name: Release checklist
description: Checklist for each release. This template is only for the core team.
title: "[Release] Element Android v"
labels: [🚀 Release]
  - bmarty

  - type: textarea
    id: checklist
      label: Release checklist
      description: For the template example, we are releasing the version 1.2.3. Replace 1.2.3 with the version in the issue body.
      placeholder: |
        If you are reading this, you have deleted the content of the release template: undo the deletion or start again.
      value: |
        ### Before the release

        - [ ] Weblate sync, fix lint issue if any (in a dedicated PR)
        - [ ] Check the update of the store descriptions (using Google Translate if necessary) to ensure that the changes are acceptable to be published to the stores.
        - [ ] While Weblate is locked, and after the PR from Weblate has been merged, handle all the TODOs in the main `strings.xml` file
        - [ ] Run the script `./tools/release/`. You can check in the GooglePlay console the Activity log to check the effect.

        ### Do the release

        - [ ] Make sure `develop` and `main` are up to date (git pull)
        - [ ] Checkout develop and create a release with gitflow, branch name `release/1.2.3`
        - [ ] Check the crashes from the PlayStore
        - [ ] Check the rageshake with the current dev version:
        - [ ] Run the integration test, and especially `UiAllScreensSanityTest.allScreensTest()`
        - [ ] Create an account on and do some smoke tests that the sanity test does not cover like: 1-1 call, 1-1 video call, Jitsi call for instance
        - [ ] Run towncrier: `towncrier --version v1.2.3 --draft` (remove `--draft` do write the file
        - [ ] Check that the folder `changelog.d` is empty. It can happen that some remaining files stay here
        - [ ] Check the file consistency. It's possible to reorder items (most important changes first) or change their section if relevant. Also an opportunity to fix some typo, or rewrite things
        - [ ] Add file for fastlane under ./fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs
        - [ ] (optional) Push the branch and start a draft PR (will not be merged), to check that the CI is happy with all the changes.
        - [ ] Finish release with gitflow, delete the draft PR (if created)
        - [ ] Push `main` and the new tag `v1.2.3` to origin
        - [ ] Checkout `develop`
        - [ ] Increase version (versionPatch + 2) in `./vector/build.gradle`
        - [ ] Change the value of SDK_VERSION in the file `./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle`
        - [ ] Commit and push `develop`
        - [ ] Wait for [Buildkite]( to build the `main` branch.
        - [ ] Run the script `~/scripts/`. It will download the APKs from Buildkite check them and sign them.
        - [ ] Install the APK on your phone to check that the upgrade went well (no init sync, etc.)
        - [ ] Create the release on gitHub [from the tag](, copy paste the block from the file
        - [ ] Add the 4 signed APKs to the GitHub release
        - [ ] Ping the Android Internal room

        ### Once tested and validated internally

        - [ ] Create a new open testing release on the GooglePlay console and upload the 4 signed Apks.
        - [ ] Check that the version codes are correct
        - [ ] Copy the fastlane change to the GooglePlay console in the section en-GB.
        - [ ] Push the open testing release to 100% of the users
        - [ ] Notify the F-Droid team [here](! so that they can schedule the publication on F-Droid
        - [ ] The application is available to the PlayStore testers (live). Google can take between 1 hour and up to 7 days to approve the release.
        - [ ] The application is available to the F-Droid users.

        ### Once open testing is live on PlayStore

        - [ ] Ping the Android public room and update its topic

        ### Once Live on F-Droid

        - [ ] Update the Android public room topic

        ### After at least 2 days (generally next Monday)

        - [ ] Check the [rageshakes](
        - [ ] Check the crash reports on the GooglePlay console
        - [ ] Check the Android Element room for any reported issues on the new version
        - [ ] If all is OK, promote the open testing release to production. Generally using a 100% roll out, but can be a smaller value depending on the release content.
        - [ ] The application is available to the PlayStore users (live). Google can take (again!) between 1 hour and up to 7 days to approve the release.

        ### Once production is live on PlayStore

        - [ ] Ping the Android public room and update its topic
        - [ ] Add an entry in the internal diary

        ### Android SDK2

        The SDK2 and the sample app are released only when Element has been pushed to production.

        - [ ] Checkout the `main` branch on Element Android project

        #### On the SDK2 project

        - [ ] Create a release with GitFlow
        - [ ] Update the value of VERSION_NAME in the file
        - [ ] Update the files `./build.gradle` and `./gradle/` manually, to use the latest version for the dependency. You can get inspired by the same files on Element Android project.
        - [ ] Run the script `./tools/`
        - [ ] Check the diff in the file `./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle` and restore what may have been erased (in particular the line `apply plugin: "com.vanniktech.maven.publish"` and the line about the version)
        - [ ] Let the script finish to build the library
        - [ ] Update the file ``
        - [ ] Finish the release using GitFlow
        - [ ] Push the branch `main`, the new tag and the branch `develop` to origin

        ##### Release on MavenCentral

        - [ ] Run the command `./gradlew publish --no-daemon --no-parallel`. You'll need some non-public element to do so
        - [ ] Connect to
        - [ ] Click on Staging Repositories and check the the files have been uploaded
        - [ ] Click on close
        - [ ] Wait (check Activity tab until step "Repository closed" is displayed)
        - [ ] Click on release. The staging repository will disappear
        - [ ] Check that the release is available in (it can take a few minutes)

        ##### Release on GitHub

        - [ ] Create the release on GitHub from [the tag](
        - [ ] Upload the AAR on the GitHub release

        ### Android SDK2 sample

        - [ ] Update the dependency to the new version of the SDK2. It can take a few minutes for MavenCentral to make the library available. You can check status on
        - [ ] Build and run the sample, you may have to fix some API break
        - [ ] Commit and push directly on `main`
      required: true