[merge] Cleanup leftovers from old timeline fixes

Upstream redid some timeline chunk handling, which should make these

Change-Id: I14f19ecba0bc093261cb2779135ff8c744439e12
This commit is contained in:
SpiritCroc 2022-07-09 19:51:18 +02:00
parent 8df78e41ff
commit 06a7154abf
4 changed files with 0 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -37,24 +37,6 @@ import org.matrix.android.sdk.internal.database.query.where
import org.matrix.android.sdk.internal.session.room.timeline.PaginationDirection
import timber.log.Timber
// SC-TODO: old timeline fix, can probably remove now?
internal fun ChunkEntity.moveEventsFrom(chunkToMerge: ChunkEntity, direction: PaginationDirection) {
val localRealm = this.realm
val eventsToMerge = if (direction == PaginationDirection.FORWARDS) {
chunkToMerge.timelineEvents.sort(TimelineEventEntityFields.DISPLAY_INDEX, Sort.ASCENDING)
} else {
chunkToMerge.timelineEvents.sort(TimelineEventEntityFields.DISPLAY_INDEX, Sort.DESCENDING)
eventsToMerge.forEach {
if (addTimelineEventFromMove(localRealm, it, direction)) {
internal fun ChunkEntity.addStateEvent(roomId: String, stateEvent: EventEntity, direction: PaginationDirection) {
if (direction == PaginationDirection.BACKWARDS) {
Timber.v("We don't keep chunk state events when paginating backward")
@ -139,20 +121,6 @@ internal fun computeIsUnique(
// SC-TODO: old timeline fix, probably can remove now
private fun ChunkEntity.addTimelineEventFromMove(realm: Realm, event: TimelineEventEntity, direction: PaginationDirection): Boolean {
val eventId = event.eventId
if (timelineEvents.find(eventId) != null) {
return false
event.displayIndex = nextDisplayIndex(direction)
handleThreadSummary(realm, eventId, event)
return true
private fun handleReadReceipts(realm: Realm, roomId: String, eventEntity: EventEntity, senderId: String): ReadReceiptsSummaryEntity {
val readReceiptsSummaryEntity = ReadReceiptsSummaryEntity.where(realm, eventEntity.eventId).findFirst()
?: realm.createObject<ReadReceiptsSummaryEntity>(eventEntity.eventId).apply {

View File

@ -527,32 +527,6 @@ internal class TimelineChunk(
private fun handleDatabaseChangeSet(results: RealmResults<TimelineEventEntity>, changeSet: OrderedCollectionChangeSet) {
val insertions = changeSet.insertionRanges
for (range in insertions) {
/* SC-TODO: old timeline fix, can probably delete?
// Check if the insertion's displayIndices match our expectations - or skip this insertion.
// Inconsistencies (missing messages) can happen otherwise if we get insertions before having loaded all timeline events of the chunk.
if (builtEvents.isNotEmpty()) {
// Check consistency to item before insertions
if (range.startIndex > 0) {
val firstInsertion = results[range.startIndex]!!
val lastBeforeInsertion = builtEvents[range.startIndex-1]
if (firstInsertion.displayIndex+1 != lastBeforeInsertion.displayIndex) {
Timber.i("handleDatabaseChangeSet: skip insertion at ${range.startIndex}/${builtEvents.size}, " +
"displayIndex mismatch at ${range.startIndex}: ${firstInsertion.displayIndex} -> ${lastBeforeInsertion.displayIndex}")
// Check consistency to item after insertions
if (range.startIndex < builtEvents.size) {
val lastInsertion = results[range.startIndex+range.length-1]!!
val firstAfterInsertion = builtEvents[range.startIndex]
if (firstAfterInsertion.displayIndex+1 != lastInsertion.displayIndex) {
Timber.i("handleDatabaseChangeSet: skip insertion at ${range.startIndex}/${builtEvents.size}, " +
"displayIndex mismatch at ${range.startIndex+range.length}: ${firstAfterInsertion.displayIndex} -> ${lastInsertion.displayIndex}")
if (!validateInsertion(range, results)) continue
val newItems = results
.subList(range.startIndex, range.startIndex + range.length)

