Useful links: - - Hilt is built on top of Dagger 2 and simplify usage by removing needs to create components manually. When you create a new feature, you should have the following: Annotate your Activity with @AndroidEntryPoint If you have a BottomSheetFragment => Annotate it with @AndroidEntryPoint Otherwise => Add your Fragment to the FragmentModule Add your ViewModel.Factory to the MavericksViewModelModule Makes sure your ViewModel as the following code: ``` @AssistedFactory interface Factory: MavericksAssistedViewModelFactory<MyViewModel, MyViewState> { override fun create(initialState: MyViewState): MyViewModel } companion object : MavericksViewModelFactory<MyViewModel, MyViewState> by hiltMavericksViewModelFactory() ``` ## Some remarks @MavericksViewModelScope dependencies can't be injected inside Fragments/Activities You can only inject @Singleton, @MavericksViewModelScope or unscoped dependencies inside Maverick ViewModels You can access some specific dependencies from Singleton component by using ``` context.singletonEntryPoint() ``` Be aware that only the app has been migrated to Hilt and not the SDK.