import {useTranslation} from 'next-i18next'; import {serverSideTranslations} from 'next-i18next/serverSideTranslations'; import Page from '../components/Page' import Card from '../components/Card' function Faq(): JSX.Element { const { t } = useTranslation(['common', 'index', 'faq']); const questionList = [ {description: 'Which version of iOS does this support?', answer: 'iOS 14.0 is the minimum at the moment. We are looking for adjustments for older iOSes, but it will take a bit of time.', key: 1}, {description: 'Why have we taken time to build this?', answer: 'Gives Ontarians/organizations something very easy to verify vaccination status.', key: 2}, {description: 'Who made this?', answer: 'The same group of volunteers (Billy Lo, Ryan Slobojan, Evert Timberg, Jason Liu, Anujan Mathisekaran, Lisa Discepola, Samantha Finn, Madison Pearce) who created the all-in-one vaccine appointment finding tool at', key: 3}, {description: 'How is the data on my vaccination receipt processed?', answer: 'It checks the receipt for an official signature from the province. If present, the receipt data is converted into Apple\'s format and then added into your iOS Wallet app.', key: 4}, {description: 'How can organizations validate the QR code?', answer: 'Just aim your standard camera app (iPhone/Android) at the code, and it will bring up a web page that shows the verification result.', key: 5}, {description: 'Is this free and private?', answer: 'Similar to VaxHunters, this is not backed by any commerical businesses. Just volunteers trying to do our part to help the community.', key: 6}, {description: 'Should I use the official provincial apps when they come out on 22nd October?', answer: 'YES. This is an extra avenue intended to augment the official efforts.', key: 7}, {description: 'Do you have plans for Android support?', answer: 'Yes. We are working with Google to gain access to the APIs required.', key: 8}, {description: 'I have more questions. Can you help?', answer: 'Sure. Just email us at', key: 9} ]; return (


    { => { return (
  1. {question.key}. {question.description}
  2. {question.answer}

  3. ); })}
}/> }/> ) } export async function getStaticProps({ locale }) { return { props: { ...(await serverSideTranslations(locale, ['index', 'faq', 'common'])) } } } export default Faq;