل الدخول",
"Register": "انشاء الحساب",
"Email": "الإيميل",
"Google verification code": "رمز تحقق جوجل",
"Preferences": "التفضيلات",
"Player preferences": "التفضيلات المشغل",
"Always loop: ": "كرر الفيديو دائما: ",
"Autoplay: ": "تشغيل تلقائى: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "شغل الفيديو التالى تلقائى: ",
"Listen by default: ": "تشغيل النسخة السمعية تلقائى: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "عرض الفيديوهات عن طريق الوكيل(proxy) ؟",
"Default speed: ": "السرعة الإفتراضية: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "الجودة المفضلة للفيديوهات: ",
"Player volume: ": "صوت المشغل: ",
"Default comments: ": "إضهار التعليقات الإفتراضية لـ: ",
"youtube": "يوتيوب",
"reddit": "Reddit",
"Default captions: ": "الترجمات الإفتراضية: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "الترجمات المصاحبة: ",
"Show related videos? ": "عرض مقاطع الفيديو ذات الصلة؟",
"Visual preferences": "التفضيلات المرئية",
"Dark mode: ": "الوضع الليلى: ",
"Thin mode: ": "الوضع الخفيف: ",
"Subscription preferences": "تفضيلات الإشتراك",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "إعادة التوجية من الصفحة الرئيسية لصفحة المشتركين (لرؤية اخر فيديوهات المشتركين): ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "عدد الفيديوهات التى ستظهر فى صفحة المشتركين: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "ترتيب الفيديو بـ: ",
"published": "احدث فيديو",
"published - reverse": "احدث فيديو - عكسى",
"alphabetically": "ترتيب ابجدى",
"alphabetically - reverse": "ابجدى - عكسى",
"channel name": "بإسم القناة",
"channel name - reverse": "بإسم القناة - عكسى",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "فقط إظهر اخر فيديو من القناة: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "فقط اظهر اخر فيديو لم يتم رؤيتة من القناة: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "فقط اظهر الذى لم يتم رؤيتة: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "إظهار الإشعارات فقط (إذا كان هناك أي): ",
"Data preferences": "إعدادات التفضيلات",
"Clear watch history": "حذف سجل المشاهدة",
"Import/Export data": "إضافة\\إستخراج البيانات",
"Manage subscriptions": "إدارة المشتركين",
"Watch history": "سجل المشاهدة",
"Delete account": "حذف الحساب",
"Administrator preferences": "إعدادات المدير",
"Default homepage: ": "الصفحة الرئيسية الافتراضية ",
"Feed menu: ": "قائمة التغذية",
"Top enabled? ": "تفعيل 'الأفضل' ؟ ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "تفعيل الكابتشا ؟",
"Login enabled? ": "تفعيل تسجيل الدخول ؟",
"Registration enabled? ": "تفعيل التسجيل ؟",
"Report statistics? ": "إبلاغ الإحصائيات",
"Save preferences": "حفظ التفضيلات",
"Subscription manager": "مدير الإشتراكات",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` مشتركين",
"Import/Export": "إضافة\\إستخراج",
"unsubscribe": "إلغاء الإشتراك",
"Subscriptions": "الإشتراكات",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` إشعارات لم تشاهدها بعد ",
"search": "بحث",
"Sign out": "تسجيل الخروج",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "تم الإنشاء تحت AGPLv3 بواسطة عمر روث.",
"Source available here.": "الأكواد متوفرة هنا.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "مشاهدة معلومات حول تراخيص الجافاسكريبت.",
"View privacy policy.": "عرض سياسة الخصوصية",
"Trending": "الشائع",
"Unlisted": "غير مصنف",
"Watch video on Youtube": "مشاهدة الفيديو على اليوتيوب",
"Genre: ": "النوع: ",
"License: ": "التراخيص: ",
"Family friendly? ": "محتوى عائلى? ",
"Wilson score: ": "درجة ويلسون: ",
"Engagement: ": "نسبة المشاركة (عدد المشاهدات\\عدد الإعجابات): ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "الدول المسموح فيها هذا الفيديو: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "الدول الحظور فيها هذا الفيديو: ",
"Shared `x`": "شارك منذ `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "يعرض فى 'x'",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "اهلا! يبدو ان الجافاسكريبت معطلة. اضغط هنا لعرض التعليقات, ضع فى إعتبارك انها ستأخذ وقت اطول للعرض.",
"View YouTube comments": "عرض تعليقات اليوتيوب",
"View more comments on Reddit": "عرض المزيد من التعليقات على\\من موقع Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "عرض `x` تعليقات",
"View Reddit comments": "عرض تعليقات ريدإت Reddit",
"Hide replies": "إخفاء الردود",
"Show replies": "عرض الردود",
"Incorrect password": "الرقم السرى غير صحيح",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "تم تجاوز عدد المرات المسموح بها, حاول مرة اخرى بعد عدة ساعات",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "غير قادر على تسجيل الدخول, تأكد من تشغيل المصادقة الثنائية 2FA.",
"Invalid TFA code": "كود مصادقة ثنائية 2FA غير صحيح",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "لم يتم تسجيل الدخول. هذا ربما بسبب ان المصادقة الثنائية 2FA معطلة فى حسابك.",
"Invalid answer": "إجابة خاطئة",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "الكابتشا CAPTCHA غير صاحلة",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "مكان الكابتشا CAPTCHA مطلوب",
"User ID is a required field": "مكان إسم المستخدم مطلوب",
"Password is a required field": "مكان الرقم السرى مطلوب",
"Invalid username or password": "إسم المستخدم او الرقم السرى غير صحيح",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "الرجاء تسجيل الدخول 'تسجيل الدخول بواسطة جوجل'",
"Password cannot be empty": "الرقم السرى لايمكن ان يكون فارغ",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "الرقم السرى لا يتعدى 55 حرف",
"Please sign in": "الرجاء تسجيل الدخول",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "صفحة Invidious للمشتركين الخاصة\\مخفية لـ `x`",
"channel:`x`": "قناة:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "قناة ممسوحة او غير صالحة",
"This channel does not exist.": "القناة غير موجودة.",
"Could not get channel info.": "لم يستطع الحصول على معلومات القناة.",
"Could not fetch comments": "لم يتمكن من إحضار التعليقات",
"View `x` replies": "عرض `x` ردود",
"`x` ago": "`x` منذ",
"Load more": "عرض المزيد",
"`x` points": "`x` نقاط",
"Could not create mix.": "لم يستطع عمل خلط.",
"Playlist is empty": "قائمة التشغيل فارغة",
"Invalid playlist.": "قائمة التشغيل غير صالحة.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "قائمة التشغيل غير موجودة.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "لم يستطع عرض الصفحات الراجئة.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "مكان مخفى \"تحدى\" مكان مطلوب",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "مكان مخفى \"رمز\" مكان مطلوب",
"Invalid challenge": "تحدى غير صالح",
"Invalid token": "روز غير صالح",
"Invalid user": "مستخدم غير صالح",
"Token is expired, please try again": "الرمز منتهى الصلاحية , الرجاء المحاولة مرة اخرى",
"English": "إنجليزى",
"English (auto-generated)": "إنجليزى (تم إنشائة تلقائى)",
"Afrikaans": "الأفريكانية",
"Albanian": "الألبانية",
"Amharic": "الأمهرية",
"Arabic": "العربية",
"Armenian": "الأرميني",
"Azerbaijani": "أذربيجان",
"Bangla": "البنغالية",
"Basque": "الباسكي",
"Belarusian": "البيلاروسية",
"Bosnian": "البوسنية",
"Bulgarian": "البلغارية",
"Burmese": "البورمية",
"Catalan": "الكاتالونية",
"Cebuano": "السيبيونو",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "الصينية (المبسطة)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "الصينية (التقليدية)",
"Corsican": "الكورسيكية",
"Croatian": "الكرواتية",
"Czech": "تشيكي",
"Danish": "دانماركي",
"Dutch": "هولندي",
"Esperanto": "الاسبرانتو",
"Estonian": "الإستونية",
"Filipino": "الفلبينية",
"Finnish": "الفنلندية",
"French": "الفرنسية",
"Galician": "الجاليكية",
"Georgian": "الجورجية",
"German": "ألمانية",
"Greek": "الإغريقي",
"Gujarati": "الغوجاراتية",
"Haitian Creole": "الكاثوليكية الهايتية",
"Hausa": "الهوسا",
"Hawaiian": "هاواي",
"Hebrew": "العبرية",
"Hindi": "الهندية",
"Hmong": "همونغ",
"Hungarian": "الهنغارية",
"Icelandic": "أيسلندي",
"Igbo": "الإيبو",
"Indonesian": "الأندونيسية",
"Irish": "الأيرلندية",
"Italian": "الإيطالي",
"Japanese": "اليابانية",
"Javanese": "جاوي",
"Kannada": "الكانادا",
"Kazakh": "الكازاخية",
"Khmer": "الخمير",
"Korean": "الكورية",
"Kurdish": "كردي",
"Kyrgyz": "قيرغيزستان",
"Lao": "لاو",
"Latin": "لاتينية",
"Latvian": "اللاتفية",
"Lithuanian": "اللتوانية",
"Luxembourgish": "اللوكسمبرجية",
"Macedonian": "المقدونية",
"Malagasy": "مدجشقر\\مدغشقر",
"Malay": "الملايو",
"Malayalam": "المالايالامية",
"Maltese": "المالطية",
"Maori": "الماوري",
"Marathi": "المهاراتية",
"Mongolian": "المنغولية",
"Nepali": "النيبالية",
"Norwegian": "النرويجية",
"Nyanja": "نيانجا",
"Pashto": "الباشتو",
"Persian": "الفارسية",
"Polish": "البولندي",
"Portuguese": "البرتغالية",
"Punjabi": "البنجابية",
"Romanian": "روماني",
"Russian": "الروسية",
"Samoan": "ساموا",
"Scottish Gaelic": "الغيلية الاسكتلندية",
"Serbian": "صربي",
"Shona": "شونا",
"Sindhi": "السندية",
"Sinhala": "السنهالية",
"Slovak": "السلوفاكية",
"Slovenian": "سلوفيني",
"Somali": "الصومالية",
"Southern Sotho": "جنوب سوثو",
"Spanish": "الأسبانية",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "الأسبانية (أمريكا اللاتينية)",
"Sundanese": "السودانية",
"Swahili": "السواحلية",
"Swedish": "السويدية",
"Tajik": "الطاجيكية",
"Tamil": "التاميل",
"Telugu": "التيلجو",
"Thai": "التايلاندية",
"Turkish": "التركية",
"Ukrainian": "الأوكراني",
"Urdu": "الأردية",
"Uzbek": "الأوزبكي",
"Vietnamese": "الفيتنامية",
"Welsh": "الولزية",
"Western Frisian": "الفريزية الغربية",
"Xhosa": "زوسا",
"Yiddish": "اليديشية",
"Yoruba": "اليوروبا",
"Zulu": "الزولو",
"`x` years": "`x` سنوات",
"`x` months": "`x` شهور",
"`x` weeks": "`x` اسابيع",
"`x` days": "`x` ايام",
"`x` hours": "`x` ساعات",
"`x` minutes": "`x` دقائق",
"`x` seconds": "`x` ثوانى",
"Fallback comments: ": "التعليقات المصاحبة",
"Popular": "لاكثر شعبية",
"Top": "الأفضل",
"About": "حول",
"Rating: ": "التقييم",
"Language: ": "اللغة",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "الكل",
"Music": "الاغانى",
"Gaming": "الألعاب",
"News": "الأخبار",
"Movies": "الأفلام",
"Download as: ": "تحميل كـ",
"Download": "تحميل",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "(تم تعديلة)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "رابط التعليق على اليوتيوب",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "'x' اعجب بهذا",
"Audio mode": "الوضع الصوتى",
"Video mode": "وضع الفيديو",
"Videos": "الفيديوهات",
"Playlists": "قوائم التشغيل",
"Current version: ": "الإصدار الحالى"
@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` Abonnenten",
"`x` videos": "`x` Videos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Vor `x` geteilt",
"Unsubscribe": "Abbestellen",
"Subscribe": "Abonnieren",
"View channel on YouTube": "Kanal auf YouTube anzeigen",
"newest": "neueste",
"oldest": "älteste",
"popular": "beliebt",
"last": "",
"Next page": "Nächste Seite",
"Previous page": "Vorherige Seite",
"Clear watch history?": "Verlauf löschen?",
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nein",
"Import and Export Data": "Import und Export Daten",
"Import": "Importieren",
"Import Invidious data": "Invidious Daten importieren",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "YouTube Abonnements importieren",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "FreeTube Abonnements importieren (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "NewPipe Abonnements importieren (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "NewPipe Daten importieren (.zip)",
"Export": "Exportieren",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Abonnements als OPML exportieren",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Abonnements als OPML exportieren (für NewPipe & FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Daten als JSON exportieren",
"Delete account?": "Account löschen?",
"History": "Verlauf",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Eine alternative Oberfläche für YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript Lizenzinformationen",
"source": "Quelle",
"Login": "Einloggen",
"Login/Register": "Einloggen/Registrieren",
"Login to Google": "In Google einloggen",
"User ID": "Benutzer ID",
"Password": "Passwort",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Zeit (h:mm:ss):",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Image CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Einloggen",
"Register": "Registrieren",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Google Bestätigungscode",
"Preferences": "Einstellungen",
"Player preferences": "Playereinstellungen",
"Always loop: ": "Immer wiederholen: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Automatisch abspielen: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "nächstes Video automatisch abspielen: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Nur Ton als Standard: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "",
"Default speed: ": "Standardgeschwindigkeit: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Bevorzugte Videoqualität: ",
"Player volume: ": "Playerlautstärke: ",
"Default comments: ": "Standardkommentare: ",
"youtube": "youtube",
"reddit": "reddit",
"Default captions: ": "Standarduntertitel: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Ersatzuntertitel: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Ähnliche Videos anzeigen? ",
"Visual preferences": "Anzeigeeinstellungen",
"Dark mode: ": "Nachtmodus: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Schlanker Modus: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Abonnementeinstellungen",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Startseite zu Feed umleiten: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Anzahl von Videos die im Feed angezeigt werden: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Videos sortieren nach: ",
"published": "veröffentlicht",
"published - reverse": "veröffentlicht - invertiert",
"alphabetically": "alphabetisch",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alphabetisch - invertiert",
"channel name": "Kanalname",
"channel name - reverse": "Kanalname - invertiert",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Nur neueste Videos des Kanals anzeigen: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Nur neueste ungesehene Videos des Kanals anzeigen: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Nur ungesehene anzeigen: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Nur Benachrichtigungen anzeigen (wenn es welche gibt): ",
"Data preferences": "Dateneinstellungen",
"Clear watch history": "Verlauf löschen",
"Import/Export data": "Daten im- exportieren",
"Manage subscriptions": "Abonnements verwalten",
"Watch history": "Verlauf",
"Delete account": "Account löschen",
"Administrator preferences": "",
"Default homepage: ": "",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "",
"Login enabled? ": "",
"Registration enabled? ": "",
"Report statistics? ": "",
"Save preferences": "Einstellungen speichern",
"Subscription manager": "Abonnementverwaltung",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` Abonnements",
"Import/Export": "Importieren/Exportieren",
"unsubscribe": "abbestellen",
"Subscriptions": "Abonnements",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` ungesehene Benachrichtigungen",
"search": "Suchen",
"Sign out": "Abmelden",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Veröffentlicht unter AGPLv3 von Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Quellcode verfügbar hier.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Javascript Lizenzinformationen anzeigen.",
"View privacy policy.": "",
"Trending": "Trending",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Video auf YouTube ansehen",
"Genre: ": "Genre: ",
"License: ": "Lizenz: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Familienfreundlich? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Wilson-Score: ",
"Engagement: ": "Engagement: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Erlaubte Regionen: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Unerlaubte Regionen: ",
"Shared `x`": "Geteilt `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Hallo! Anscheinend haben Sie JavaScript deaktiviert. Klicken Sie hier um Kommentare anzuzeigen, beachten sie dass es etwas länger dauern kann um sie zu laden.",
"View YouTube comments": "YouTube Kommentare anzeigen",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Mehr Kommentare auf Reddit anzeigen",
"View `x` comments": "`x` Kommentare anzeigen",
"View Reddit comments": "Reddit Kommentare anzeigen",
"Hide replies": "Antworten verstecken",
"Show replies": "Antworten anzeigen",
"Incorrect password": "Falsches Passwort",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Kontingent überschritten, versuche es in ein paar Stunden erneut",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Login nicht möglich, stellen Sie sicher dass two-factor Authentifikation (Authentifizierung oder SMS) aktiviert ist.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Ungültiger TFA Code",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Login fehlgeschlagen. Das kann daran liegen dass two-factor Authentifizierung in ihrem Account nicht aktiviert ist.",
"Invalid answer": "Ungültige Antwort",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Ungültiges CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"User ID is a required field": "Benutzer ID ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"Password is a required field": "Passwort ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"Invalid username or password": "Ungültiger Benutzername oder Passwort",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Bitte melden sie sich mit 'Mit Google anmelden' an",
"Password cannot be empty": "Passwort darf nicht leer sein",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Passwort darf nicht länger als 55 Zeichen sein",
"Please sign in": "Bitte anmelden",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Invidious Persönlicher Feed für `x`",
"channel:`x`": "Kanal:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Gelöschter oder ungültiger Kanal",
"This channel does not exist.": "Dieser Kanal existiert nicht.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Kanalinformationen konnten nicht geladen werden.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Kommentare konnten nicht geladen werden",
"View `x` replies": "Zeige `x` Antworten",
"`x` ago": "vor `x`",
"Load more": "Mehr laden",
"`x` points": "`x` Punkte",
"Could not create mix.": "Mix konnte nicht erstellt werden.",
"Playlist is empty": "Playlist ist leer",
"Invalid playlist.": "Ungültige Playlist.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Playlist existiert nicht.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Trending Seiten konnten nicht geladen werden.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Verstecktes Feld \"challenge\" ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Verstecktes Feld \"token\" ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"Invalid challenge": "Ungültiger Test",
"Invalid token": "Ungöltige Marke",
"Invalid user": "Ungültiger Benutzer",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Marke ist abgelaufen, bitte erneut versuchen",
"English": "Englisch",
"English (auto-generated)": "Englisch (automatisch erzeugt)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Albanian": "Albanisch",
"Amharic": "Amharisch",
"Arabic": "Arabisch",
"Armenian": "Armenisch",
"Azerbaijani": "Aserbaidschanisch",
"Bangla": "Bengalisch",
"Basque": "Baskisch",
"Belarusian": "Weißrussisch",
"Bosnian": "Bosnisch",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarisch",
"Burmese": "Burmesisch",
"Catalan": "Katalanisch",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Chinesisch (vereinfacht)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Chinesisch (traditionell)",
"Corsican": "Korsisch",
"Croatian": "Kroatisch",
"Czech": "Tschechisch",
"Danish": "Dänisch",
"Dutch": "Niederländisch",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estnisch",
"Filipino": "Philippinisch",
"Finnish": "Finnisch",
"French": "Französisch",
"Galician": "Galizisch",
"Georgian": "Georgisch",
"German": "Deutsch",
"Greek": "Griechisch",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian Creole": "Haitianisches Kreolisch",
"Hausa": "Hausa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaiianisch",
"Hebrew": "Hebräisch",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Ungarisch",
"Icelandic": "Isländisch",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonesisch",
"Irish": "Irisch",
"Italian": "Italienisch",
"Japanese": "Japanisch",
"Javanese": "Javanisch",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Kasachisch",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Korean": "Koreanisch",
"Kurdish": "Kurdisch",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirgisisch",
"Lao": "Laotisch",
"Latin": "Lateinisch",
"Latvian": "Lettisch",
"Lithuanian": "Litauisch",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxemburgisch",
"Macedonian": "Mazedonisch",
"Malagasy": "Madagassisch",
"Malay": "Malaiisch",
"Malayalam": "Malayalam",
"Maltese": "Maltesisch",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Mongolian": "Mongolisch",
"Nepali": "Nepalesisch",
"Norwegian": "Norwegisch",
"Nyanja": "Nyanja",
"Pashto": "Paschtunisch",
"Persian": "Persisch",
"Polish": "Polnisch",
"Portuguese": "Portugiesisch",
"Punjabi": "Pandschabi",
"Romanian": "Rumänisch",
"Russian": "Russisch",
"Samoan": "Samoanisch",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Schottisches Gälisch",
"Serbian": "Serbisch",
"Shona": "Schona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Sinhala": "Singhalesisch",
"Slovak": "Slowakisch",
"Slovenian": "Slowenisch",
"Somali": "Somali",
"Southern Sotho": "Südliches Sotho",
"Spanish": "Spanisch",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Spanisch (Lateinamerika)",
"Sundanese": "Sundanesisch",
"Swahili": "Suaheli",
"Swedish": "Schwedisch",
"Tajik": "Tadschikisch",
"Tamil": "Tamilisch",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Thailändisch",
"Turkish": "Türkisch",
"Ukrainian": "Ukrainisch",
"Urdu": "Urdu",
"Uzbek": "Usbekisch",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamesisch",
"Welsh": "Walisisch",
"Western Frisian": "Westfriesisch",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Jiddisch",
"Yoruba": "Joruba",
"Zulu": "Zulu",
"`x` years": "`x` Jahre",
"`x` months": "`x` Monate",
"`x` weeks": "`x` Wochen",
"`x` days": "`x` Tage",
"`x` hours": "`x` Stunden",
"`x` minutes": "`x` Minuten",
"`x` seconds": "`x` Sekunden",
"Fallback comments: ": "Alternative Kommentare: ",
"Popular": "Populär",
"Top": "Top",
"About": "Über",
"Rating: ": "Bewertung: ",
"Language: ": "Sprache: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "",
"Music": "",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "",
"Movies": "",
"Download": "",
"Download as: ": "",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
"`x` subscribers": "`x` Abonnenten",
"`x` videos": "`x` Videos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Vor `x` geteilt",
"Unsubscribe": "Abbestellen",
"Subscribe": "Abonnieren",
"View channel on YouTube": "Kanal auf YouTube anzeigen",
"newest": "neueste",
"oldest": "älteste",
"popular": "beliebt",
"last": "",
"Next page": "Nächste Seite",
"Previous page": "Vorherige Seite",
"Clear watch history?": "Verlauf löschen?",
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nein",
"Import and Export Data": "Import und Export Daten",
"Import": "Importieren",
"Import Invidious data": "Invidious Daten importieren",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "YouTube Abonnements importieren",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "FreeTube Abonnements importieren (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "NewPipe Abonnements importieren (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "NewPipe Daten importieren (.zip)",
"Export": "Exportieren",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Abonnements als OPML exportieren",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Abonnements als OPML exportieren (für NewPipe & FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Daten als JSON exportieren",
"Delete account?": "Account löschen?",
"History": "Verlauf",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Eine alternative Oberfläche für YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript Lizenzinformationen",
"source": "Quelle",
"Login": "Einloggen",
"Login/Register": "Einloggen/Registrieren",
"Login to Google": "In Google einloggen",
"User ID": "Benutzer ID",
"Password": "Passwort",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Zeit (h:mm:ss):",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Image CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Einloggen",
"Register": "Registrieren",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Google Bestätigungscode",
"Preferences": "Einstellungen",
"Player preferences": "Playereinstellungen",
"Always loop: ": "Immer wiederholen: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Automatisch abspielen: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "nächstes Video automatisch abspielen: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Nur Ton als Standard: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "",
"Default speed: ": "Standardgeschwindigkeit: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Bevorzugte Videoqualität: ",
"Player volume: ": "Playerlautstärke: ",
"Default comments: ": "Standardkommentare: ",
"youtube": "youtube",
"reddit": "reddit",
"Default captions: ": "Standarduntertitel: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Ersatzuntertitel: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Ähnliche Videos anzeigen? ",
"Visual preferences": "Anzeigeeinstellungen",
"Dark mode: ": "Nachtmodus: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Schlanker Modus: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Abonnementeinstellungen",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Startseite zu Feed umleiten: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Anzahl von Videos die im Feed angezeigt werden: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Videos sortieren nach: ",
"published": "veröffentlicht",
"published - reverse": "veröffentlicht - invertiert",
"alphabetically": "alphabetisch",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alphabetisch - invertiert",
"channel name": "Kanalname",
"channel name - reverse": "Kanalname - invertiert",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Nur neueste Videos des Kanals anzeigen: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Nur neueste ungesehene Videos des Kanals anzeigen: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Nur ungesehene anzeigen: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Nur Benachrichtigungen anzeigen (wenn es welche gibt): ",
"Data preferences": "Dateneinstellungen",
"Clear watch history": "Verlauf löschen",
"Import/Export data": "Daten im- exportieren",
"Manage subscriptions": "Abonnements verwalten",
"Watch history": "Verlauf",
"Delete account": "Account löschen",
"Administrator preferences": "",
"Default homepage: ": "",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "",
"Login enabled? ": "",
"Registration enabled? ": "",
"Report statistics? ": "",
"Save preferences": "Einstellungen speichern",
"Subscription manager": "Abonnementverwaltung",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` Abonnements",
"Import/Export": "Importieren/Exportieren",
"unsubscribe": "abbestellen",
"Subscriptions": "Abonnements",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` ungesehene Benachrichtigungen",
"search": "Suchen",
"Sign out": "Abmelden",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Veröffentlicht unter AGPLv3 von Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Quellcode verfügbar hier.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Javascript Lizenzinformationen anzeigen.",
"View privacy policy.": "",
"Trending": "Trending",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Video auf YouTube ansehen",
"Genre: ": "Genre: ",
"License: ": "Lizenz: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Familienfreundlich? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Wilson-Score: ",
"Engagement: ": "Engagement: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Erlaubte Regionen: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Unerlaubte Regionen: ",
"Shared `x`": "Geteilt `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Hallo! Anscheinend haben Sie JavaScript deaktiviert. Klicken Sie hier um Kommentare anzuzeigen, beachten sie dass es etwas länger dauern kann um sie zu laden.",
"View YouTube comments": "YouTube Kommentare anzeigen",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Mehr Kommentare auf Reddit anzeigen",
"View `x` comments": "`x` Kommentare anzeigen",
"View Reddit comments": "Reddit Kommentare anzeigen",
"Hide replies": "Antworten verstecken",
"Show replies": "Antworten anzeigen",
"Incorrect password": "Falsches Passwort",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Kontingent überschritten, versuche es in ein paar Stunden erneut",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Login nicht möglich, stellen Sie sicher dass two-factor Authentifikation (Authentifizierung oder SMS) aktiviert ist.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Ungültiger TFA Code",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Login fehlgeschlagen. Das kann daran liegen dass two-factor Authentifizierung in ihrem Account nicht aktiviert ist.",
"Invalid answer": "Ungültige Antwort",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Ungültiges CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"User ID is a required field": "Benutzer ID ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"Password is a required field": "Passwort ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"Invalid username or password": "Ungültiger Benutzername oder Passwort",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Bitte melden sie sich mit 'Mit Google anmelden' an",
"Password cannot be empty": "Passwort darf nicht leer sein",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Passwort darf nicht länger als 55 Zeichen sein",
"Please sign in": "Bitte anmelden",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Invidious Persönlicher Feed für `x`",
"channel:`x`": "Kanal:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Gelöschter oder ungültiger Kanal",
"This channel does not exist.": "Dieser Kanal existiert nicht.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Kanalinformationen konnten nicht geladen werden.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Kommentare konnten nicht geladen werden",
"View `x` replies": "Zeige `x` Antworten",
"`x` ago": "vor `x`",
"Load more": "Mehr laden",
"`x` points": "`x` Punkte",
"Could not create mix.": "Mix konnte nicht erstellt werden.",
"Playlist is empty": "Playlist ist leer",
"Invalid playlist.": "Ungültige Playlist.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Playlist existiert nicht.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Trending Seiten konnten nicht geladen werden.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Verstecktes Feld \"challenge\" ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Verstecktes Feld \"token\" ist eine erforderliche Eingabe",
"Invalid challenge": "Ungültiger Test",
"Invalid token": "Ungöltige Marke",
"Invalid user": "Ungültiger Benutzer",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Marke ist abgelaufen, bitte erneut versuchen",
"English": "Englisch",
"English (auto-generated)": "Englisch (automatisch erzeugt)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Albanian": "Albanisch",
"Amharic": "Amharisch",
"Arabic": "Arabisch",
"Armenian": "Armenisch",
"Azerbaijani": "Aserbaidschanisch",
"Bangla": "Bengalisch",
"Basque": "Baskisch",
"Belarusian": "Weißrussisch",
"Bosnian": "Bosnisch",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarisch",
"Burmese": "Burmesisch",
"Catalan": "Katalanisch",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Chinesisch (vereinfacht)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Chinesisch (traditionell)",
"Corsican": "Korsisch",
"Croatian": "Kroatisch",
"Czech": "Tschechisch",
"Danish": "Dänisch",
"Dutch": "Niederländisch",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estnisch",
"Filipino": "Philippinisch",
"Finnish": "Finnisch",
"French": "Französisch",
"Galician": "Galizisch",
"Georgian": "Georgisch",
"German": "Deutsch",
"Greek": "Griechisch",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian Creole": "Haitianisches Kreolisch",
"Hausa": "Hausa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaiianisch",
"Hebrew": "Hebräisch",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Ungarisch",
"Icelandic": "Isländisch",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonesisch",
"Irish": "Irisch",
"Italian": "Italienisch",
"Japanese": "Japanisch",
"Javanese": "Javanisch",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Kasachisch",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Korean": "Koreanisch",
"Kurdish": "Kurdisch",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirgisisch",
"Lao": "Laotisch",
"Latin": "Lateinisch",
"Latvian": "Lettisch",
"Lithuanian": "Litauisch",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxemburgisch",
"Macedonian": "Mazedonisch",
"Malagasy": "Madagassisch",
"Malay": "Malaiisch",
"Malayalam": "Malayalam",
"Maltese": "Maltesisch",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Mongolian": "Mongolisch",
"Nepali": "Nepalesisch",
"Norwegian": "Norwegisch",
"Nyanja": "Nyanja",
"Pashto": "Paschtunisch",
"Persian": "Persisch",
"Polish": "Polnisch",
"Portuguese": "Portugiesisch",
"Punjabi": "Pandschabi",
"Romanian": "Rumänisch",
"Russian": "Russisch",
"Samoan": "Samoanisch",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Schottisches Gälisch",
"Serbian": "Serbisch",
"Shona": "Schona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Sinhala": "Singhalesisch",
"Slovak": "Slowakisch",
"Slovenian": "Slowenisch",
"Somali": "Somali",
"Southern Sotho": "Südliches Sotho",
"Spanish": "Spanisch",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Spanisch (Lateinamerika)",
"Sundanese": "Sundanesisch",
"Swahili": "Suaheli",
"Swedish": "Schwedisch",
"Tajik": "Tadschikisch",
"Tamil": "Tamilisch",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Thailändisch",
"Turkish": "Türkisch",
"Ukrainian": "Ukrainisch",
"Urdu": "Urdu",
"Uzbek": "Usbekisch",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamesisch",
"Welsh": "Walisisch",
"Western Frisian": "Westfriesisch",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Jiddisch",
"Yoruba": "Joruba",
"Zulu": "Zulu",
"`x` years": "`x` Jahre",
"`x` months": "`x` Monate",
"`x` weeks": "`x` Wochen",
"`x` days": "`x` Tage",
"`x` hours": "`x` Stunden",
"`x` minutes": "`x` Minuten",
"`x` seconds": "`x` Sekunden",
"Fallback comments: ": "Alternative Kommentare: ",
"Popular": "Populär",
"Top": "Top",
"About": "Über",
"Rating: ": "Bewertung: ",
"Language: ": "Sprache: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "",
"Music": "",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "",
"Movies": "",
"Download": "",
"Download as: ": "",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` subscribers",
"`x` videos": "`x` videos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Shared `x` ago",
"Unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"Subscribe": "Subscribe",
"View channel on YouTube": "View channel on YouTube",
"newest": "newest",
"oldest": "oldest",
"popular": "popular",
"last": "last",
"Next page": "Next page",
"Previous page": "Previous page",
"Clear watch history?": "Clear watch history?",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"Import and Export Data": "Import and Export Data",
"Import": "Import",
"Import Invidious data": "Import Invidious data",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Import YouTube subscriptions",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Import NewPipe data (.zip)",
"Export": "Export",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Export subscriptions as OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Export data as JSON",
"Delete account?": "Delete account?",
"History": "History",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "An alternative front-end to YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript license information",
