- if (null != gzippedLogcat) {
- if (gzippedFiles.size == 0) {
- gzippedFiles.add(gzippedLogcat)
- } else {
- gzippedFiles.add(0, gzippedLogcat)
+ if (withDevicesLogs) {
+ val files = vectorFileLogger.getLogFiles()
+ files.mapNotNullTo(gzippedFiles) { f ->
+ if (!mIsCancelled) {
+ compressFile(f)
+ } else {
+ null
+ }
- val crashDescription = getCrashFile(context)
- if (crashDescription.exists()) {
- val compressedCrashDescription = compressFile(crashDescription)
+ if (!mIsCancelled && (withCrashLogs || withDevicesLogs)) {
+ val gzippedLogcat = saveLogCat(context, false)
- if (null != compressedCrashDescription) {
+ if (null != gzippedLogcat) {
if (gzippedFiles.size == 0) {
- gzippedFiles.add(compressedCrashDescription)
+ gzippedFiles.add(gzippedLogcat)
} else {
- gzippedFiles.add(0, compressedCrashDescription)
+ gzippedFiles.add(0, gzippedLogcat)
+ }
+ }
+ val crashDescription = getCrashFile(context)
+ if (crashDescription.exists()) {
+ val compressedCrashDescription = compressFile(crashDescription)
+ if (null != compressedCrashDescription) {
+ if (gzippedFiles.size == 0) {
+ gzippedFiles.add(compressedCrashDescription)
+ } else {
+ gzippedFiles.add(0, compressedCrashDescription)
+ }
- }
- activeSessionHolder.getSafeActiveSession()
- ?.takeIf { !mIsCancelled && withKeyRequestHistory }
- ?.cryptoService()
- ?.getGossipingEvents()
- ?.let { GossipingEventsSerializer().serialize(it) }
- ?.toByteArray()
- ?.let { rawByteArray ->
- File(context.cacheDir.absolutePath, KEY_REQUESTS_FILENAME)
- .also {
- it.outputStream()
- .use { os -> os.write(rawByteArray) }
- }
- }
- ?.let { compressFile(it) }
- ?.let { gzippedFiles.add(it) }
- var deviceId = "undefined"
- var userId = "undefined"
- var olmVersion = "undefined"
- activeSessionHolder.getSafeActiveSession()?.let { session ->
- userId = session.myUserId
- deviceId = session.sessionParams.deviceId ?: "undefined"
- olmVersion = session.cryptoService().getCryptoVersion(context, true)
- }
- if (!mIsCancelled) {
- val text = "[Element] " +
- if (forSuggestion) {
- "[Suggestion] "
- } else {
- ""
- } +
- bugDescription
- // build the multi part request
- val builder = BugReporterMultipartBody.Builder()
- .addFormDataPart("text", text)
- .addFormDataPart("app", "riot-android")
- .addFormDataPart("user_agent", Matrix.getInstance(context).getUserAgent())
- .addFormDataPart("user_id", userId)
- .addFormDataPart("device_id", deviceId)
- .addFormDataPart("version", versionProvider.getVersion(longFormat = true, useBuildNumber = false))
- .addFormDataPart("branch_name", context.getString(R.string.git_branch_name))
- .addFormDataPart("matrix_sdk_version", Matrix.getSdkVersion())
- .addFormDataPart("olm_version", olmVersion)
- .addFormDataPart("device", Build.MODEL.trim())
- .addFormDataPart("verbose_log", vectorPreferences.labAllowedExtendedLogging().toOnOff())
- .addFormDataPart("multi_window", inMultiWindowMode.toOnOff())
- .addFormDataPart("os", Build.VERSION.RELEASE + " (API " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT + ") "
- .addFormDataPart("locale", Locale.getDefault().toString())
- .addFormDataPart("app_language", VectorLocale.applicationLocale.toString())
- .addFormDataPart("default_app_language", systemLocaleProvider.getSystemLocale().toString())
- .addFormDataPart("theme", ThemeUtils.getApplicationTheme(context))
- val buildNumber = context.getString(R.string.build_number)
- if (buildNumber.isNotEmpty() && buildNumber != "0") {
- builder.addFormDataPart("build_number", buildNumber)
- }
- // add the gzipped files
- for (file in gzippedFiles) {
- builder.addFormDataPart("compressed-log", file.name, file.asRequestBody(MimeTypes.OctetStream.toMediaTypeOrNull()))
- }
- mBugReportFiles.addAll(gzippedFiles)
- if (withScreenshot) {
- val bitmap = screenshot
- if (null != bitmap) {
- val logCatScreenshotFile = File(context.cacheDir.absolutePath, LOG_CAT_SCREENSHOT_FILENAME)
- if (logCatScreenshotFile.exists()) {
- logCatScreenshotFile.delete()
+ activeSessionHolder.getSafeActiveSession()
+ ?.takeIf { !mIsCancelled && withKeyRequestHistory }
+ ?.cryptoService()
+ ?.getGossipingEvents()
+ ?.let { GossipingEventsSerializer().serialize(it) }
+ ?.toByteArray()
+ ?.let { rawByteArray ->
+ File(context.cacheDir.absolutePath, KEY_REQUESTS_FILENAME)
+ .also {
+ it.outputStream()
+ .use { os -> os.write(rawByteArray) }
+ }
+ ?.let { compressFile(it) }
+ ?.let { gzippedFiles.add(it) }
- try {
- logCatScreenshotFile.outputStream().use {
- bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, it)
+ var deviceId = "undefined"
