* Photos and Wallet cards have white background and black text
to make them instantly visually differentiable from current pass
* Not possible to accurately determine vaccinated or not between
provinces, so no decoration is added to the card
* Name only on card, to encourage scanning of proof-of-vaccination
which leads to less fake documents (if people look at what's on
the card and don't bother scanning, then if the QR code is garbage
they will never know; field experience indicates scanning is rare)
* This is now ready for review, final testing, and deployment
* TBD: Add new datastore for tracking observed SHC issuers and
vaccine data, to faciliate troubleshooting
* QR code rendering for SHCs fixed for images - had to use
Nuintun QRcode lib and render in 2 chunks (byte and numeric),
was not possible to do this with zxing
* Add support for image file processing (Thanks upstream!)
* Added support for scanning all pages in a PDF for SHC codes
* Simplified ON receipt detection algorithm (well-known PDF info)
* Re-hide render canvas at bottom of page
* Minor README updates
* TBD: Handle multi-jurisdiction SHCs cleanly (not all data is being
properly passed along at the moment leading to missing card data)
* TBD: blow up if invalid issuer detected in SHC (currently allows
card creation even with invalid issuer)
* Bump lockfile ver of pdjjs-dist to match package.json definition
* Also added dev env wiring code for Vagrant VM
* Increment app version to 1.9.19
* Assorted logging cleanup and debugging addition around QC and BC SHC codes to help improve SHC code detection
- Using the legacy build of PdfJS allows for the Select File button to open the file dialog on iPhone 6 12.5.4. It also fixes the Ontario Ministry of Health button and an error that appears due to PdfJS import when opening the app in dev mode.
- Fix selected files not being used when selected on iOS devices. Safari on these devices currently does not support "input" event on selected file change. "change" event should be used to support these devices. https://stackoverflow.com/a/58342757https://caniuse.com/input-event
* Changing filename should hopefully prevent duplication errors on some devices
* Filename includes name, dose, and vaccine to make path collisions less likely