Fix Quote from within a thread

This commit is contained in:
ariskotsomitopoulos 2022-01-10 14:14:11 +02:00
parent 6503412928
commit 1b41a72e72
4 changed files with 37 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ interface SendService {
* @param autoMarkdown If true, the SDK will generate a formatted HTML message from the body text if markdown syntax is present
* @return a [Cancelable]
fun sendQuotedTextMessage(quotedEvent: TimelineEvent, text: String, autoMarkdown: Boolean): Cancelable
fun sendQuotedTextMessage(quotedEvent: TimelineEvent, text: String, autoMarkdown: Boolean, rootThreadEventId: String? = null): Cancelable
* Method to send a media asynchronously.

View File

@ -97,8 +97,14 @@ internal class DefaultSendService @AssistedInject constructor(
.let { sendEvent(it) }
override fun sendQuotedTextMessage(quotedEvent: TimelineEvent, text: String, autoMarkdown: Boolean): Cancelable {
return localEchoEventFactory.createQuotedTextEvent(roomId, quotedEvent, text, autoMarkdown)
override fun sendQuotedTextMessage(quotedEvent: TimelineEvent, text: String, autoMarkdown: Boolean, rootThreadEventId: String?): Cancelable {
return localEchoEventFactory.createQuotedTextEvent(
roomId = roomId,
quotedEvent = quotedEvent,
text = text,
autoMarkdown = autoMarkdown,
rootThreadEventId = rootThreadEventId
.also { createLocalEcho(it) }
.let { sendEvent(it) }

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@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ internal class LocalEchoEventFactory @Inject constructor(
private fun buildReplyFallback(body: TextContent, originalSenderId: String?, newBodyText: String): String {
return buildString {
append("> <")
@ -564,11 +565,25 @@ internal class LocalEchoEventFactory @Inject constructor(
quotedEvent: TimelineEvent,
text: String,
autoMarkdown: Boolean,
rootThreadEventId: String?
): Event {
val messageContent = quotedEvent.getLastMessageContent()
val textMsg = messageContent?.body
val quoteText = legacyRiotQuoteText(textMsg, text)
return createFormattedTextEvent(roomId, markdownParser.parse(quoteText, force = true, advanced = autoMarkdown), MessageType.MSGTYPE_TEXT)
return if (rootThreadEventId != null) {
.parse(quoteText, force = true, advanced = autoMarkdown)
.toThreadTextContent(rootThreadEventId, MessageType.MSGTYPE_TEXT)
} else {
markdownParser.parse(quoteText, force = true, advanced = autoMarkdown),
private fun legacyRiotQuoteText(quotedText: String?, myText: String): String {

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@ -446,39 +446,12 @@ class MessageComposerViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
// is SendMode.Quote -> {
// val messageContent = state.sendMode.timelineEvent.getLastMessageContent()
// val textMsg = messageContent?.body
// val finalText = legacyRiotQuoteText(textMsg, action.text.toString())
// // TODO check for pills?
// // TODO Refactor this, just temporary for quotes
// val parser = Parser.builder().build()
// val document = parser.parse(finalText)
// val renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder().build()
// val htmlText = renderer.render(document)
// if (finalText == htmlText) {
// state.rootThreadEventId?.let {
// room.replyInThread(
// rootThreadEventId = it,
// replyInThreadText = finalText)
// } ?: room.sendTextMessage(finalText)
// } else {
// state.rootThreadEventId?.let {
// room.replyInThread(
// rootThreadEventId = it,
// replyInThreadText = finalText,
// formattedText = htmlText)
// } ?: room.sendFormattedTextMessage(finalText, htmlText)
// }
// popDraft()
// }
is SendMode.Quote -> {
room.sendQuotedTextMessage(state.sendMode.timelineEvent, action.text.toString(), action.autoMarkdown)
quotedEvent = state.sendMode.timelineEvent,
text = action.text.toString(),
autoMarkdown = action.autoMarkdown,
rootThreadEventId = state.rootThreadEventId)