+ var userId = "undefined"
+ var olmVersion = "undefined"
+ activeSessionHolder.getSafeActiveSession()?.let { session ->
+ userId = session.myUserId
+ deviceId = session.sessionParams.deviceId ?: "undefined"
+ olmVersion = session.cryptoService().getCryptoVersion(context, true)
+ }
+ if (!mIsCancelled) {
+ val text = "[Element] " +
+ if (forSuggestion) {
+ "[Suggestion] "
+ } else {
+ ""
+ } +
+ bugDescription
+ // build the multi part request
+ val builder = BugReporterMultipartBody.Builder()
+ .addFormDataPart("text", text)
+ .addFormDataPart("app", "riot-android")
+ .addFormDataPart("user_agent", Matrix.getInstance(context).getUserAgent())
+ .addFormDataPart("user_id", userId)
+ .addFormDataPart("device_id", deviceId)
+ .addFormDataPart("version", versionProvider.getVersion(longFormat = true, useBuildNumber = false))
+ .addFormDataPart("branch_name", context.getString(R.string.git_branch_name))
+ .addFormDataPart("matrix_sdk_version", Matrix.getSdkVersion())
+ .addFormDataPart("olm_version", olmVersion)
+ .addFormDataPart("device", Build.MODEL.trim())
+ .addFormDataPart("verbose_log", vectorPreferences.labAllowedExtendedLogging().toOnOff())
+ .addFormDataPart("multi_window", inMultiWindowMode.toOnOff())
+ .addFormDataPart("os", Build.VERSION.RELEASE + " (API " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT + ") "
+ .addFormDataPart("locale", Locale.getDefault().toString())
+ .addFormDataPart("app_language", VectorLocale.applicationLocale.toString())
+ .addFormDataPart("default_app_language", systemLocaleProvider.getSystemLocale().toString())
+ .addFormDataPart("theme", ThemeUtils.getApplicationTheme(context))
+ val buildNumber = context.getString(R.string.build_number)
+ if (buildNumber.isNotEmpty() && buildNumber != "0") {
+ builder.addFormDataPart("build_number", buildNumber)
+ }
+ // add the gzipped files
+ for (file in gzippedFiles) {
+ builder.addFormDataPart("compressed-log", file.name, file.asRequestBody(MimeTypes.OctetStream.toMediaTypeOrNull()))
+ }
+ mBugReportFiles.addAll(gzippedFiles)
+ if (withScreenshot) {
+ val bitmap = screenshot
+ if (null != bitmap) {
+ val logCatScreenshotFile = File(context.cacheDir.absolutePath, LOG_CAT_SCREENSHOT_FILENAME)
+ if (logCatScreenshotFile.exists()) {
+ logCatScreenshotFile.delete()
- builder.addFormDataPart("file",
- logCatScreenshotFile.name, logCatScreenshotFile.asRequestBody(MimeTypes.OctetStream.toMediaTypeOrNull()))
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- Timber.e(e, "## sendBugReport() : fail to write screenshot$e")
+ try {
+ logCatScreenshotFile.outputStream().use {
+ bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, it)
+ }
+ builder.addFormDataPart("file",
+ logCatScreenshotFile.name, logCatScreenshotFile.asRequestBody(MimeTypes.OctetStream.toMediaTypeOrNull()))
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ Timber.e(e, "## sendBugReport() : fail to write screenshot$e")
+ }
- }
- screenshot = null
+ screenshot = null
- // add some github labels
- builder.addFormDataPart("label", BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME)
- builder.addFormDataPart("label", BuildConfig.FLAVOR_DESCRIPTION)
- builder.addFormDataPart("label", context.getString(R.string.git_branch_name))
+ // add some github labels
+ builder.addFormDataPart("label", BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME)
+ builder.addFormDataPart("label", BuildConfig.FLAVOR_DESCRIPTION)
+ builder.addFormDataPart("label", context.getString(R.string.git_branch_name))
- // Special for RiotX
- builder.addFormDataPart("label", "[Element]")
+ // Special for RiotX
+ builder.addFormDataPart("label", "[Element]")
- // Suggestion
- if (forSuggestion) {
- builder.addFormDataPart("label", "[Suggestion]")
- }
+ // Suggestion
+ if (forSuggestion) {
+ builder.addFormDataPart("label", "[Suggestion]")
+ }
- if (getCrashFile(context).exists()) {
- builder.addFormDataPart("label", "crash")
- deleteCrashFile(context)
- }
+ if (getCrashFile(context).exists()) {
+ builder.addFormDataPart("label", "crash")
+ deleteCrashFile(context)
+ }
- val requestBody = builder.build()
+ val requestBody = builder.build()
- // add a progress listener
- requestBody.setWriteListener { totalWritten, contentLength ->
- val percentage = if (-1L != contentLength) {
- if (totalWritten > contentLength) {
- 100
+ // add a progress listener
+ requestBody.setWriteListener { totalWritten, contentLength ->
+ val percentage = if (-1L != contentLength) {
+ if (totalWritten > contentLength) {
+ 100
+ } else {
+ (totalWritten * 100 / contentLength).toInt()
