/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ const config = require('./config'); const utils = require('./utils'); function welcome() { const msg = `* Welcome to ${config.app.name} 📱📡*\n A bot to track your devices with GPS. Please, read the README on https://github.com/frab1t/trackmyd-bot to configure the bot. Made with ❤️ by @frab1t`; return msg; } function help() { const msg = `📃 * ${config.app.name} commands*: \n /help - view commands. /position - view device's position. /list - view device available. /add - add new device. /remove - remove device.`; return msg; } function unauthorizedUser() { const msg = `Unauthorized user. 🤖 \n Clone the repository https://github.com/frab1t/trackmyd-bot and run the bot on your local network. 😎`; return msg; } function deviceList(data) { const msg = `📲 *${data.name}* ---- ${data._id}`; return msg; } function position(data) { const msg = `📲 📡 *${data.name}* ---- 🏔️ _Altitude_: *${Math.trunc(data.position.altitude)} m* ⚡️ _Speed_: *${data.position.speed} m/s* 📏 _Accurancy_: *${Math.trunc(data.position.accurancy)} m* 🔋 _Battery_: *${data.information.battery}%* _Last Update_: ${utils.convertTimestamp(data.lastUpdate)}`; return msg; } function addDeviceURL(data) { const msg = `${config.api.baseURL}${config.api.paths.devices}${data._id}`; return msg; } function addDeviceHeader() { const head = config.api.headers; const msg = `Authorization: ${head.Authorization} \nContent-Type: ${head['Content-Type']}`; return msg; } function addDeviceBody() { const msg = `{ "position": { "latitude": %LAT, "longtitude": %LON, "altitude": %ALT, "speed": %SPD, "accurancy": %ACC }, "information": { "battery": %BATT }, "lastUpdate": %TIMESTAMP }`; return msg; } function error() { const msg = 'Error, check the server.log'; return msg; } function devicesNotFound(data) { let msg; if (data) { msg = `Device _"${data}"_ not found`; } else { msg = 'Devices not found'; } return msg; } function positionNotFound() { const msg = 'Position not found'; return msg; } module.exports.unauthorizedUser = unauthorizedUser; module.exports.welcome = welcome; module.exports.help = help; module.exports.deviceList = deviceList; module.exports.position = position; module.exports.addDeviceURL = addDeviceURL; module.exports.addDeviceHeader = addDeviceHeader; module.exports.addDeviceBody = addDeviceBody; module.exports.error = error; module.exports.devicesNotFound = devicesNotFound; module.exports.positionNotFound = positionNotFound;