# SchildiChat for Android
SchildiChat for Android is a Matrix Client based on [Element Android](https://github.com/vector-im/element-android).
Compared to Element, SchildiChat features following most important changes:
- A unified chat list for both direct and group chats
- Optional message bubbles
- Further usability improvements and additional settings to configure the app
A more thorough list of changes compared to Element can be found [here](FEATURES.md) - but keep in mind this list might not be up-to-date at all times.
Information about available app variants can be found [on our website](https://schildi.chat/android/).
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## Translations
If you want to translate SchildiChat, visit its weblate [here](https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/schildichat/schildichat-android/).
For translations that concern upstream Element code, visit their weblate [here](https://translate.element.io/engage/element-android/).
## Screenshots