+ }
} else {
- (totalWritten * 100 / contentLength).toInt()
+ 0
- } else {
- 0
+ if (mIsCancelled && null != mBugReportCall) {
+ mBugReportCall!!.cancel()
+ }
+ Timber.v("## onWrite() : $percentage%")
+ suspend { publishProgress(percentage) }
- if (mIsCancelled && null != mBugReportCall) {
- mBugReportCall!!.cancel()
+ // build the request
+ val request = Request.Builder()
+ .url(context.getString(R.string.bug_report_url))
+ .post(requestBody)
+ .build()
+ var responseCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR
+ var response: Response? = null
+ var errorMessage: String? = null
+ // trigger the request
+ try {
+ mBugReportCall = mOkHttpClient.newCall(request)
+ response = mBugReportCall!!.execute()
+ responseCode = response.code
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ Timber.e(e, "response")
+ errorMessage = e.localizedMessage
- Timber.v("## onWrite() : $percentage%")
- publishProgress(percentage)
- }
+ // if the upload failed, try to retrieve the reason
+ if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
+ if (null != errorMessage) {
+ serverError = "Failed with error $errorMessage"
+ } else if (null == response || null == response.body) {
+ serverError = "Failed with error $responseCode"
+ } else {
+ try {
+ val inputStream = response.body!!.byteStream()
- // build the request
- val request = Request.Builder()
- .url(context.getString(R.string.bug_report_url))
- .post(requestBody)
- .build()
- var responseCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR
- var response: Response? = null
- var errorMessage: String? = null
- // trigger the request
- try {
- mBugReportCall = mOkHttpClient.newCall(request)
- response = mBugReportCall!!.execute()
- responseCode = response.code
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- Timber.e(e, "response")
- errorMessage = e.localizedMessage
- }
- // if the upload failed, try to retrieve the reason
- if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
- if (null != errorMessage) {
- serverError = "Failed with error $errorMessage"
- } else if (null == response || null == response.body) {
- serverError = "Failed with error $responseCode"
- } else {
- try {
- val inputStream = response.body!!.byteStream()
- serverError = inputStream.use {
- buildString {
- var ch = it.read()
- while (ch != -1) {
- append(ch.toChar())
- ch = it.read()
+ serverError = inputStream.use {
+ buildString {
+ var ch = it.read()
+ while (ch != -1) {
+ append(ch.toChar())
+ ch = it.read()
+ }
- }
- // check if the error message
- try {
- val responseJSON = JSONObject(serverError)
- serverError = responseJSON.getString("error")
- } catch (e: JSONException) {
- Timber.e(e, "doInBackground ; Json conversion failed")
- }
+ // check if the error message
+ try {
+ val responseJSON = JSONObject(serverError)
+ serverError = responseJSON.getString("error")
+ } catch (e: JSONException) {
+ Timber.e(e, "doInBackground ; Json conversion failed")
+ }
- // should never happen
- if (null == serverError) {
- serverError = "Failed with error $responseCode"
+ // should never happen
+ if (null == serverError) {
+ serverError = "Failed with error $responseCode"
+ }
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ Timber.e(e, "## sendBugReport() : failed to parse error")
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- Timber.e(e, "## sendBugReport() : failed to parse error")
- }
- return serverError
- }
- override fun onProgressUpdate(vararg progress: Int?) {
- if (null != listener) {
- try {
- listener.onProgress(progress[0] ?: 0)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- Timber.e(e, "## onProgress() : failed")
- }
- }
- }
- override fun onPostExecute(reason: String?) {
- mBugReportCall = null
- // delete when the bug report has been successfully sent
- for (file in mBugReportFiles) {
- file.delete()
- }
- if (null != listener) {
- try {
- if (mIsCancelled) {
- listener.onUploadCancelled()
- } else if (null == reason) {
- listener.onUploadSucceed()
- } else {
- listener.onUploadFailed(reason)
+ serverError
+ },
+ onProgressUpdate = { progress ->
+ if (null != listener) {
+ try {
+ listener.onProgress(progress)
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ Timber.e(e, "## onProgress() : failed")
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onPostExecute = { reason: String? ->
+ mBugReportCall = null
+ // delete when the bug report has been successfully sent
+ for (file in mBugReportFiles) {
+ file.delete()
+ }
+ if (null != listener) {
+ try {
+ if (mIsCancelled) {
