# Reverse String Welcome to Reverse String on Exercism's Java Track. If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out `HELP.md`. ## Instructions Reverse a string For example: input: "cool" output: "looc" For more help on how to solve this exercise, please refer to the tutorial provided as part of the [hello world](https://exercism.org/tracks/java/exercises/hello-world) exercise. ## Source ### Created by - @bmkiefer ### Contributed to by - @barisozcanli - @FridaTveit - @ikhadykin - @jmrunkle - @Kyle-Pu - @lemoncurry - @mirkoperillo - @msomji - @muzimuzhi - @ppiliar - @sjwarner - @sjwarner-bp - @SleeplessByte - @Smarticles101 - @sshine ### Based on Introductory challenge to reverse an input string - https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-reverse-a-string-in-javascript-in-3-different-ways-75e4763c68cb