<!--- TOC --> * [Testing database migration](#testing-database-migration) * [Creating a reference database](#creating-a-reference-database) * [Testing](#testing) <!--- END --> ## Testing database migration ### Creating a reference database Databases are encrypted, the key to decrypt is needed to setup the test. A special build property must be enabled to extract it. Set `vector.debugPrivateData=true` in `~/.gradle/gradle.properties` (to avoid committing by mistake) Launch the app in your emulator, login and use the app to fill up the database. Save the key for the tested database ``` RealmKeysUtils W Database key for alias `session_db_fe9f212a611ccf6dea1141777065ed0a`: 935a6dfa0b0fc5cce1414194ed190.... RealmKeysUtils W Database key for alias `crypto_module_fe9f212a611ccf6dea1141777065ed0a`: 7b9a21a8a311e85d75b069a343..... ``` Use the [Device File Explorer](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/device-file-explorer) to extrat the database file from the emulator. Go to `data/data/im.vector.app.debug/files/<hash>/` Pick the database you want to test (name can be found in SessionRealmConfigurationFactory): - crypto_store.realm for crypto - disk_store.realm for session - etc... Download the file on your disk ### Testing Copy the file in `src/AndroidTest/assets` see `CryptoSanityMigrationTest` or `RealmSessionStoreMigration43Test` for sample tests. There are already some databases in the assets folder. The existing test will properly detect schema changes, and fail with such errors if a migration is missing: ``` io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException: Migration is required due to the following errors: - Property 'CryptoMetadataEntity.foo' has been added. ``` If you want to test properly more complex database migration (dynamic transforms) ensure that the database contains the entity you want to migrate. You can explore the database with [realm studio](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/realm/studio/) if needed.