Welcome to umbrello-bot ☂️

License: GPL--3.0--or--later Twitter: franjsco

> A telegram bot to know if you need to take the umbrella. ## Install 1. Install Node.js and npm. 2. Install MongoDB. 3. Configure [umbrello-api](https://github.com/franjsco/umbrello-api). 4. Clone this repository. 5. Install dependencies with `npm install`. 6. Create a new bot with **@BotFather** on Telegram 7. Create env file or set environment variables (read: "Environment variables") 8. Build the code with `npm run build`. 9. Launch the bot with `npm run serve`. #### Environment Variables. ```sh NODE_ENV=production TELEGRAM_TOKEN=token-here UMBRELLO_API_URL=url-here DB_HOST=mongodb://host:port/db DB_USER=user DB_PASSWORD=pass ``` ## Usage #### 1. Search the city. Search the city id with: ``` /search [city name] ``` *example: `/search Roma`* It will send back the cities id. #### 2. Set the city. Set the city wth: ``` /set [city id] ``` *example: `/set 3169070`. (3169070= Rome, IT)* #### 3. Get the forecasts. Get the forecasts with: ``` /get ``` ## Build Docker image ``` # cd umbrello-bot/ # docker build -t umbrello-bot . # docker run umbrello-bot ``` ## Author 👤 **franjsco (Francesco Esposito)** * Website: https://franjsco.github.io/ * Twitter: [@franjsco](https://twitter.com/franjsco) * Github: [@franjsco](https://github.com/franjsco) ## Show your support Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you! ## 📝 License Copyright © 2020 [franjsco (Francesco Esposito)](https://github.com/franjsco).
This project is [GPL--3.0--or--later](https://github.com/franjsco/umbrello-bot/blob/master/LICENSE) licensed. *** _This README was generated with ❤️ by [readme-md-generator](https://github.com/kefranabg/readme-md-generator)_