+ listener.onUploadCancelled()
+ } else if (null == reason) {
+ listener.onUploadSucceed()
+ } else {
+ listener.onUploadFailed(reason)
+ }
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ Timber.e(e, "## onPostExecute() : failed")
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- Timber.e(e, "## onPostExecute() : failed")
- }
- }.execute()
+ )
@@ -696,4 +703,21 @@ class BugReporter @Inject constructor(
return null
+ fun CoroutineScope.executeAsyncTask(
+ onPreExecute: () -> Unit,
+ doInBackground: suspend (suspend (P) -> Unit) -> R,
+ onPostExecute: (R) -> Unit,
+ onProgressUpdate: (P) -> Unit
+ ) = launch {
+ onPreExecute()
+ val result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
+ doInBackground {
+ withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { onProgressUpdate(it) }
+ }
+ }
+ onPostExecute(result)
+ }
diff --git a/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/roomprofile/uploads/media/RoomUploadsMediaFragment.kt b/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/roomprofile/uploads/media/RoomUploadsMediaFragment.kt
index 84a419c6c6..fe6dc86165 100644
--- a/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/roomprofile/uploads/media/RoomUploadsMediaFragment.kt
+++ b/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/roomprofile/uploads/media/RoomUploadsMediaFragment.kt
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
package im.vector.app.features.roomprofile.uploads.media
+import android.os.Build
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.DisplayMetrics
import android.view.LayoutInflater
@@ -78,9 +79,14 @@ class RoomUploadsMediaFragment @Inject constructor(
controller.listener = this
+ @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
private fun getNumberOfColumns(): Int {
val displayMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
- requireActivity().windowManager.defaultDisplay.getMetrics(displayMetrics)
+ requireContext().display?.getMetrics(displayMetrics)
+ } else {
+ requireActivity().windowManager.defaultDisplay.getMetrics(displayMetrics)
+ }
return dimensionConverter.pxToDp(displayMetrics.widthPixels) / IMAGE_SIZE_DP
diff --git a/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/webview/VectorWebViewActivity.kt b/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/webview/VectorWebViewActivity.kt
index 68c13c300e..e4d2571333 100644
--- a/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/webview/VectorWebViewActivity.kt
+++ b/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/webview/VectorWebViewActivity.kt
@@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ class VectorWebViewActivity : VectorBaseActivity()
// Allow use of Local Storage
domStorageEnabled = true
+ @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
allowFileAccessFromFileURLs = true
+ @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs = true
displayZoomControls = false
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ class VectorWebViewActivity : VectorBaseActivity()
val cookieManager = android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance()
cookieManager.setAcceptThirdPartyCookies(views.simpleWebview, true)
- val url = intent.extras?.getString(EXTRA_URL)
+ val url = intent.extras?.getString(EXTRA_URL) ?: return
val title = intent.extras?.getString(EXTRA_TITLE, USE_TITLE_FROM_WEB_PAGE)
if (title != USE_TITLE_FROM_WEB_PAGE) {
diff --git a/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/widgets/webview/WidgetWebView.kt b/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/widgets/webview/WidgetWebView.kt
index 446bc1663f..d30baef55a 100644
--- a/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/widgets/webview/WidgetWebView.kt
+++ b/vector/src/main/java/im/vector/app/features/widgets/webview/WidgetWebView.kt
@@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ fun WebView.setupForWidget(webViewEventListener: WebViewEventListener) {
// Allow use of Local Storage
settings.domStorageEnabled = true
+ @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
settings.allowFileAccessFromFileURLs = true
+ @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
settings.allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs = true
settings.displayZoomControls = false
@@ -75,7 +77,6 @@ fun WebView.clearAfterWidget() {
// Make sure you remove the WebView from its parent view before doing anything.
(parent as? ViewGroup)?.removeAllViews()
webChromeClient = null
- webViewClient = null
// NOTE: clears RAM cache, if you pass true, it will also clear the disk cache.