This tutorial will explain how to hide your Invidious (public) instance behind another server, useful for escaping the DMCA requests.
This proxy server will only redirect the [TCP]( connections, allowing you to keep everything from your existing infrastructure.
??? note "It's possible to do it by forwarding the HTTP connections directly but..."
By forwarding the actual HTTP protocol this is more compute intensive and won't be covered in this tutorial.
You need to proxy the HTTP protocol normally like you would already do with your current web server for invidious. But in this case from the proxy server to your existing infrastructure. Then also setup the certificates for HTTPS.
Adding an extra layer like a proxy server **will** add more latency, thus increase the response time from your final server to your browser. That's why for the part where you are going to rent a proxy server, you should choose a server close to your existing server(s).
It should be noted, in the 4th step of the instructions, you will be able to remove this latency for a major part of the users of your instance (around 90% - people using modern browsers). The rest will experience this *added* latency which won't result in a decrease of the user experience if you choose your server wisely.
- Your main web server should support the proxy protocol, it's possible to do it without it (later on in the tutorial). Non-exhaustive list of web servers that support it:
* Apache ([doesn't come in the official version](
* Caddy ([need to build with a custom module](
- You will have to spend a bit more money per month for renting this new proxy server.
## Instructions
### 1) Renting your proxy server
There are a lot of providers that don't care about DMCA requests, you can find them by doing a search on your favorite search engine.
Here are some lists compiled from lowendtalk users:
I personally chose [BuyVM]( as it's close to my existing infrastructure and it's cheap, but please try to at least find another one, it's much better to avoid the centralisation.
1. Install vnStat from your package manager, example on debian/ubuntu: `apt install vnstat`
2. Start vnStat: `systemctl enable --now vnstat`
3. In a few hours execute the command `vnstat`
If you run into performance issue on the proxy server, feel free to switch to a new provider.
And if you need help in choosing the ideal server, please seek for help on our [Matrix room]( or [IRC channel](
### 2) Listen to new ports on your web server of your existing infrastructure
**On the web server of your existing infrastructure/server** that currently host your Invidious, listen on another port with the proxy protocol enabled for the HTTPS/TLS port.
In this tutorial I'll use the port 8443, but you can choose any port you would want.
You don't need to setup a new port for the HTTP (cleartext) port as the proxy protocol is only for preserving the IP address of the clients that will connect your web server and nowadays all the requests are permanently redirected to HTTPS.
??? note "If you don't want to preserve the IP address of the users of your instance."
Meaning keeping your instance truly 100% anonymous, then you don't need to enable the proxy protocol on another port, you can keep your current configuration without touching anything and jump to the 3rd step.
But preserving the IP address is in my opinion essential for blocking bots, bad actors.
Note: You may not have `http2` parameter for the `listen 443 ssl` line, if you don't have it enabled, it's hugely recommended to enable it for better performance and user experience.
**If you are going to follow the [4th step](#4-optionally-reduce-the-traffic-going-through-the-proxy-server), please remove `http2` parameter from the line `listen 8443 ssl http2 proxy_protocol`, it may clash with the technique.**
Please see the documentation:
For people on Kubernetes, this may help you:
#### Caddy
(Not tested) On caddy it is not possible to listen on a port that support proxy protocol and another port without the proxy protocol, thus you won't be able to follow the step 4.
Or you can follow the step 4 but you need to not use the proxy protocol (not touching your configuration), thus losing the ability to preserve the IP address of the clients.
1. Compile caddy with this module:
2. Enable the proxy protocol like so:
#### Apache
Apache is not the ideal web server for using proxy protocol because it's still in alpha stage and you need to compile apache using an external module like explained here:
Either you do that or you don't preserve the IP address of the clients by not touching your configuration but I can't help you more.
#### Other web servers
I won't cover all the possible web servers, look at the documentation of your web server and make it listen on port 8443 (or another port) with the proxy protocol enabled on it. Also try to find a way to preserve the IP address if needed.
You can also not touch anything about your web server configuration and follow the note in the 3rd step.
### 3) Install HAProxy on the proxy server
**On the proxy server that you just rented.**
1. Install haproxy from your package manager, on debian/ubuntu: `apt install haproxy`.
2. Edit the file `/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg` and replace it with this configuration:
6. If everything works well, you can now update the DNS entries of the domain for your Invidious instance to the IPv4 (and IPv6) address of your proxy server.
### 4) Optionally reduce the traffic going through the proxy server
There is a technique in the HTTP protocol that allow to redirect a client (e.g. a browser) to another server, it's the Alt-Svc header:
Unfortunately it only works for Firefox browsers as Chrome doesn't support the ability to use a different domain on HTTP2 with Alt-Svc but it does support it for HTTP3 which you can later on enable too with Alt-Svc.
*I'll use the terminology `original server(s)` for the server(s) of your existing infrastructure, not the proxy server.*
2. Restart your web server. Check in the dev tools if you still see the IP address of your original server(s) and the HTTP3 protocol should be also displayed.