"source": "source",
"Login": "Login",
"Login/Register": "Login/Register",
"Login to Google": "Login to Google",
"User ID": "User ID",
"Password": "Password",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Time (h:mm:ss):",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Image CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Sign In",
"Register": "Register",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Google verification code",
"Preferences": "Preferences",
"Player preferences": "Player preferences",
"Always loop: ": "Always loop: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Autoplay: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Autoplay next video: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Listen by default: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Proxy videos? ",
"Default speed: ": "Default speed: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Preferred video quality: ",
"Player volume: ": "Player volume: ",
"Default comments: ": "Default comments: ",
"Default captions: ": "Default captions: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Fallback captions: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Show related videos? ",
"Visual preferences": "Visual preferences",
"Dark mode: ": "Dark mode: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Thin mode: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Subscription preferences",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Redirect homepage to feed: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Number of videos shown in feed: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Sort videos by: ",
"published": "published",
"published - reverse": "published - reverse",
"alphabetically": "alphabetically",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alphabetically - reverse",
"channel name": "channel name",
"channel name - reverse": "channel name - reverse",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Only show latest video from channel: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Only show unwatched: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Only show notifications (if there are any): ",
"Data preferences": "Data preferences",
"Clear watch history": "Clear watch history",
"Import/Export data": "Import/Export data",
"Manage subscriptions": "Manage subscriptions",
"Watch history": "Watch history",
"Delete account": "Delete account",
"Administrator preferences": "Administrator preferences",
"Default homepage: ": "Default homepage: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Feed menu: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Top enabled? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "CAPTCHA enabled? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Login enabled? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Registration enabled? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Report statistics? ",
"Save preferences": "Save preferences",
"Subscription manager": "Subscription manager",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` subscriptions",
"Import/Export": "Import/Export",
"unsubscribe": "unsubscribe",
"Subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` unseen notifications",
"search": "search",
"Sign out": "Sign out",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Source available here.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "View JavaScript license information.",
"View privacy policy.": "View privacy policy.",
"Trending": "Trending",
"Unlisted": "Unlisted",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Watch video on Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Genre: ",
"License: ": "License: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Family friendly? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Wilson score: ",
"Engagement: ": "Engagement: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Whitelisted regions: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Blacklisted regions: ",
"Shared `x`": "Shared `x`",
"`x` views": "`x` views",
"Premieres in `x`": "Premieres in `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.",
"View YouTube comments": "View YouTube comments",
"View more comments on Reddit": "View more comments on Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "View `x` comments",
"View Reddit comments": "View Reddit comments",
"Hide replies": "Hide replies",
"Show replies": "Show replies",
"Incorrect password": "Incorrect password",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Invalid TFA code",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.",
"Invalid answer": "Invalid answer",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Invalid CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA is a required field",
"User ID is a required field": "User ID is a required field",
"Password is a required field": "Password is a required field",
"Invalid username or password": "Invalid username or password",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'",
"Password cannot be empty": "Password cannot be empty",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Password cannot be longer than 55 characters",
"Please sign in": "Please sign in",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Invidious Private Feed for `x`",
"channel:`x`": "channel:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Deleted or invalid channel",
"This channel does not exist.": "This channel does not exist.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Could not get channel info.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Could not fetch comments",
"View `x` replies": "View `x` replies",
"`x` ago": "`x` ago",
"Load more": "Load more",
"`x` points": "`x` points",
"Could not create mix.": "Could not create mix.",
"Playlist is empty": "Playlist is empty",
"Invalid playlist.": "Invalid playlist.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Playlist does not exist.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Could not pull trending pages.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Hidden field \"token\" is a required field",
"Invalid challenge": "Invalid challenge",
"Invalid token": "Invalid token",
"Invalid user": "Invalid user",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token is expired, please try again",
"English": "English",
"English (auto-generated)": "English (auto-generated)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Albanian": "Albanian",
"Amharic": "Amharic",
"Arabic": "Arabic",
"Armenian": "Armenian",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbaijani",
"Bangla": "Bangla",
"Basque": "Basque",
"Belarusian": "Belarusian",
"Bosnian": "Bosnian",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarian",
"Burmese": "Burmese",
"Catalan": "Catalan",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Chinese (Simplified)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Chinese (Traditional)",
"Corsican": "Corsican",
"Croatian": "Croatian",
"Czech": "Czech",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Dutch": "Dutch",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estonian",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"Finnish": "Finnish",
"French": "French",
"Galician": "Galician",
"Georgian": "Georgian",
"German": "German",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian Creole": "Haitian Creole",
"Hausa": "Hausa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaiian",
"Hebrew": "Hebrew",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Hungarian",
"Icelandic": "Icelandic",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonesian",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Javanese": "Javanese",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Kazakh",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Kurdish": "Kurdish",
"Kyrgyz": "Kyrgyz",
"Lao": "Lao",
"Latin": "Latin",
"Latvian": "Latvian",
"Lithuanian": "Lithuanian",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxembourgish",
"Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"Malagasy": "Malagasy",
"Malay": "Malay",
"Malayalam": "Malayalam",
"Maltese": "Maltese",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Mongolian": "Mongolian",
"Nepali": "Nepali",
"Norwegian": "Norwegian",
"Nyanja": "Nyanja",
"Pashto": "Pashto",
"Persian": "Persian",
"Polish": "Polish",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Punjabi": "Punjabi",
"Romanian": "Romanian",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Samoan": "Samoan",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Scottish Gaelic",
"Serbian": "Serbian",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Sinhala": "Sinhala",
"Slovak": "Slovak",
"Slovenian": "Slovenian",
"Somali": "Somali",
"Southern Sotho": "Southern Sotho",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Spanish (Latin America)",
"Sundanese": "Sundanese",
"Swahili": "Swahili",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Tajik": "Tajik",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Ukrainian": "Ukrainian",
"Urdu": "Urdu",
"Uzbek": "Uzbek",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"Welsh": "Welsh",
"Western Frisian": "Western Frisian",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Yiddish",
"Yoruba": "Yoruba",
"Zulu": "Zulu",
"`x` years": "`x` years",
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"Fallback comments: ": "Fallback comments: ",
"Popular": "Popular",
"Top": "Top",
"About": "About",
"Rating: ": "Rating: ",
"Language: ": "Language: ",
"View as playlist": "View as playlist",
"Default": "Default",
"Music": "Music",
"Gaming": "Gaming",
"News": "News",
"Movies": "Movies",
"Download": "Download",
"Download as: ": "Download as: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%A %B %-d, %Y",
"(edited)": "(edited)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Youtube permalink of the comment",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` marked it with a ❤",
"Audio mode": "Audio mode",
"Video mode": "Video mode",
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"Current version: ": "Current version: "
"`x` subscribers": "`x` subscribers",
"`x` videos": "`x` videos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Shared `x` ago",
"Unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"Subscribe": "Subscribe",
"View channel on YouTube": "View channel on YouTube",
"newest": "newest",
"oldest": "oldest",
"popular": "popular",
"last": "last",
"Next page": "Next page",
"Previous page": "Previous page",
"Clear watch history?": "Clear watch history?",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"Import and Export Data": "Import and Export Data",
"Import": "Import",
"Import Invidious data": "Import Invidious data",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Import YouTube subscriptions",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Import NewPipe data (.zip)",
"Export": "Export",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Export subscriptions as OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Export data as JSON",
"Delete account?": "Delete account?",
"History": "History",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "An alternative front-end to YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript license information",
"source": "source",
"Login": "Login",
"Login/Register": "Login/Register",
"Login to Google": "Login to Google",
"User ID": "User ID",
"Password": "Password",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Time (h:mm:ss):",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Image CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Sign In",
"Register": "Register",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Google verification code",
"Preferences": "Preferences",
"Player preferences": "Player preferences",
"Always loop: ": "Always loop: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Autoplay: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Autoplay next video: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Listen by default: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Proxy videos? ",
"Default speed: ": "Default speed: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Preferred video quality: ",
"Player volume: ": "Player volume: ",
"Default comments: ": "Default comments: ",
"Default captions: ": "Default captions: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Fallback captions: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Show related videos? ",
"Visual preferences": "Visual preferences",
"Dark mode: ": "Dark mode: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Thin mode: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Subscription preferences",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Redirect homepage to feed: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Number of videos shown in feed: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Sort videos by: ",
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"published - reverse": "published - reverse",
"alphabetically": "alphabetically",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alphabetically - reverse",
"channel name": "channel name",
"channel name - reverse": "channel name - reverse",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Only show latest video from channel: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Only show unwatched: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Only show notifications (if there are any): ",
"Data preferences": "Data preferences",
"Clear watch history": "Clear watch history",
"Import/Export data": "Import/Export data",
"Manage subscriptions": "Manage subscriptions",
"Watch history": "Watch history",
"Delete account": "Delete account",
"Administrator preferences": "Administrator preferences",
"Default homepage: ": "Default homepage: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Feed menu: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Top enabled? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "CAPTCHA enabled? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Login enabled? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Registration enabled? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Report statistics? ",
"Save preferences": "Save preferences",
"Subscription manager": "Subscription manager",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` subscriptions",
"Import/Export": "Import/Export",
"unsubscribe": "unsubscribe",
"Subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` unseen notifications",
"search": "search",
"Sign out": "Sign out",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Source available here.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "View JavaScript license information.",
"View privacy policy.": "View privacy policy.",
"Trending": "Trending",
"Unlisted": "Unlisted",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Watch video on Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Genre: ",
"License: ": "License: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Family friendly? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Wilson score: ",
"Engagement: ": "Engagement: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Whitelisted regions: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Blacklisted regions: ",
"Shared `x`": "Shared `x`",
"`x` views": "`x` views",
"Premieres in `x`": "Premieres in `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.",
"View YouTube comments": "View YouTube comments",
"View more comments on Reddit": "View more comments on Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "View `x` comments",
"View Reddit comments": "View Reddit comments",
"Hide replies": "Hide replies",
"Show replies": "Show replies",
"Incorrect password": "Incorrect password",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Invalid TFA code",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.",
"Invalid answer": "Invalid answer",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Invalid CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA is a required field",
"User ID is a required field": "User ID is a required field",
"Password is a required field": "Password is a required field",
"Invalid username or password": "Invalid username or password",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'",
"Password cannot be empty": "Password cannot be empty",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Password cannot be longer than 55 characters",
"Please sign in": "Please sign in",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Invidious Private Feed for `x`",
"channel:`x`": "channel:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Deleted or invalid channel",
"This channel does not exist.": "This channel does not exist.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Could not get channel info.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Could not fetch comments",
"View `x` replies": "View `x` replies",
"`x` ago": "`x` ago",
"Load more": "Load more",
"`x` points": "`x` points",
"Could not create mix.": "Could not create mix.",
"Playlist is empty": "Playlist is empty",
"Invalid playlist.": "Invalid playlist.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Playlist does not exist.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Could not pull trending pages.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Hidden field \"token\" is a required field",
"Invalid challenge": "Invalid challenge",
"Invalid token": "Invalid token",
"Invalid user": "Invalid user",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token is expired, please try again",
"English": "English",
"English (auto-generated)": "English (auto-generated)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Albanian": "Albanian",
"Amharic": "Amharic",
"Arabic": "Arabic",
"Armenian": "Armenian",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbaijani",
"Bangla": "Bangla",
"Basque": "Basque",
"Belarusian": "Belarusian",
"Bosnian": "Bosnian",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarian",
"Burmese": "Burmese",
"Catalan": "Catalan",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Chinese (Simplified)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Chinese (Traditional)",
"Corsican": "Corsican",
"Croatian": "Croatian",
"Czech": "Czech",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Dutch": "Dutch",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estonian",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"Finnish": "Finnish",
"French": "French",
"Galician": "Galician",
"Georgian": "Georgian",
"German": "German",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian Creole": "Haitian Creole",
"Hausa": "Hausa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaiian",
"Hebrew": "Hebrew",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Hungarian",
"Icelandic": "Icelandic",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonesian",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Javanese": "Javanese",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Kazakh",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Kurdish": "Kurdish",
"Kyrgyz": "Kyrgyz",
"Lao": "Lao",
"Latin": "Latin",
"Latvian": "Latvian",
"Lithuanian": "Lithuanian",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxembourgish",
"Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"Malagasy": "Malagasy",
"Malay": "Malay",
"Malayalam": "Malayalam",
"Maltese": "Maltese",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Mongolian": "Mongolian",
"Nepali": "Nepali",
"Norwegian": "Norwegian",
"Nyanja": "Nyanja",
"Pashto": "Pashto",
"Persian": "Persian",
"Polish": "Polish",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Punjabi": "Punjabi",
"Romanian": "Romanian",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Samoan": "Samoan",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Scottish Gaelic",
"Serbian": "Serbian",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Sinhala": "Sinhala",
"Slovak": "Slovak",
"Slovenian": "Slovenian",
"Somali": "Somali",
"Southern Sotho": "Southern Sotho",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Spanish (Latin America)",
"Sundanese": "Sundanese",
"Swahili": "Swahili",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Tajik": "Tajik",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Ukrainian": "Ukrainian",
"Urdu": "Urdu",
"Uzbek": "Uzbek",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"Welsh": "Welsh",
"Western Frisian": "Western Frisian",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Yiddish",
"Yoruba": "Yoruba",
"Zulu": "Zulu",
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"`x` hours": "`x` hours",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minutes",
"`x` seconds": "`x` seconds",
"Fallback comments: ": "Fallback comments: ",
"Popular": "Popular",
"Top": "Top",
"About": "About",
"Rating: ": "Rating: ",
"Language: ": "Language: ",
"View as playlist": "View as playlist",
"Default": "Default",
"Music": "Music",
"Gaming": "Gaming",
"News": "News",
"Movies": "Movies",
"Download": "Download",
"Download as: ": "Download as: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%A %B %-d, %Y",
"(edited)": "(edited)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Youtube permalink of the comment",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` marked it with a ❤",
"Audio mode": "Audio mode",
"Video mode": "Video mode",
"Videos": "Videos",
"Playlists": "Playlists",
"Current version: ": "Current version: "
@ -1,295 +1,295 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` abonantoj",
"`x` videos": "`x` videoj",
"Shared `x` ago": "Konigita antaŭ `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "Malaboni",
"Subscribe": "Aboni",
"Login to subscribe to `x`": "Ensaluti por aboni je `x`",
"View channel on YouTube": "Vidi kanalon en YouTube",
"newest": "pli novaj",
"oldest": "pli malnovaj",
"popular": "popularaj",
"last": "lasta",
"Next page": "Sekva paĝo",
"Previous page": "Antaŭa paĝo",
"Clear watch history?": "Ĉu forigi vidohistorion?",
"Yes": "Jes",
"No": "Ne",
"Import and Export Data": "Importi kaj Eksporti Datumojn",
"Import": "Importi",
"Import Invidious data": "Importi datumojn de Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importi abonojn de YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importi abonojn de FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importi abonojn de NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importi datumojn de NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Eksporti",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Eksporti abonojn kiel OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Eksporti abonojn kiel OPML (por NewPipe kaj FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Eksporti datumojn kiel JSON",
"Delete account?": "Ĉu forigi konton?",
"History": "Historio",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Alternativa fasado al YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Ĝavoskripta licenca informo",
"source": "fonto",
"Login": "Ensaluti",
"Login/Register": "Ensaluti/Registriĝi",
"Login to Google": "Ensaluti al Google",
"User ID:": "Uzula identigilo:",
"Password:": "Pasvorto:",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Horo (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Teksta CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Bilda CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Ensaluti",
"Register": "Registriĝi",
"Email:": "Retpoŝto:",
"Google verification code:": "Kontrolkodo de Google:",
"Preferences": "Agordoj",
"Player preferences": "Spektilaj agordoj",
"Always loop: ": "Ĉiam ripeti: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Aŭtomate ludi: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Aŭtomate ludi sekvan videon: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Aŭskulti defaŭlte: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Ĉu uzi prokuran servilon por videoj? ",
"Default speed: ": "Defaŭlta rapido: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Preferita videkvalito: ",
"Player volume: ": "Ludila sonforteco: ",
"Default comments: ": "Defaŭltaj komentoj: ",
"Default captions: ": "Defaŭltaj subtekstoj: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Retrodefaŭltaj subtekstoj: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Ĉu montri rilatajn videojn? ",
"Visual preferences": "Vidaj preferoj",
"Dark mode: ": "Malhela reĝimo: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Maldika reĝimo: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Abonaj agordoj",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Alidirekti hejmpâgon al fluo: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Nombro da videoj montritaj en fluo: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Ordi videojn laŭ: ",
"published": "publikigo",
"published - reverse": "publitigo - renverse",
"alphabetically": "alfabete",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabete - renverse",
"channel name": "kanala nombro",
"channel name - reverse": "kanala nombro - renverse",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Nur montri pli novan videon el kanalo: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Nur montri pli novan malviditan videon el kanalo: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Nur montri malviditajn: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Nur montri sciigojn (se estas): ",
"Data preferences": "Datumagordoj",
"Clear watch history": "Forigi vidohistorion",
"Import/Export data": "Importi/Eksporti datumojn",
"Manage subscriptions": "Administri abonojn",
"Watch history": "Vidohistorio",
"Delete account": "Forigi konton",
"Administrator preferences": "Agordoj de administranto",
"Default homepage: ": "Defaŭlta hejmpaĝo: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Flua menuo: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Ĉu pli bonaj ŝaltitaj? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "Ĉu CAPTCHA ŝaltita? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Ĉu ensaluto aktivita? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Ĉu registriĝo aktivita? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Ĉu raporti statistikojn? ",
"Save preferences": "Konservi agordojn",
"Subscription manager": "Administrilo de abonoj",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` abonoj",
"Import/Export": "Importi/Eksporti",
"unsubscribe": "malaboni",
"Subscriptions": "Abonoj",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` neviditaj sciigoj",
"search": "serĉi",
"Sign out": "Elsaluti",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Eldonita sub la AGPLv3 de Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Fonto havebla ĉi tie.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Vidi Ĝavoskriptan licencan informon.",
"View privacy policy.": "Vidi regularon pri privateco.",
"Trending": "",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Vidi videon en Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Ĝenro: ",
"License: ": "Licenco: ",
"Family friendly? ": "",
"Wilson score: ": "",
"Engagement: ": "",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "",
"Shared `x`": "Konigita `x`",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "",
"View YouTube comments": "Vidi komentojn de YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Vidi pli komentoj en Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Vidi `x` komentojn",
"View Reddit comments": "Vidi komentojn de Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Kaŝi respondojn",
"Show replies": "Montri respondojn",
"Incorrect password": "Malbona pasvorto",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "",
"Invalid TFA code": "",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "",
"Invalid answer": "Nevalida respondo",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Nevalida CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "",
"User ID is a required field": "",
"Password is a required field": "",
"Invalid username or password": "Nevalida uzantnomo aŭ pasvorto",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Bonvolu ensaluti per 'Ensaluti per Google'",
"Password cannot be empty": "",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "",
"Please sign in": "Bonvolu ensaluti",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "",
"channel:`x`": "kanalo:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Forigita aŭ nevalida kanalo",
"This channel does not exist.": "Ĉi tiu kanalo ne ekzistas.",
"Could not get channel info.": "",
"Could not fetch comments": "",
"View `x` replies": "Vidi `x` respondojn",
"`x` ago": "antaŭ `x`",
"Load more": "Ŝarĝi pli",
"`x` points": "`x` poentoj",
"Could not create mix.": "",
"Playlist is empty": "",
"Invalid playlist.": "",
"Playlist does not exist.": "",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "",
"Invalid challenge": "",
"Invalid token": "",
"Invalid user": "Nevalida uzanto",
"Token is expired, please try again": "",
"English": "Angla",
"English (auto-generated)": "Angla (aŭtomate generita)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikansa",
"Albanian": "Albana",
"Amharic": "Amhara",
"Arabic": "Araba",
"Armenian": "Armena",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbajĝana",
"Bangla": "Bengala",
"Basque": "Eŭska",
"Belarusian": "Belorusa",
"Bosnian": "Bosna",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgara",
"Burmese": "Birma",
"Catalan": "Kataluna",
"Cebuano": "Cebua",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Ĉina (simpligita)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Ĉina (tradicia)",
"Corsican": "Korsika",
"Croatian": "Kroata",
"Czech": "Ĉeĥa",
"Danish": "Dana",
"Dutch": "Nederlanda",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estona",
"Filipino": "Filipina",
"Finnish": "Finna",
"French": "Franca",
"Galician": "Galega",
"Georgian": "Kartvela",
"German": "Germana",
"Greek": "Greka",
"Gujarati": "Guĝarata",
"Haitian Creole": "Haitia kreola",
"Hausa": "Haŭsa",
"Hawaiian": "Havaja",
"Hebrew": "Hebrea",
"Hindi": "Hindia",
"Hmong": "Miaa",
"Hungarian": "Hungara",
"Icelandic": "Islanda",
"Igbo": "Igba",
"Indonesian": "Indonezia",
"Irish": "Irlanda",
"Italian": "Itala",
"Japanese": "Japana",
"Javanese": "Java",
"Kannada": "Kanara",
"Kazakh": "Kazaĥa",
"Khmer": "Kmera",
"Korean": "Korea",
"Kurdish": "Kurda",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirgiza",
"Lao": "Laosa",
"Latin": "Latina",
"Latvian": "Latva",
"Lithuanian": "Litova",
"Luxembourgish": "Luksemburga",
"Macedonian": "Makedona",
"Malagasy": "Malagasa",
"Malay": "Malaja",
"Malayalam": "Malajala",
"Maltese": "Malta",
"Maori": "Maoria",
"Marathi": "Marata",
"Mongolian": "Mongola",
"Nepali": "Nepala",
"Norwegian": "Norvega",
"Nyanja": "Njanĝa",
"Pashto": "Paŝtuna",
"Persian": "Persa",
"Polish": "Pola",
"Portuguese": "Portugala",
"Punjabi": "Panĝaba",
"Romanian": "Rumana",
"Russian": "Rusa",
"Samoan": "Samoa",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Skotgaela",
"Serbian": "Serba",
"Shona": "Ŝona",
"Sindhi": "Sinda",
"Sinhala": "Sinhala",
"Slovak": "Slovaka",
"Slovenian": "Slovena",
"Somali": "Somala",
"Southern Sotho": "Sota",
"Spanish": "Hispana",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Hispana (Latinameriko)",
"Sundanese": "Sunda",
"Swahili": "Svahila",
"Swedish": "Sveda",
"Tajik": "Taĝika",
"Tamil": "Tamila",
"Telugu": "Telugua",
"Thai": "Taja",
"Turkish": "Turka",
"Ukrainian": "Ukraina",
"Urdu": "Urduo",
"Uzbek": "Uzbeka",
"Vietnamese": "Vjetnama",
"Welsh": "Kimra",
"Western Frisian": "Okcidentfrisa",
"Xhosa": "Kosa",
"Yiddish": "Jida",
"Yoruba": "Joruba",
"Zulu": "Zulua",
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"`x` months": "`x` monatoj",
"`x` weeks": "`x` semajnoj",
"`x` days": "`x` tagoj",
"`x` hours": "`x` horoj",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minutoj",
"`x` seconds": "`x` sekundoj",
"Fallback comments: ": "",
"Popular": "Popularaj",
"Top": "Supraj",
"About": "Pri",
"Rating: ": "",
"Language: ": "Lingvo: ",
"Default": "Defaŭlte",
"Music": "Musiko",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "Novaĵoj",
"Movies": "Filmoj",
"Download": "Elŝuti",
"Download as: ": "Elŝuti kiel: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "(redaktita)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "Videoj",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": "Nuna versio: "
"`x` subscribers": "`x` abonantoj",
"`x` videos": "`x` videoj",
"Shared `x` ago": "Konigita antaŭ `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "Malaboni",
"Subscribe": "Aboni",
"Login to subscribe to `x`": "Ensaluti por aboni je `x`",
"View channel on YouTube": "Vidi kanalon en YouTube",
"newest": "pli novaj",
"oldest": "pli malnovaj",
"popular": "popularaj",
"last": "lasta",
"Next page": "Sekva paĝo",
"Previous page": "Antaŭa paĝo",
"Clear watch history?": "Ĉu forigi vidohistorion?",
"Yes": "Jes",
"No": "Ne",
"Import and Export Data": "Importi kaj Eksporti Datumojn",
"Import": "Importi",
"Import Invidious data": "Importi datumojn de Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importi abonojn de YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importi abonojn de FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importi abonojn de NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importi datumojn de NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Eksporti",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Eksporti abonojn kiel OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Eksporti abonojn kiel OPML (por NewPipe kaj FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Eksporti datumojn kiel JSON",
"Delete account?": "Ĉu forigi konton?",
"History": "Historio",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Alternativa fasado al YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Ĝavoskripta licenca informo",
"source": "fonto",
"Login": "Ensaluti",
"Login/Register": "Ensaluti/Registriĝi",
"Login to Google": "Ensaluti al Google",
"User ID:": "Uzula identigilo:",
"Password:": "Pasvorto:",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Horo (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Teksta CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Bilda CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Ensaluti",
"Register": "Registriĝi",
"Email:": "Retpoŝto:",
"Google verification code:": "Kontrolkodo de Google:",
"Preferences": "Agordoj",
"Player preferences": "Spektilaj agordoj",
"Always loop: ": "Ĉiam ripeti: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Aŭtomate ludi: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Aŭtomate ludi sekvan videon: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Aŭskulti defaŭlte: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Ĉu uzi prokuran servilon por videoj? ",
"Default speed: ": "Defaŭlta rapido: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Preferita videkvalito: ",
"Player volume: ": "Ludila sonforteco: ",
"Default comments: ": "Defaŭltaj komentoj: ",
"Default captions: ": "Defaŭltaj subtekstoj: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Retrodefaŭltaj subtekstoj: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Ĉu montri rilatajn videojn? ",
"Visual preferences": "Vidaj preferoj",
"Dark mode: ": "Malhela reĝimo: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Maldika reĝimo: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Abonaj agordoj",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Alidirekti hejmpâgon al fluo: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Nombro da videoj montritaj en fluo: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Ordi videojn laŭ: ",
"published": "publikigo",
"published - reverse": "publitigo - renverse",
"alphabetically": "alfabete",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabete - renverse",
"channel name": "kanala nombro",
