#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (c) 2022 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Ignore any error to not stop the script set +e printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "| Welcome to the release script! |\n" printf "================================================================================\n" printf "Checking environment...\n" envError=0 # Path of the key store (it's a file) keyStorePath="${ELEMENT_KEYSTORE_PATH}" if [[ -z "${keyStorePath}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ELEMENT_KEYSTORE_PATH is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # Keystore password keyStorePassword="${ELEMENT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}" if [[ -z "${keyStorePassword}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ELEMENT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # Key password keyPassword="${ELEMENT_KEY_PASSWORD}" if [[ -z "${keyPassword}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ELEMENT_KEY_PASSWORD is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # GitHub token gitHubToken="${ELEMENT_GITHUB_TOKEN}" if [[ -z "${gitHubToken}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ELEMENT_GITHUB_TOKEN is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # Android home androidHome="${ANDROID_HOME}" if [[ -z "${androidHome}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ANDROID_HOME is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # @elementbot:matrix.org matrix token / Not mandatory elementBotToken="${ELEMENT_BOT_MATRIX_TOKEN}" if [[ -z "${elementBotToken}" ]]; then printf "Warning: ELEMENT_BOT_MATRIX_TOKEN is not defined in the environment.\n" fi if [ ${envError} == 1 ]; then exit 1 fi buildToolsVersion="30.0.2" buildToolsPath="${androidHome}/build-tools/${buildToolsVersion}" if [[ ! -d ${buildToolsPath} ]]; then printf "Fatal: ${buildToolsPath} folder not found, ensure that you have installed the SDK version ${buildToolsVersion}.\n" exit 1 fi # Check if git flow is enabled git flow config >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? == 0 ]] then printf "Git flow is initialized\n" else printf "Git flow is not initialized. Initializing...\n" # All default value, just set 'v' for tag prefix git flow init -d -t 'v' fi printf "OK\n" printf "\n================================================================================\n" # Guessing version to propose a default version versionMajorCandidate=`grep "ext.versionMajor" ./vector-app/build.gradle | cut -d " " -f3` versionMinorCandidate=`grep "ext.versionMinor" ./vector-app/build.gradle | cut -d " " -f3` versionPatchCandidate=`grep "ext.versionPatch" ./vector-app/build.gradle | cut -d " " -f3` versionCandidate="${versionMajorCandidate}.${versionMinorCandidate}.${versionPatchCandidate}" read -p "Please enter the release version (example: ${versionCandidate}). Just press enter if ${versionCandidate} is correct. " version version=${version:-${versionCandidate}} # extract major, minor and patch for future use versionMajor=`echo ${version} | cut -d "." -f1` versionMinor=`echo ${version} | cut -d "." -f2` versionPatch=`echo ${version} | cut -d "." -f3` nextPatchVersion=$((versionPatch + 2)) printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Ensuring main and develop branches are up to date...\n" git checkout main git pull git checkout develop git pull printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Starting the release ${version}\n" git flow release start ${version} # Note: in case the release is already started and the script is started again, checkout the release branch again. ret=$? if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then printf "Mmh, it seems that the release is already started. Checking out the release branch...\n" git checkout "release/${version}" fi # Ensure version is OK cp ./vector-app/build.gradle ./vector-app/build.gradle.bak sed "s/ext.versionMajor = .*/ext.versionMajor = ${versionMajor}/" ./vector-app/build.gradle.bak > ./vector-app/build.gradle sed "s/ext.versionMinor = .*/ext.versionMinor = ${versionMinor}/" ./vector-app/build.gradle > ./vector-app/build.gradle.bak sed "s/ext.versionPatch = .*/ext.versionPatch = ${versionPatch}/" ./vector-app/build.gradle.bak > ./vector-app/build.gradle rm ./vector-app/build.gradle.bak cp ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle.bak sed "s/\"SDK_VERSION\", .*$/\"SDK_VERSION\", \"\\\\\"${version}\\\\\"\"/" ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle.bak > ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle rm ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle.bak # This commit may have no effect because generally we do not change the version during the release. git commit -a -m "Setting version for the release ${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Please check the crashes from the PlayStore. You can commit fixes if any on the release branch. Press enter when it's done." printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Please check the rageshake with the current dev version: https://github.com/matrix-org/element-android-rageshakes/labels/${version}-dev. You can commit fixes if any on the release branch. Press enter when it's done." printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Please make sure an emulator is running and press enter when it is ready." printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Checking if Synapse is running...