Turned off old-style ON pass generation

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Slobojan 2021-10-15 09:20:47 -04:00
parent e3ab251aa5
commit 2629da4cd4
1 changed files with 6 additions and 184 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
import {PayloadBody, Receipt, HashTable} from "./payload";
import {PayloadBody} from "./payload";
import * as PdfJS from 'pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf'
import {QRCode} from "jsqr";
import { getCertificatesInfoFromPDF } from "@ninja-labs/verify-pdf"; // ES6
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
import * as Decode from './decode';
import {getScannedJWS, verifyJWS, decodeJWS} from "./shc";
import { PDFPageProxy, TextItem } from 'pdfjs-dist/types/src/display/api';
import { PDFPageProxy } from 'pdfjs-dist/types/src/display/api';
// import {PNG} from 'pngjs'
// import {decodeData} from "./decode";
@ -22,19 +21,9 @@ export async function getPayloadBodyFromFile(file: File): Promise<PayloadBody> {
switch (file.type) {
case 'application/pdf':
///////// DELETE THE FOLLOWING CODE ON OCT 22ND //////////////////////
const receiptType = await detectReceiptType(fileBuffer);
console.log(`receiptType = ${receiptType}`);
// receipt type is needed to decide if digital signature checking is needed
if (receiptType == 'ON') {
// Bail out immediately, special case
const receipts = await loadPDF(fileBuffer);
return {receipts, rawData: '', shcReceipt: null};
} else {
///////// END OCT 22ND DELETE BLOCK //////////////////////
imageData = await getImageDataFromPdf(fileBuffer);
imageData = await getImageDataFromPdf(fileBuffer);
case 'image/png':
case 'image/jpeg':
case 'image/webp':
@ -42,6 +31,7 @@ export async function getPayloadBodyFromFile(file: File): Promise<PayloadBody> {
console.log(`image ${file.type}`);
imageData = [await getImageDataFromImage(file)];
throw Error('invalidFileType')
@ -50,174 +40,6 @@ export async function getPayloadBodyFromFile(file: File): Promise<PayloadBody> {
return processSHC(imageData);
async function detectReceiptType(fileBuffer : ArrayBuffer): Promise<string> {
const typedArray = new Uint8Array(fileBuffer);
let loadingTask = PdfJS.getDocument(typedArray);
const pdfDocument = await loadingTask.promise;
const docMetadata = await pdfDocument.getMetadata();
// Explicitly try to detect an ON PDF based on the headers in the PDF
//console.log(`PDF details: metadata=${JSON.stringify(docMetadata)}`);
// The Ontario proof-of-vaccination receipts have several fixed unchanging pieces of metadata that we use for detection
if (docMetadata.info['IsSignaturesPresent'] &&
(docMetadata.info['Producer'] == 'PDFKit') &&
(docMetadata.info['PDFFormatVersion'] == '1.7') &&
(docMetadata.info['Title'] == 'COVID-19 vaccination receipt / Récépissé de vaccination contre la COVID-19')
) {
return Promise.resolve('ON');
} else {
// If it's not an exact match to an ON proof-of-vaccination PDF, it will never pass validation anyways so treat it as an SHC PDF
return Promise.resolve('SHC');
async function loadPDF(fileBuffer : ArrayBuffer): Promise<HashTable<Receipt>> {
try {
const certs = getCertificatesInfoFromPDF(fileBuffer);
const result = certs[0];
const refcert = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n'+
'-----END CERTIFICATE-----';
const pdfCert = result.pemCertificate.trim();
//const pdfOrg = result.issuedBy.organizationName;
const issuedpemCertificate = (pdfCert == refcert.trim());
//console.log(`pdf is signed by this cert ${result.pemCertificate.trim()}`);
//console.log(`PDF is signed by ${result.issuedBy.organizationName}, issued to ${result.issuedTo.commonName}`);
if (issuedpemCertificate) {
//console.log('getting receipt details inside PDF');
const receipt = await getPdfDetails(fileBuffer);
// console.log(JSON.stringify(receipt, null, 2));
return Promise.resolve(receipt);
} else {
/* We don't need to track these anymore - this is all going away in a week anyways
// According to the Sentry docs, this can be up to 8KB in size
// https://develop.sentry.dev/sdk/data-handling/#variable-size
Sentry.setContext("certificate", {
pdfCert: pdfCert,
pdfOrg: pdfOrg,
Sentry.captureMessage('Certificate validation failed');
console.error('invalid certificate');
return Promise.reject(`invalid certificate + ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
} catch (e) {
if (e.message.includes('Failed to locate ByteRange') ||
e.message.includes(' ASN.1') ||
e.message.includes('Failed byte range verification') ||
e.message.includes('parse DER') ||
e.message.includes('8, 16, 24, or 32 bits')) {
e.message = 'Sorry. Selected PDF file is not digitally signed. Please download official copy from Step 1 and retry. Thanks.'
} else {
if (!e.message.includes('cancelled')) {
return Promise.reject(e);
async function getPdfDetails(fileBuffer: ArrayBuffer): Promise<HashTable<Receipt>> {
try {
const typedArray = new Uint8Array(fileBuffer);
let loadingTask = PdfJS.getDocument(typedArray);
const pdfDocument = await loadingTask.promise;
// Load all dose numbers
const receiptObj = {};
for (let pages = 1; pages <= pdfDocument.numPages; pages++){
const pdfPage = await pdfDocument.getPage(pages);
const content = await pdfPage.getTextContent();
const numItems = content.items.length;
let name, vaccinationDate, vaccineName, dateOfBirth, numDoses, organization;
for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
let item = content.items[i] as TextItem;
const value = item.str;
if (value.includes('Name / Nom'))
name = (content.items[i+1] as TextItem).str;
if (value.includes('Date:')) {
vaccinationDate = (content.items[i+1] as TextItem).str;
vaccinationDate = vaccinationDate.split(',')[0];
if (value.includes('Product name')) {
vaccineName = (content.items[i+1] as TextItem).str;
if (value.includes('Date of birth'))
dateOfBirth = (content.items[i+1] as TextItem).str;
if (value.includes('Authorized organization'))
organization = (content.items[i+1] as TextItem).str;
if (value.includes('You have received'))
numDoses = Number(value.split(' ')[3]);
receiptObj[numDoses] = new Receipt(name, vaccinationDate, vaccineName, dateOfBirth, numDoses, organization);
return Promise.resolve(receiptObj);
} catch (e) {
if (e && e.message && !e.message.includes('cancelled')) {
return Promise.reject(e);
async function getImageDataFromPdfPage(pdfPage: PDFPageProxy): Promise<ImageData> {
const pdfScale = 2;
@ -350,7 +172,7 @@ async function processSHC(allImageData : ImageData[]) : Promise<PayloadBody> {
// If we got here, no SHC was detected and successfully decoded.
// The vast majority of our processed things right now are ON proof-of-vaccination PDFs, not SHC docs, so assume anything
// that blew up here was a malformed ON proof-of-vaccination and create an appropriate error message for that
return Promise.reject(new Error('No valid ON proof-of-vaccination digital signature found! Please make sure you download the PDF directly from covid19.ontariohealth.ca, Save as Files on your iPhone, and do NOT save/print it as a PDF!'));
return Promise.reject(new Error('No SHC QR code found! Please try taking another picture of the SHC you wish to import'));
} catch (e) {