import Page from '../components/Page' import Card from '../components/Card' function Privacy(): JSX.Element { return (

Our privacy policy is based on the terms used by the European legislator for the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

General information


Marvin Sextro
Wilhelm-Busch-Str. 8A
30167 Hannover

Simplified explanation of the process

This process is only started after accepting this policy and clicking on the Add to Wallet button.

First, the following steps happen locally in your browser:

Second, the following steps happen on our server:

Finally, the following steps happen locally in your browser:

Locally processed data

The following data is processed on in your browser to generate the pass file.

Processed personal data contained in the QR code:

For each vaccination certificate contained in the QR code, the following data is processed:

For each test certificate contained in the QR code, the following data is processed:

For each recovery certificate contained in the QR code, the following data is processed:

The Digital Covid Certificate Schema contains a detailed specification of which data can be contained in the QR code.

Server provider

Our server provider is Hetzner Online GmbH. The following data may be collected and stored in the server log files:

Your rights

In accordance with the GDPR you have the following rights:

Third parties linked

}/> }/> ) } export default Privacy;