"channel name - reverse": "kanala nombro - renverse",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Nur montri pli novan videon el kanalo: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Nur montri pli novan malviditan videon el kanalo: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Nur montri malviditajn: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Nur montri sciigojn (se estas): ",
"Data preferences": "Datumagordoj",
"Clear watch history": "Forigi vidohistorion",
"Import/Export data": "Importi/Eksporti datumojn",
"Manage subscriptions": "Administri abonojn",
"Watch history": "Vidohistorio",
"Delete account": "Forigi konton",
"Administrator preferences": "Agordoj de administranto",
"Default homepage: ": "Defaŭlta hejmpaĝo: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Flua menuo: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Ĉu pli bonaj ŝaltitaj? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "Ĉu CAPTCHA ŝaltita? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Ĉu ensaluto aktivita? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Ĉu registriĝo aktivita? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Ĉu raporti statistikojn? ",
"Save preferences": "Konservi agordojn",
"Subscription manager": "Administrilo de abonoj",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` abonoj",
"Import/Export": "Importi/Eksporti",
"unsubscribe": "malaboni",
"Subscriptions": "Abonoj",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` neviditaj sciigoj",
"search": "serĉi",
"Sign out": "Elsaluti",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Eldonita sub la AGPLv3 de Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Fonto havebla ĉi tie.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Vidi Ĝavoskriptan licencan informon.",
"View privacy policy.": "Vidi regularon pri privateco.",
"Trending": "",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Vidi videon en Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Ĝenro: ",
"License: ": "Licenco: ",
"Family friendly? ": "",
"Wilson score: ": "",
"Engagement: ": "",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "",
"Shared `x`": "Konigita `x`",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "",
"View YouTube comments": "Vidi komentojn de YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Vidi pli komentoj en Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Vidi `x` komentojn",
"View Reddit comments": "Vidi komentojn de Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Kaŝi respondojn",
"Show replies": "Montri respondojn",
"Incorrect password": "Malbona pasvorto",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "",
"Invalid TFA code": "",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "",
"Invalid answer": "Nevalida respondo",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Nevalida CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "",
"User ID is a required field": "",
"Password is a required field": "",
"Invalid username or password": "Nevalida uzantnomo aŭ pasvorto",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Bonvolu ensaluti per 'Ensaluti per Google'",
"Password cannot be empty": "",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "",
"Please sign in": "Bonvolu ensaluti",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "",
"channel:`x`": "kanalo:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Forigita aŭ nevalida kanalo",
"This channel does not exist.": "Ĉi tiu kanalo ne ekzistas.",
"Could not get channel info.": "",
"Could not fetch comments": "",
"View `x` replies": "Vidi `x` respondojn",
"`x` ago": "antaŭ `x`",
"Load more": "Ŝarĝi pli",
"`x` points": "`x` poentoj",
"Could not create mix.": "",
"Playlist is empty": "",
"Invalid playlist.": "",
"Playlist does not exist.": "",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "",
"Invalid challenge": "",
"Invalid token": "",
"Invalid user": "Nevalida uzanto",
"Token is expired, please try again": "",
"English": "Angla",
"English (auto-generated)": "Angla (aŭtomate generita)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikansa",
"Albanian": "Albana",
"Amharic": "Amhara",
"Arabic": "Araba",
"Armenian": "Armena",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbajĝana",
"Bangla": "Bengala",
"Basque": "Eŭska",
"Belarusian": "Belorusa",
"Bosnian": "Bosna",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgara",
"Burmese": "Birma",
"Catalan": "Kataluna",
"Cebuano": "Cebua",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Ĉina (simpligita)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Ĉina (tradicia)",
"Corsican": "Korsika",
"Croatian": "Kroata",
"Czech": "Ĉeĥa",
"Danish": "Dana",
"Dutch": "Nederlanda",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estona",
"Filipino": "Filipina",
"Finnish": "Finna",
"French": "Franca",
"Galician": "Galega",
"Georgian": "Kartvela",
"German": "Germana",
"Greek": "Greka",
"Gujarati": "Guĝarata",
"Haitian Creole": "Haitia kreola",
"Hausa": "Haŭsa",
"Hawaiian": "Havaja",
"Hebrew": "Hebrea",
"Hindi": "Hindia",
"Hmong": "Miaa",
"Hungarian": "Hungara",
"Icelandic": "Islanda",
"Igbo": "Igba",
"Indonesian": "Indonezia",
"Irish": "Irlanda",
"Italian": "Itala",
"Japanese": "Japana",
"Javanese": "Java",
"Kannada": "Kanara",
"Kazakh": "Kazaĥa",
"Khmer": "Kmera",
"Korean": "Korea",
"Kurdish": "Kurda",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirgiza",
"Lao": "Laosa",
"Latin": "Latina",
"Latvian": "Latva",
"Lithuanian": "Litova",
"Luxembourgish": "Luksemburga",
"Macedonian": "Makedona",
"Malagasy": "Malagasa",
"Malay": "Malaja",
"Malayalam": "Malajala",
"Maltese": "Malta",
"Maori": "Maoria",
"Marathi": "Marata",
"Mongolian": "Mongola",
"Nepali": "Nepala",
"Norwegian": "Norvega",
"Nyanja": "Njanĝa",
"Pashto": "Paŝtuna",
"Persian": "Persa",
"Polish": "Pola",
"Portuguese": "Portugala",
"Punjabi": "Panĝaba",
"Romanian": "Rumana",
"Russian": "Rusa",
"Samoan": "Samoa",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Skotgaela",
"Serbian": "Serba",
"Shona": "Ŝona",
"Sindhi": "Sinda",
"Sinhala": "Sinhala",
"Slovak": "Slovaka",
"Slovenian": "Slovena",
"Somali": "Somala",
"Southern Sotho": "Sota",
"Spanish": "Hispana",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Hispana (Latinameriko)",
"Sundanese": "Sunda",
"Swahili": "Svahila",
"Swedish": "Sveda",
"Tajik": "Taĝika",
"Tamil": "Tamila",
"Telugu": "Telugua",
"Thai": "Taja",
"Turkish": "Turka",
"Ukrainian": "Ukraina",
"Urdu": "Urduo",
"Uzbek": "Uzbeka",
"Vietnamese": "Vjetnama",
"Welsh": "Kimra",
"Western Frisian": "Okcidentfrisa",
"Xhosa": "Kosa",
"Yiddish": "Jida",
"Yoruba": "Joruba",
"Zulu": "Zulua",
"`x` years": "`x` jaroj",
"`x` months": "`x` monatoj",
"`x` weeks": "`x` semajnoj",
"`x` days": "`x` tagoj",
"`x` hours": "`x` horoj",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minutoj",
"`x` seconds": "`x` sekundoj",
"Fallback comments: ": "",
"Popular": "Popularaj",
"Top": "Supraj",
"About": "Pri",
"Rating: ": "",
"Language: ": "Lingvo: ",
"Default": "Defaŭlte",
"Music": "Musiko",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "Novaĵoj",
"Movies": "Filmoj",
"Download": "Elŝuti",
"Download as: ": "Elŝuti kiel: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "(redaktita)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "Videoj",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": "Nuna versio: "
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` suscriptores",
"`x` videos": "`x` vídeos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Compartido hace `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "Desuscribirse",
"Subscribe": "Suscribirse",
"View channel on YouTube": "Ver el canal en YouTube",
"newest": "más nuevos",
"oldest": "más viejos",
"popular": "populares",
"last": "último",
"Next page": "Página siguiente",
"Previous page": "Página anterior",
"Clear watch history?": "¿Quiere borrar el historial de reproducción?",
"Yes": "Sí",
"No": "No",
"Import and Export Data": "Importación y exportación de datos",
"Import": "Importar",
"Import Invidious data": "Importar datos de Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importar suscripciones de YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importar suscripciones de FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importar suscripciones de NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importar datos de NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Exportar",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Exportar suscripciones como OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Exportar suscripciones como OPML (para NewPipe y FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Exportar datos como JSON",
"Delete account?": "¿Quiere borrar la cuenta?",
"History": "Historial",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Una interfaz alternativa para YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Información de licencia de JavaScript",
"source": "código fuente",
"Login": "Iniciar sesión",
"Login/Register": "Iniciar sesión/Registrarse",
"Login to Google": "Iniciar sesión en Google",
"User ID": "Nombre",
"Password": "Contraseña",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Hora (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA en texto",
"Image CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA en imagen",
"Sign In": "Iniciar sesión",
"Register": "Registrarse",
"Email": "Correo",
"Google verification code": "Código de verificación de Google",
"Preferences": "Preferencias",
"Player preferences": "Preferencias del reproductor",
"Always loop: ": "Repetir siempre: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Reproducción automática: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Reproducir automáticamente el vídeo siguiente: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Activar el sonido por defecto: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "¿Usar un proxy para los vídeos? ",
"Default speed: ": "Velocidad por defecto: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Calidad de vídeo preferida: ",
"Player volume: ": "Volumen del reproductor: ",
"Default comments: ": "Comentarios por defecto: ",
"Default captions: ": "Subtítulos por defecto: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Subtítulos alternativos: ",
"Show related videos? ": "¿Mostrar vídeos relacionados? ",
"Visual preferences": "Preferencias visuales",
"Dark mode: ": "Modo oscuro: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Modo compacto: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Preferencias de la suscripción",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Redirigir la página de inicio a la fuente: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Número de vídeos mostrados en la fuente: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Ordenar los vídeos por: ",
"published": "fecha de publicación",
"published - reverse": "fecha de publicación: orden inverso",
"alphabetically": "alfabéticamente",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabéticamente: orden inverso",
"channel name": "nombre del canal",
"channel name - reverse": "nombre del canal: orden inverso",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Mostrar solo el último vídeo del canal: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Mostrar solo el último vídeo sin ver del canal: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Mostrar solo los no vistos: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Mostrar solo notificaciones (si hay alguna): ",
"Data preferences": "Preferencias de los datos",
"Clear watch history": "Borrar el historial de reproducción",
"Import/Export data": "Importar/Exportar datos",
"Manage subscriptions": "Gestionar las suscripciones",
"Watch history": "Historial de reproducción",
"Delete account": "Borrar cuenta",
"Administrator preferences": "Preferencias de administrador",
"Default homepage: ": "Página de inicio por defecto: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Menú de fuentes: ",
"Top enabled? ": "¿Habilitar los destacados? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "¿Habilitar los CAPTCHA? ",
"Login enabled? ": "¿Habilitar el inicio de sesión? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "¿Habilitar el registro? ",
"Report statistics? ": "¿Enviar estadísticas? ",
"Save preferences": "Guardar las preferencias",
"Subscription manager": "Gestor de suscripciones",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` suscripciones",
"Import/Export": "Importar/Exportar",
"unsubscribe": "Desuscribirse",
"Subscriptions": "Suscripciones",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` notificaciones sin ver",
"search": "buscar",
"Sign out": "Cerrar la sesión",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Publicado bajo licencia AGPLv3 por Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Código fuente disponible aquí.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Ver información de licencia de JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Ver la política de privacidad.",
"Trending": "Tendencias",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Ver el vídeo en Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Género: ",
"License: ": "Licencia: ",
"Family friendly? ": "¿Filtrar contenidos? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Puntuación Wilson: ",
"Engagement: ": "Compromiso: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Regiones permitidas: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Regiones bloqueadas: ",
"Shared `x`": "Compartido `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "¡Hola! Parece que tiene JavaScript desactivado. Haga clic aquí para ver los comentarios, pero tenga en cuenta que pueden tardar un poco más en cargarse.",
"View YouTube comments": "Ver los comentarios de YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Ver más comentarios en Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Ver `x` comentarios",
"View Reddit comments": "Ver los comentarios de Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Ocultar las respuestas",
"Show replies": "Mostrar las respuestas",
"Incorrect password": "Contraseña incorrecta",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Cuota excedida, pruebe otra vez en unas horas",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "No se puede iniciar sesión, asegúrese de que la autentificación de dos factores (autentificador o SMS) esté habilitada.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Código TFA no válido",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Error de inicio de sesion. Puede deberse a que la autentificación de dos factores no está habilitada en su cuenta.",
"Invalid answer": "Respuesta no válida",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA no válido",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "El CAPTCHA es un campo obligatorio",
"User ID is a required field": "El nombre es un campo obligatorio",
"Password is a required field": "La contraseña es un campo obligatorio",
"Invalid username or password": "Nombre o contraseña incorrecto",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Inicie sesión con «Iniciar sesión con Google»",
"Password cannot be empty": "La contraseña no puede estar en blanco",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "La contraseña no puede tener más de 55 caracteres",
"Please sign in": "Inicie sesión, por favor",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Fuente privada de Invidious para `x`",
"channel:`x`": "canal: `x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "El canal no es válido o ha sido borrado",
"This channel does not exist.": "El canal no existe.",
"Could not get channel info.": "No se ha podido obtener información del canal.",
"Could not fetch comments": "No se han podido recuperar los comentarios.",
"View `x` replies": "Ver `x` respuestas",
"`x` ago": "hace `x`",
"Load more": "Cargar más",
"`x` points": "`x` puntos",
"Could not create mix.": "No se ha podido crear la mezcla.",
"Playlist is empty": "La lista de reproducción está vacía",
"Invalid playlist.": "Lista de reproducción no válida.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "La lista de reproducción no existe.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "No se han podido obtener las páginas de tendencias.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "El campo oculto «desafío» es un campo obligatorio",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "El campo oculto «símbolo» es un campo obligatorio",
"Invalid challenge": "Desafío no válido",
"Invalid token": "Símbolo no válido",
"Invalid user": "Usuario no válido",
"Token is expired, please try again": "El símbolo ha caducado, inténtelo de nuevo",
"English": "Inglés",
"English (auto-generated)": "Inglés (autogenerado)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikáans",
"Albanian": "Albanés",
"Amharic": "Amárico",
"Arabic": "Árabe",
"Armenian": "Armenio",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbaiyano",
"Bangla": "Bengalí",
"Basque": "Euskera",
"Belarusian": "Bielorruso",
"Bosnian": "Bosnio",
"Bulgarian": "Búlgaro",
"Burmese": "Birmano",
"Catalan": "Catalán",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Chino (simplificado)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Chino (tradicional)",
"Corsican": "Corso",
"Croatian": "Croata",
"Czech": "Checo",
"Danish": "Danés",
"Dutch": "Holandés",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estonio",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"Finnish": "Finés",
"French": "Francés",
"Galician": "Gallego",
"Georgian": "Georgiano",
"German": "Alemán",
"Greek": "Griego",
"Gujarati": "Guyaratí",
"Haitian Creole": "Criollo haitiano",
"Hausa": "Hausa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaiano",
"Hebrew": "Hebreo",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Húngaro",
"Icelandic": "Islandés",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonesio",
"Irish": "Irlandés",
"Italian": "Italiano",
"Japanese": "Japonés",
"Javanese": "Javanés",
"Kannada": "Canarés",
"Kazakh": "Kazajo",
"Khmer": "Camboyano",
"Korean": "Coreano",
"Kurdish": "Kurdo",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirguís",
"Lao": "Laosiano",
"Latin": "Latín",
"Latvian": "Letón",
"Lithuanian": "Lituano",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxemburgués",
"Macedonian": "Macedonio",
"Malagasy": "Malgache",
"Malay": "Malayo",
"Malayalam": "Malabar",
"Maltese": "Maltés",
"Maori": "Maorí",
"Marathi": "Maratí",
"Mongolian": "Mongol",
"Nepali": "Nepalí",
"Norwegian": "Noruego",
"Nyanja": "Chichewa",
"Pashto": "Pastún",
"Persian": "Persa",
"Polish": "Polaco",
"Portuguese": "Portugués",
"Punjabi": "Panyabí",
"Romanian": "Rumano",
"Russian": "Ruso",
"Samoan": "Samoano",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Gaélico escocés",
"Serbian": "Serbio",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindi",
"Sinhala": "Cingalés",
"Slovak": "Eslovaco",
"Slovenian": "Esloveno",
"Somali": "Somalí",
"Southern Sotho": "Sesoto",
"Spanish": "Español",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Español (Hispanoamérica)",
"Sundanese": "Sondanés",
"Swahili": "Suajili",
"Swedish": "Sueco",
"Tajik": "Tayiko",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Tailandés",
"Turkish": "Turco",
"Ukrainian": "Ucraniano",
"Urdu": "Urdu",
"Uzbek": "Uzbeko",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamita",
"Welsh": "Galés",
"Western Frisian": "Frisón",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Yidis",
"Yoruba": "Yoruba",
"Zulu": "Zulú",
"`x` years": "`x` años",
"`x` months": "`x` meses",
"`x` weeks": "`x` semanas",
"`x` days": "`x` días",
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"`x` minutes": "`x` minutos",
"`x` seconds": "`x` segundos",
"Fallback comments: ": "Comentarios alternativos: ",
"Popular": "Populares",
"Top": "Destacados",
"About": "Acerca de",
"Rating: ": "Valoración: ",
"Language: ": "Idioma: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Por defecto",
"Music": "Música",
"Gaming": "Videojuegos",
"News": "Noticias",
"Movies": "Películas",
"Download": "Descargar",
"Download as: ": "Descargar como: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%A %B %-d, %Y",
"(edited)": "(editado)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Enlace permanente de YouTube del comentario",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` lo ha marcado con un ❤",
"Audio mode": "Modo de audio",
"Video mode": "Modo de vídeo",
"Videos": "Vídeos",
"Playlists": "Listas de reproducción",
"Current version: ": "Versión actual: "
"`x` subscribers": "`x` suscriptores",
"`x` videos": "`x` vídeos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Compartido hace `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "Desuscribirse",
"Subscribe": "Suscribirse",
"View channel on YouTube": "Ver el canal en YouTube",
"newest": "más nuevos",
"oldest": "más viejos",
"popular": "populares",
"last": "último",
"Next page": "Página siguiente",
"Previous page": "Página anterior",
"Clear watch history?": "¿Quiere borrar el historial de reproducción?",
"Yes": "Sí",
"No": "No",
"Import and Export Data": "Importación y exportación de datos",
"Import": "Importar",
"Import Invidious data": "Importar datos de Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importar suscripciones de YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importar suscripciones de FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importar suscripciones de NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importar datos de NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Exportar",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Exportar suscripciones como OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Exportar suscripciones como OPML (para NewPipe y FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Exportar datos como JSON",
"Delete account?": "¿Quiere borrar la cuenta?",
"History": "Historial",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Una interfaz alternativa para YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Información de licencia de JavaScript",
"source": "código fuente",
"Login": "Iniciar sesión",
"Login/Register": "Iniciar sesión/Registrarse",
"Login to Google": "Iniciar sesión en Google",
"User ID": "Nombre",
"Password": "Contraseña",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Hora (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA en texto",
"Image CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA en imagen",
"Sign In": "Iniciar sesión",
"Register": "Registrarse",
"Email": "Correo",
"Google verification code": "Código de verificación de Google",
"Preferences": "Preferencias",
"Player preferences": "Preferencias del reproductor",
"Always loop: ": "Repetir siempre: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Reproducción automática: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Reproducir automáticamente el vídeo siguiente: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Activar el sonido por defecto: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "¿Usar un proxy para los vídeos? ",
"Default speed: ": "Velocidad por defecto: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Calidad de vídeo preferida: ",
"Player volume: ": "Volumen del reproductor: ",
"Default comments: ": "Comentarios por defecto: ",
"Default captions: ": "Subtítulos por defecto: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Subtítulos alternativos: ",
"Show related videos? ": "¿Mostrar vídeos relacionados? ",
"Visual preferences": "Preferencias visuales",
"Dark mode: ": "Modo oscuro: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Modo compacto: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Preferencias de la suscripción",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Redirigir la página de inicio a la fuente: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Número de vídeos mostrados en la fuente: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Ordenar los vídeos por: ",
"published": "fecha de publicación",
"published - reverse": "fecha de publicación: orden inverso",
"alphabetically": "alfabéticamente",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabéticamente: orden inverso",
"channel name": "nombre del canal",
"channel name - reverse": "nombre del canal: orden inverso",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Mostrar solo el último vídeo del canal: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Mostrar solo el último vídeo sin ver del canal: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Mostrar solo los no vistos: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Mostrar solo notificaciones (si hay alguna): ",
"Data preferences": "Preferencias de los datos",
"Clear watch history": "Borrar el historial de reproducción",
"Import/Export data": "Importar/Exportar datos",
"Manage subscriptions": "Gestionar las suscripciones",
"Watch history": "Historial de reproducción",
"Delete account": "Borrar cuenta",
"Administrator preferences": "Preferencias de administrador",
"Default homepage: ": "Página de inicio por defecto: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Menú de fuentes: ",
"Top enabled? ": "¿Habilitar los destacados? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "¿Habilitar los CAPTCHA? ",
"Login enabled? ": "¿Habilitar el inicio de sesión? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "¿Habilitar el registro? ",
"Report statistics? ": "¿Enviar estadísticas? ",
"Save preferences": "Guardar las preferencias",
"Subscription manager": "Gestor de suscripciones",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` suscripciones",
"Import/Export": "Importar/Exportar",
"unsubscribe": "Desuscribirse",
"Subscriptions": "Suscripciones",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` notificaciones sin ver",
"search": "buscar",
"Sign out": "Cerrar la sesión",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Publicado bajo licencia AGPLv3 por Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Código fuente disponible aquí.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Ver información de licencia de JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Ver la política de privacidad.",
"Trending": "Tendencias",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Ver el vídeo en Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Género: ",
"License: ": "Licencia: ",
"Family friendly? ": "¿Filtrar contenidos? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Puntuación Wilson: ",
"Engagement: ": "Compromiso: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Regiones permitidas: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Regiones bloqueadas: ",
"Shared `x`": "Compartido `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "¡Hola! Parece que tiene JavaScript desactivado. Haga clic aquí para ver los comentarios, pero tenga en cuenta que pueden tardar un poco más en cargarse.",
"View YouTube comments": "Ver los comentarios de YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Ver más comentarios en Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Ver `x` comentarios",
"View Reddit comments": "Ver los comentarios de Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Ocultar las respuestas",
"Show replies": "Mostrar las respuestas",
"Incorrect password": "Contraseña incorrecta",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Cuota excedida, pruebe otra vez en unas horas",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "No se puede iniciar sesión, asegúrese de que la autentificación de dos factores (autentificador o SMS) esté habilitada.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Código TFA no válido",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Error de inicio de sesion. Puede deberse a que la autentificación de dos factores no está habilitada en su cuenta.",
"Invalid answer": "Respuesta no válida",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA no válido",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "El CAPTCHA es un campo obligatorio",
"User ID is a required field": "El nombre es un campo obligatorio",
"Password is a required field": "La contraseña es un campo obligatorio",
"Invalid username or password": "Nombre o contraseña incorrecto",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Inicie sesión con «Iniciar sesión con Google»",
"Password cannot be empty": "La contraseña no puede estar en blanco",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "La contraseña no puede tener más de 55 caracteres",
"Please sign in": "Inicie sesión, por favor",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Fuente privada de Invidious para `x`",
"channel:`x`": "canal: `x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "El canal no es válido o ha sido borrado",
"This channel does not exist.": "El canal no existe.",
"Could not get channel info.": "No se ha podido obtener información del canal.",
"Could not fetch comments": "No se han podido recuperar los comentarios.",
"View `x` replies": "Ver `x` respuestas",
"`x` ago": "hace `x`",
"Load more": "Cargar más",
"`x` points": "`x` puntos",
"Could not create mix.": "No se ha podido crear la mezcla.",
"Playlist is empty": "La lista de reproducción está vacía",
"Invalid playlist.": "Lista de reproducción no válida.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "La lista de reproducción no existe.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "No se han podido obtener las páginas de tendencias.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "El campo oculto «desafío» es un campo obligatorio",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "El campo oculto «símbolo» es un campo obligatorio",
"Invalid challenge": "Desafío no válido",
"Invalid token": "Símbolo no válido",
"Invalid user": "Usuario no válido",
"Token is expired, please try again": "El símbolo ha caducado, inténtelo de nuevo",
"English": "Inglés",
"English (auto-generated)": "Inglés (autogenerado)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikáans",
"Albanian": "Albanés",
"Amharic": "Amárico",
"Arabic": "Árabe",
"Armenian": "Armenio",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbaiyano",
"Bangla": "Bengalí",
"Basque": "Euskera",
"Belarusian": "Bielorruso",
"Bosnian": "Bosnio",
"Bulgarian": "Búlgaro",
"Burmese": "Birmano",
"Catalan": "Catalán",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Chino (simplificado)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Chino (tradicional)",
"Corsican": "Corso",
"Croatian": "Croata",
"Czech": "Checo",
"Danish": "Danés",
"Dutch": "Holandés",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estonio",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"Finnish": "Finés",
"French": "Francés",
"Galician": "Gallego",
"Georgian": "Georgiano",
"German": "Alemán",
"Greek": "Griego",
"Gujarati": "Guyaratí",
"Haitian Creole": "Criollo haitiano",
"Hausa": "Hausa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaiano",
"Hebrew": "Hebreo",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Húngaro",
"Icelandic": "Islandés",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonesio",
"Irish": "Irlandés",
"Italian": "Italiano",
"Japanese": "Japonés",
"Javanese": "Javanés",
"Kannada": "Canarés",
"Kazakh": "Kazajo",
"Khmer": "Camboyano",
"Korean": "Coreano",
"Kurdish": "Kurdo",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirguís",
"Lao": "Laosiano",
"Latin": "Latín",
"Latvian": "Letón",
"Lithuanian": "Lituano",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxemburgués",
"Macedonian": "Macedonio",
"Malagasy": "Malgache",
"Malay": "Malayo",
"Malayalam": "Malabar",
"Maltese": "Maltés",
"Maori": "Maorí",
"Marathi": "Maratí",
"Mongolian": "Mongol",
"Nepali": "Nepalí",
"Norwegian": "Noruego",
"Nyanja": "Chichewa",
"Pashto": "Pastún",
"Persian": "Persa",
"Polish": "Polaco",
"Portuguese": "Portugués",
"Punjabi": "Panyabí",
"Romanian": "Rumano",
"Russian": "Ruso",
"Samoan": "Samoano",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Gaélico escocés",
"Serbian": "Serbio",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindi",
"Sinhala": "Cingalés",
"Slovak": "Eslovaco",
"Slovenian": "Esloveno",
"Somali": "Somalí",
"Southern Sotho": "Sesoto",
"Spanish": "Español",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Español (Hispanoamérica)",
"Sundanese": "Sondanés",
"Swahili": "Suajili",
"Swedish": "Sueco",
"Tajik": "Tayiko",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Tailandés",
"Turkish": "Turco",
"Ukrainian": "Ucraniano",
"Urdu": "Urdu",
"Uzbek": "Uzbeko",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamita",
"Welsh": "Galés",
"Western Frisian": "Frisón",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Yidis",
"Yoruba": "Yoruba",
"Zulu": "Zulú",
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"`x` months": "`x` meses",
"`x` weeks": "`x` semanas",
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"`x` minutes": "`x` minutos",
"`x` seconds": "`x` segundos",
"Fallback comments: ": "Comentarios alternativos: ",
"Popular": "Populares",
"Top": "Destacados",
"About": "Acerca de",
"Rating: ": "Valoración: ",
"Language: ": "Idioma: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Por defecto",
"Music": "Música",
"Gaming": "Videojuegos",
"News": "Noticias",
"Movies": "Películas",
"Download": "Descargar",
"Download as: ": "Descargar como: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%A %B %-d, %Y",
"(edited)": "(editado)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Enlace permanente de YouTube del comentario",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` lo ha marcado con un ❤",
"Audio mode": "Modo de audio",
"Video mode": "Modo de vídeo",
"Videos": "Vídeos",
"Playlists": "Listas de reproducción",
"Current version: ": "Versión actual: "
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` harpidedun",
"`x` videos": "`x` bideo",
"Shared `x` ago": "Duela `x` partekatua",
"Unsubscribe": "Harpidetza kendu",
"Subscribe": "Harpidetu",
"View channel on YouTube": "Ikusi kanala YouTuben",
"newest": "berrienak",
"oldest": "zaharrenak",
"popular": "ospetsuenak",
"last": "",
"Next page": "Hurrengo orria",
"Previous page": "Aurreko orria",
"Clear watch history?": "Garbitu ikusitakoen historia?",
"Yes": "Bai",
"No": "Ez",
"Import and Export Data": "Datuak inportatu eta esportatu",
"Import": "Inportatu",
"Import Invidious data": "Invidiouseko datuak inportatu",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "YouTubeko harpidetzak inportatu",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "FreeTubeko harpidetzak inportatu (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "NewPipeko harpidetzak inportatu (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "NewPipeko datuak inportatu (.zip)",
"Export": "Esportatu",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Esportatu harpidetzak OPML bezala",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Harpidetzak OPML bezala esportatu (NewPipe eta FreeTuberako)",
"Export data as JSON": "Datuak JSON bezala esportatu",
"Delete account?": "Kontua ezabatu?",
"History": "Historia",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "YouTuberako interfaze alternatibo bat",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript lizentzia informazioa",
"source": "iturburua",
"Login": "Saioa hasi",
"Login/Register": "Saioa hasi/Izena eman",
"Login to Google": "Googlekin hasi saioa",
"User ID": "Erabiltzaile IDa",
"Password": "Pasahitza",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Denbora (o:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Testu CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Irudi CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "",
"Register": "",
"Email:": "",
"Google verification code:": "",
"Preferences": "",
"Player preferences": "",
"Always loop: ": "",
"Autoplay: ": "",
"Autoplay next video: ": "",
"Listen by default: ": "",
"Proxy videos? ": "",
"Default speed: ": "",
"Preferred video quality: ": "",
"Player volume: ": "",
"Default comments: ": "",
"Default captions: ": "",
"Fallback captions: ": "",
"Show related videos? ": "",
"Visual preferences": "",
"Dark mode: ": "",
"Thin mode: ": "",
"Subscription preferences": "",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "",
"Sort videos by: ": "",
"published": "",