View File

@ -72,21 +72,6 @@ internal class TokenChunkEventPersistor @Inject constructor(
roomId: String,
direction: PaginationDirection
): Result {
/* SC-TODO: old timeline fixes, can probably delete
if (receivedChunk.events.isEmpty() && receivedChunk.start == receivedChunk.end) {
Timber.w("Discard empty chunk with identical start/end token ${receivedChunk.start}")
return if (receivedChunk.hasMore()) {
} else {
} else if (receivedChunk.start == receivedChunk.end) {
// I don't think we have seen this case so far, but let's log it just in case...
// -> if it happens, we need to address it somehow!
Timber.e("Non-empty chunk with identical start/end token ${receivedChunk.start}")
.awaitTransaction { realm ->
Timber.i("Start persisting ${receivedChunk.events.size} events in $roomId towards $direction | " +
@ -178,81 +163,6 @@ internal class TokenChunkEventPersistor @Inject constructor(
if (event.eventId == null || event.senderId == null) {
/* SC-TODO: old timeline fix, can probably delete
// We check for the timeline event with this id, but not in the thread chunk
val eventId = event.eventId
val existingTimelineEvent = TimelineEventEntity
.where(realm, roomId, eventId)
.equalTo(TimelineEventEntityFields.OWNED_BY_THREAD_CHUNK, false)
// If it exists, we want to stop here, just link the prevChunk
val existingChunk = existingTimelineEvent?.chunk?.firstOrNull()
if (existingChunk != null) {
if (existingChunk == currentChunk) {
Timber.w("Avoid double insertion of event $eventId, shouldn't happen in an ideal world | " +
"direction: $direction.value " +
"room: $roomId " +
"chunk: ${existingChunk.identifier()} " +
"eventId: $eventId " +
"caughtByOldCheck ${((if (direction == PaginationDirection.BACKWARDS) currentChunk.nextChunk else currentChunk.prevChunk) == existingChunk)} " +
"caughtByOldBackwardCheck ${(currentChunk.nextChunk == existingChunk)} " +
"caughtByOldForwardCheck ${(currentChunk.prevChunk == existingChunk)}"
// No idea why this happens, but if it does, we don't want to throw away all the other events
// (or even link chunks to themselves)
val alreadyLinkedNext = currentChunk.doesNextChunksVerifyCondition { it == existingChunk }
val alreadyLinkedPrev = currentChunk.doesPrevChunksVerifyCondition { it == existingChunk }
if (alreadyLinkedNext || alreadyLinkedPrev) {
Timber.i("Avoid double link | " +
"direction: $direction " +
"room: $roomId event: $eventId " +
"linkedPrev: $alreadyLinkedPrev linkedNext: $alreadyLinkedNext " +
"oldChunk: ${existingChunk.identifier()} newChunk: ${existingChunk.identifier()} " +
"oldBackwardCheck: ${currentChunk.nextChunk == existingChunk} " +
"oldForwardCheck: ${currentChunk.prevChunk == existingChunk}"
if ((direction == PaginationDirection.FORWARDS && !alreadyLinkedNext /* && alreadyLinkedPrev */) ||
(direction == PaginationDirection.BACKWARDS && !alreadyLinkedPrev /* && alreadyLinkedNext */)) {
// Do not stop processing here: even though this event already exists in an already linked chunk,
// we still may have new events to add
// Stop processing here
// If we haven't found a single new event yet, we don't want to link in the pagination direction, as that might cause a
// timeline loop if the other chunk is in the other direction.
if (!hasNewEvents) {
Timber.i("Skip adding event $eventId, already exists")
// Only skip this event, but still process other events.
// Remember this chunk, since in case we don't find any new events, we still want to link this in pagination direction
// in order to link a chunk to the /sync chunk
if (existingChunkToLink == null) {
existingChunkToLink = existingChunk
when (direction) {
PaginationDirection.BACKWARDS -> {
Timber.i("Backwards insert chunk: ${existingChunk.identifier()} -> ${currentChunk.identifier()}")
currentChunk.prevChunk = existingChunk
existingChunk.nextChunk = currentChunk
PaginationDirection.FORWARDS -> {
Timber.i("Forward insert chunk: ${currentChunk.identifier()} -> ${existingChunk.identifier()}")
currentChunk.nextChunk = existingChunk
existingChunk.prevChunk = currentChunk
// Stop processing here
// existingChunk == null => this is a new event we haven't seen before
hasNewEvents = true
val ageLocalTs = now - (event.unsignedData?.age ?: 0)
val eventEntity = event.toEntity(roomId, SendState.SYNCED, ageLocalTs).copyToRealmOrIgnore(realm, EventInsertType.PAGINATION)

View File

@ -383,20 +383,6 @@ internal class RoomSyncHandler @Inject constructor(
aggregator: SyncResponsePostTreatmentAggregator
): ChunkEntity {
val lastChunk = ChunkEntity.findLastForwardChunkOfRoom(realm, roomEntity.roomId)
/* SC-TODO: old timeline fixes, can probably delete
if (isLimited && lastChunk != null) {
Timber.i("Deleting last forward chunk (${lastChunk.identifier()})")
// Add events that oldPrev may have dropped since they were already in lastChunk
val oldPrev = lastChunk.prevChunk
if (oldPrev != null && oldPrev.nextToken != lastChunk.prevToken) {
// If the tokens mismatch, this means we have chained them due to duplicated events.
// In this case, we need to make sure to re-add possibly dropped events (which would have
// been duplicates otherwise)
oldPrev.moveEventsFrom(lastChunk, PaginationDirection.FORWARDS)
lastChunk.deleteOnCascade(deleteStateEvents = false, canDeleteRoot = true)
val chunkEntity = if (!isLimited && lastChunk != null) {
} else {