\n" httpCode=`curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}"` if [[ ${httpCode} -ne "302" ]]; then read -p "Please make sure Synapse is running (open and press enter when it is ready." else printf "Synapse is running!\n" fi printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Uninstalling previous test app if any...\n" adb -e uninstall im.vector.app.debug.test printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Running the integration test UiAllScreensSanityTest.allScreensTest()...\n" ./gradlew connectedGplayDebugAndroidTest -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=im.vector.app.ui.UiAllScreensSanityTest printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Building the app...\n" ./gradlew assembleGplayDebug printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Uninstalling previous test app if any...\n" adb -e uninstall im.vector.app.debug printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Installing the app...\n" adb -e install ./vector-app/build/outputs/apk/gplay/debug/vector-gplay-arm64-v8a-debug.apk printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Running the app...\n" # TODO This does not work, need to be fixed adb -e shell am start -n im.vector.app.debug/im.vector.app.features.Alias -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER printf "\n================================================================================\n" # TODO could build and deploy the APK to any emulator read -p "Create an account on matrix.org and do some smoke tests that the sanity test does not cover like: 1-1 call, 1-1 video call, Jitsi call for instance. Press enter when it's done." printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Running towncrier...\n" yes | towncrier build --version "v${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Check the file CHANGES.md consistency. It's possible to reorder items (most important changes first) or change their section if relevant. Also an opportunity to fix some typo, or rewrite things. Do not commit your change. Press enter when it's done." printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Committing...\n" git commit -a -m "Changelog for version ${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Creating fastlane file...\n" printf -v versionMajor2Digits "%02d" ${versionMajor} printf -v versionMinor2Digits "%02d" ${versionMinor} printf -v versionPatch2Digits "%02d" ${versionPatch} fastlaneFile="4${versionMajor2Digits}${versionMinor2Digits}${versionPatch2Digits}0.txt" fastlanePathFile="./fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/${fastlaneFile}" printf "Main changes in this version: TODO.\nFull changelog: https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/releases" > ${fastlanePathFile} read -p "I have created the file ${fastlanePathFile}, please edit it and press enter when it's done." git add ${fastlanePathFile} git commit -a -m "Adding fastlane file for version ${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" # We could propose to push the branch and create a PR read -p "(optional) Push the branch and start a draft PR (will not be merged), to check that the CI is happy with all the changes. Press enter when it's done." printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "OK, finishing the release...\n" git flow release finish "${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Done, push the branch 'main' and the new tag (yes/no) default to yes? " doPush doPush=${doPush:-yes} if [ ${doPush} == "yes" ]; then printf "Pushing branch 'main' and tag 'v${version}'...\n" git push origin main git push origin "v${version}" else printf "Not pushing, do not forget to push manually!\n" fi printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Checking out develop...\n" git checkout develop # Set next version printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Setting next version on file './vector-app/build.gradle'...\n" cp ./vector-app/build.gradle ./vector-app/build.gradle.bak sed "s/ext.versionPatch = .*/ext.versionPatch = ${nextPatchVersion}/" ./vector-app/build.gradle.bak > ./vector-app/build.gradle rm ./vector-app/build.gradle.bak printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Setting next version on file './matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle'...\n" nextVersion="${versionMajor}.${versionMinor}.${nextPatchVersion}" cp ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle.bak sed "s/\"SDK_VERSION\", .*$/\"SDK_VERSION\", \"\\\\\"${nextVersion}\\\\\"\"/" ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle.bak > ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle rm ./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle.bak printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "I have updated the versions to prepare the next release, please check that the change are correct and press enter so I can commit." printf "Committing...\n" git commit -a -m 'version++' printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Done, push the branch 'develop' (yes/no) default to yes? (A rebase may be necessary in case develop got new commits)" doPush doPush=${doPush:-yes} if [ ${doPush} == "yes" ]; then printf "Pushing branch 'develop'...\n" git push origin develop else printf "Not pushing, do not forget to push manually!\n" fi printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Wait for the GitHub action https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/actions/workflows/build.yml?query=branch%3Amain to build the 'main' branch.