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"alphabetically - reverse": "",
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"channel name - reverse": "",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "",
"Only show unwatched: ": "",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "",
"Data preferences": "",
"Clear watch history": "",
"Import/Export data": "",
"Manage subscriptions": "",
"Watch history": "",
"Delete account": "",
"Administrator preferences": "",
"Default homepage: ": "",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "",
"Login enabled? ": "",
"Registration enabled? ": "",
"Report statistics? ": "",
"Save preferences": "",
"Subscription manager": "",
"`x` subscriptions": "",
"Import/Export": "",
"unsubscribe": "",
"Subscriptions": "",
"`x` unseen notifications": "",
"search": "",
"Sign out": "",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "",
"Source available here.": "",
"View JavaScript license information.": "",
"View privacy policy.": "",
"Unlisted": "",
"Trending": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "",
"Genre: ": "",
"License: ": "",
"Family friendly? ": "",
"Wilson score: ": "",
"Engagement: ": "",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "",
"Shared `x`": "",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "",
"View YouTube comments": "",
"View more comments on Reddit": "",
"View `x` comments": "",
"View Reddit comments": "",
"Hide replies": "",
"Show replies": "",
"Incorrect password": "",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "",
"Invalid TFA code": "",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "",
"Invalid answer": "",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "",
"User ID is a required field": "",
"Password is a required field": "",
"Invalid username or password": "",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "",
"Password cannot be empty": "",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "",
"Please sign in": "",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "",
"channel:`x`": "",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "",
"This channel does not exist.": "",
"Could not get channel info.": "",
"Could not fetch comments": "",
"View `x` replies": "",
"`x` ago": "",
"Load more": "",
"`x` points": "",
"Could not create mix.": "",
"Playlist is empty": "",
"Invalid playlist.": "",
"Playlist does not exist.": "",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "",
"Invalid challenge": "",
"Invalid token": "",
"Invalid user": "",
"Token is expired, please try again": "",
"English": "",
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"Afrikaans": "",
"Albanian": "",
"Amharic": "",
"Arabic": "",
"Armenian": "",
"Azerbaijani": "",
"Bangla": "",
"Basque": "",
"Belarusian": "",
"Bosnian": "",
"Bulgarian": "",
"Burmese": "",
"Catalan": "",
"Cebuano": "",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "",
"Corsican": "",
"Croatian": "",
"Czech": "",
"Danish": "",
"Dutch": "",
"Esperanto": "",
"Estonian": "",
"Filipino": "",
"Finnish": "",
"French": "",
"Galician": "",
"Georgian": "",
"German": "",
"Greek": "",
"Gujarati": "",
"Haitian Creole": "",
"Hausa": "",
"Hawaiian": "",
"Hebrew": "",
"Hindi": "",
"Hmong": "",
"Hungarian": "",
"Icelandic": "",
"Igbo": "",
"Indonesian": "",
"Irish": "",
"Italian": "",
"Japanese": "",
"Javanese": "",
"Kannada": "",
"Kazakh": "",
"Khmer": "",
"Korean": "",
"Kurdish": "",
"Kyrgyz": "",
"Lao": "",
"Latin": "",
"Latvian": "",
"Lithuanian": "",
"Luxembourgish": "",
"Macedonian": "",
"Malagasy": "",
"Malay": "",
"Malayalam": "",
"Maltese": "",
"Maori": "",
"Marathi": "",
"Mongolian": "",
"Nepali": "",
"Norwegian": "",
"Nyanja": "",
"Pashto": "",
"Persian": "",
"Polish": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Punjabi": "",
"Romanian": "",
"Russian": "",
"Samoan": "",
"Scottish Gaelic": "",
"Serbian": "",
"Shona": "",
"Sindhi": "",
"Sinhala": "",
"Slovak": "",
"Slovenian": "",
"Somali": "",
"Southern Sotho": "",
"Spanish": "",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "",
"Sundanese": "",
"Swahili": "",
"Swedish": "",
"Tajik": "",
"Tamil": "",
"Telugu": "",
"Thai": "",
"Turkish": "",
"Ukrainian": "",
"Urdu": "",
"Uzbek": "",
"Vietnamese": "",
"Welsh": "",
"Western Frisian": "",
"Xhosa": "",
"Yiddish": "",
"Yoruba": "",
"Zulu": "",
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"`x` weeks": "",
"`x` days": "",
"`x` hours": "",
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"Fallback comments: ": "",
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"Default": "",
"Music": "",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "",
"Movies": "",
"Download": "",
"Download as: ": "",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
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"Current version: ": ""
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"`x` videos": "`x` bideo",
"Shared `x` ago": "Duela `x` partekatua",
"Unsubscribe": "Harpidetza kendu",
"Subscribe": "Harpidetu",
"View channel on YouTube": "Ikusi kanala YouTuben",
"newest": "berrienak",
"oldest": "zaharrenak",
"popular": "ospetsuenak",
"last": "",
"Next page": "Hurrengo orria",
"Previous page": "Aurreko orria",
"Clear watch history?": "Garbitu ikusitakoen historia?",
"Yes": "Bai",
"No": "Ez",
"Import and Export Data": "Datuak inportatu eta esportatu",
"Import": "Inportatu",
"Import Invidious data": "Invidiouseko datuak inportatu",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "YouTubeko harpidetzak inportatu",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "FreeTubeko harpidetzak inportatu (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "NewPipeko harpidetzak inportatu (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "NewPipeko datuak inportatu (.zip)",
"Export": "Esportatu",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Esportatu harpidetzak OPML bezala",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Harpidetzak OPML bezala esportatu (NewPipe eta FreeTuberako)",
"Export data as JSON": "Datuak JSON bezala esportatu",
"Delete account?": "Kontua ezabatu?",
"History": "Historia",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "YouTuberako interfaze alternatibo bat",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript lizentzia informazioa",
"source": "iturburua",
"Login": "Saioa hasi",
"Login/Register": "Saioa hasi/Izena eman",
"Login to Google": "Googlekin hasi saioa",
"User ID": "Erabiltzaile IDa",
"Password": "Pasahitza",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Denbora (o:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Testu CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Irudi CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "",
"Register": "",
"Email:": "",
"Google verification code:": "",
"Preferences": "",
"Player preferences": "",
"Always loop: ": "",
"Autoplay: ": "",
"Autoplay next video: ": "",
"Listen by default: ": "",
"Proxy videos? ": "",
"Default speed: ": "",
"Preferred video quality: ": "",
"Player volume: ": "",
"Default comments: ": "",
"Default captions: ": "",
"Fallback captions: ": "",
"Show related videos? ": "",
"Visual preferences": "",
"Dark mode: ": "",
"Thin mode: ": "",
"Subscription preferences": "",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "",
"Sort videos by: ": "",
"published": "",
"published - reverse": "",
"alphabetically": "",
"alphabetically - reverse": "",
"channel name": "",
"channel name - reverse": "",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "",
"Only show unwatched: ": "",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "",
"Data preferences": "",
"Clear watch history": "",
"Import/Export data": "",
"Manage subscriptions": "",
"Watch history": "",
"Delete account": "",
"Administrator preferences": "",
"Default homepage: ": "",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "",
"Login enabled? ": "",
"Registration enabled? ": "",
"Report statistics? ": "",
"Save preferences": "",
"Subscription manager": "",
"`x` subscriptions": "",
"Import/Export": "",
"unsubscribe": "",
"Subscriptions": "",
"`x` unseen notifications": "",
"search": "",
"Sign out": "",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "",
"Source available here.": "",
"View JavaScript license information.": "",
"View privacy policy.": "",
"Unlisted": "",
"Trending": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "",
"Genre: ": "",
"License: ": "",
"Family friendly? ": "",
"Wilson score: ": "",
"Engagement: ": "",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "",
"Shared `x`": "",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "",
"View YouTube comments": "",
"View more comments on Reddit": "",
"View `x` comments": "",
"View Reddit comments": "",
"Hide replies": "",
"Show replies": "",
"Incorrect password": "",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "",
"Invalid TFA code": "",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "",
"Invalid answer": "",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "",
"User ID is a required field": "",
"Password is a required field": "",
"Invalid username or password": "",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "",
"Password cannot be empty": "",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "",
"Please sign in": "",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "",
"channel:`x`": "",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "",
"This channel does not exist.": "",
"Could not get channel info.": "",
"Could not fetch comments": "",
"View `x` replies": "",
"`x` ago": "",
"Load more": "",
"`x` points": "",
"Could not create mix.": "",
"Playlist is empty": "",
"Invalid playlist.": "",
"Playlist does not exist.": "",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "",
"Invalid challenge": "",
"Invalid token": "",
"Invalid user": "",
"Token is expired, please try again": "",
"English": "",
"English (auto-generated)": "",
"Afrikaans": "",
"Albanian": "",
"Amharic": "",
"Arabic": "",
"Armenian": "",
"Azerbaijani": "",
"Bangla": "",
"Basque": "",
"Belarusian": "",
"Bosnian": "",
"Bulgarian": "",
"Burmese": "",
"Catalan": "",
"Cebuano": "",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "",
"Corsican": "",
"Croatian": "",
"Czech": "",
"Danish": "",
"Dutch": "",
"Esperanto": "",
"Estonian": "",
"Filipino": "",
"Finnish": "",
"French": "",
"Galician": "",
"Georgian": "",
"German": "",
"Greek": "",
"Gujarati": "",
"Haitian Creole": "",
"Hausa": "",
"Hawaiian": "",
"Hebrew": "",
"Hindi": "",
"Hmong": "",
"Hungarian": "",
"Icelandic": "",
"Igbo": "",
"Indonesian": "",
"Irish": "",
"Italian": "",
"Japanese": "",
"Javanese": "",
"Kannada": "",
"Kazakh": "",
"Khmer": "",
"Korean": "",
"Kurdish": "",
"Kyrgyz": "",
"Lao": "",
"Latin": "",
"Latvian": "",
"Lithuanian": "",
"Luxembourgish": "",
"Macedonian": "",
"Malagasy": "",
"Malay": "",
"Malayalam": "",
"Maltese": "",
"Maori": "",
"Marathi": "",
"Mongolian": "",
"Nepali": "",
"Norwegian": "",
"Nyanja": "",
"Pashto": "",
"Persian": "",
"Polish": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Punjabi": "",
"Romanian": "",
"Russian": "",
"Samoan": "",
"Scottish Gaelic": "",
"Serbian": "",
"Shona": "",
"Sindhi": "",
"Sinhala": "",
"Slovak": "",
"Slovenian": "",
"Somali": "",
"Southern Sotho": "",
"Spanish": "",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "",
"Sundanese": "",
"Swahili": "",
"Swedish": "",
"Tajik": "",
"Tamil": "",
"Telugu": "",
"Thai": "",
"Turkish": "",
"Ukrainian": "",
"Urdu": "",
"Uzbek": "",
"Vietnamese": "",
"Welsh": "",
"Western Frisian": "",
"Xhosa": "",
"Yiddish": "",
"Yoruba": "",
"Zulu": "",
"`x` years": "",
"`x` months": "",
"`x` weeks": "",
"`x` days": "",
"`x` hours": "",
"`x` minutes": "",
"`x` seconds": "",
"Fallback comments: ": "",
"Popular": "",
"Top": "",
"About": "",
"Rating: ": "",
"Language: ": "",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "",
"Music": "",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "",
"Movies": "",
"Download": "",
"Download as: ": "",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` abonnés",
"`x` videos": "`x` vidéos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Ajoutée il y a `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "Se désabonner",
"Subscribe": "S'abonner",
"View channel on YouTube": "Voir la chaîne sur YouTube",
"newest": "Date d'ajout (la plus récente)",
"oldest": "Date d'ajout (la plus ancienne)",
"popular": "Les plus populaires",
"last": "Dernières",
"Next page": "Page suivante",
"Previous page": "Page précédente",
"Clear watch history?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'historique des vidéos regardées ?",
"Yes": "Oui",
"No": "Non",
"Import and Export Data": "Importer et exporter des données",
"Import": "Importer",
"Import Invidious data": "Importer des données Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importer des abonnements YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importer des abonnements FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importer des abonnements NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importer des données NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Exporter",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Exporter les abonnements en OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Exporter les abonnements en OPML (pour NewPipe & FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Exporter les données au format JSON",
"Delete account?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer votre compte ?",
"History": "Historique",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Un front-end alternatif à YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Informations sur les licences JavaScript",
"source": "source",
"Login": "Se connecter",
"Login/Register": "Se connecter/Créer un compte",
"Login to Google": "Se connecter avec Google",
"User ID": "Identifiant utilisateur",
"Password": "Mot de passe",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Heure (h:mm:ss) :",
"Text CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA Texte",
"Image CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA Image",
"Sign In": "Se connecter",
"Register": "S'inscrire",
"Email": "E-mail",
"Google verification code": "Code de vérification Google",
"Preferences": "Préférences",
"Player preferences": "Préférences du lecteur",
"Always loop: ": "Lire en boucle : ",
"Autoplay: ": "Lire automatiquement : ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Lire automatiquement la vidéo suivante : ",
"Listen by default: ": "Audio uniquement : ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Charger les vidéos à travers un proxy ? ",
"Default speed: ": "Vitesse par défaut : ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Qualité vidéo souhaitée : ",
"Player volume: ": "Volume du lecteur : ",
"Default comments: ": "Source des commentaires : ",
"Default captions: ": "Sous-titres par défaut : ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Fallback captions: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Voir les vidéos liées ? ",
"Visual preferences": "Préférences du site",
"Dark mode: ": "Mode Sombre : ",
"Thin mode: ": "Mode Simplifié : ",
"Subscription preferences": "Préférences de la page d'abonnements",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Rediriger la page d'accueil vers la page d'abonnements : ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Nombre de vidéos montrées dans la page d'abonnements : ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Trier les vidéos par : ",
"published": "publication",
"published - reverse": "publication - inversé",
"alphabetically": "alphabétiquement",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alphabétiquement - inversé",
"channel name": "nom de la chaîne",
"channel name - reverse": "nom de la chaîne - inversé",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Afficher uniquement la dernière vidéo de la chaîne : ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Afficher uniquement la dernière vidéo de la chaîne non regardée : ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Afficher uniquement les vidéos non regardées : ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Afficher uniquement les notifications (s'il y en a) : ",
"Data preferences": "Préférences liées aux données",
"Clear watch history": "Supprimer l'historique des vidéos regardées",
"Import/Export data": "Importer/exporter les données",
"Manage subscriptions": "Gérer les abonnements",
"Watch history": "Historique de visionnage",
"Delete account": "Supprimer votre compte",
"Administrator preferences": "Préferences d'Administrateur",
"Default homepage: ": "Page d'accueil par défaut : ",
"Feed menu: ": "Menu des Flux : ",
"Top enabled? ": "Top activé ? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "CAPTCHA activé ? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Connexion activé ? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Inscription activée ? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Télémétrie activé ? ",
"Save preferences": "Enregistrer les préférences",
"Subscription manager": "Gestionnaire d'abonnement",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` abonnements",
"Import/Export": "Importer/Exporter",
"unsubscribe": "se désabonner",
"Subscriptions": "Abonnements",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` notifications non vues",
"search": "Rechercher",
"Sign out": "Déconnexion",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Publié sous licence AGPLv3 par Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Code Source.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Voir les informations des licences JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Politique de confidentialité",
"Trending": "Tendances",
"Unlisted": "Non répertoriée",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Voir la vidéo sur Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Genre : ",
"License: ": "Licence : ",
"Family friendly? ": "Tout Public ? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Score de Wilson : ",
"Engagement: ": "Poucentage de spectateur aillant aimé Like ou Dislike la vidéo : ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Régions en liste blanche : ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Régions sur liste noire : ",
"Shared `x`": "Ajoutée le `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "Première dans `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Il semblerait que JavaScript soit désactivé. Cliquez ici pour voir les commentaires sans. Gardez à l'esprit que le chargement peut prendre plus de temps.",
"View YouTube comments": "Voir les commentaires YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Voir plus de commentaires sur Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Voir `x` commentaires",
"View Reddit comments": "Voir les commentaires Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Masquer les réponses",
"Show replies": "Afficher les réponses",
"Incorrect password": "Mot de passe incorrect",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Nombre de tentative de connexion dépassé, réessayez dans quelques heures",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Si vous ne parvenez pas à vous connecter, assurez-vous que l'authentification à deux facteurs (Authenticator ou SMS) est activée.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Code d'authentification à deux facteurs invalide",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "La connexion a échoué. Cela peut être dû au fait que l'authentification à deux facteurs n'est pas activée sur votre compte.",
"Invalid answer": "Réponse invalide",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA invalide",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "Veuillez entrer un CAPTCHA",
"User ID is a required field": "Veuillez entrer un Identifiant Utilisateur",
"Password is a required field": "Veuillez entrer un Mot de passe",
"Invalid username or password": "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Veuillez vous connecter en utilisant \"Se connecter avec Google\"",
"Password cannot be empty": "Le mot de passe ne peut pas être vide",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Le mot de passe ne doit pas comporter plus de 55 caractères",
"Please sign in": "Veuillez vous connecter",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Flux RSS privé pour `x`",
"channel:`x`": "chaîne:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Chaîne supprimée ou invalide",
"This channel does not exist.": "Cette chaine n'existe pas.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Impossible de charger les informations de cette chaîne.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Impossible de charger les commentaires",
"View `x` replies": "Voir `x` réponses",
"`x` ago": "il y a `x`",
"Load more": "Charger plus",
"`x` points": "`x` points",
"Could not create mix.": "Impossible de charger cette liste de lecture.",
"Playlist is empty": "La liste de lecture est vide",
"Invalid playlist.": "Liste de lecture invalide.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "La liste de lecture n'existe pas.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Impossible de charger les pages de tendances.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Hidden field \"token\" is a required field",
"Invalid challenge": "Invalid challenge",
"Invalid token": "Invalid token",
"Invalid user": "Invalid user",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token is expired, please try again",
"English": "Anglais",
"English (auto-generated)": "Anglais (générés automatiquement)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Albanian": "Albanais",
"Amharic": "Amharique",
"Arabic": "Arabe",
"Armenian": "Arménien",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbaïdjanais",
"Bangla": "Bangla",
"Basque": "Basque",
"Belarusian": "Belarusian",
"Bosnian": "Bosnian",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarian",
"Burmese": "Birman",
"Catalan": "Catalan",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Chinois (Simplifié)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Chinois (Traditionnel)",
"Corsican": "Corse",
"Croatian": "Croate",
"Czech": "Tchèque",
"Danish": "Danois",
"Dutch": "Hollandais",
"Esperanto": "Espéranto",
"Estonian": "Estonien",
"Filipino": "Philippin",
"Finnish": "Finlandais",
"French": "Français",
"Galician": "Galicien",
"Georgian": "Géorgien",
"German": "Allemand",
"Greek": "Grec",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian Creole": "Créole Haïtien",
"Hausa": "Haoussa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaïen",
"Hebrew": "Hébraïque",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Hongrois",
"Icelandic": "Islandais",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonésien",
"Irish": "Irlandais",
"Italian": "Italien",
"Japanese": "Japonais",
"Javanese": "Javanais",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Kazakh",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Korean": "Coréen",
"Kurdish": "Kurde",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirghize",
"Lao": "Lao",
"Latin": "Latin",
"Latvian": "Letton",
"Lithuanian": "Lituanien",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxembourgeois",
"Macedonian": "Macédonien",
"Malagasy": "Malgache",
"Malay": "Malais",
"Malayalam": "Malayalam",
"Maltese": "Maltais",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Mongolian": "Mongol",
"Nepali": "Népalais",
"Norwegian": "Norvégien",
"Nyanja": "Nyanja",
"Pashto": "Pachtou",
"Persian": "Persan",
"Polish": "Polonais",
"Portuguese": "Portugais",
"Punjabi": "Punjabi",
"Romanian": "Roumain",
"Russian": "Russe",
"Samoan": "Samoan",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Eaélique Ècossais",
"Serbian": "Serbe",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Sinhala": "Cinghalais",
"Slovak": "Slovaque",
"Slovenian": "Slovène",
"Somali": "Somalien",
"Southern Sotho": "Sotho du Sud",
"Spanish": "Espagnol",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Espagnol (Amérique latine)",
"Sundanese": "Sundanais",
"Swahili": "Swahili",
"Swedish": "Suédois",
"Tajik": "Tajik",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Thaï",
"Turkish": "Turc",
"Ukrainian": "Ukrainien",
"Urdu": "Ourdou",
"Uzbek": "Ouzbek",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamien",
"Welsh": "Gallois",
"Western Frisian": "Frison occidental",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Yiddish",
"Yoruba": "Yoruba",
"Zulu": "Zoulou",
"`x` years": "`x` ans",
"`x` months": "`x` mois",
"`x` weeks": "`x` semaines",
"`x` days": "`x` jours",
"`x` hours": "`x` heures",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minutes",
"`x` seconds": "`x` secondes",
"Fallback comments: ": "Fallback comments: ",
"Popular": "Populaire",
"Top": "Top",
"About": "A Propos",
"Rating: ": "Évaluation : ",
"Language: ": "Langue : ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Défaut",
"Music": "Musique",
"Gaming": "Jeux Vidéo",
"News": "Actualités",
"Movies": "Films",
"Download": "Télécharger",
"Download as: ": "Télécharger en : ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%A %-d %B %Y",
"(edited)": "(modifié)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Lien YouTube permanent vers le commentaire",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` l'a marqué d'un ❤",
"Audio mode": "Mode Audio",
"Video mode": "Mode Vidéo",
"Videos": "Vidéos",
"Playlists": "Liste de lecture",
"Current version: ": "Version :"
"`x` subscribers": "`x` abonnés",
"`x` videos": "`x` vidéos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Ajoutée il y a `x`",
"Unsubscribe": "Se désabonner",
"Subscribe": "S'abonner",
"View channel on YouTube": "Voir la chaîne sur YouTube",
"newest": "Date d'ajout (la plus récente)",
"oldest": "Date d'ajout (la plus ancienne)",
"popular": "Les plus populaires",
"last": "Dernières",
"Next page": "Page suivante",
"Previous page": "Page précédente",
"Clear watch history?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'historique des vidéos regardées ?",
"Yes": "Oui",
"No": "Non",
"Import and Export Data": "Importer et exporter des données",
"Import": "Importer",
"Import Invidious data": "Importer des données Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importer des abonnements YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importer des abonnements FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importer des abonnements NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importer des données NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Exporter",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Exporter les abonnements en OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Exporter les abonnements en OPML (pour NewPipe & FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Exporter les données au format JSON",
"Delete account?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer votre compte ?",
"History": "Historique",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Un front-end alternatif à YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Informations sur les licences JavaScript",
"source": "source",
"Login": "Se connecter",
"Login/Register": "Se connecter/Créer un compte",
"Login to Google": "Se connecter avec Google",
"User ID": "Identifiant utilisateur",
"Password": "Mot de passe",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Heure (h:mm:ss) :",
"Text CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA Texte",
"Image CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA Image",
"Sign In": "Se connecter",
"Register": "S'inscrire",
"Email": "E-mail",
"Google verification code": "Code de vérification Google",
"Preferences": "Préférences",
"Player preferences": "Préférences du lecteur",
"Always loop: ": "Lire en boucle : ",
"Autoplay: ": "Lire automatiquement : ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Lire automatiquement la vidéo suivante : ",
"Listen by default: ": "Audio uniquement : ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Charger les vidéos à travers un proxy ? ",
"Default speed: ": "Vitesse par défaut : ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Qualité vidéo souhaitée : ",
"Player volume: ": "Volume du lecteur : ",
"Default comments: ": "Source des commentaires : ",
"Default captions: ": "Sous-titres par défaut : ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Fallback captions: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Voir les vidéos liées ? ",
"Visual preferences": "Préférences du site",
"Dark mode: ": "Mode Sombre : ",
"Thin mode: ": "Mode Simplifié : ",
"Subscription preferences": "Préférences de la page d'abonnements",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Rediriger la page d'accueil vers la page d'abonnements : ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Nombre de vidéos montrées dans la page d'abonnements : ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Trier les vidéos par : ",
"published": "publication",
"published - reverse": "publication - inversé",
"alphabetically": "alphabétiquement",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alphabétiquement - inversé",
"channel name": "nom de la chaîne",
"channel name - reverse": "nom de la chaîne - inversé",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Afficher uniquement la dernière vidéo de la chaîne : ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Afficher uniquement la dernière vidéo de la chaîne non regardée : ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Afficher uniquement les vidéos non regardées : ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Afficher uniquement les notifications (s'il y en a) : ",
"Data preferences": "Préférences liées aux données",
"Clear watch history": "Supprimer l'historique des vidéos regardées",
"Import/Export data": "Importer/exporter les données",
"Manage subscriptions": "Gérer les abonnements",
"Watch history": "Historique de visionnage",
"Delete account": "Supprimer votre compte",
"Administrator preferences": "Préferences d'Administrateur",
"Default homepage: ": "Page d'accueil par défaut : ",
"Feed menu: ": "Menu des Flux : ",
"Top enabled? ": "Top activé ? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "CAPTCHA activé ? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Connexion activé ? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Inscription activée ? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Télémétrie activé ? ",
"Save preferences": "Enregistrer les préférences",
"Subscription manager": "Gestionnaire d'abonnement",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` abonnements",
"Import/Export": "Importer/Exporter",
"unsubscribe": "se désabonner",
"Subscriptions": "Abonnements",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` notifications non vues",
"search": "Rechercher",
"Sign out": "Déconnexion",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Publié sous licence AGPLv3 par Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Code Source.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Voir les informations des licences JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Politique de confidentialité",
"Trending": "Tendances",
"Unlisted": "Non répertoriée",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Voir la vidéo sur Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Genre : ",
"License: ": "Licence : ",
"Family friendly? ": "Tout Public ? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Score de Wilson : ",
"Engagement: ": "Poucentage de spectateur aillant aimé Like ou Dislike la vidéo : ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Régions en liste blanche : ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Régions sur liste noire : ",
"Shared `x`": "Ajoutée le `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "Première dans `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Il semblerait que JavaScript soit désactivé. Cliquez ici pour voir les commentaires sans. Gardez à l'esprit que le chargement peut prendre plus de temps.",
"View YouTube comments": "Voir les commentaires YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Voir plus de commentaires sur Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Voir `x` commentaires",
"View Reddit comments": "Voir les commentaires Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Masquer les réponses",
"Show replies": "Afficher les réponses",
"Incorrect password": "Mot de passe incorrect",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Nombre de tentative de connexion dépassé, réessayez dans quelques heures",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Si vous ne parvenez pas à vous connecter, assurez-vous que l'authentification à deux facteurs (Authenticator ou SMS) est activée.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Code d'authentification à deux facteurs invalide",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "La connexion a échoué. Cela peut être dû au fait que l'authentification à deux facteurs n'est pas activée sur votre compte.",
"Invalid answer": "Réponse invalide",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA invalide",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "Veuillez entrer un CAPTCHA",
"User ID is a required field": "Veuillez entrer un Identifiant Utilisateur",
"Password is a required field": "Veuillez entrer un Mot de passe",
"Invalid username or password": "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Veuillez vous connecter en utilisant \"Se connecter avec Google\"",
"Password cannot be empty": "Le mot de passe ne peut pas être vide",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Le mot de passe ne doit pas comporter plus de 55 caractères",
"Please sign in": "Veuillez vous connecter",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Flux RSS privé pour `x`",
"channel:`x`": "chaîne:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Chaîne supprimée ou invalide",
"This channel does not exist.": "Cette chaine n'existe pas.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Impossible de charger les informations de cette chaîne.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Impossible de charger les commentaires",
"View `x` replies": "Voir `x` réponses",
"`x` ago": "il y a `x`",
"Load more": "Charger plus",
"`x` points": "`x` points",
"Could not create mix.": "Impossible de charger cette liste de lecture.",
"Playlist is empty": "La liste de lecture est vide",
"Invalid playlist.": "Liste de lecture invalide.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "La liste de lecture n'existe pas.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Impossible de charger les pages de tendances.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Hidden field \"token\" is a required field",
"Invalid challenge": "Invalid challenge",
"Invalid token": "Invalid token",
"Invalid user": "Invalid user",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token is expired, please try again",
"English": "Anglais",
"English (auto-generated)": "Anglais (générés automatiquement)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Albanian": "Albanais",
"Amharic": "Amharique",
"Arabic": "Arabe",
"Armenian": "Arménien",
"Azerbaijani": "Azerbaïdjanais",
"Bangla": "Bangla",
"Basque": "Basque",
"Belarusian": "Belarusian",
"Bosnian": "Bosnian",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarian",
"Burmese": "Birman",
"Catalan": "Catalan",
"Cebuano": "Cebuano",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Chinois (Simplifié)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Chinois (Traditionnel)",
"Corsican": "Corse",
"Croatian": "Croate",
"Czech": "Tchèque",
"Danish": "Danois",
"Dutch": "Hollandais",
"Esperanto": "Espéranto",
"Estonian": "Estonien",
"Filipino": "Philippin",
"Finnish": "Finlandais",
"French": "Français",
"Galician": "Galicien",
"Georgian": "Géorgien",
"German": "Allemand",
"Greek": "Grec",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian Creole": "Créole Haïtien",
"Hausa": "Haoussa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaïen",
"Hebrew": "Hébraïque",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Hongrois",
