
78 lines
3.0 KiB

import { img1xblack48dp, img2xblack48dp } from '../../res/img'
import { getValueSets } from '../../src/util'
import { SECRETS } from '../../src/constants'
const { Template, constants } = require("@walletpass/pass-js")
module.exports = async (req, res) => {
let data = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(req.body))["payload"])
const valueSets = await getValueSets()
let raw = data.raw
let decoded = data.decoded
const template = new Template("generic", {
passTypeIdentifier: SECRETS.PASS_TYPE_ID,
teamIdentifier: SECRETS.TEAM_ID,
sharingProhibited: true,
voided: false,
formatVersion: 1,
logoText: "CovidPass",
organizationName: "CovidPass",
description: "CovidPass",
labelColor: "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
foregroundColor: "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
await template.images.add("icon", img1xblack48dp, '1x')
await template.images.add("icon", img2xblack48dp, '2x')
await template.images.add("logo", img1xblack48dp, '1x')
await template.images.add("logo", img2xblack48dp, '2x')
const qrCode = {
"message": raw,
"format": "PKBarcodeFormatQR",
"messageEncoding": "utf-8"
const v = decoded["-260"]["1"]["v"][0]
const nam = decoded["-260"]["1"]["nam"]
const dob = decoded["-260"]["1"]["dob"]
const pass = template.createPass({
serialNumber: v["ci"],
barcodes: [qrCode],
barcode: qrCode
const vaccine_name = valueSets.vaccine_medical_products["valueSetValues"][v["mp"]]["display"]
const vaccine_prophylaxis = valueSets.vaccine_prophylaxis["valueSetValues"][v["vp"]]["display"]
const country_of_vaccination = valueSets.country_codes["valueSetValues"][v["co"]]["display"]
const marketing_auth_holder = valueSets.marketing_auth_holders["valueSetValues"][v["ma"]]["display"]
pass.headerFields.add({ key: "type", label: "Certificate Type", value: "Vaccination" })
pass.primaryFields.add({ key: "vaccine", label: "Vaccine", value: vaccine_name })
pass.secondaryFields.add({ key: "name", label: "Name", value: nam["fn"] + ', ' + nam["gn"] })
pass.secondaryFields.add({ key: "dob", label: "Date of Birth", value: dob, textAlignment: constants.textDirection.RIGHT })
pass.auxiliaryFields.add({ key: "dose", label: "Dose", value: v["dn"] + '/' + v["sd"] })
pass.auxiliaryFields.add({ key: "dov", label: "Date of Vaccination", value: v["dt"], textAlignment: constants.textDirection.RIGHT })
pass.backFields.add({ key: "uvci", label: "Unique Certificate Identifier (UVCI)", value: v["ci"]})
pass.backFields.add({ key: "issuer", label: "Certificate Issuer", value: v["is"] })
pass.backFields.add({ key: "cov", label: "Country of Vaccination", value: country_of_vaccination})
pass.backFields.add({ key: "vp", label: "Vaccine Prophylaxis", value: vaccine_prophylaxis })
pass.backFields.add({ key: "ma", label: "Marketing Authorization Holder", value: marketing_auth_holder })
const buf = await pass.asBuffer();
res.type = 'application/'
res.body = buf