In order to use trackmyd-bot, in addiction to the configuration of the trackmyd-api, it’s also necessary to configure [**GPSLogger**](, an open-source application that allows sending location through HTTP calls.
## Usage
Before requesting the position to the bot you need to add a new device and configure it.
Send the `/position` command to the bot and select the device. If the device (with GPSLogger) has sent the information to the API, 2 messages will be returned (one with the location on the map, and one with additional information).
## Installation
### Step by step
1. Install **NodeJS** and **NPM**.
2. Clone this repository.
3. Install dependencies with `npm install`.
4. Create a new bot with **BotFather** on Telegram
5. Enter the **token** generated by BotFather in (app.token) into `config.json`.
6. Enter your **Telegram ID** in (app.authorizedUsers) into `config.json`.
7. Configure Basic Authentication in (app.api.headers) into `config.json`.