"Icelandic": "Islandais",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonésien",
"Irish": "Irlandais",
"Italian": "Italien",
"Japanese": "Japonais",
"Javanese": "Javanais",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Kazakh",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Korean": "Coréen",
"Kurdish": "Kurde",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirghize",
"Lao": "Lao",
"Latin": "Latin",
"Latvian": "Letton",
"Lithuanian": "Lituanien",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxembourgeois",
"Macedonian": "Macédonien",
"Malagasy": "Malgache",
"Malay": "Malais",
"Malayalam": "Malayalam",
"Maltese": "Maltais",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Mongolian": "Mongol",
"Nepali": "Népalais",
"Norwegian": "Norvégien",
"Nyanja": "Nyanja",
"Pashto": "Pachtou",
"Persian": "Persan",
"Polish": "Polonais",
"Portuguese": "Portugais",
"Punjabi": "Punjabi",
"Romanian": "Roumain",
"Russian": "Russe",
"Samoan": "Samoan",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Eaélique Ècossais",
"Serbian": "Serbe",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Sinhala": "Cinghalais",
"Slovak": "Slovaque",
"Slovenian": "Slovène",
"Somali": "Somalien",
"Southern Sotho": "Sotho du Sud",
"Spanish": "Espagnol",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Espagnol (Amérique latine)",
"Sundanese": "Sundanais",
"Swahili": "Swahili",
"Swedish": "Suédois",
"Tajik": "Tajik",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Thaï",
"Turkish": "Turc",
"Ukrainian": "Ukrainien",
"Urdu": "Ourdou",
"Uzbek": "Ouzbek",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamien",
"Welsh": "Gallois",
"Western Frisian": "Frison occidental",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Yiddish",
"Yoruba": "Yoruba",
"Zulu": "Zoulou",
"`x` years": "`x` ans",
"`x` months": "`x` mois",
"`x` weeks": "`x` semaines",
"`x` days": "`x` jours",
"`x` hours": "`x` heures",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minutes",
"`x` seconds": "`x` secondes",
"Fallback comments: ": "Fallback comments: ",
"Popular": "Populaire",
"Top": "Top",
"About": "A Propos",
"Rating: ": "Évaluation : ",
"Language: ": "Langue : ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Défaut",
"Music": "Musique",
"Gaming": "Jeux Vidéo",
"News": "Actualités",
"Movies": "Films",
"Download": "Télécharger",
"Download as: ": "Télécharger en : ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%A %-d %B %Y",
"(edited)": "(modifié)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Lien YouTube permanent vers le commentaire",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` l'a marqué d'un ❤",
"Audio mode": "Mode Audio",
"Video mode": "Mode Vidéo",
"Videos": "Vidéos",
"Playlists": "Liste de lecture",
"Current version: ": "Version :"
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` iscritti",
"`x` videos": "`x` video",
"Shared `x` ago": "Condiviso `x` fa",
"Unsubscribe": "Disiscriviti",
"Subscribe": "Iscriviti",
"View channel on YouTube": "Vedi canale su YouTube",
"newest": "Data di aggiunta (più recente)",
"oldest": "Data di aggiunta (più vecchia)",
"popular": "Tendenze",
"last": "",
"Next page": "Pagina successiva",
"Previous page": "Pagina precedente",
"Clear watch history?": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la cronologia dei video guardati?",
"Yes": "Si",
"No": "No",
"Import and Export Data": "Importazione ed esportazione dati",
"Import": "Importa",
"Import Invidious data": "Importa dati Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importa le iscrizioni da YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importa le iscrizioni da FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importa le iscrizioni da NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importa i dati di NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Esporta",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Esporta gli abbonamenti come OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Esporta gli abbonamenti come OPML (per NewPipe e FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Esporta i dati in formato JSON",
"Delete account?": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare l'account?",
"History": "Cronologia",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Un'interfaccia alternativa per YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Info licenze JavaScript",
"source": "sorgente",
"Login": "Entra",
"Login/Register": "Entra/Registrati",
"Login to Google": "Entra con Google",
"User ID": "ID utente",
"Password": "Password",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Orario (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Testo del CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Immagine CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Entra",
"Register": "Registrati",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Codice di verifica Google",
"Preferences": "Preferenze",
"Player preferences": "Preferenze del riproduttore",
"Always loop: ": "Ripeti sempre: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Riproduzione automatica: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Riproduci automaticamente il prossimo video: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Modalità solo audio come predefinita: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "",
"Default speed: ": "Velocità di riproduzione predefinita: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Preferenza sulla qualità video: ",
"Player volume: ": "Volume di riproduzione: ",
"Default comments: ": "Origine dei commenti: ",
"Default captions: ": "Sottotitoli predefiniti: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Sottotitoli alternativi: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Mostra video correlati? ",
"Visual preferences": "Preferenze grafiche",
"Dark mode: ": "Tema scuro: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Modalità per connessioni lente: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Preferenze iscrizioni",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Reindirizza la pagina principale a quella delle iscrizioni: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Numero di video da mostrare nelle iscrizioni: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Ordinare i video per: ",
"published": "data di pubblicazione",
"published - reverse": "data di pubblicazione - decrescente",
"alphabetically": "ordine alfabetico",
"alphabetically - reverse": "ordine alfabetico - decrescente",
"channel name": "nome del canale",
"channel name - reverse": "nome del canale - decrescente",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Mostra solo il video più recente del canale: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Mostra solo il video più recente non guardato del canale: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Mostra solo i video non guardati: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Mostra solo le notifiche (se presenti): ",
"Data preferences": "Preferenze dati",
"Clear watch history": "Cancella la cronologia dei video guardati",
"Import/Export data": "Importazione/esportazione dati",
"Manage subscriptions": "Gestisci le iscrizioni",
"Watch history": "Cronologia dei video",
"Delete account": "Elimina l'account",
"Administrator preferences": "",
"Default homepage: ": "",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "",
"Login enabled? ": "",
"Registration enabled? ": "",
"Report statistics? ": "",
"Save preferences": "Salva le preferenze",
"Subscription manager": "Gestisci le iscrizioni",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` iscrizioni",
"Import/Export": "Importa/esporta",
"unsubscribe": "disiscriviti",
"Subscriptions": "Iscrizioni",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` notifiche non visualizzate",
"search": "Cerca",
"Sign out": "Esci",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Pubblicato con licenza AGPLv3 da Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Codice sorgente.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Guarda le informazioni di licenza del codice JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "",
"Trending": "Tendenze",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Guarda il video su YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Genere: ",
"License: ": "Licenza: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Per tutti? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Punteggio di Wilson: ",
"Engagement: ": "Tasso di coinvolgimento: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Regioni nella lista bianca: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Regioni nella lista nera: ",
"Shared `x`": "Condiviso `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Ciao! Sembra che tu abbia disattivato JavaScript. Clicca qui per visualizzare i commenti. Considera che potrebbe volerci più tempo.",
"View YouTube comments": "Visualizza i commenti da YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Visualizza più commenti su Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Visualizza `x` commenti",
"View Reddit comments": "Visualizza i commenti da Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Nascondi le risposte",
"Show replies": "Mostra le risposte",
"Incorrect password": "Password sbagliata",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Limite superato, prova di nuovo fra qualche ora",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Impossibile autenticarsi, controlla che l'autenticazione in due passaggi (Authenticator o SMS) sia attiva.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Codice di autenticazione a due fattori non valido",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Login fallito. L'errore potrebbe essere causato dal fatto che la verifica in due passaggi non è attiva sul tuo account.",
"Invalid answer": "Risposta errata",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA errato",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "Il CAPTCHA è un campo obbligatorio",
"User ID is a required field": "L'ID utente è obbligatorio",
"Password is a required field": "La password è un campo obbligatorio",
"Invalid username or password": "Nome utente o password errati",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Per favore accedi con \"Entra con Google\"",
"Password cannot be empty": "La password non può essere vuota",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "La password non può contenere più di 55 caratteri",
"Please sign in": "Per favore, entra",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Feed privato Invidious per `x`",
"channel:`x`": "canale:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Canale cancellato o invalido",
"This channel does not exist.": "Canale inesistente.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Impossibile ottenere le informazioni del canale.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Impossibile recuperare i commenti",
"View `x` replies": "Visualizza `x` risposte",
"`x` ago": "`x` fa",
"Load more": "Carica altro",
"`x` points": "`x` punti",
"Could not create mix.": "Impossibile creare il mix.",
"Playlist is empty": "Playlist vuota",
"Invalid playlist.": "Playlist invalida.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Playlist inesistente.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Impossibile recuperare le tendenze.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Il campo nascosto \"challenge\" è obbligatorio",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Il campo nascosto \"token\" è obbligatorio",
"Invalid challenge": "Campo \"challenge\" invalido",
"Invalid token": "Campo \"token\" invalido",
"Invalid user": "Utente invalido",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token scaduto, riprova",
"English": "Inglese",
"English (auto-generated)": "Inglese (generati automaticamente)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Albanian": "Albanese",
"Amharic": "Amarico",
"Arabic": "Arabo",
"Armenian": "Armeno",
"Azerbaijani": "Azero",
"Bangla": "Bengalese",
"Basque": "Basco",
"Belarusian": "Biellorusso",
"Bosnian": "Bosniaco",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgaro",
"Burmese": "Birmano",
"Catalan": "Catalano",
"Cebuano": "Sugbuanon",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Cinese semplifiato",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Cinese tradizionale",
"Corsican": "Corso",
"Croatian": "Croato",
"Czech": "Ceco",
"Danish": "Danese",
"Dutch": "Olandese",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estone",
"Filipino": "Filippino",
"Finnish": "Finlandese",
"French": "Francese",
"Galician": "Galiziano",
"Georgian": "Georgiano",
"German": "Tedesco",
"Greek": "Greco",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian Creole": "Creolo haitiano",
"Hausa": "Lingua hausa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaiano",
"Hebrew": "Ebreo",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Ungarese",
"Icelandic": "Islandese",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonesiano",
"Irish": "Irlandese",
"Italian": "Italiano",
"Japanese": "Giapponese",
"Javanese": "Giavanese",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Kazaco",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Korean": "Coreano",
"Kurdish": "Curdo",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirghize",
"Lao": "Lao",
"Latin": "Latino",
"Latvian": "Lettone",
"Lithuanian": "Lituano",
"Luxembourgish": "Lussemburghese",
"Macedonian": "Macedone",
"Malagasy": "Malgascio",
"Malay": "Malese",
"Malayalam": "Lingua malayalam",
"Maltese": "Maltese",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Mongolian": "Mongolo",
"Nepali": "Nepalese",
"Norwegian": "Norvegese",
"Nyanja": "Nyanja",
"Pashto": "Lingua pashtu",
"Persian": "Persiano",
"Polish": "Polacco",
"Portuguese": "Portoghese",
"Punjabi": "Punjabi",
"Romanian": "Rumeno",
"Russian": "Russo",
"Samoan": "Samoan",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Gaelico scozzese",
"Serbian": "Serbo",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Sinhala": "Cingalese",
"Slovak": "Slovacco",
"Slovenian": "Sloveno",
"Somali": "Somalo",
"Southern Sotho": "Sotho del Sud",
"Spanish": "Spagnolo",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Spagnolo (America latina)",
"Sundanese": "Sudanese",
"Swahili": "Swahili",
"Swedish": "Svedese",
"Tajik": "Tajik",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Thaï",
"Turkish": "Turco",
"Ukrainian": "Ucraino",
"Urdu": "Urdu",
"Uzbek": "Uzbeco",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"Welsh": "Gallese",
"Western Frisian": "Frisone occidentale",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Yiddish",
"Yoruba": "Yoruba",
"Zulu": "Zulu",
"`x` years": "`x` anni",
"`x` months": "`x` mesi",
"`x` weeks": "`x` settimane",
"`x` days": "`x` giorni",
"`x` hours": "`x` ore",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minuti",
"`x` seconds": "`x` secondi",
"Fallback comments: ": "Commenti alternativi: ",
"Popular": "Popolare",
"Top": "Top",
"About": "A proposito",
"Rating: ": "Punteggio: ",
"Language: ": "Lingua: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Predefinito",
"Music": "Musica",
"Gaming": "Videogiochi",
"News": "Notizie",
"Movies": "Film",
"Download": "Scarica",
"Download as: ": "Scarica come: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%A %-d %B %Y",
"(edited)": "(modificato)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Link permanente al commento di YouTube",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` l'ha contrassegnato con un ❤",
"Audio mode": "Modalità audio",
"Video mode": "Modalità video",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
"`x` subscribers": "`x` iscritti",
"`x` videos": "`x` video",
"Shared `x` ago": "Condiviso `x` fa",
"Unsubscribe": "Disiscriviti",
"Subscribe": "Iscriviti",
"View channel on YouTube": "Vedi canale su YouTube",
"newest": "Data di aggiunta (più recente)",
"oldest": "Data di aggiunta (più vecchia)",
"popular": "Tendenze",
"last": "",
"Next page": "Pagina successiva",
"Previous page": "Pagina precedente",
"Clear watch history?": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la cronologia dei video guardati?",
"Yes": "Si",
"No": "No",
"Import and Export Data": "Importazione ed esportazione dati",
"Import": "Importa",
"Import Invidious data": "Importa dati Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importa le iscrizioni da YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importa le iscrizioni da FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importa le iscrizioni da NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importa i dati di NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Esporta",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Esporta gli abbonamenti come OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Esporta gli abbonamenti come OPML (per NewPipe e FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Esporta i dati in formato JSON",
"Delete account?": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare l'account?",
"History": "Cronologia",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Un'interfaccia alternativa per YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Info licenze JavaScript",
"source": "sorgente",
"Login": "Entra",
"Login/Register": "Entra/Registrati",
"Login to Google": "Entra con Google",
"User ID": "ID utente",
"Password": "Password",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Orario (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Testo del CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Immagine CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Entra",
"Register": "Registrati",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Codice di verifica Google",
"Preferences": "Preferenze",
"Player preferences": "Preferenze del riproduttore",
"Always loop: ": "Ripeti sempre: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Riproduzione automatica: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Riproduci automaticamente il prossimo video: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Modalità solo audio come predefinita: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "",
"Default speed: ": "Velocità di riproduzione predefinita: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Preferenza sulla qualità video: ",
"Player volume: ": "Volume di riproduzione: ",
"Default comments: ": "Origine dei commenti: ",
"Default captions: ": "Sottotitoli predefiniti: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Sottotitoli alternativi: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Mostra video correlati? ",
"Visual preferences": "Preferenze grafiche",
"Dark mode: ": "Tema scuro: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Modalità per connessioni lente: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Preferenze iscrizioni",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Reindirizza la pagina principale a quella delle iscrizioni: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Numero di video da mostrare nelle iscrizioni: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Ordinare i video per: ",
"published": "data di pubblicazione",
"published - reverse": "data di pubblicazione - decrescente",
"alphabetically": "ordine alfabetico",
"alphabetically - reverse": "ordine alfabetico - decrescente",
"channel name": "nome del canale",
"channel name - reverse": "nome del canale - decrescente",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Mostra solo il video più recente del canale: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Mostra solo il video più recente non guardato del canale: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Mostra solo i video non guardati: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Mostra solo le notifiche (se presenti): ",
"Data preferences": "Preferenze dati",
"Clear watch history": "Cancella la cronologia dei video guardati",
"Import/Export data": "Importazione/esportazione dati",
"Manage subscriptions": "Gestisci le iscrizioni",
"Watch history": "Cronologia dei video",
"Delete account": "Elimina l'account",
"Administrator preferences": "",
"Default homepage: ": "",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "",
"Login enabled? ": "",
"Registration enabled? ": "",
"Report statistics? ": "",
"Save preferences": "Salva le preferenze",
"Subscription manager": "Gestisci le iscrizioni",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` iscrizioni",
"Import/Export": "Importa/esporta",
"unsubscribe": "disiscriviti",
"Subscriptions": "Iscrizioni",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` notifiche non visualizzate",
"search": "Cerca",
"Sign out": "Esci",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Pubblicato con licenza AGPLv3 da Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Codice sorgente.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Guarda le informazioni di licenza del codice JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "",
"Trending": "Tendenze",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Guarda il video su YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Genere: ",
"License: ": "Licenza: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Per tutti? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Punteggio di Wilson: ",
"Engagement: ": "Tasso di coinvolgimento: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Regioni nella lista bianca: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Regioni nella lista nera: ",
"Shared `x`": "Condiviso `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Ciao! Sembra che tu abbia disattivato JavaScript. Clicca qui per visualizzare i commenti. Considera che potrebbe volerci più tempo.",
"View YouTube comments": "Visualizza i commenti da YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Visualizza più commenti su Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Visualizza `x` commenti",
"View Reddit comments": "Visualizza i commenti da Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Nascondi le risposte",
"Show replies": "Mostra le risposte",
"Incorrect password": "Password sbagliata",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Limite superato, prova di nuovo fra qualche ora",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Impossibile autenticarsi, controlla che l'autenticazione in due passaggi (Authenticator o SMS) sia attiva.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Codice di autenticazione a due fattori non valido",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Login fallito. L'errore potrebbe essere causato dal fatto che la verifica in due passaggi non è attiva sul tuo account.",
"Invalid answer": "Risposta errata",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA errato",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "Il CAPTCHA è un campo obbligatorio",
"User ID is a required field": "L'ID utente è obbligatorio",
"Password is a required field": "La password è un campo obbligatorio",
"Invalid username or password": "Nome utente o password errati",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Per favore accedi con \"Entra con Google\"",
"Password cannot be empty": "La password non può essere vuota",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "La password non può contenere più di 55 caratteri",
"Please sign in": "Per favore, entra",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Feed privato Invidious per `x`",
"channel:`x`": "canale:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Canale cancellato o invalido",
"This channel does not exist.": "Canale inesistente.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Impossibile ottenere le informazioni del canale.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Impossibile recuperare i commenti",
"View `x` replies": "Visualizza `x` risposte",
"`x` ago": "`x` fa",
"Load more": "Carica altro",
"`x` points": "`x` punti",
"Could not create mix.": "Impossibile creare il mix.",
"Playlist is empty": "Playlist vuota",
"Invalid playlist.": "Playlist invalida.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Playlist inesistente.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Impossibile recuperare le tendenze.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Il campo nascosto \"challenge\" è obbligatorio",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Il campo nascosto \"token\" è obbligatorio",
"Invalid challenge": "Campo \"challenge\" invalido",
"Invalid token": "Campo \"token\" invalido",
"Invalid user": "Utente invalido",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token scaduto, riprova",
"English": "Inglese",
"English (auto-generated)": "Inglese (generati automaticamente)",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Albanian": "Albanese",
"Amharic": "Amarico",
"Arabic": "Arabo",
"Armenian": "Armeno",
"Azerbaijani": "Azero",
"Bangla": "Bengalese",
"Basque": "Basco",
"Belarusian": "Biellorusso",
"Bosnian": "Bosniaco",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgaro",
"Burmese": "Birmano",
"Catalan": "Catalano",
"Cebuano": "Sugbuanon",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Cinese semplifiato",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Cinese tradizionale",
"Corsican": "Corso",
"Croatian": "Croato",
"Czech": "Ceco",
"Danish": "Danese",
"Dutch": "Olandese",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estone",
"Filipino": "Filippino",
"Finnish": "Finlandese",
"French": "Francese",
"Galician": "Galiziano",
"Georgian": "Georgiano",
"German": "Tedesco",
"Greek": "Greco",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian Creole": "Creolo haitiano",
"Hausa": "Lingua hausa",
"Hawaiian": "Hawaiano",
"Hebrew": "Ebreo",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hmong": "Hmong",
"Hungarian": "Ungarese",
"Icelandic": "Islandese",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Indonesian": "Indonesiano",
"Irish": "Irlandese",
"Italian": "Italiano",
"Japanese": "Giapponese",
"Javanese": "Giavanese",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kazakh": "Kazaco",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Korean": "Coreano",
"Kurdish": "Curdo",
"Kyrgyz": "Kirghize",
"Lao": "Lao",
"Latin": "Latino",
"Latvian": "Lettone",
"Lithuanian": "Lituano",
"Luxembourgish": "Lussemburghese",
"Macedonian": "Macedone",
"Malagasy": "Malgascio",
"Malay": "Malese",
"Malayalam": "Lingua malayalam",
"Maltese": "Maltese",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Mongolian": "Mongolo",
"Nepali": "Nepalese",
"Norwegian": "Norvegese",
"Nyanja": "Nyanja",
"Pashto": "Lingua pashtu",
"Persian": "Persiano",
"Polish": "Polacco",
"Portuguese": "Portoghese",
"Punjabi": "Punjabi",
"Romanian": "Rumeno",
"Russian": "Russo",
"Samoan": "Samoan",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Gaelico scozzese",
"Serbian": "Serbo",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Sinhala": "Cingalese",
"Slovak": "Slovacco",
"Slovenian": "Sloveno",
"Somali": "Somalo",
"Southern Sotho": "Sotho del Sud",
"Spanish": "Spagnolo",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Spagnolo (America latina)",
"Sundanese": "Sudanese",
"Swahili": "Swahili",
"Swedish": "Svedese",
"Tajik": "Tajik",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Thai": "Thaï",
"Turkish": "Turco",
"Ukrainian": "Ucraino",
"Urdu": "Urdu",
"Uzbek": "Uzbeco",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"Welsh": "Gallese",
"Western Frisian": "Frisone occidentale",
"Xhosa": "Xhosa",
"Yiddish": "Yiddish",
"Yoruba": "Yoruba",
"Zulu": "Zulu",
"`x` years": "`x` anni",
"`x` months": "`x` mesi",
"`x` weeks": "`x` settimane",
"`x` days": "`x` giorni",
"`x` hours": "`x` ore",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minuti",
"`x` seconds": "`x` secondi",
"Fallback comments: ": "Commenti alternativi: ",
"Popular": "Popolare",
"Top": "Top",
"About": "A proposito",
"Rating: ": "Punteggio: ",
"Language: ": "Lingua: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Predefinito",
"Music": "Musica",
"Gaming": "Videogiochi",
"News": "Notizie",
"Movies": "Film",
"Download": "Scarica",
"Download as: ": "Scarica come: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%A %-d %B %Y",
"(edited)": "(modificato)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Link permanente al commento di YouTube",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` l'ha contrassegnato con un ❤",
"Audio mode": "Modalità audio",
"Video mode": "Modalità video",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` abonnenter",
"`x` videos": "`x` videoer",
"Shared `x` ago": "Delt for `x` siden",
"Unsubscribe": "Opphev abonnement",
"Subscribe": "Abonner",
"View channel on YouTube": "Vis kanal på YouTube",
"newest": "nyeste",
"oldest": "eldste",
"popular": "populært",
"last": "siste",
"Next page": "Neste side",
"Previous page": "Forrige side",
"Clear watch history?": "Tøm visningshistorikk?",
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nei",
"Import and Export Data": "Importer- og eksporter data",
"Import": "Importer",
"Import Invidious data": "Importer Invidious-data",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importer YouTube-abonnenter",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importer FreeTube-abonnenter (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importer NewPipe-abonnenter (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importer NewPipe-data (.zip)",
"Export": "Eksporter",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Eksporter abonnenter som OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Eksporter abonnenter som OPML (for NewPipe og FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Eksporter data som JSON",
"Delete account?": "Slett konto?",
"History": "Historikk",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "En alternativ grenseflate for YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript-lisensinformasjon",
"source": "kilde",
"Login": "Logg inn",
"Login/Register": "Logg inn/registrer",
"Login to Google": "Logg inn med Google",
"User ID": "Bruker-ID",
"Password": "Passord",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Tid (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Tekst-CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Bilde-CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Innlogging",
"Register": "Registrer",
"Email": "E-post",
"Google verification code": "Google-bekreftelseskode",
"Preferences": "Innstillinger",
"Player preferences": "Avspillerinnstillinger",
"Always loop: ": "Alltid gjenta: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Autoavspilling: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Autospill neste video: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Lytt som forvalg: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Mellomtjen videoer? ",
"Default speed: ": "Forvalgt hastighet: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Foretrukket videokvalitet: ",
"Player volume: ": "Avspillerlydstyrke: ",
"Default comments: ": "Forvalgte kommentarer: ",
"Default captions: ": "Forvalgte undertitler: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Tilbakefallsundertitler: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Vis relaterte videoer? ",
"Visual preferences": "Visuelle innstillinger",
"Dark mode: ": "Mørk drakt: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Tynt modus: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Abonnementsinnstillinger",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Videresend hjemmeside til flyt: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Antall videoer å vise i flyt: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Sorter videoer etter: ",
"published": "publisert",
"published - reverse": "publisert - motsatt",
"alphabetically": "alfabetisk",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabetisk - motsatt",
"channel name": "kanalnavn",
"channel name - reverse": "kanalnavn - motsatt",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Kun vis siste video fra kanal: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Kun vis siste usette video fra kanal: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Kun vis usette: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Kun vis merknader (hvis det er noen): ",
"Data preferences": "Datainnstillinger",
"Clear watch history": "Tøm visningshistorikk",
"Import/Export data": "Importer/eksporter data",
"Manage subscriptions": "Behandle abonnementer",
"Watch history": "Visningshistorikk",
"Delete account": "Slett konto",
"Administrator preferences": "Administratorinnstillinger",
"Default homepage: ": "Forvalgt hjemmeside: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Flyt-meny: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Topp påskrudd? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "CAPTCHA påskrudd? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Innlogging påskrudd? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Registrering påskrudd? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Innrapporter statistikk? ",
"Save preferences": "Lagre innstillinger",
"Subscription manager": "Abonnementsbehandler",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` abonnementer",
"Import/Export": "Importer/eksporter",
"unsubscribe": "opphev abonnement",
"Subscriptions": "Abonnement",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` usette merknader",
"search": "søk",
"Sign out": "Logg ut",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Utgitt med AGPLv3+lisens av Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Kildekode tilgjengelig her.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Vis JavaScript-lisensinfo.",
"View privacy policy.": "Vis personvernspraksis.",
"Trending": "Trendsettende",
"Unlisted": "Ulistet",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Vis video på YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Sjanger: ",
"License: ": "Lisens: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Familievennlig? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Wilson-poengsum: ",
"Engagement: ": "Engasjement: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Hvitlistede regioner: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Svartelistede regioner: ",
"Shared `x`": "Delt `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "Premiere om `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Hei. Det ser ut til at du har JavaScript avslått. Klikk her for å vise kommentarer, ha i minnet at innlasting tar lengre tid.",
"View YouTube comments": "Vis YouTube-kommentarer",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Vis flere kommenterer på Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Vis `x` kommentarer",
"View Reddit comments": "Vis Reddit-kommentarer",
"Hide replies": "Skjul svar",
"Show replies": "Vis svar",
"Incorrect password": "Feil passord",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Kvote overskredet, prøv igjen om et par timer",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Kunne ikke logge inn, forsikre deg om at tofaktor-identitetsbekreftelse (Authenticator eller SMS) er skrudd på.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Ugyldig tofaktorkode",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Innlogging mislyktes. Dette kan være fordi tofaktor-identitetsbekreftelse er skrudd av på kontoen din.",
"Invalid answer": "Ugyldig svar",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Ugyldig CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA er et påkrevd felt",
"User ID is a required field": "Bruker-ID er et påkrevd felt",
"Password is a required field": "Passord er et påkrevd felt",
"Invalid username or password": "Ugyldig brukernavn eller passord",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Logg inn ved bruk av \"Google-innlogging\"",
"Password cannot be empty": "Passordet kan ikke være tomt",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Passordet kan ikke være lengre enn 55 tegn",
"Please sign in": "Logg inn",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Ugyldig privat flyt for `x`",
