
349 lines
12 KiB

import {ValueSets} from "./value_sets";
import {Constants} from "./constants";
enum CertificateType {
Vaccine = 'Vaccine',
Test = 'Test',
Recovery = 'Recovery',
enum TextAlignment {
right = 'PKTextAlignmentRight',
interface Field {
key: string;
label: string;
value: string;
textAlignment?: string;
export interface PassDictionary {
headerFields: Array<Field>;
primaryFields: Array<Field>;
secondaryFields: Array<Field>;
auxiliaryFields: Array<Field>;
backFields: Array<Field>;
export interface PayloadBody {
color: string;
rawData: string;
decodedData: Uint8Array;
export class Payload {
certificateType: CertificateType;
rawData: string;
backgroundColor: string;
labelColor: string;
foregroundColor: string;
img1x: Buffer;
img2x: Buffer;
dark: boolean;
generic: PassDictionary;
constructor(body: PayloadBody, valueSets: ValueSets) {
let colors = Constants.COLORS;
if (!(body.color in colors)) {
throw new Error('invalidColor');
const dark = body.color != 'white'
const healthCertificate = body.decodedData['-260'];
const covidCertificate = healthCertificate['1']; // Version number subject to change
if (covidCertificate == undefined) {
throw new Error('certificateData');
// Get name and date of birth information
const nameInformation = covidCertificate['nam'];
const dateOfBirth = covidCertificate['dob'];
if (nameInformation == undefined) {
throw new Error('nameMissing');
if (dateOfBirth == undefined) {
throw new Error('dobMissing');
const firstName = nameInformation['gn'];
const lastName = nameInformation['fn'];
const transliteratedFirstName = nameInformation['gnt'].replaceAll('<', ' ');
const transliteratedLastName = nameInformation['fnt'].replaceAll('<', ' ');
// Check if name contains non-latin characters
const nameRegex = new RegExp('^[\\p{Script=Latin}\\p{P}\\p{M}\\p{Z}]+$', 'u');
let name: string;
if (nameRegex.test(firstName) && nameRegex.test(lastName)) {
name = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
} else {
name = `${transliteratedFirstName} ${transliteratedLastName}`;
let properties: object;
// Set certificate type and properties
if (covidCertificate['v'] !== undefined) {
this.certificateType = CertificateType.Vaccine;
properties = covidCertificate['v'][0];
if (covidCertificate['t'] !== undefined) {
this.certificateType = CertificateType.Test;
properties = covidCertificate['t'][0];
if (covidCertificate['r'] !== undefined) {
this.certificateType = CertificateType.Recovery;
properties = covidCertificate['r'][0];
if (this.certificateType == undefined) {
throw new Error('certificateType')
// Get country, identifier and issuer
const countryCode = properties['co'];
const uvci = properties['ci'];
const certificateIssuer = properties['is'];
if (!(countryCode in valueSets.countryCodes)) {
throw new Error('invalidCountryCode');
const country = valueSets.countryCodes[countryCode].display;
const generic: PassDictionary = {
headerFields: [
key: "type",
label: "EU Digital COVID",
value: this.certificateType + " Certificate"
primaryFields: [
key: "name",
label: "Name",
value: name
secondaryFields: [],
auxiliaryFields: [],
backFields: [
key: "uvci",
label: "Unique Certificate Identifier (UVCI)",
value: uvci
key: "issuer",
label: "Certificate Issuer",
value: certificateIssuer
// Set Values
this.rawData = body.rawData;
this.backgroundColor = dark ? colors[body.color] : colors.white
this.labelColor = dark ? colors.white : colors.grey
this.foregroundColor = dark ? colors.white :
this.img1x = dark ? Constants.img1xWhite : Constants.img1xBlack
this.img2x = dark ? Constants.img2xWhite : Constants.img2xBlack
this.dark = dark;
this.generic = Payload.fillPassData(this.certificateType, generic, properties, valueSets, country, dateOfBirth);
static fillPassData(type: CertificateType, data: PassDictionary, properties: Object, valueSets: ValueSets, country: string, dateOfBirth: string): PassDictionary {
switch (type) {
case CertificateType.Vaccine:
const dose = `${properties['dn']}/${properties['sd']}`;
const dateOfVaccination = properties['dt'];
const medialProductKey = properties['mp'];
const manufacturerKey = properties['ma'];
if (!(medialProductKey in valueSets.medicalProducts)) {
throw new Error('invalidMedicalProduct');
if (!(manufacturerKey in valueSets.manufacturers)) {
throw new Error('invalidManufacturer')
const vaccineName = valueSets.medicalProducts[medialProductKey].display.replace(/\s*\([^)]*\)\s*/g, "");
const manufacturer = valueSets.manufacturers[manufacturerKey].display;
key: "dose",
label: "Dose",
value: dose
key: "dov",
label: "Date of Vaccination",
value: dateOfVaccination,
textAlignment: TextAlignment.right
key: "vaccine",
label: "Vaccine",
value: vaccineName
key: "dob",
label: "Date of Birth",
value: dateOfBirth,
textAlignment: TextAlignment.right
key: "cov",
label: "Country of Vaccination",
value: country
key: "manufacturer",
label: "Manufacturer",
value: manufacturer
key: "disclaimer",
label: "Disclaimer",
value: "This certificate is not a travel document. It is only valid in combination with the ID card of the certificate holder and may expire one year + 14 days after the last dose. The validity of this certificate was not checked by CovidPass."
case CertificateType.Test:
const testTypeKey = properties['tt'];
const testDateTimeString = properties['sc'];
const testResultKey = properties['tr'];
const testingCentre = properties['tc'];
if (!(testResultKey in valueSets.testResults)) {
throw new Error('invalidTestResult');
if (!(testTypeKey in valueSets.testTypes)) {
throw new Error('invalidTestType')
const testResult = valueSets.testResults[testResultKey].display;
const testType = valueSets.testTypes[testTypeKey].display;
const testTime = testDateTimeString.replace(/.*T/, '').replace('Z', ' ') + 'UTC';
const testDate = testDateTimeString.replace(/T.*/,'');
key: "result",
label: "Test Result",
value: testResult
key: "dot",
label: "Date of Test",
value: testDate,
textAlignment: TextAlignment.right
key: "time",
label: "Time of Test",
value: testTime
key: "dob",
label: "Date of Birth",
value: dateOfBirth,
textAlignment: TextAlignment.right
key: "cot",
label: "Country of Test",
value: country
if (testingCentre !== undefined)
key: "centre",
label: "Testing Centre",
value: testingCentre
key: "test",
label: "Test Type",
value: testType
key: "disclaimer",
label: "Disclaimer",
value: "This certificate is not a travel document. It is only valid in combination with the ID card of the certificate holder and may expire 24h after the test. The validity of this certificate was not checked by CovidPass."
case CertificateType.Recovery:
const firstPositiveTestDate = properties['fr'];
const validFrom = properties['df'];
const validUntil = properties['du'];
key: "until",
label: "Valid Until",
value: validUntil,
key: "dot",
label: "Date of positive Test",
value: firstPositiveTestDate,
textAlignment: TextAlignment.right
key: "from",
label: "Valid From",
value: validFrom,
key: "dob",
label: "Date of Birth",
value: dateOfBirth,
textAlignment: TextAlignment.right
key: "cot",
label: "Country of Test",
value: country
key: "disclaimer",
label: "Disclaimer",
value: "This certificate is not a travel document. It is only valid in combination with the ID card of the certificate holder. The validity of this certificate was not checked by CovidPass."
throw new Error('certificateType');
return data;