Always check master key when provided by verifying device

This commit is contained in:
Hugh Nimmo-Smith 2022-10-18 09:08:40 +01:00
parent f297117df2
commit a1d2944c32

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@ -165,21 +165,25 @@ class Rendezvous(
verificationResponse.masterKey?.let { masterKeyFromVerifyingDevice ->
// check master key againt what the homeserver told us
crypto.crossSigningService().getMyCrossSigningKeys()?.masterKey()?.let { localMasterKey ->
if (localMasterKey.unpaddedBase64PublicKey != masterKeyFromVerifyingDevice) {
Timber.tag(TAG).w("Master key from verifying device doesn't match: $masterKeyFromVerifyingDevice vs $localMasterKey")
// inform the other side
send(Payload(PayloadType.FINISH, outcome = Outcome.E2EE_SECURITY_ERROR))
throw RendezvousError("Master key from verifying device doesn't match", RendezvousFailureReason.E2EESecurityIssue)
// set other device as verified
Timber.tag(TAG).i("Setting device $verifyingDeviceId as verified")
crypto.setDeviceVerification(DeviceTrustLevel(locallyVerified = true, crossSigningVerified = false), userId, verifyingDeviceId)
// verifying device provided us with a master key, so use it to check integrity
Timber.tag(TAG).i("Setting master key as trusted")
} ?: Timber.tag(TAG).w("No local master key so not verifying")
// see what the homeserver told us
val localMasterKey = crypto.crossSigningService().getMyCrossSigningKeys()?.masterKey()
// n.b. if no local master key this is a problem, as well as it not matching
if (localMasterKey?.unpaddedBase64PublicKey != masterKeyFromVerifyingDevice) {
Timber.tag(TAG).w("Master key from verifying device doesn't match: $masterKeyFromVerifyingDevice vs $localMasterKey")
// inform the other side
send(Payload(PayloadType.FINISH, outcome = Outcome.E2EE_SECURITY_ERROR))
throw RendezvousError("Master key from verifying device doesn't match", RendezvousFailureReason.E2EESecurityIssue)
// set other device as verified
Timber.tag(TAG).i("Setting device $verifyingDeviceId as verified")
crypto.setDeviceVerification(DeviceTrustLevel(locallyVerified = true, crossSigningVerified = false), userId, verifyingDeviceId)
Timber.tag(TAG).i("Setting master key as trusted")
} ?: run {
// set other device as verified anyway
Timber.tag(TAG).i("Setting device $verifyingDeviceId as verified")