"channel:`x`": "kanal `x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Slettet eller ugyldig kanal",
"This channel does not exist.": "Denne kanalen finnes ikke.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Kunne ikke innhente kanalinfo.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Kunne ikke hente kommentarer",
"View `x` replies": "Vis `x` svar",
"`x` ago": "`x` siden",
"Load more": "Last inn flere",
"`x` points": "`x` poeng",
"Could not create mix.": "Kunne ikke opprette miks.",
"Playlist is empty": "Spillelisten er tom",
"Invalid playlist.": "Ugyldig spilleliste.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Spillelisten finnes ikke.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Kunne ikke hente trendsettende sider.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Skjult felt \"utfordring\" er et påkrevd felt",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Skjult felt \"symbol\" er et påkrevd felt",
"Invalid challenge": "Ugyldig utfordring",
"Invalid token": "Ugyldig symbol",
"Invalid user": "Ugyldig bruker",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Symbol utløpt, prøv igjen",
"English": "Engelsk",
"English (auto-generated)": "Engelsk (auto-generert)",
"Afrikaans": "",
"Albanian": "Albansk",
"Amharic": "",
"Arabic": "Arabisk",
"Armenian": "Armensk",
"Azerbaijani": "",
"Bangla": "",
"Basque": "",
"Belarusian": "Hviterussisk",
"Bosnian": "Bosnisk",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarsk",
"Burmese": "Burmesisk",
"Catalan": "Katalansk",
"Cebuano": "",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "",
"Corsican": "",
"Croatian": "",
"Czech": "Tsjekkisk",
"Danish": "Dansk",
"Dutch": "",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "",
"Filipino": "",
"Finnish": "Finsk",
"French": "Fransk",
"Galician": "",
"Georgian": "",
"German": "",
"Greek": "",
"Gujarati": "",
"Haitian Creole": "",
"Hausa": "",
"Hawaiian": "",
"Hebrew": "",
"Hindi": "",
"Hmong": "",
"Hungarian": "Ungarsk",
"Icelandic": "Islandsk",
"Igbo": "",
"Indonesian": "Indonesisk",
"Irish": "Irsk",
"Italian": "Italiensk",
"Japanese": "Japansk",
"Javanese": "",
"Kannada": "",
"Kazakh": "",
"Khmer": "",
"Korean": "",
"Kurdish": "",
"Kyrgyz": "",
"Lao": "",
"Latin": "",
"Latvian": "",
"Lithuanian": "",
"Luxembourgish": "",
"Macedonian": "",
"Malagasy": "",
"Malay": "",
"Malayalam": "",
"Maltese": "",
"Maori": "",
"Marathi": "",
"Mongolian": "",
"Nepali": "",
"Norwegian": "Norsk bokmål",
"Nyanja": "",
"Pashto": "",
"Persian": "",
"Polish": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Punjabi": "",
"Romanian": "",
"Russian": "Russisk",
"Samoan": "",
"Scottish Gaelic": "",
"Serbian": "Serbisk",
"Shona": "",
"Sindhi": "",
"Sinhala": "",
"Slovak": "Slovakisk",
"Slovenian": "Slovensk",
"Somali": "Somali",
"Southern Sotho": "",
"Spanish": "Spansk",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "",
"Sundanese": "",
"Swahili": "",
"Swedish": "Svensk",
"Tajik": "",
"Tamil": "",
"Telugu": "",
"Thai": "",
"Turkish": "Tyrkisk",
"Ukrainian": "Ukrainsk",
"Urdu": "",
"Uzbek": "",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamesisk",
"Welsh": "",
"Western Frisian": "",
"Xhosa": "",
"Yiddish": "",
"Yoruba": "",
"Zulu": "",
"`x` years": "`x` år",
"`x` months": "`x` måneder",
"`x` weeks": "`x` uker",
"`x` days": "`x` dager",
"`x` hours": "`x` timer",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minutter",
"`x` seconds": "`x` sekunder",
"Fallback comments: ": "Tilbakefallskommentarer: ",
"Popular": "Pupulært",
"Top": "Topp",
"About": "Om",
"Rating: ": "Vurdering: ",
"Language: ": "Språk: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Forvalg",
"Music": "Musikk",
"Gaming": "Spill",
"News": "Nyheter",
"Movies": "Filmer",
"Download": "Last ned",
"Download as: ": "Last ned som: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "(redigert)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Permanent YouTube-lenke til innholdet",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` levnet et ❤",
"Audio mode": "Lydmodus",
"Video mode": "Video-modus",
"Videos": "Videoer",
"Playlists": "Spillelister",
"Current version: ": "Nåværende versjon: "
"`x` subscribers": "`x` abonnenter",
"`x` videos": "`x` videoer",
"Shared `x` ago": "Delt for `x` siden",
"Unsubscribe": "Opphev abonnement",
"Subscribe": "Abonner",
"View channel on YouTube": "Vis kanal på YouTube",
"newest": "nyeste",
"oldest": "eldste",
"popular": "populært",
"last": "siste",
"Next page": "Neste side",
"Previous page": "Forrige side",
"Clear watch history?": "Tøm visningshistorikk?",
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nei",
"Import and Export Data": "Importer- og eksporter data",
"Import": "Importer",
"Import Invidious data": "Importer Invidious-data",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importer YouTube-abonnenter",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importer FreeTube-abonnenter (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importer NewPipe-abonnenter (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importer NewPipe-data (.zip)",
"Export": "Eksporter",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Eksporter abonnenter som OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Eksporter abonnenter som OPML (for NewPipe og FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Eksporter data som JSON",
"Delete account?": "Slett konto?",
"History": "Historikk",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "En alternativ grenseflate for YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript-lisensinformasjon",
"source": "kilde",
"Login": "Logg inn",
"Login/Register": "Logg inn/registrer",
"Login to Google": "Logg inn med Google",
"User ID": "Bruker-ID",
"Password": "Passord",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Tid (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Tekst-CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Bilde-CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Innlogging",
"Register": "Registrer",
"Email": "E-post",
"Google verification code": "Google-bekreftelseskode",
"Preferences": "Innstillinger",
"Player preferences": "Avspillerinnstillinger",
"Always loop: ": "Alltid gjenta: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Autoavspilling: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Autospill neste video: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Lytt som forvalg: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Mellomtjen videoer? ",
"Default speed: ": "Forvalgt hastighet: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Foretrukket videokvalitet: ",
"Player volume: ": "Avspillerlydstyrke: ",
"Default comments: ": "Forvalgte kommentarer: ",
"Default captions: ": "Forvalgte undertitler: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Tilbakefallsundertitler: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Vis relaterte videoer? ",
"Visual preferences": "Visuelle innstillinger",
"Dark mode: ": "Mørk drakt: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Tynt modus: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Abonnementsinnstillinger",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Videresend hjemmeside til flyt: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Antall videoer å vise i flyt: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Sorter videoer etter: ",
"published": "publisert",
"published - reverse": "publisert - motsatt",
"alphabetically": "alfabetisk",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabetisk - motsatt",
"channel name": "kanalnavn",
"channel name - reverse": "kanalnavn - motsatt",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Kun vis siste video fra kanal: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Kun vis siste usette video fra kanal: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Kun vis usette: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Kun vis merknader (hvis det er noen): ",
"Data preferences": "Datainnstillinger",
"Clear watch history": "Tøm visningshistorikk",
"Import/Export data": "Importer/eksporter data",
"Manage subscriptions": "Behandle abonnementer",
"Watch history": "Visningshistorikk",
"Delete account": "Slett konto",
"Administrator preferences": "Administratorinnstillinger",
"Default homepage: ": "Forvalgt hjemmeside: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Flyt-meny: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Topp påskrudd? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "CAPTCHA påskrudd? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Innlogging påskrudd? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Registrering påskrudd? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Innrapporter statistikk? ",
"Save preferences": "Lagre innstillinger",
"Subscription manager": "Abonnementsbehandler",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` abonnementer",
"Import/Export": "Importer/eksporter",
"unsubscribe": "opphev abonnement",
"Subscriptions": "Abonnement",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` usette merknader",
"search": "søk",
"Sign out": "Logg ut",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Utgitt med AGPLv3+lisens av Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Kildekode tilgjengelig her.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Vis JavaScript-lisensinfo.",
"View privacy policy.": "Vis personvernspraksis.",
"Trending": "Trendsettende",
"Unlisted": "Ulistet",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Vis video på YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Sjanger: ",
"License: ": "Lisens: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Familievennlig? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Wilson-poengsum: ",
"Engagement: ": "Engasjement: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Hvitlistede regioner: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Svartelistede regioner: ",
"Shared `x`": "Delt `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "Premiere om `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Hei. Det ser ut til at du har JavaScript avslått. Klikk her for å vise kommentarer, ha i minnet at innlasting tar lengre tid.",
"View YouTube comments": "Vis YouTube-kommentarer",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Vis flere kommenterer på Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Vis `x` kommentarer",
"View Reddit comments": "Vis Reddit-kommentarer",
"Hide replies": "Skjul svar",
"Show replies": "Vis svar",
"Incorrect password": "Feil passord",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Kvote overskredet, prøv igjen om et par timer",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Kunne ikke logge inn, forsikre deg om at tofaktor-identitetsbekreftelse (Authenticator eller SMS) er skrudd på.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Ugyldig tofaktorkode",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Innlogging mislyktes. Dette kan være fordi tofaktor-identitetsbekreftelse er skrudd av på kontoen din.",
"Invalid answer": "Ugyldig svar",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Ugyldig CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA er et påkrevd felt",
"User ID is a required field": "Bruker-ID er et påkrevd felt",
"Password is a required field": "Passord er et påkrevd felt",
"Invalid username or password": "Ugyldig brukernavn eller passord",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Logg inn ved bruk av \"Google-innlogging\"",
"Password cannot be empty": "Passordet kan ikke være tomt",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Passordet kan ikke være lengre enn 55 tegn",
"Please sign in": "Logg inn",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Ugyldig privat flyt for `x`",
"channel:`x`": "kanal `x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Slettet eller ugyldig kanal",
"This channel does not exist.": "Denne kanalen finnes ikke.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Kunne ikke innhente kanalinfo.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Kunne ikke hente kommentarer",
"View `x` replies": "Vis `x` svar",
"`x` ago": "`x` siden",
"Load more": "Last inn flere",
"`x` points": "`x` poeng",
"Could not create mix.": "Kunne ikke opprette miks.",
"Playlist is empty": "Spillelisten er tom",
"Invalid playlist.": "Ugyldig spilleliste.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Spillelisten finnes ikke.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Kunne ikke hente trendsettende sider.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Skjult felt \"utfordring\" er et påkrevd felt",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Skjult felt \"symbol\" er et påkrevd felt",
"Invalid challenge": "Ugyldig utfordring",
"Invalid token": "Ugyldig symbol",
"Invalid user": "Ugyldig bruker",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Symbol utløpt, prøv igjen",
"English": "Engelsk",
"English (auto-generated)": "Engelsk (auto-generert)",
"Afrikaans": "",
"Albanian": "Albansk",
"Amharic": "",
"Arabic": "Arabisk",
"Armenian": "Armensk",
"Azerbaijani": "",
"Bangla": "",
"Basque": "",
"Belarusian": "Hviterussisk",
"Bosnian": "Bosnisk",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarsk",
"Burmese": "Burmesisk",
"Catalan": "Katalansk",
"Cebuano": "",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "",
"Corsican": "",
"Croatian": "",
"Czech": "Tsjekkisk",
"Danish": "Dansk",
"Dutch": "",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "",
"Filipino": "",
"Finnish": "Finsk",
"French": "Fransk",
"Galician": "",
"Georgian": "",
"German": "",
"Greek": "",
"Gujarati": "",
"Haitian Creole": "",
"Hausa": "",
"Hawaiian": "",
"Hebrew": "",
"Hindi": "",
"Hmong": "",
"Hungarian": "Ungarsk",
"Icelandic": "Islandsk",
"Igbo": "",
"Indonesian": "Indonesisk",
"Irish": "Irsk",
"Italian": "Italiensk",
"Japanese": "Japansk",
"Javanese": "",
"Kannada": "",
"Kazakh": "",
"Khmer": "",
"Korean": "",
"Kurdish": "",
"Kyrgyz": "",
"Lao": "",
"Latin": "",
"Latvian": "",
"Lithuanian": "",
"Luxembourgish": "",
"Macedonian": "",
"Malagasy": "",
"Malay": "",
"Malayalam": "",
"Maltese": "",
"Maori": "",
"Marathi": "",
"Mongolian": "",
"Nepali": "",
"Norwegian": "Norsk bokmål",
"Nyanja": "",
"Pashto": "",
"Persian": "",
"Polish": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Punjabi": "",
"Romanian": "",
"Russian": "Russisk",
"Samoan": "",
"Scottish Gaelic": "",
"Serbian": "Serbisk",
"Shona": "",
"Sindhi": "",
"Sinhala": "",
"Slovak": "Slovakisk",
"Slovenian": "Slovensk",
"Somali": "Somali",
"Southern Sotho": "",
"Spanish": "Spansk",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "",
"Sundanese": "",
"Swahili": "",
"Swedish": "Svensk",
"Tajik": "",
"Tamil": "",
"Telugu": "",
"Thai": "",
"Turkish": "Tyrkisk",
"Ukrainian": "Ukrainsk",
"Urdu": "",
"Uzbek": "",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamesisk",
"Welsh": "",
"Western Frisian": "",
"Xhosa": "",
"Yiddish": "",
"Yoruba": "",
"Zulu": "",
"`x` years": "`x` år",
"`x` months": "`x` måneder",
"`x` weeks": "`x` uker",
"`x` days": "`x` dager",
"`x` hours": "`x` timer",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minutter",
"`x` seconds": "`x` sekunder",
"Fallback comments: ": "Tilbakefallskommentarer: ",
"Popular": "Pupulært",
"Top": "Topp",
"About": "Om",
"Rating: ": "Vurdering: ",
"Language: ": "Språk: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Forvalg",
"Music": "Musikk",
"Gaming": "Spill",
"News": "Nyheter",
"Movies": "Filmer",
"Download": "Last ned",
"Download as: ": "Last ned som: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "(redigert)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Permanent YouTube-lenke til innholdet",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "`x` levnet et ❤",
"Audio mode": "Lydmodus",
"Video mode": "Video-modus",
"Videos": "Videoer",
"Playlists": "Spillelister",
"Current version: ": "Nåværende versjon: "
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` abonnees",
"`x` videos": "`x` videos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Gedeeld `x` geleden",
"Unsubscribe": "Abonnement opzeggen",
"Subscribe": "Abonneren",
"View channel on YouTube": "Bekijk kanaal op Youtube",
"newest": "nieuwste",
"oldest": "oudste",
"popular": "populair",
"last": "",
"Next page": "Volgende pagina",
"Previous page": "Vorige pagina",
"Clear watch history?": "Kijk geschiedenis wissen?",
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nee",
"Import and Export Data": "Importeer en Exporteer Gegevens",
"Import": "Importeren",
"Import Invidious data": "Importeer Invidious gegevens",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importeer Youtube abonnees",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importeer FreeTube abonnees (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importeer NewPipe abonnees (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importeer NewPipe gegevens (.zip)",
"Export": "Exporteren",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Exporteer abonnees als OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Exporteer abonnees als OPML (voor NewPipe & FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Exporteer gegevens als JSON",
"Delete account?": "Verwijder account?",
"History": "Geschiedenis",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Een alternatieve front-end voor YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript licentie informatie",
"source": "bron",
"Login": "Inloggen",
"Login/Register": "Inloggen/Registreren",
"Login to Google": "Inloggen op Google",
"User ID": "Gebruiker ID",
"Password": "Wachtwoord",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Tijd (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Tekst CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Afbeelding CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Aanmelden",
"Register": "Registreren",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Google verificatie code",
"Preferences": "Voorkeuren",
"Player preferences": "Afspeler voorkeuren",
"Always loop: ": "Altijd herhalen: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Automatisch afspelen: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Automatisch volgende video afspelen: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Standaard luisteren: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "",
"Default speed: ": "Standaard snelheid: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Video kwaliteit voorkeur: ",
"Player volume: ": "Afspeler volume: ",
"Default comments: ": "Standaard reacties: ",
"Default captions: ": "Standaard ondertitels: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Alternatieve ondertitels: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Laat gerelateerde videos zien? ",
"Visual preferences": "Visuele voorkeuren",
"Dark mode: ": "Donkere modus: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Smalle modus: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Abonnement voorkeuren",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Startpagina omleiden naar feed: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Aantal videos te zien in feed: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Sorteer videos op: ",
"published": "gepubliceerd",
"published - reverse": "gepubliceerd - omgekeerd",
"alphabetically": "alfabetische volgorde",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabetisch - omgekeerd",
"channel name": "kanaal naam",
"channel name - reverse": "kanaal naam - omgekeerd",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Laat alleen laatste video van kanaal zien: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Laat alleen de laatste onbekeken video zien van kanaal: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Laat alleen onbekeken videos zien: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Laat alleen notificaties zien (als die er zijn): ",
"Data preferences": "Gegevens voorkeuren",
"Clear watch history": "Kijkgeschiedenis wissen",
"Import/Export data": "Importeer/Exporteer gegevens",
"Manage subscriptions": "Abonnees beheren",
"Watch history": "Kijkgeschiedenis",
"Delete account": "Account verwijderen",
"Administrator preferences": "",
"Default homepage: ": "",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "",
"Login enabled? ": "",
"Registration enabled? ": "",
"Report statistics? ": "",
"Save preferences": "Opslaan voorkeuren",
"Subscription manager": "Abonnees beheerder",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` abonnees",
"Import/Export": "Importeer/Exporteer",
"unsubscribe": "abonnement opzeggen",
"Subscriptions": "Abonnees",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` onbekeken notificaties",
"search": "zoeken",
"Sign out": "Afmelden",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Uitgegeven onder AGPLv3 door Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Bron beschikbaar hier.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Bekijk JavaScript licentie informatie.",
"View privacy policy.": "",
"Trending": "Trending",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Bekijk video op Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Genre: ",
"License: ": "Licentie: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Gezinsvriendelijk? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Wilson score: ",
"Engagement: ": "Betrokkenheid: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Toegestane regio's: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Geblokkeerde regio's: ",
"Shared `x`": "`x` gedeeld",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Hoi! Het lijkt erop dat je JavaScript uit hebt staan. Klik hier om de reacties te bekijken, hou er rekening mee dat het wat langer duurt om te laden.",
"View YouTube comments": "Bekijk YouTube reacties",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Bekijk meer reacties op Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "`x` reacties zien",
"View Reddit comments": "Bekijk Reddit reacties",
"Hide replies": "Verberg antwoorden",
"Show replies": "Laat antwoorden zien",
"Incorrect password": "Onjuist wachtwoord",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Quota overschreden, probeer het over een paar uur opnieuw",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Niet in staat om in te loggen, zorg ervoor dat two-factor authentication (Authenticator of SMS) is ingeschakeld.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Onjuiste TFA code",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Aanmelden mislukt. Dit kan zijn omdat two-factor authentication niet is ingeschakeld voor uw account.",
"Invalid answer": "Onjuist antwoord",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Onjuiste CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA is een vereist veld",
"User ID is a required field": "Gebruiker ID is een vereist veld",
"Password is a required field": "Wachtwoord is een vereist veld",
"Invalid username or password": "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Meld u aan met 'Aanmelden met Google'",
"Password cannot be empty": "Wachtwoord mag niet leeg zijn",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Wachtwoord mag niet langer dan 55 tekens zijn",
"Please sign in": "Meld u aan",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Invidious Privé Feed voor `x`",
"channel:`x`": "kanaal:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Verwijderd of ongeldig kanaal",
"This channel does not exist.": "Dit kanaal bestaat niet.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Kan kanaal informatie niet verkrijgen.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Kan reacties niet verkrijgen",
"View `x` replies": "`x` antwoorden zien",
"`x` ago": "`x` geleden",
"Load more": "Meer laden",
"`x` points": "`x` punten",
"Could not create mix.": "Kon mix niet maken.",
"Playlist is empty": "Afspeellijst is leeg",
"Invalid playlist.": "Ongeldige afspeellijst.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Afspeellijst bestaat niet.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Kon trending paginas niet verkrijgen.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Verborgen veld \"uitdaging\" is een vereist veld",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Verborgen veld \"token\" is een vereist veld",
"Invalid challenge": "Ongeldige uitdaging",
"Invalid token": "Ongeldige token",
"Invalid user": "Ongeldige gebruiker",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token is verlopen, probeer het opnieuw",
"English": "",
"English (auto-generated)": "",
"Afrikaans": "",
"Albanian": "",
"Amharic": "",
"Arabic": "",
"Armenian": "",
"Azerbaijani": "",
"Bangla": "",
"Basque": "",
"Belarusian": "",
"Bosnian": "",
"Bulgarian": "",
"Burmese": "",
"Catalan": "",
"Cebuano": "",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "",
"Corsican": "",
"Croatian": "",
"Czech": "",
"Danish": "",
"Dutch": "",
"Esperanto": "",
"Estonian": "",
"Filipino": "",
"Finnish": "",
"French": "",
"Galician": "",
"Georgian": "",
"German": "",
"Greek": "",
"Gujarati": "",
"Haitian Creole": "",
"Hausa": "",
"Hawaiian": "",
"Hebrew": "",
"Hindi": "",
"Hmong": "",
"Hungarian": "",
"Icelandic": "",
"Igbo": "",
"Indonesian": "",
"Irish": "",
"Italian": "",
"Japanese": "",
"Javanese": "",
"Kannada": "",
"Kazakh": "",
"Khmer": "",
"Korean": "",
"Kurdish": "",
"Kyrgyz": "",
"Lao": "",
"Latin": "",
"Latvian": "",
"Lithuanian": "",
"Luxembourgish": "",
"Macedonian": "",
"Malagasy": "",
"Malay": "",
"Malayalam": "",
"Maltese": "",
"Maori": "",
"Marathi": "",
"Mongolian": "",
"Nepali": "",
"Norwegian": "",
"Nyanja": "",
"Pashto": "",
"Persian": "",
"Polish": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Punjabi": "",
"Romanian": "",
"Russian": "",
"Samoan": "",
"Scottish Gaelic": "",
"Serbian": "",
"Shona": "",
"Sindhi": "",
"Sinhala": "",
"Slovak": "",
"Slovenian": "",
"Somali": "",
"Southern Sotho": "",
"Spanish": "",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "",
"Sundanese": "",
"Swahili": "",
"Swedish": "",
"Tajik": "",
"Tamil": "",
"Telugu": "",
"Thai": "",
"Turkish": "",
"Ukrainian": "",
"Urdu": "",
"Uzbek": "",
"Vietnamese": "",
"Welsh": "",
"Western Frisian": "",
"Xhosa": "",
"Yiddish": "",
"Yoruba": "",
"Zulu": "",
"`x` years": "`x` jaar",
"`x` months": "`x` maanden",
"`x` weeks": "`x` weken",
"`x` days": "`x` dagen",
"`x` hours": "`x` uur",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minuten",
"`x` seconds": "`x` seconden",
"Fallback comments: ": "",
"Popular": "",
"Top": "",
"About": "",
"Rating: ": "",
"Language: ": "",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "",
"Music": "",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "",
"Movies": "",
"Download": "",
"Download as: ": "",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
"`x` subscribers": "`x` abonnees",
"`x` videos": "`x` videos",
"Shared `x` ago": "Gedeeld `x` geleden",
"Unsubscribe": "Abonnement opzeggen",
"Subscribe": "Abonneren",
"View channel on YouTube": "Bekijk kanaal op Youtube",
"newest": "nieuwste",
"oldest": "oudste",
"popular": "populair",
"last": "",
"Next page": "Volgende pagina",
"Previous page": "Vorige pagina",
"Clear watch history?": "Kijk geschiedenis wissen?",
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nee",
"Import and Export Data": "Importeer en Exporteer Gegevens",
"Import": "Importeren",
"Import Invidious data": "Importeer Invidious gegevens",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importeer Youtube abonnees",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importeer FreeTube abonnees (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importeer NewPipe abonnees (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importeer NewPipe gegevens (.zip)",
"Export": "Exporteren",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Exporteer abonnees als OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Exporteer abonnees als OPML (voor NewPipe & FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Exporteer gegevens als JSON",
"Delete account?": "Verwijder account?",
"History": "Geschiedenis",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Een alternatieve front-end voor YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "JavaScript licentie informatie",
"source": "bron",
"Login": "Inloggen",
"Login/Register": "Inloggen/Registreren",
"Login to Google": "Inloggen op Google",
"User ID": "Gebruiker ID",
"Password": "Wachtwoord",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Tijd (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Tekst CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Afbeelding CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Aanmelden",
"Register": "Registreren",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Google verificatie code",
"Preferences": "Voorkeuren",
"Player preferences": "Afspeler voorkeuren",
"Always loop: ": "Altijd herhalen: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Automatisch afspelen: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Automatisch volgende video afspelen: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Standaard luisteren: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "",
"Default speed: ": "Standaard snelheid: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Video kwaliteit voorkeur: ",
"Player volume: ": "Afspeler volume: ",
"Default comments: ": "Standaard reacties: ",
"Default captions: ": "Standaard ondertitels: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Alternatieve ondertitels: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Laat gerelateerde videos zien? ",
"Visual preferences": "Visuele voorkeuren",
"Dark mode: ": "Donkere modus: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Smalle modus: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Abonnement voorkeuren",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Startpagina omleiden naar feed: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Aantal videos te zien in feed: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Sorteer videos op: ",
"published": "gepubliceerd",
"published - reverse": "gepubliceerd - omgekeerd",
"alphabetically": "alfabetische volgorde",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabetisch - omgekeerd",
"channel name": "kanaal naam",
"channel name - reverse": "kanaal naam - omgekeerd",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Laat alleen laatste video van kanaal zien: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Laat alleen de laatste onbekeken video zien van kanaal: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Laat alleen onbekeken videos zien: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Laat alleen notificaties zien (als die er zijn): ",
"Data preferences": "Gegevens voorkeuren",
"Clear watch history": "Kijkgeschiedenis wissen",
"Import/Export data": "Importeer/Exporteer gegevens",
"Manage subscriptions": "Abonnees beheren",
"Watch history": "Kijkgeschiedenis",
"Delete account": "Account verwijderen",
"Administrator preferences": "",
"Default homepage: ": "",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "",
"Login enabled? ": "",
"Registration enabled? ": "",
"Report statistics? ": "",
"Save preferences": "Opslaan voorkeuren",
"Subscription manager": "Abonnees beheerder",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` abonnees",
"Import/Export": "Importeer/Exporteer",
"unsubscribe": "abonnement opzeggen",
"Subscriptions": "Abonnees",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` onbekeken notificaties",
"search": "zoeken",
"Sign out": "Afmelden",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Uitgegeven onder AGPLv3 door Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Bron beschikbaar hier.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Bekijk JavaScript licentie informatie.",
"View privacy policy.": "",
"Trending": "Trending",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Bekijk video op Youtube",
"Genre: ": "Genre: ",
"License: ": "Licentie: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Gezinsvriendelijk? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Wilson score: ",
"Engagement: ": "Betrokkenheid: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Toegestane regio's: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Geblokkeerde regio's: ",
"Shared `x`": "`x` gedeeld",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Hoi! Het lijkt erop dat je JavaScript uit hebt staan. Klik hier om de reacties te bekijken, hou er rekening mee dat het wat langer duurt om te laden.",
"View YouTube comments": "Bekijk YouTube reacties",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Bekijk meer reacties op Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "`x` reacties zien",
"View Reddit comments": "Bekijk Reddit reacties",
"Hide replies": "Verberg antwoorden",
"Show replies": "Laat antwoorden zien",
"Incorrect password": "Onjuist wachtwoord",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Quota overschreden, probeer het over een paar uur opnieuw",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Niet in staat om in te loggen, zorg ervoor dat two-factor authentication (Authenticator of SMS) is ingeschakeld.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Onjuiste TFA code",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Aanmelden mislukt. Dit kan zijn omdat two-factor authentication niet is ingeschakeld voor uw account.",
"Invalid answer": "Onjuist antwoord",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Onjuiste CAPTCHA",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA is een vereist veld",
"User ID is a required field": "Gebruiker ID is een vereist veld",
"Password is a required field": "Wachtwoord is een vereist veld",
"Invalid username or password": "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Meld u aan met 'Aanmelden met Google'",
"Password cannot be empty": "Wachtwoord mag niet leeg zijn",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Wachtwoord mag niet langer dan 55 tekens zijn",
"Please sign in": "Meld u aan",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Invidious Privé Feed voor `x`",
"channel:`x`": "kanaal:`x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Verwijderd of ongeldig kanaal",
"This channel does not exist.": "Dit kanaal bestaat niet.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Kan kanaal informatie niet verkrijgen.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Kan reacties niet verkrijgen",
"View `x` replies": "`x` antwoorden zien",
"`x` ago": "`x` geleden",
"Load more": "Meer laden",
"`x` points": "`x` punten",
"Could not create mix.": "Kon mix niet maken.",
"Playlist is empty": "Afspeellijst is leeg",
"Invalid playlist.": "Ongeldige afspeellijst.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Afspeellijst bestaat niet.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Kon trending paginas niet verkrijgen.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Verborgen veld \"uitdaging\" is een vereist veld",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Verborgen veld \"token\" is een vereist veld",
"Invalid challenge": "Ongeldige uitdaging",
"Invalid token": "Ongeldige token",
"Invalid user": "Ongeldige gebruiker",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token is verlopen, probeer het opnieuw",
"English": "",
"English (auto-generated)": "",
"Afrikaans": "",
"Albanian": "",
"Amharic": "",
"Arabic": "",
"Armenian": "",
"Azerbaijani": "",
"Bangla": "",
"Basque": "",
"Belarusian": "",
"Bosnian": "",
"Bulgarian": "",
"Burmese": "",
"Catalan": "",
"Cebuano": "",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "",
"Corsican": "",
"Croatian": "",
"Czech": "",
"Danish": "",
"Dutch": "",
"Esperanto": "",
"Estonian": "",
"Filipino": "",
"Finnish": "",
"French": "",
"Galician": "",
"Georgian": "",
"German": "",
"Greek": "",
"Gujarati": "",
"Haitian Creole": "",
"Hausa": "",
"Hawaiian": "",
"Hebrew": "",
"Hindi": "",
"Hmong": "",
"Hungarian": "",
"Icelandic": "",
"Igbo": "",
"Indonesian": "",
"Irish": "",
"Italian": "",
"Japanese": "",
"Javanese": "",
"Kannada": "",
"Kazakh": "",
"Khmer": "",
"Korean": "",
"Kurdish": "",
"Kyrgyz": "",
"Lao": "",
"Latin": "",
