Many user struggles to navigate back to grassroots after a new window is open (in step 1 or video demo).
Mobile chrome/firefox Users cannot use back button to return (this is ok on Safari because Apple is smart to allow back button to continue to work (despite it's a different window)
* Photos and Wallet cards have white background and black text
to make them instantly visually differentiable from current pass
* Not possible to accurately determine vaccinated or not between
provinces, so no decoration is added to the card
* Name only on card, to encourage scanning of proof-of-vaccination
which leads to less fake documents (if people look at what's on
the card and don't bother scanning, then if the QR code is garbage
they will never know; field experience indicates scanning is rare)
* This is now ready for review, final testing, and deployment
* TBD: Add new datastore for tracking observed SHC issuers and
vaccine data, to faciliate troubleshooting
* QR code rendering for SHCs fixed for images - had to use
Nuintun QRcode lib and render in 2 chunks (byte and numeric),
was not possible to do this with zxing
* Add support for image file processing (Thanks upstream!)
* Added support for scanning all pages in a PDF for SHC codes
* Simplified ON receipt detection algorithm (well-known PDF info)
* Re-hide render canvas at bottom of page
* Minor README updates
* TBD: Handle multi-jurisdiction SHCs cleanly (not all data is being
properly passed along at the moment leading to missing card data)
* TBD: blow up if invalid issuer detected in SHC (currently allows
card creation even with invalid issuer)
* Bump lockfile ver of pdjjs-dist to match package.json definition
* Also added dev env wiring code for Vagrant VM
* Increment app version to 1.9.19
* Assorted logging cleanup and debugging addition around QC and BC SHC codes to help improve SHC code detection
working code - read pdf, get PDF signer cert details, validate and payload inside receipt (name, vaccinationDate, vaccineType, date of birth and number of doses received)