const config = require('./config'); // template function templateStart() { const msg = `* Welcome to ${} 📱📡*\n A bot to track your devices with GPS. Please, read the README on to configure the bot. Made with ❤️ by @frab1t`; return msg; } function templateHelp() { const msg = `📃 * ${} commands*: \n /help - view commands. /position - view device's position. /list - view device available. /add - add new device. /remove - remove device.`; return msg; } function templateUnauthorizedUser() { const msg = `Unauthorized user. 🤖 \n Clone the repository and run the bot on your local network. 😎`; return msg; } module.exports.templateStart = templateStart; module.exports.templateHelp = templateHelp; module.exports.templateUnauthorizedUser = templateUnauthorizedUser;