"Latvian": "",
"Lithuanian": "",
"Luxembourgish": "",
"Macedonian": "",
"Malagasy": "",
"Malay": "",
"Malayalam": "",
"Maltese": "",
"Maori": "",
"Marathi": "",
"Mongolian": "",
"Nepali": "",
"Norwegian": "",
"Nyanja": "",
"Pashto": "",
"Persian": "",
"Polish": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Punjabi": "",
"Romanian": "",
"Russian": "",
"Samoan": "",
"Scottish Gaelic": "",
"Serbian": "",
"Shona": "",
"Sindhi": "",
"Sinhala": "",
"Slovak": "",
"Slovenian": "",
"Somali": "",
"Southern Sotho": "",
"Spanish": "",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "",
"Sundanese": "",
"Swahili": "",
"Swedish": "",
"Tajik": "",
"Tamil": "",
"Telugu": "",
"Thai": "",
"Turkish": "",
"Ukrainian": "",
"Urdu": "",
"Uzbek": "",
"Vietnamese": "",
"Welsh": "",
"Western Frisian": "",
"Xhosa": "",
"Yiddish": "",
"Yoruba": "",
"Zulu": "",
"`x` years": "`x` jaar",
"`x` months": "`x` maanden",
"`x` weeks": "`x` weken",
"`x` days": "`x` dagen",
"`x` hours": "`x` uur",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minuten",
"`x` seconds": "`x` seconden",
"Fallback comments: ": "",
"Popular": "",
"Top": "",
"About": "",
"Rating: ": "",
"Language: ": "",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "",
"Music": "",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "",
"Movies": "",
"Download": "",
"Download as: ": "",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
@ -1,296 +1,296 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` subskrybcji",
"`x` videos": "`x` filmów",
"Shared `x` ago": "Udostępniono `x` temu",
"Unsubscribe": "Odsubskrybuj",
"Subscribe": "Subskrybuj",
"View channel on YouTube": "Wyświetl kanał na YouTube",
"newest": "najnowsze",
"oldest": "najstarsze",
"popular": "popularne",
"last": "ostatnie",
"Next page": "Następna strona",
"Previous page": "Poprzednia strona",
"Clear watch history?": "Wyczyścić historię?",
"Yes": "Tak",
"No": "Nie",
"Import and Export Data": "Import i eksport danych",
"Import": "Import",
"Import Invidious data": "Importuj dane Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importuj subskrybcje z YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importuj subskrybcje z FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importuj subskrybcje z NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importuj dane NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Eksport",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Eksportuj subskrybcje jako OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Eksportuj subskrybcje jako OPML (dla NewPipe i FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Eksportuj dane jako JSON",
"Delete account?": "Usunąć konto?",
"History": "Historia",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Alternatywny front-end dla YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Informacja o licencji JavaScript",
"source": "źródło",
"Login": "Zaloguj",
"Login/Register": "Zaloguj/Zarejestruj",
"Login to Google": "Zaloguj do Google",
"User ID": "ID użytkownika",
"Password": "Hasło",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Godzina (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Tekst CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Obraz CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Zaloguj się",
"Register": "Zarejestruj się",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Kod weryfikacyjny Google",
"Preferences": "Preferencje",
"Player preferences": "Ustawienia odtwarzacza",
"Always loop: ": "Zawsze zapętlaj: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Autoodtwarzanie: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Odtwórz następny film: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Tryb dźwiękowy: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Filmy przez proxy? ",
"Default speed: ": "Domyślna prędkość: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Preferowana jakość filmów: ",
"Player volume: ": "Głośność odtwarzacza: ",
"Default comments: ": "Domyślne komentarze: ",
"Default captions: ": "Domyślne napisy: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Zastępcze napisy: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Pokaż powiązane filmy? ",
"Visual preferences": "Preferencje Wizualne",
"Dark mode: ": "Ciemny motyw: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Tryb minimalny: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Preferencje subskrybcji",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Przekieruj stronę główną do subskrybcji: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Liczba filmów widoczna na stronie subskrybcji: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Sortuj filmy: ",
"published": "po czasie publikacji",
"published - reverse": "po czasie publikacji od najstarszych",
"alphabetically": "alfabetycznie",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabetycznie od tyłu",
"channel name": "po nazwie kanału",
"channel name - reverse": "po nazwie kanału od tyłu",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Pokazuj tylko najnowszy film z kanału: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Pokazuj tylko najnowszy nie obejrzany film z kanału: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Pokazuj tylko nie obejrzane: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Pokazuj tylko powiadomienia (jeśli są): ",
"Data preferences": "Preferencje danych",
"Clear watch history": "Wyczyść historię",
"Import/Export data": "Import/Eksport danych",
"Manage subscriptions": "Organizuj subskrybcje",
"Watch history": "Historia",
"Delete account": "Usuń konto",
"Administrator preferences": "Preferencje administratora",
"Default homepage: ": "Domyślna strona główna: ",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "CAPTCHA aktywna? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Logowanie włączone? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Rejestracja włączona? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Raportować statystyki? ",
"Save preferences": "Zapisz preferencje",
"Subscription manager": "Manager subskrybcji",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` subskrybcji",
"Import/Export": "Import/Eksport",
"unsubscribe": "odsubskrybuj",
"Subscriptions": "Subskrybcje",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` niewidzianych powiadomień",
"search": "szukaj",
"Sign out": "Wyloguj",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Wydano na licencji AGPLv3 przez Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Kod źródłowy dostępny tutaj.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Wyświetl informację o licencji JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Polityka prywatności.",
"Trending": "Na czasie",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Zobacz film na YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Gatunek: ",
"License: ": "Licencja: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Przyjazny rodzinie? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Punktacja Wilsona: ",
"Engagement: ": "Zaangażowanie: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Dostępny na obszarach: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Niedostępny na obszarach: ",
"Shared `x`": "Udostępniono `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Cześć! Wygląda na to, że masz wyłączoną obsługę JavaScriptu. Kliknij tutaj, żeby zobaczyć komentarze. Pamiętaj, że wczytywanie może potrwać dłużej.",
"View YouTube comments": "Wyświetl komentarze z YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Wyświetl więcej komentarzy na Reddicie",
"View `x` comments": "Wyświetl `x` komentarzy",
"View Reddit comments": "Wyświetl komentarze z Redditta",
"Hide replies": "Ukryj odpowiedzi",
"Show replies": "Pokaż odpowiedzi",
"Incorrect password": "Niepoprawne hasło",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Przekroczony limit zapytań, spróbuj ponownie za kilka godzin",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Nie udało się zalogować, upewnij się, że dwuetapowe uwierzytelnianie (Autentykator lub SMS) jest aktywne.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Niepoprawny kod TFA",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Nie udało się zalogować. To może być spowodowane wyłączoną dwustopniową autoryzacją na twoim koncie.",
"Invalid answer": "Niepoprawna odpowiedź",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA wykonane błędnie",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA jest polem wymaganym",
"User ID is a required field": "ID użytkownika jest polem wymaganym",
"Password is a required field": "Hasło jest polem wymaganym",
"Invalid username or password": "Niepoprawny login lub hasło",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Zaloguj się używając \"Zaloguj się przez Google\"",
"Password cannot be empty": "Hasło nie może być puste",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Hasło nie może być dłuższe niż 55 znaków",
"Please sign in": "Proszę się zalogować",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "",
"channel:`x`": "kanał:`x",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Usunięty lub niepoprawny kanał",
"This channel does not exist.": "Ten kanał nie istnieje.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Nie udało się uzyskać informacji o kanale.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Nie udało się pobrać komentarzy",
"View `x` replies": "Wyświetl `x` odpowiedzi",
"`x` ago": "`x` temu",
"Load more": "Wczytaj więcej",
"`x` points": "`x` punktów",
"Could not create mix.": "Nie udało się utworzyć miksu.",
"Playlist is empty": "Lista odtwarzania jest pusta",
"Invalid playlist.": "Niepoprawna lista.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Lista odtwarzania nie istnieje.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Nie udało się pobrać strony na czasie.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Ukryte pole \"wyzwanie\" jest polem wymaganym",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Ukryte pole \"token\" jest polem wymaganym",
"Invalid challenge": "Niepoprawne wyzwanie",
"Invalid token": "Niepoprawny token",
"Invalid user": "Niepoprawny użytkownik",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token wygasł, spróbuj ponownie",
"English": "angielski",
"English (auto-generated)": "angielski (automatycznie generowane)",
"Afrikaans": "afrykanerski",
"Albanian": "albański",
"Amharic": "amharski",
"Arabic": "arabski",
"Armenian": "armeński",
"Azerbaijani": "azerski",
"Bangla": "bengalski",
"Basque": "baskijski",
"Belarusian": "białoruski",
"Bosnian": "bośniacki",
"Bulgarian": "bułgarski",
"Burmese": "birmański",
"Catalan": "kataloński",
"Cebuano": "cebuański",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "chiński (uproszczony)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "chiński (tradycyjny)",
"Corsican": "korsykański",
"Croatian": "chorwacki",
"Czech": "czeski",
"Danish": "duński",
"Dutch": "holenderski",
"Esperanto": "esperanto",
"Estonian": "estoński",
"Filipino": "filipiński",
"Finnish": "fiński",
"French": "francuski",
"Galician": "galicyjski",
"Georgian": "gruziński",
"German": "niemiecki",
"Greek": "grecki",
"Gujarati": "gudźarati",
"Haitian Creole": "kreolski haitański",
"Hausa": "hausa",
"Hawaiian": "hawajski",
"Hebrew": "hebrajski",
"Hindi": "hindi",
"Hmong": "hmong",
"Hungarian": "węgierski",
"Icelandic": "islandzki",
"Igbo": "ibo",
"Indonesian": "indonezyjski",
"Irish": "irlandzki",
"Italian": "włoski",
"Japanese": "japoński",
"Javanese": "jawajski",
"Kannada": "kannada",
"Kazakh": "kazachski",
"Khmer": "khmerski",
"Korean": "koreański",
"Kurdish": "kurdyjski",
"Kyrgyz": "kirgiski",
"Lao": "laotański",
"Latin": "łaciński",
"Latvian": "łotewski",
"Lithuanian": "litewski",
"Luxembourgish": "luksemburski",
"Macedonian": "macedoński",
"Malagasy": "malgaski",
"Malay": "malajski",
"Malayalam": "malajalam",
"Maltese": "maltański",
"Maori": "maoryski",
"Marathi": "marathi",
"Mongolian": "mongolski",
"Nepali": "nepalski",
"Norwegian": "norweski",
"Nyanja": "njandża",
"Pashto": "paszto",
"Persian": "perski",
"Polish": "polski",
"Portuguese": "portugalski",
"Punjabi": "pendżabski",
"Romanian": "rumuński",
"Russian": "rosyjski",
"Samoan": "samoański",
"Scottish Gaelic": "gaelicki szkocki",
"Serbian": "serbski",
"Shona": "shona",
"Sindhi": "sindhi",
"Sinhala": "syngaleski",
"Slovak": "słowacki",
"Slovenian": "słoweński",
"Somali": "somalijski",
"Southern Sotho": "sotho południowy",
"Spanish": "hiszpański",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "hiszpański (ameryka łacińska)",
"Sundanese": "sundajski",
"Swahili": "suahili",
"Swedish": "szwedzki",
"Tajik": "tadżycki",
"Tamil": "tamilski",
"Telugu": "telugu",
"Thai": "tajski",
"Turkish": "turecki",
"Ukrainian": "ukraiński",
"Urdu": "urdu",
"Uzbek": "uzbecki",
"Vietnamese": "wietnamski",
"Welsh": "walijski",
"Western Frisian": "zachodniofryzyjski",
"Xhosa": "xhosa",
"Yiddish": "jidysz",
"Yoruba": "joruba",
"Zulu": "zuluski",
"`x` years": "`x` lat",
"`x` months": "`x` miesięcy",
"`x` weeks": "`x` tygodni",
"`x` days": "`x` dni",
"`x` hours": "`x` godzin",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minut",
"`x` seconds": "`x` sekund",
"Fallback comments: ": "Zastępcze komentarze: ",
"Popular": "Popularne",
"Top": "Najczęściej oglądane",
"About": "Informacje",
"Rating: ": "Ocena: ",
"Language: ": "Język: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Domyślnie",
"Music": "Muzyka",
"Gaming": "Gry",
"News": "Wiadomości",
"Movies": "Filmy",
"Download": "Pobierz",
"Download as: ": "Pobierz jako: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "(edytowany)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Odnośnik bezpośredni do komentarza na YouTube",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "'x' oznaczonych ❤",
"Audio mode": "Tryb audio",
"Video mode": "Tryb wideo",
"Videos": "Filmy",
"Playlists": "Playlisty",
"Current version: ": "Aktualna wersja: "
"`x` subscribers": "`x` subskrybcji",
"`x` videos": "`x` filmów",
"Shared `x` ago": "Udostępniono `x` temu",
"Unsubscribe": "Odsubskrybuj",
"Subscribe": "Subskrybuj",
"View channel on YouTube": "Wyświetl kanał na YouTube",
"newest": "najnowsze",
"oldest": "najstarsze",
"popular": "popularne",
"last": "ostatnie",
"Next page": "Następna strona",
"Previous page": "Poprzednia strona",
"Clear watch history?": "Wyczyścić historię?",
"Yes": "Tak",
"No": "Nie",
"Import and Export Data": "Import i eksport danych",
"Import": "Import",
"Import Invidious data": "Importuj dane Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Importuj subskrybcje z YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Importuj subskrybcje z FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Importuj subskrybcje z NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Importuj dane NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Eksport",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Eksportuj subskrybcje jako OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Eksportuj subskrybcje jako OPML (dla NewPipe i FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Eksportuj dane jako JSON",
"Delete account?": "Usunąć konto?",
"History": "Historia",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Alternatywny front-end dla YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Informacja o licencji JavaScript",
"source": "źródło",
"Login": "Zaloguj",
"Login/Register": "Zaloguj/Zarejestruj",
"Login to Google": "Zaloguj do Google",
"User ID": "ID użytkownika",
"Password": "Hasło",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Godzina (h:mm:ss):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Tekst CAPTCHA",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Obraz CAPTCHA",
"Sign In": "Zaloguj się",
"Register": "Zarejestruj się",
"Email": "Email",
"Google verification code": "Kod weryfikacyjny Google",
"Preferences": "Preferencje",
"Player preferences": "Ustawienia odtwarzacza",
"Always loop: ": "Zawsze zapętlaj: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Autoodtwarzanie: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Odtwórz następny film: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Tryb dźwiękowy: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Filmy przez proxy? ",
"Default speed: ": "Domyślna prędkość: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Preferowana jakość filmów: ",
"Player volume: ": "Głośność odtwarzacza: ",
"Default comments: ": "Domyślne komentarze: ",
"Default captions: ": "Domyślne napisy: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Zastępcze napisy: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Pokaż powiązane filmy? ",
"Visual preferences": "Preferencje Wizualne",
"Dark mode: ": "Ciemny motyw: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Tryb minimalny: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Preferencje subskrybcji",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Przekieruj stronę główną do subskrybcji: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Liczba filmów widoczna na stronie subskrybcji: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Sortuj filmy: ",
"published": "po czasie publikacji",
"published - reverse": "po czasie publikacji od najstarszych",
"alphabetically": "alfabetycznie",
"alphabetically - reverse": "alfabetycznie od tyłu",
"channel name": "po nazwie kanału",
"channel name - reverse": "po nazwie kanału od tyłu",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Pokazuj tylko najnowszy film z kanału: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Pokazuj tylko najnowszy nie obejrzany film z kanału: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Pokazuj tylko nie obejrzane: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Pokazuj tylko powiadomienia (jeśli są): ",
"Data preferences": "Preferencje danych",
"Clear watch history": "Wyczyść historię",
"Import/Export data": "Import/Eksport danych",
"Manage subscriptions": "Organizuj subskrybcje",
"Watch history": "Historia",
"Delete account": "Usuń konto",
"Administrator preferences": "Preferencje administratora",
"Default homepage: ": "Domyślna strona główna: ",
"Feed menu: ": "",
"Top enabled? ": "",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "CAPTCHA aktywna? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Logowanie włączone? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Rejestracja włączona? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Raportować statystyki? ",
"Save preferences": "Zapisz preferencje",
"Subscription manager": "Manager subskrybcji",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` subskrybcji",
"Import/Export": "Import/Eksport",
"unsubscribe": "odsubskrybuj",
"Subscriptions": "Subskrybcje",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` niewidzianych powiadomień",
"search": "szukaj",
"Sign out": "Wyloguj",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Wydano na licencji AGPLv3 przez Omar Roth.",
"Source available here.": "Kod źródłowy dostępny tutaj.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Wyświetl informację o licencji JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Polityka prywatności.",
"Trending": "Na czasie",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Zobacz film na YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Gatunek: ",
"License: ": "Licencja: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Przyjazny rodzinie? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Punktacja Wilsona: ",
"Engagement: ": "Zaangażowanie: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Dostępny na obszarach: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Niedostępny na obszarach: ",
"Shared `x`": "Udostępniono `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Cześć! Wygląda na to, że masz wyłączoną obsługę JavaScriptu. Kliknij tutaj, żeby zobaczyć komentarze. Pamiętaj, że wczytywanie może potrwać dłużej.",
"View YouTube comments": "Wyświetl komentarze z YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Wyświetl więcej komentarzy na Reddicie",
"View `x` comments": "Wyświetl `x` komentarzy",
"View Reddit comments": "Wyświetl komentarze z Redditta",
"Hide replies": "Ukryj odpowiedzi",
"Show replies": "Pokaż odpowiedzi",
"Incorrect password": "Niepoprawne hasło",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Przekroczony limit zapytań, spróbuj ponownie za kilka godzin",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Nie udało się zalogować, upewnij się, że dwuetapowe uwierzytelnianie (Autentykator lub SMS) jest aktywne.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Niepoprawny kod TFA",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Nie udało się zalogować. To może być spowodowane wyłączoną dwustopniową autoryzacją na twoim koncie.",
"Invalid answer": "Niepoprawna odpowiedź",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "CAPTCHA wykonane błędnie",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "CAPTCHA jest polem wymaganym",
"User ID is a required field": "ID użytkownika jest polem wymaganym",
"Password is a required field": "Hasło jest polem wymaganym",
"Invalid username or password": "Niepoprawny login lub hasło",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Zaloguj się używając \"Zaloguj się przez Google\"",
"Password cannot be empty": "Hasło nie może być puste",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Hasło nie może być dłuższe niż 55 znaków",
"Please sign in": "Proszę się zalogować",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "",
"channel:`x`": "kanał:`x",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Usunięty lub niepoprawny kanał",
"This channel does not exist.": "Ten kanał nie istnieje.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Nie udało się uzyskać informacji o kanale.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Nie udało się pobrać komentarzy",
"View `x` replies": "Wyświetl `x` odpowiedzi",
"`x` ago": "`x` temu",
"Load more": "Wczytaj więcej",
"`x` points": "`x` punktów",
"Could not create mix.": "Nie udało się utworzyć miksu.",
"Playlist is empty": "Lista odtwarzania jest pusta",
"Invalid playlist.": "Niepoprawna lista.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Lista odtwarzania nie istnieje.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Nie udało się pobrać strony na czasie.",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Ukryte pole \"wyzwanie\" jest polem wymaganym",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Ukryte pole \"token\" jest polem wymaganym",
"Invalid challenge": "Niepoprawne wyzwanie",
"Invalid token": "Niepoprawny token",
"Invalid user": "Niepoprawny użytkownik",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Token wygasł, spróbuj ponownie",
"English": "angielski",
"English (auto-generated)": "angielski (automatycznie generowane)",
"Afrikaans": "afrykanerski",
"Albanian": "albański",
"Amharic": "amharski",
"Arabic": "arabski",
"Armenian": "armeński",
"Azerbaijani": "azerski",
"Bangla": "bengalski",
"Basque": "baskijski",
"Belarusian": "białoruski",
"Bosnian": "bośniacki",
"Bulgarian": "bułgarski",
"Burmese": "birmański",
"Catalan": "kataloński",
"Cebuano": "cebuański",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "chiński (uproszczony)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "chiński (tradycyjny)",
"Corsican": "korsykański",
"Croatian": "chorwacki",
"Czech": "czeski",
"Danish": "duński",
"Dutch": "holenderski",
"Esperanto": "esperanto",
"Estonian": "estoński",
"Filipino": "filipiński",
"Finnish": "fiński",
"French": "francuski",
"Galician": "galicyjski",
"Georgian": "gruziński",
"German": "niemiecki",
"Greek": "grecki",
"Gujarati": "gudźarati",
"Haitian Creole": "kreolski haitański",
"Hausa": "hausa",
"Hawaiian": "hawajski",
"Hebrew": "hebrajski",
"Hindi": "hindi",
"Hmong": "hmong",
"Hungarian": "węgierski",
"Icelandic": "islandzki",
"Igbo": "ibo",
"Indonesian": "indonezyjski",
"Irish": "irlandzki",
"Italian": "włoski",
"Japanese": "japoński",
"Javanese": "jawajski",
"Kannada": "kannada",
"Kazakh": "kazachski",
"Khmer": "khmerski",
"Korean": "koreański",
"Kurdish": "kurdyjski",
"Kyrgyz": "kirgiski",
"Lao": "laotański",
"Latin": "łaciński",
"Latvian": "łotewski",
"Lithuanian": "litewski",
"Luxembourgish": "luksemburski",
"Macedonian": "macedoński",
"Malagasy": "malgaski",
"Malay": "malajski",
"Malayalam": "malajalam",
"Maltese": "maltański",
"Maori": "maoryski",
"Marathi": "marathi",
"Mongolian": "mongolski",
"Nepali": "nepalski",
"Norwegian": "norweski",
"Nyanja": "njandża",
"Pashto": "paszto",
"Persian": "perski",
"Polish": "polski",
"Portuguese": "portugalski",
"Punjabi": "pendżabski",
"Romanian": "rumuński",
"Russian": "rosyjski",
"Samoan": "samoański",
"Scottish Gaelic": "gaelicki szkocki",
"Serbian": "serbski",
"Shona": "shona",
"Sindhi": "sindhi",
"Sinhala": "syngaleski",
"Slovak": "słowacki",
"Slovenian": "słoweński",
"Somali": "somalijski",
"Southern Sotho": "sotho południowy",
"Spanish": "hiszpański",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "hiszpański (ameryka łacińska)",
"Sundanese": "sundajski",
"Swahili": "suahili",
"Swedish": "szwedzki",
"Tajik": "tadżycki",
"Tamil": "tamilski",
"Telugu": "telugu",
"Thai": "tajski",
"Turkish": "turecki",
"Ukrainian": "ukraiński",
"Urdu": "urdu",
"Uzbek": "uzbecki",
"Vietnamese": "wietnamski",
"Welsh": "walijski",
"Western Frisian": "zachodniofryzyjski",
"Xhosa": "xhosa",
"Yiddish": "jidysz",
"Yoruba": "joruba",
"Zulu": "zuluski",
"`x` years": "`x` lat",
"`x` months": "`x` miesięcy",
"`x` weeks": "`x` tygodni",
"`x` days": "`x` dni",
"`x` hours": "`x` godzin",
"`x` minutes": "`x` minut",
"`x` seconds": "`x` sekund",
"Fallback comments: ": "Zastępcze komentarze: ",
"Popular": "Popularne",
"Top": "Najczęściej oglądane",
"About": "Informacje",
"Rating: ": "Ocena: ",
"Language: ": "Język: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "Domyślnie",
"Music": "Muzyka",
"Gaming": "Gry",
"News": "Wiadomości",
"Movies": "Filmy",
"Download": "Pobierz",
"Download as: ": "Pobierz jako: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "(edytowany)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Odnośnik bezpośredni do komentarza na YouTube",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "'x' oznaczonych ❤",
"Audio mode": "Tryb audio",
"Video mode": "Tryb wideo",
"Videos": "Filmy",
"Playlists": "Playlisty",
"Current version: ": "Aktualna wersja: "
@ -1,298 +1,298 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` подписчиков",
"`x` videos": "`x` видео",
"Shared `x` ago": "Опубликовано `x` назад",
"Unsubscribe": "Отписаться",
"Subscribe": "Подписаться",
"View channel on YouTube": "Канал на YouTube",
"newest": "новые",
"oldest": "старые",
"popular": "популярные",
"last": "недавно обновленные",
"Next page": "Следующая страница",
"Previous page": "Предыдущая страница",
"Clear watch history?": "Очистить историю просмотров?",
"Yes": "Да",
"No": "Нет",
"Import and Export Data": "Импорт и экспорт данных",
"Import": "Импорт",
"Import Invidious data": "Импортировать данные Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Импортировать YouTube подписки",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Импортировать FreeTube подписки (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Импортировать NewPipe подписки (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Импортировать данные NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Экспорт",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Экспортировать подписки в OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Экспортировать подписки в OPML (для NewPipe и FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Экспортировать данные в JSON",
"Delete account?": "Удалить аккаунт?",
"History": "История",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Альтернативный фронтенд для YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Лицензии JavaScript",
"source": "источник",
"Login": "Войти",
"Login/Register": "Войти/Регистрация",
"Login to Google": "Войти через Google",
"User ID": "ID пользователя",
"Password": "Пароль",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Время (ч:мм:сс):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Текст капчи",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Изображение капчи",
"Sign In": "Войти",
"Register": "Регистрация",
"Email": "Эл. почта",
"Google verification code": "Код подтверждения Google",
"Preferences": "Настройки",
"Player preferences": "Настройки проигрывателя",
"Always loop: ": "Всегда повторять: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Автовоспроизведение: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Автовоспроизведение следующего видео: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Режим \"только аудио\" по-умолчанию: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Проксировать видео? ",
"Default speed: ": "Скорость по умолчанию: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Предпочтительное качество видео: ",
"Player volume: ": "Громкость воспроизведения: ",
"Default comments: ": "Источник комментариев: ",
"youtube": "YouTube",
"reddit": "Reddit",
"Default captions: ": "Субтитры по умолчанию: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Резервные субтитры: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Показывать похожие видео? ",
"Visual preferences": "Визуальные настройки",
"Dark mode: ": "Темная тема: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Облегченный режим: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Настройки подписок",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Отображать ленту вместо главной страницы: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Число видео в ленте: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Сортировать видео по: ",
"published": "дате публикации",
"published - reverse": "дате - обратный порядок",
"alphabetically": "алфавиту",
"alphabetically - reverse": "алфавиту - обратный порядок",
"channel name": "имени канала",
"channel name - reverse": "имени канала - обратный порядок",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Отображать только последние видео с каждого канала: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Отображать только непросмотренные видео с каждого канала: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Отображать только непросмотренные видео: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Отображать только оповещения (если есть): ",
"Data preferences": "Настройки данных",
"Clear watch history": "Очистить историю просмотра",
"Import/Export data": "Импорт/Экспорт данных",
"Manage subscriptions": "Управление подписками",
"Watch history": "История просмотров",
"Delete account": "Удалить аккаунт",
"Administrator preferences": "Настройки администратора",
"Default homepage: ": "Главная страница по умолчанию: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Меню ленты: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Включить топ? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "Включить капчу? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Включить логин? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Включить регистрацию? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Отображать статистику? ",
"Save preferences": "Сохранить настройки",
"Subscription manager": "Менеджер подписок",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` подписок",
"Import/Export": "Импорт/Экспорт",
"unsubscribe": "отписаться",
"Subscriptions": "Подписки",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` новых оповещений",
"search": "поиск",
"Sign out": "Выйти",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Распространяется Omar Roth по AGPLv3.",
"Source available here.": "Исходный код доступен здесь.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Посмотреть лицензии JavaScript кода.",
"View privacy policy.": "См. политику конфиденциальности.",
"Trending": "В тренде",
"Unlisted": "Доступно по ссылке",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Смотреть на YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Жанр: ",
"License: ": "Лицензия: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Семейный просмотр: ",
"Wilson score: ": "Рейтинг Уилсона: ",
"Engagement: ": "Вовлеченность: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Доступно для: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Недоступно для: ",
"Shared `x`": "Опубликовано `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "Премьера через `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Похоже, что у Вас отключен JavaScript. Нажмите сюда, чтобы увидеть комментарии (учтите, что они могут загружаться дольше).",
"View YouTube comments": "Смотреть комментарии с YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Больше комментариев на Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Показать `x` комментариев",
"View Reddit comments": "Смотреть комментарии с Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Скрыть ответы",
"Show replies": "Показать ответы",
"Incorrect password": "Неправильный пароль",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Превышена квота, попробуйте снова через несколько часов",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Вход не выполнен, проверьте, не включена ли двухфакторная аутентификация.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Неправильный TFA код",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Не удалось войти. Это может быть из-за того, что в вашем аккаунте не включена двухфакторная аутентификация.",
"Invalid answer": "Неверный ответ",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Неверная капча",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "Необходимо ввести капчу",
"User ID is a required field": "Необходимо ввести идентификатор пользователя",
"Password is a required field": "Необходимо ввести пароль",
"Invalid username or password": "Недопустимый пароль или имя пользователя",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Пожалуйста войдите через Google",
"Password cannot be empty": "Пароль не может быть пустым",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Пароль не может быть длиннее 55 символов",
"Please sign in": "Пожалуйста, войдите",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Приватная лента Invidious для `x`",
"channel:`x`": "канал: `x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Канал удален или не найден",
"This channel does not exist.": "Такой канал не существует.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Невозможно получить информацию о канале.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Невозможно получить комментарии",
"View `x` replies": "Показать `x` ответов",
"`x` ago": "`x` назад",
"Load more": "Загрузить больше",
"`x` points": "`x` очков",
"Could not create mix.": "Невозможно создать \"микс\".",
"Playlist is empty": "Плейлист пуст",
"Invalid playlist.": "Некорректный плейлист.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Плейлист не существует.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Невозможно получить страницы \"в тренде\".",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Необходимо заполнить скрытое поле \"challenge\"",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Необходимо заполнить скрытое поле \"токен\"",
"Invalid challenge": "Неправильный ответ в \"challenge\"",
"Invalid token": "Неправильный токен",
"Invalid user": "Недопустимое имя пользователя",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Срок действия токена истек, попробуйте позже",
"English": "Английский",
"English (auto-generated)": "Английский (созданы автоматически)",
"Afrikaans": "Африкаанс",
"Albanian": "Албанский",
"Amharic": "Амхарский",
"Arabic": "Арабский",
"Armenian": "Армянский",
"Azerbaijani": "Азербайджанский",
"Bangla": "Бенгальский",
"Basque": "Баскский",
"Belarusian": "Белорусский",
"Bosnian": "Боснийский",
"Bulgarian": "Болгарский",
"Burmese": "Бирманский",
"Catalan": "Каталонский",
"Cebuano": "Себуанский",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Китайский (упрощенный)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Китайский (традиционный)",
"Corsican": "Корсиканский",
"Croatian": "Хорватский",
"Czech": "Чешский",
"Danish": "Датский",
"Dutch": "Нидерландский",