\n" read -p "After GHA is finished, please enter the artifact URL (for 'vector-gplay-release-unsigned'): " artifactUrl printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Downloading the artifact...\n" # Download files targetPath="./tmp/Element/${version}" # Ignore error set +e python3 ./tools/release/download_github_artifacts.py \ --token ${gitHubToken} \ --artifactUrl ${artifactUrl} \ --directory ${targetPath} \ --ignoreErrors # Do not ignore error set -e printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Unzipping the artifact...\n" unzip ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-release-unsigned.zip -d ${targetPath} # Flatten folder hierarchy mv ${targetPath}/gplay/release/* ${targetPath} rm -rf ${targetPath}/gplay printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Signing the APKs...\n" cp ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-arm64-v8a-release-unsigned.apk \ ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk ./tools/release/sign_apk_unsafe.sh \ ${keyStorePath} \ ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk \ ${keyStorePassword} \ ${keyPassword} cp ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk \ ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-armeabi-v7a-release-signed.apk ./tools/release/sign_apk_unsafe.sh \ ${keyStorePath} \ ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-armeabi-v7a-release-signed.apk \ ${keyStorePassword} \ ${keyPassword} cp ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86-release-unsigned.apk \ ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86-release-signed.apk ./tools/release/sign_apk_unsafe.sh \ ${keyStorePath} \ ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86-release-signed.apk \ ${keyStorePassword} \ ${keyPassword} cp ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86_64-release-unsigned.apk \ ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86_64-release-signed.apk ./tools/release/sign_apk_unsafe.sh \ ${keyStorePath} \ ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86_64-release-signed.apk \ ${keyStorePassword} \ ${keyPassword} # Ref: https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/android/beta-deployment/#uploading-your-app # set SUPPLY_APK_PATHS="${targetPath}/vector-gplay-arm64-v8a-release-unsigned.apk,${targetPath}/vector-gplay-armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk,${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86-release-unsigned.apk,${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86_64-release-unsigned.apk" # # ./fastlane beta printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Please check the information below:\n" printf "File vector-gplay-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk:\n" ${buildToolsPath}/aapt dump badging ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk | grep package printf "File vector-gplay-armeabi-v7a-release-signed.apk:\n" ${buildToolsPath}/aapt dump badging ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-armeabi-v7a-release-signed.apk | grep package printf "File vector-gplay-x86-release-signed.apk:\n" ${buildToolsPath}/aapt dump badging ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86-release-signed.apk | grep package printf "File vector-gplay-x86_64-release-signed.apk:\n" ${buildToolsPath}/aapt dump badging ${targetPath}/vector-gplay-x86_64-release-signed.apk | grep package printf "\n" read -p "Does it look correct? Press enter when it's done." printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Installing apk on a real device, press enter when a real device is connected. " apkPath="${targetPath}/vector-gplay-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk" adb -d install ${apkPath} read -p "Please run the APK on your phone to check that the upgrade went well (no init sync, etc.). Press enter when it's done." # TODO Get the block to copy from towncrier earlier (be may be edited by the release manager)? read -p "Create the release on gitHub from the tag https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/tags, copy paste the block from the file CHANGES.md. Press enter when it's done." read -p "Add the 4 signed APKs to the GitHub release. They are located at ${targetPath}. Press enter when it's done." printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Message for the Android internal room:\n\n" message="@room Element Android ${version} is ready to be tested. You can get if from https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/releases/tag/v${version}. Please report any feedback here. Thanks!" printf "${message}\n\n" if [[ -z "${elementBotToken}" ]]; then read -p "ELEMENT_BOT_MATRIX_TOKEN is not defined in the environment. Cannot send the message for you. Please send it manually, and press enter when it's done " else read -p "Send this message to the room (yes/no) default to yes? " doSend doSend=${doSend:-yes} if [ ${doSend} == "yes" ]; then printf "Sending message...\n" transactionId=`openssl rand -hex 16` # Element Android internal matrixRoomId="!LiSLXinTDCsepePiYW:matrix.org" curl -X PUT --data $"{\"msgtype\":\"m.text\",\"body\":\"${message}\"}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${elementBotToken}" https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${matrixRoomId}/send/m.room.message/\$local.${transactionId} else printf "Message not sent, please send it manually!\n" fi fi printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Congratulation! Kudos for using this script! Have a nice day!\n" printf "================================================================================\n"