"Esperanto": "Эсперанто",
"Estonian": "Эстонский",
"Filipino": "Филиппинский",
"Finnish": "Финский",
"French": "Французский",
"Galician": "Галисийский",
"Georgian": "Грузинский",
"German": "Немецкий",
"Greek": "Греческий",
"Gujarati": "Гуджаратский",
"Haitian Creole": "Гаит. креольский",
"Hausa": "Хауса",
"Hawaiian": "Гавайский",
"Hebrew": "Иврит",
"Hindi": "Хинди",
"Hmong": "Хмонг (мяо)",
"Hungarian": "Венгерский",
"Icelandic": "Исландский",
"Igbo": "Игбо",
"Indonesian": "Индонезийский",
"Irish": "Ирландский",
"Italian": "Итальянский",
"Japanese": "Японский",
"Javanese": "Яванский",
"Kannada": "Каннада",
"Kazakh": "Казахский",
"Khmer": "Кхмерский",
"Korean": "Корейский",
"Kurdish": "Курдский",
"Kyrgyz": "Киргизский",
"Lao": "Лаосский",
"Latin": "Латинский",
"Latvian": "Латышский",
"Lithuanian": "Литовский",
"Luxembourgish": "Люксембургский",
"Macedonian": "Македонский",
"Malagasy": "Малагасийский",
"Malay": "Малайский",
"Malayalam": "Малаялам",
"Maltese": "Мальтийский",
"Maori": "Маори",
"Marathi": "Маратхи",
"Mongolian": "Монгольская",
"Nepali": "Непальский",
"Norwegian": "Норвежский",
"Nyanja": "Ньянджа",
"Pashto": "Пушту",
"Persian": "Персидский",
"Polish": "Польский",
"Portuguese": "Португальский",
"Punjabi": "Панджаби",
"Romanian": "Румынский",
"Russian": "Русский",
"Samoan": "Самоанский",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Шотландский (гэльский)",
"Serbian": "Сербский",
"Shona": "Шона",
"Sindhi": "Синдхи",
"Sinhala": "Сингальский",
"Slovak": "Словацкий",
"Slovenian": "Словенский",
"Somali": "Сомалийский",
"Southern Sotho": "Сесото (южный сото)",
"Spanish": "Испанский",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Испанский (Латинская Америка)",
"Sundanese": "Сунданский",
"Swahili": "Суахили",
"Swedish": "Шведский",
"Tajik": "Таджикский",
"Tamil": "Тамильский",
"Telugu": "Телугу",
"Thai": "Тайский",
"Turkish": "Турецкий",
"Ukrainian": "Украинский",
"Urdu": "Урду",
"Uzbek": "Узбекский",
"Vietnamese": "Вьетнамский",
"Welsh": "Валлийский",
"Western Frisian": "Западнофризский",
"Xhosa": "Коса",
"Yiddish": "Идиш",
"Yoruba": "Йоруба",
"Zulu": "Зулусский",
"`x` years": "`x` лет",
"`x` months": "`x` месяцев",
"`x` weeks": "`x` недель",
"`x` days": "`x` дней",
"`x` hours": "`x` часов",
"`x` minutes": "`x` минут",
"`x` seconds": "`x` секунд",
"Fallback comments: ": "Резервные комментарии: ",
"Popular": "Популярное",
"Top": "Топ",
"About": "О сайте",
"Rating: ": "Рейтинг: ",
"Language: ": "Язык: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "По-умолчанию",
"Music": "Музыка",
"Gaming": "Игры",
"News": "Новости",
"Movies": "Фильмы",
"Download": "Скачать",
"Download as: ": "Скачать как: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%-d %B %Y, %A",
"(edited)": "(изменено)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Прямая ссылка на YouTube",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "❤ от автора канала \"`x`\"",
"Audio mode": "Аудио режим",
"Video mode": "Видео режим",
"Videos": "Видео",
"Playlists": "Плейлисты",
"Current version: ": "Текущая версия: "
"`x` subscribers": "`x` подписчиков",
"`x` videos": "`x` видео",
"Shared `x` ago": "Опубликовано `x` назад",
"Unsubscribe": "Отписаться",
"Subscribe": "Подписаться",
"View channel on YouTube": "Канал на YouTube",
"newest": "новые",
"oldest": "старые",
"popular": "популярные",
"last": "недавно обновленные",
"Next page": "Следующая страница",
"Previous page": "Предыдущая страница",
"Clear watch history?": "Очистить историю просмотров?",
"Yes": "Да",
"No": "Нет",
"Import and Export Data": "Импорт и экспорт данных",
"Import": "Импорт",
"Import Invidious data": "Импортировать данные Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Импортировать YouTube подписки",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Импортировать FreeTube подписки (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Импортировать NewPipe подписки (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Импортировать данные NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Экспорт",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Экспортировать подписки в OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Экспортировать подписки в OPML (для NewPipe и FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Экспортировать данные в JSON",
"Delete account?": "Удалить аккаунт?",
"History": "История",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Альтернативный фронтенд для YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Лицензии JavaScript",
"source": "источник",
"Login": "Войти",
"Login/Register": "Войти/Регистрация",
"Login to Google": "Войти через Google",
"User ID": "ID пользователя",
"Password": "Пароль",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Время (ч:мм:сс):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Текст капчи",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Изображение капчи",
"Sign In": "Войти",
"Register": "Регистрация",
"Email": "Эл. почта",
"Google verification code": "Код подтверждения Google",
"Preferences": "Настройки",
"Player preferences": "Настройки проигрывателя",
"Always loop: ": "Всегда повторять: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Автовоспроизведение: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Автовоспроизведение следующего видео: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Режим \"только аудио\" по-умолчанию: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Проксировать видео? ",
"Default speed: ": "Скорость по умолчанию: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Предпочтительное качество видео: ",
"Player volume: ": "Громкость воспроизведения: ",
"Default comments: ": "Источник комментариев: ",
"youtube": "YouTube",
"reddit": "Reddit",
"Default captions: ": "Субтитры по умолчанию: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Резервные субтитры: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Показывать похожие видео? ",
"Visual preferences": "Визуальные настройки",
"Dark mode: ": "Темная тема: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Облегченный режим: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Настройки подписок",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Отображать ленту вместо главной страницы: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Число видео в ленте: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Сортировать видео по: ",
"published": "дате публикации",
"published - reverse": "дате - обратный порядок",
"alphabetically": "алфавиту",
"alphabetically - reverse": "алфавиту - обратный порядок",
"channel name": "имени канала",
"channel name - reverse": "имени канала - обратный порядок",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Отображать только последние видео с каждого канала: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Отображать только непросмотренные видео с каждого канала: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Отображать только непросмотренные видео: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Отображать только оповещения (если есть): ",
"Data preferences": "Настройки данных",
"Clear watch history": "Очистить историю просмотра",
"Import/Export data": "Импорт/Экспорт данных",
"Manage subscriptions": "Управление подписками",
"Watch history": "История просмотров",
"Delete account": "Удалить аккаунт",
"Administrator preferences": "Настройки администратора",
"Default homepage: ": "Главная страница по умолчанию: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Меню ленты: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Включить топ? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "Включить капчу? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Включить логин? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Включить регистрацию? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Отображать статистику? ",
"Save preferences": "Сохранить настройки",
"Subscription manager": "Менеджер подписок",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` подписок",
"Import/Export": "Импорт/Экспорт",
"unsubscribe": "отписаться",
"Subscriptions": "Подписки",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` новых оповещений",
"search": "поиск",
"Sign out": "Выйти",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Распространяется Omar Roth по AGPLv3.",
"Source available here.": "Исходный код доступен здесь.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Посмотреть лицензии JavaScript кода.",
"View privacy policy.": "См. политику конфиденциальности.",
"Trending": "В тренде",
"Unlisted": "Доступно по ссылке",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Смотреть на YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Жанр: ",
"License: ": "Лицензия: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Семейный просмотр: ",
"Wilson score: ": "Рейтинг Уилсона: ",
"Engagement: ": "Вовлеченность: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Доступно для: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Недоступно для: ",
"Shared `x`": "Опубликовано `x`",
"`x` views": "",
"Premieres in `x`": "Премьера через `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Похоже, что у Вас отключен JavaScript. Нажмите сюда, чтобы увидеть комментарии (учтите, что они могут загружаться дольше).",
"View YouTube comments": "Смотреть комментарии с YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Больше комментариев на Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Показать `x` комментариев",
"View Reddit comments": "Смотреть комментарии с Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Скрыть ответы",
"Show replies": "Показать ответы",
"Incorrect password": "Неправильный пароль",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Превышена квота, попробуйте снова через несколько часов",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Вход не выполнен, проверьте, не включена ли двухфакторная аутентификация.",
"Invalid TFA code": "Неправильный TFA код",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Не удалось войти. Это может быть из-за того, что в вашем аккаунте не включена двухфакторная аутентификация.",
"Invalid answer": "Неверный ответ",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Неверная капча",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "Необходимо ввести капчу",
"User ID is a required field": "Необходимо ввести идентификатор пользователя",
"Password is a required field": "Необходимо ввести пароль",
"Invalid username or password": "Недопустимый пароль или имя пользователя",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Пожалуйста войдите через Google",
"Password cannot be empty": "Пароль не может быть пустым",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Пароль не может быть длиннее 55 символов",
"Please sign in": "Пожалуйста, войдите",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Приватная лента Invidious для `x`",
"channel:`x`": "канал: `x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Канал удален или не найден",
"This channel does not exist.": "Такой канал не существует.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Невозможно получить информацию о канале.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Невозможно получить комментарии",
"View `x` replies": "Показать `x` ответов",
"`x` ago": "`x` назад",
"Load more": "Загрузить больше",
"`x` points": "`x` очков",
"Could not create mix.": "Невозможно создать \"микс\".",
"Playlist is empty": "Плейлист пуст",
"Invalid playlist.": "Некорректный плейлист.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Плейлист не существует.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Невозможно получить страницы \"в тренде\".",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "Необходимо заполнить скрытое поле \"challenge\"",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "Необходимо заполнить скрытое поле \"токен\"",
"Invalid challenge": "Неправильный ответ в \"challenge\"",
"Invalid token": "Неправильный токен",
"Invalid user": "Недопустимое имя пользователя",
"Token is expired, please try again": "Срок действия токена истек, попробуйте позже",
"English": "Английский",
"English (auto-generated)": "Английский (созданы автоматически)",
"Afrikaans": "Африкаанс",
"Albanian": "Албанский",
"Amharic": "Амхарский",
"Arabic": "Арабский",
"Armenian": "Армянский",
"Azerbaijani": "Азербайджанский",
"Bangla": "Бенгальский",
"Basque": "Баскский",
"Belarusian": "Белорусский",
"Bosnian": "Боснийский",
"Bulgarian": "Болгарский",
"Burmese": "Бирманский",
"Catalan": "Каталонский",
"Cebuano": "Себуанский",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "Китайский (упрощенный)",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "Китайский (традиционный)",
"Corsican": "Корсиканский",
"Croatian": "Хорватский",
"Czech": "Чешский",
"Danish": "Датский",
"Dutch": "Нидерландский",
"Esperanto": "Эсперанто",
"Estonian": "Эстонский",
"Filipino": "Филиппинский",
"Finnish": "Финский",
"French": "Французский",
"Galician": "Галисийский",
"Georgian": "Грузинский",
"German": "Немецкий",
"Greek": "Греческий",
"Gujarati": "Гуджаратский",
"Haitian Creole": "Гаит. креольский",
"Hausa": "Хауса",
"Hawaiian": "Гавайский",
"Hebrew": "Иврит",
"Hindi": "Хинди",
"Hmong": "Хмонг (мяо)",
"Hungarian": "Венгерский",
"Icelandic": "Исландский",
"Igbo": "Игбо",
"Indonesian": "Индонезийский",
"Irish": "Ирландский",
"Italian": "Итальянский",
"Japanese": "Японский",
"Javanese": "Яванский",
"Kannada": "Каннада",
"Kazakh": "Казахский",
"Khmer": "Кхмерский",
"Korean": "Корейский",
"Kurdish": "Курдский",
"Kyrgyz": "Киргизский",
"Lao": "Лаосский",
"Latin": "Латинский",
"Latvian": "Латышский",
"Lithuanian": "Литовский",
"Luxembourgish": "Люксембургский",
"Macedonian": "Македонский",
"Malagasy": "Малагасийский",
"Malay": "Малайский",
"Malayalam": "Малаялам",
"Maltese": "Мальтийский",
"Maori": "Маори",
"Marathi": "Маратхи",
"Mongolian": "Монгольская",
"Nepali": "Непальский",
"Norwegian": "Норвежский",
"Nyanja": "Ньянджа",
"Pashto": "Пушту",
"Persian": "Персидский",
"Polish": "Польский",
"Portuguese": "Португальский",
"Punjabi": "Панджаби",
"Romanian": "Румынский",
"Russian": "Русский",
"Samoan": "Самоанский",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Шотландский (гэльский)",
"Serbian": "Сербский",
"Shona": "Шона",
"Sindhi": "Синдхи",
"Sinhala": "Сингальский",
"Slovak": "Словацкий",
"Slovenian": "Словенский",
"Somali": "Сомалийский",
"Southern Sotho": "Сесото (южный сото)",
"Spanish": "Испанский",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "Испанский (Латинская Америка)",
"Sundanese": "Сунданский",
"Swahili": "Суахили",
"Swedish": "Шведский",
"Tajik": "Таджикский",
"Tamil": "Тамильский",
"Telugu": "Телугу",
"Thai": "Тайский",
"Turkish": "Турецкий",
"Ukrainian": "Украинский",
"Urdu": "Урду",
"Uzbek": "Узбекский",
"Vietnamese": "Вьетнамский",
"Welsh": "Валлийский",
"Western Frisian": "Западнофризский",
"Xhosa": "Коса",
"Yiddish": "Идиш",
"Yoruba": "Йоруба",
"Zulu": "Зулусский",
"`x` years": "`x` лет",
"`x` months": "`x` месяцев",
"`x` weeks": "`x` недель",
"`x` days": "`x` дней",
"`x` hours": "`x` часов",
"`x` minutes": "`x` минут",
"`x` seconds": "`x` секунд",
"Fallback comments: ": "Резервные комментарии: ",
"Popular": "Популярное",
"Top": "Топ",
"About": "О сайте",
"Rating: ": "Рейтинг: ",
"Language: ": "Язык: ",
"View as playlist": "",
"Default": "По-умолчанию",
"Music": "Музыка",
"Gaming": "Игры",
"News": "Новости",
"Movies": "Фильмы",
"Download": "Скачать",
"Download as: ": "Скачать как: ",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "%-d %B %Y, %A",
"(edited)": "(изменено)",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "Прямая ссылка на YouTube",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "❤ от автора канала \"`x`\"",
"Audio mode": "Аудио режим",
"Video mode": "Видео режим",
"Videos": "Видео",
"Playlists": "Плейлисты",
"Current version: ": "Текущая версия: "
@ -1,295 +1,295 @@
"`x` subscribers": "`x` підписник / підписників / підписника",
"`x` videos": "`x` відео",
"Shared `x` ago": "Розміщено `x` назад",
"Unsubscribe": "Відписатися",
"Subscribe": "Підписатися",
"Login to subscribe to `x`": "Увійдіть, щоб підписатися на `x`",
"View channel on YouTube": "Подивитися канал на YouTube",
"newest": "найновіше",
"oldest": "найстаріше",
"popular": "популярне",
"last": "останнє",
"Next page": "Наступна сторінка",
"Previous page": "Попередня сторінка",
"Clear watch history?": "Очистити історію переглядів?",
"Yes": "Так",
"No": "Ні",
"Import and Export Data": "Імпорт і експорт даних",
"Import": "Імпорт",
"Import Invidious data": "Імпортувати дані Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Імпортувати підписки з YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Імпортувати підписки з FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Імпортувати підписки з NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Імпортувати дані з NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Експорт",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Експортувати підписки у форматі OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Експортувати підписки у форматі OPML (для NewPipe та FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Експортувати дані у форматі JSON",
"Delete account?": "Видалити обліківку?",
"History": "Історія",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Альтернативний фронтенд до YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Інформація щодо ліцензій JavaScript",
"source": "джерело",
"Login": "Увійти",
"Login/Register": "Увійти або зареєструватися",
"Login to Google": "Увійти через Google",
"User ID:": "ID користувача:",
"Password:": "Пароль:",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Час (г:мм:сс):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Текст капчі",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Зображення капчі",
"Sign In": "Увійти",
"Register": "Зареєструватися",
"Email:": "Електронна пошта:",
"Google verification code:": "Код підтвердження Google:",
"Preferences": "Налаштування",
"Player preferences": "Налаштування програвача",
"Always loop: ": "Завжди повторювати: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Автовідтворення: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Автовідтворення наступного відео: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Режим «тільки звук» як усталений: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Програвати відео через проксі? ",
"Default speed: ": "Усталена швидкість відео: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Пріорітетна якість відео: ",
"Player volume: ": "Гучність відео: ",
"Default comments: ": "Джерело коментарів: ",
"Default captions: ": "Основна мова субтитрів: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Запасна мова субтитрів: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Показувати схожі відео? ",
"Visual preferences": "Налаштування сайту",
"Dark mode: ": "Темне оформлення: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Полегшене оформлення: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Налаштування підписок",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Показувати відео з каналів, на які підписані, як головну сторінку: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Кількість відео з каналів, на які підписані, у потоці: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Сортувати відео: ",
"published": "за датою розміщення",
"published - reverse": "за датою розміщення в зворотному порядку",
"alphabetically": "за абеткою",
"alphabetically - reverse": "за абеткою в зворотному порядку",
"channel name": "за назвою каналу",
"channel name - reverse": "за назвою каналу в зворотному порядку",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Показувати тільки останнє відео з каналів: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Показувати тільки непереглянуті відео з каналів: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Показувати тільки непереглянуті відео: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Показувати лише сповіщення, якщо вони є: ",
"Data preferences": "Налаштування даних",
"Clear watch history": "Очистити історію переглядів",
"Import/Export data": "Імпорт і експорт даних",
"Manage subscriptions": "Керування підписками",
"Watch history": "Історія переглядів",
"Delete account": "Видалити обліківку",
"Administrator preferences": "Адміністраторські налаштування",
"Default homepage: ": "Усталена домашня сторінка: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Меню потоку з відео: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Увімкнути топ відео? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "Увімкнути капчу? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Увімкнути авторизацію? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Увімкнути реєстрацію? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Повідомляти статистику? ",
"Save preferences": "Зберегти налаштування",
"Subscription manager": "Менеджер підписок",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` підписка / підписок / підписки",
"Import/Export": "Імпорт і експорт",
"unsubscribe": "відписатися",
"Subscriptions": "Підписки",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` непереглянуте сповіщення / непереглянутих сповіщень / непереглянутих сповіщення",
"search": "пошук",
"Sign out": "Вийти",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Реалізовано Омаром Ротом за ліцензією AGPLv3.",
"Source available here.": "Програмний код доступний тут.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Переглянути інформацію щодо ліцензії JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Переглянути політику приватності.",
"Trending": "У тренді",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Дивитися відео на YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Жанр: ",
"License: ": "Ліцензія: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Перегляд із родиною? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Рейтинг Вілсона: ",
"Engagement: ": "Залученість: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Доступно у регіонах: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Недоступно у регіонах: ",
"Shared `x`": "Розміщено `x`",
"Premieres in `x`": "Прем’єра через `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Схоже, у вас відключений JavaScript. Щоб побачити коментарі, натисніть сюда, але майте на увазі, що вони можуть завантажуватися трохи довше.",
"View YouTube comments": "Переглянути коментарі з YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Переглянути більше коментарів на Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Переглянути `x` коментар / коментарів / коментаря",
"View Reddit comments": "Переглянути коментарі з Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Сховати відповіді",
"Show replies": "Показати відповіді",
"Incorrect password": "Неправильний пароль",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Ліміт перевищено, спробуйте знову за декілька годин",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Не вдається увійти. Перевірте, чи не ввімкнена двофакторна аутентифікація (за кодом чи смс).",
"Invalid TFA code": "Неправильний код двофакторної аутентифікації",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Не вдається увійти. Це може бути через те, що у вашій обліківці не ввімкнена двофакторна аутентифікація.",
"Invalid answer": "Неправильна відповідь",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Неправильна капча",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "Необхідно пройти капчу",
"User ID is a required field": "Необхідно ввести ID користувача",
"Password is a required field": "Необхідно ввести пароль",
"Invalid username or password": "Неправильний логін чи пароль",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Будь ласка, натисніть «Увійдіть через Google»",
"Password cannot be empty": "Пароль не може бути порожнім",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Пароль не може бути довшим за 55 знаків",
"Please sign in": "Будь ласка, увійдіть",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Приватний поток відео Invidious для `x`",
"channel:`x`": "канал: `x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Канал видалено або не знайдено",
"This channel does not exist.": "Такого каналу не існує.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Не вдається отримати інформацію щодо цього каналу.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Не вдається завантажити коментарі",
"View `x` replies": "Переглянути `x` відповідь / відповідей / відповіді",
"`x` ago": "`x` тому",
"Load more": "Завантажити більше",
"`x` points": "`x` очко / очок / очка",
"Could not create mix.": "Не вдається створити мікс.",
"Playlist is empty": "Плейлист порожній",
"Invalid playlist.": "Недійсний плейлист.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Плейлист не існує.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Не вдається завантажити сторінки «у тренді».",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "",
"Invalid challenge": "",
"Invalid token": "",
"Invalid user": "",
"Token is expired, please try again": "",
"English": "",
"English (auto-generated)": "",
"Afrikaans": "",
"Albanian": "",
"Amharic": "",
"Arabic": "",
"Armenian": "",
"Azerbaijani": "",
"Bangla": "",
"Basque": "",
"Belarusian": "",
"Bosnian": "",
"Bulgarian": "",
"Burmese": "",
"Catalan": "",
"Cebuano": "",
"Chinese (Simplified)": "",
"Chinese (Traditional)": "",
"Corsican": "",
"Croatian": "",
"Czech": "",
"Danish": "",
"Dutch": "",
"Esperanto": "",
"Estonian": "",
"Filipino": "",
"Finnish": "",
"French": "",
"Galician": "",
"Georgian": "",
"German": "",
"Greek": "",
"Gujarati": "",
"Haitian Creole": "",
"Hausa": "",
"Hawaiian": "",
"Hebrew": "",
"Hindi": "",
"Hmong": "",
"Hungarian": "",
"Icelandic": "",
"Igbo": "",
"Indonesian": "",
"Irish": "",
"Italian": "",
"Japanese": "",
"Javanese": "",
"Kannada": "",
"Kazakh": "",
"Khmer": "",
"Korean": "",
"Kurdish": "",
"Kyrgyz": "",
"Lao": "",
"Latin": "",
"Latvian": "",
"Lithuanian": "",
"Luxembourgish": "",
"Macedonian": "",
"Malagasy": "",
"Malay": "",
"Malayalam": "",
"Maltese": "",
"Maori": "",
"Marathi": "",
"Mongolian": "",
"Nepali": "",
"Norwegian": "",
"Nyanja": "",
"Pashto": "",
"Persian": "",
"Polish": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Punjabi": "",
"Romanian": "",
"Russian": "",
"Samoan": "",
"Scottish Gaelic": "",
"Serbian": "",
"Shona": "",
"Sindhi": "",
"Sinhala": "",
"Slovak": "",
"Slovenian": "",
"Somali": "",
"Southern Sotho": "",
"Spanish": "",
"Spanish (Latin America)": "",
"Sundanese": "",
"Swahili": "",
"Swedish": "",
"Tajik": "",
"Tamil": "",
"Telugu": "",
"Thai": "",
"Turkish": "",
"Ukrainian": "",
"Urdu": "",
"Uzbek": "",
"Vietnamese": "",
"Welsh": "",
"Western Frisian": "",
"Xhosa": "",
"Yiddish": "",
"Yoruba": "",
"Zulu": "",
"`x` years": "",
"`x` months": "",
"`x` weeks": "",
"`x` days": "",
"`x` hours": "",
"`x` minutes": "",
"`x` seconds": "",
"Fallback comments: ": "",
"Popular": "",
"Top": "",
"About": "",
"Rating: ": "",
"Language: ": "",
"Default": "",
"Music": "",
"Gaming": "",
"News": "",
"Movies": "",
"Download": "",
"Download as: ": "",
"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "",
"Youtube permalink of the comment": "",
"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
"`x` subscribers": "`x` підписник / підписників / підписника",
"`x` videos": "`x` відео",
"Shared `x` ago": "Розміщено `x` назад",
"Unsubscribe": "Відписатися",
"Subscribe": "Підписатися",
"Login to subscribe to `x`": "Увійдіть, щоб підписатися на `x`",
"View channel on YouTube": "Подивитися канал на YouTube",
"newest": "найновіше",
"oldest": "найстаріше",
"popular": "популярне",
"last": "останнє",
"Next page": "Наступна сторінка",
"Previous page": "Попередня сторінка",
"Clear watch history?": "Очистити історію переглядів?",
"Yes": "Так",
"No": "Ні",
"Import and Export Data": "Імпорт і експорт даних",
"Import": "Імпорт",
"Import Invidious data": "Імпортувати дані Invidious",
"Import YouTube subscriptions": "Імпортувати підписки з YouTube",
"Import FreeTube subscriptions (.db)": "Імпортувати підписки з FreeTube (.db)",
"Import NewPipe subscriptions (.json)": "Імпортувати підписки з NewPipe (.json)",
"Import NewPipe data (.zip)": "Імпортувати дані з NewPipe (.zip)",
"Export": "Експорт",
"Export subscriptions as OPML": "Експортувати підписки у форматі OPML",
"Export subscriptions as OPML (for NewPipe & FreeTube)": "Експортувати підписки у форматі OPML (для NewPipe та FreeTube)",
"Export data as JSON": "Експортувати дані у форматі JSON",
"Delete account?": "Видалити обліківку?",
"History": "Історія",
"An alternative front-end to YouTube": "Альтернативний фронтенд до YouTube",
"JavaScript license information": "Інформація щодо ліцензій JavaScript",
"source": "джерело",
"Login": "Увійти",
"Login/Register": "Увійти або зареєструватися",
"Login to Google": "Увійти через Google",
"User ID:": "ID користувача:",
"Password:": "Пароль:",
"Time (h:mm:ss):": "Час (г:мм:сс):",
"Text CAPTCHA": "Текст капчі",
"Image CAPTCHA": "Зображення капчі",
"Sign In": "Увійти",
"Register": "Зареєструватися",
"Email:": "Електронна пошта:",
"Google verification code:": "Код підтвердження Google:",
"Preferences": "Налаштування",
"Player preferences": "Налаштування програвача",
"Always loop: ": "Завжди повторювати: ",
"Autoplay: ": "Автовідтворення: ",
"Autoplay next video: ": "Автовідтворення наступного відео: ",
"Listen by default: ": "Режим «тільки звук» як усталений: ",
"Proxy videos? ": "Програвати відео через проксі? ",
"Default speed: ": "Усталена швидкість відео: ",
"Preferred video quality: ": "Пріорітетна якість відео: ",
"Player volume: ": "Гучність відео: ",
"Default comments: ": "Джерело коментарів: ",
"Default captions: ": "Основна мова субтитрів: ",
"Fallback captions: ": "Запасна мова субтитрів: ",
"Show related videos? ": "Показувати схожі відео? ",
"Visual preferences": "Налаштування сайту",
"Dark mode: ": "Темне оформлення: ",
"Thin mode: ": "Полегшене оформлення: ",
"Subscription preferences": "Налаштування підписок",
"Redirect homepage to feed: ": "Показувати відео з каналів, на які підписані, як головну сторінку: ",
"Number of videos shown in feed: ": "Кількість відео з каналів, на які підписані, у потоці: ",
"Sort videos by: ": "Сортувати відео: ",
"published": "за датою розміщення",
"published - reverse": "за датою розміщення в зворотному порядку",
"alphabetically": "за абеткою",
"alphabetically - reverse": "за абеткою в зворотному порядку",
"channel name": "за назвою каналу",
"channel name - reverse": "за назвою каналу в зворотному порядку",
"Only show latest video from channel: ": "Показувати тільки останнє відео з каналів: ",
"Only show latest unwatched video from channel: ": "Показувати тільки непереглянуті відео з каналів: ",
"Only show unwatched: ": "Показувати тільки непереглянуті відео: ",
"Only show notifications (if there are any): ": "Показувати лише сповіщення, якщо вони є: ",
"Data preferences": "Налаштування даних",
"Clear watch history": "Очистити історію переглядів",
"Import/Export data": "Імпорт і експорт даних",
"Manage subscriptions": "Керування підписками",
"Watch history": "Історія переглядів",
"Delete account": "Видалити обліківку",
"Administrator preferences": "Адміністраторські налаштування",
"Default homepage: ": "Усталена домашня сторінка: ",
"Feed menu: ": "Меню потоку з відео: ",
"Top enabled? ": "Увімкнути топ відео? ",
"CAPTCHA enabled? ": "Увімкнути капчу? ",
"Login enabled? ": "Увімкнути авторизацію? ",
"Registration enabled? ": "Увімкнути реєстрацію? ",
"Report statistics? ": "Повідомляти статистику? ",
"Save preferences": "Зберегти налаштування",
"Subscription manager": "Менеджер підписок",
"`x` subscriptions": "`x` підписка / підписок / підписки",
"Import/Export": "Імпорт і експорт",
"unsubscribe": "відписатися",
"Subscriptions": "Підписки",
"`x` unseen notifications": "`x` непереглянуте сповіщення / непереглянутих сповіщень / непереглянутих сповіщення",
"search": "пошук",
"Sign out": "Вийти",
"Released under the AGPLv3 by Omar Roth.": "Реалізовано Омаром Ротом за ліцензією AGPLv3.",
"Source available here.": "Програмний код доступний тут.",
"View JavaScript license information.": "Переглянути інформацію щодо ліцензії JavaScript.",
"View privacy policy.": "Переглянути політику приватності.",
"Trending": "У тренді",
"Unlisted": "",
"Watch video on Youtube": "Дивитися відео на YouTube",
"Genre: ": "Жанр: ",
"License: ": "Ліцензія: ",
"Family friendly? ": "Перегляд із родиною? ",
"Wilson score: ": "Рейтинг Вілсона: ",
"Engagement: ": "Залученість: ",
"Whitelisted regions: ": "Доступно у регіонах: ",
"Blacklisted regions: ": "Недоступно у регіонах: ",
"Shared `x`": "Розміщено `x`",
"Premieres in `x`": "Прем’єра через `x`",
"Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Click here to view comments, keep in mind it may take a bit longer to load.": "Схоже, у вас відключений JavaScript. Щоб побачити коментарі, натисніть сюда, але майте на увазі, що вони можуть завантажуватися трохи довше.",
"View YouTube comments": "Переглянути коментарі з YouTube",
"View more comments on Reddit": "Переглянути більше коментарів на Reddit",
"View `x` comments": "Переглянути `x` коментар / коментарів / коментаря",
"View Reddit comments": "Переглянути коментарі з Reddit",
"Hide replies": "Сховати відповіді",
"Show replies": "Показати відповіді",
"Incorrect password": "Неправильний пароль",
"Quota exceeded, try again in a few hours": "Ліміт перевищено, спробуйте знову за декілька годин",
"Unable to login, make sure two-factor authentication (Authenticator or SMS) is enabled.": "Не вдається увійти. Перевірте, чи не ввімкнена двофакторна аутентифікація (за кодом чи смс).",
"Invalid TFA code": "Неправильний код двофакторної аутентифікації",
"Login failed. This may be because two-factor authentication is not enabled on your account.": "Не вдається увійти. Це може бути через те, що у вашій обліківці не ввімкнена двофакторна аутентифікація.",
"Invalid answer": "Неправильна відповідь",
"Invalid CAPTCHA": "Неправильна капча",
"CAPTCHA is a required field": "Необхідно пройти капчу",
"User ID is a required field": "Необхідно ввести ID користувача",
"Password is a required field": "Необхідно ввести пароль",
"Invalid username or password": "Неправильний логін чи пароль",
"Please sign in using 'Sign in with Google'": "Будь ласка, натисніть «Увійдіть через Google»",
"Password cannot be empty": "Пароль не може бути порожнім",
"Password cannot be longer than 55 characters": "Пароль не може бути довшим за 55 знаків",
"Please sign in": "Будь ласка, увійдіть",
"Invidious Private Feed for `x`": "Приватний поток відео Invidious для `x`",
"channel:`x`": "канал: `x`",
"Deleted or invalid channel": "Канал видалено або не знайдено",
"This channel does not exist.": "Такого каналу не існує.",
"Could not get channel info.": "Не вдається отримати інформацію щодо цього каналу.",
"Could not fetch comments": "Не вдається завантажити коментарі",
"View `x` replies": "Переглянути `x` відповідь / відповідей / відповіді",
"`x` ago": "`x` тому",
"Load more": "Завантажити більше",
"`x` points": "`x` очко / очок / очка",
"Could not create mix.": "Не вдається створити мікс.",
"Playlist is empty": "Плейлист порожній",
"Invalid playlist.": "Недійсний плейлист.",
"Playlist does not exist.": "Плейлист не існує.",
"Could not pull trending pages.": "Не вдається завантажити сторінки «у тренді».",
"Hidden field \"challenge\" is a required field": "",
"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field": "",
"Invalid challenge": "",
"Invalid token": "",
"Invalid user": "",
"Token is expired, please try again": "",
"English": "",
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"`x` years": "",
"`x` months": "",
"`x` weeks": "",
"`x` days": "",
"`x` hours": "",
"`x` minutes": "",
"`x` seconds": "",
"Fallback comments: ": "",
"Popular": "",
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"About": "",
"Rating: ": "",
"Language: ": "",
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"%A %B %-d, %Y": "",
"(edited)": "",
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"`x` marked it with a ❤": "",
"Audio mode": "",
"Video mode": "",
"Videos": "",
"Playlists": "",
"Current version: ": ""
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