Translate some legacy SDK classes to kotlin
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ data class Event(
@Json(name = "origin_server_ts") val originServerTs: Long? = null,
@Json(name = "sender") val sender: String? = null,
@Json(name = "state_key") val stateKey: String? = null,
@Json(name = "room_id") val roomId: String? = null,
@Json(name = "room_id") var roomId: String? = null,
@Json(name = "unsigned_data") val unsignedData: UnsignedData? = null
) {
val contentAsJsonObject: JsonObject by lazy {
val contentAsJsonObject: JsonObject? by lazy {
val gson = JsonUtils.getGson(true)
val prevContentAsJsonObject: JsonObject by lazy {
val prevContentAsJsonObject: JsonObject? by lazy {
val gson = JsonUtils.getGson(true)
@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ data class Event(
return moshiAdapter.fromJsonValue(data)
val isCallEvent: Boolean by lazy {
EventType.CALL_INVITE == type
|| EventType.CALL_CANDIDATES == type
|| EventType.CALL_ANSWER == type
|| EventType.CALL_HANGUP == type
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import com.squareup.moshi.Json
import com.squareup.moshi.JsonClass
* Class representing an event content
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class EventContent(
* The display name for this user, if any.
@Json(name = "displayname") val displayName: String? = null,
* The avatar URL for this user, if any.
@Json(name = "avatar_url") val avatarUrl: String? = null,
* The membership state of the user. One of: ["invite", "join", "knock", "leave", "ban"]
@Json(name = "membership") val membership: String? = null,
* the third party invite
@Json(name = "third_party_invite") val thirdPartyInvite: RoomThirdPartyInvite? = null,
* e2e encryption format
@Json(name = "algorithm") val algorithm: String? = null
@ -39,4 +39,11 @@ object EventType {
const val STATE_PINNED_EVENT = ""
// Call Events
const val CALL_INVITE = ""
const val CALL_CANDIDATES = ""
const val CALL_ANSWER = ""
const val CALL_HANGUP = ""
@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
import android.text.TextUtils
import timber.log.Timber
import java.util.*
* Stores summarised information about the room.
class RoomSummary() {
private var mRoomId: String? = null
* @return the topic.
var roomTopic: String? = null
private set
private var mLatestReceivedEvent: Event? = null
// the room state is only used to check
// 1- the invitation status
// 2- the members display name
@Transient private var mLatestRoomState: RoomState? = null
// defines the latest read message
* @return the read receipt event id
* Set the read receipt event Id
* @param eventId the read receipt event id.
var readReceiptEventId: String? = null
set(eventId) {
Timber.d("## setReadReceiptEventId() : " + eventId + " roomId " + getRoomId())
field = eventId
// the read marker event id
private var mReadMarkerEventId: String? = null
* @return the room tags
* Update the room tags
* @param roomTags the room tags
// wraps the set into a serializable one
var roomTags: Set<String>? = null
set(roomTags) = if (roomTags != null) {
field = HashSet(roomTags)
} else {
field = HashSet()
// counters
var mUnreadEventsCount: Int = 0
var mNotificationCount: Int = 0
var mHighlightsCount: Int = 0
// invitation status
// retrieved at initial sync
// the roomstate is not always known
* @return the inviter user id.
var inviterUserId: String? = null
private set
// retrieved from the roomState
private var mInviterName: String? = null
* @return the user id
var userId: String? = null
// Info from sync, depending on the room position in the sync
private var mUserMembership: String? = null
* Tell if the room is a user conference user one
private var mIsConferenceUserRoom: Boolean? = null
* Data from RoomSyncSummary
private val mHeroes = ArrayList<String>()
var numberOfJoinedMembers: Int = 0
private set
var numberOfInvitedMembers: Int = 0
private set
* @return true if the current user is invited
val isInvited: Boolean
get() = RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_INVITE == mUserMembership
* @return true if the current user is invited
val isJoined: Boolean
get() = RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_JOIN == mUserMembership
* @return the read receipt event id
* Set the read marker event Id
* @param eventId the read marker event id.
var readMarkerEventId: String?
get() {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mReadMarkerEventId)) {
Timber.e("## getReadMarkerEventId') : null mReadMarkerEventId, in " + getRoomId()!!)
mReadMarkerEventId = readReceiptEventId
return mReadMarkerEventId
set(eventId) {
Timber.d("## setReadMarkerEventId() : " + eventId + " roomId " + getRoomId())
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(eventId)) {
Timber.e("## setReadMarkerEventId') : null mReadMarkerEventId, in " + getRoomId()!!)
mReadMarkerEventId = eventId
* @return the unread events count
* Update the unread message counter
* @param count the unread events count.
var unreadEventsCount: Int
get() = mUnreadEventsCount
set(count) {
Timber.d("## setUnreadEventsCount() : " + count + " roomId " + getRoomId())
mUnreadEventsCount = count
* @return the notification count
* Update the notification counter
* @param count the notification counter
var notificationCount: Int
get() = mNotificationCount
set(count) {
Timber.d("## setNotificationCount() : " + count + " roomId " + getRoomId())
mNotificationCount = count
* @return the highlight count
* Update the highlight counter
* @param count the highlight counter
var highlightCount: Int
get() = mHighlightsCount
set(count) {
Timber.d("## setHighlightCount() : " + count + " roomId " + getRoomId())
mHighlightsCount = count
// test if it is not yet initialized
// FIXME LazyLoading Heroes does not contains me
// FIXME I'ms not sure this code will work anymore
// works only with 1:1 room
var isConferenceUserRoom: Boolean
get() {
if (null == mIsConferenceUserRoom) {
mIsConferenceUserRoom = false
val membersId = heroes
if (2 == membersId.size) {
for (userId in membersId) {
if (MXCallsManager.isConferenceUserId(userId)) {
mIsConferenceUserRoom = true
return mIsConferenceUserRoom!!
set(isConferenceUserRoom) {
mIsConferenceUserRoom = isConferenceUserRoom
val heroes: List<String>
get() = mHeroes
* Create a room summary
* @param fromSummary the summary source
* @param event the latest event of the room
* @param roomState the room state - used to display the event
* @param userId our own user id - used to display the room name
constructor(fromSummary: RoomSummary?,
event: Event?,
roomState: RoomState?,
userId: String) : this() {
this.userId = userId
if (roomState != null) {
if (mRoomId == null) {
event?.roomId?.let { setRoomId(it) }
setLatestReceivedEvent(event, roomState)
// if no summary is provided
if (fromSummary == null) {
event?.let {
readMarkerEventId = it.eventId
readReceiptEventId = it.eventId
roomState?.let {
highlightCount = it.highlightCount
notificationCount = it.highlightCount
unreadEventsCount = Math.max(highlightCount, notificationCount)
} else {
// else use the provided summary data
readMarkerEventId = fromSummary.readMarkerEventId
readReceiptEventId = fromSummary.readReceiptEventId
unreadEventsCount = fromSummary.unreadEventsCount
highlightCount = fromSummary.highlightCount
notificationCount = fromSummary.notificationCount
numberOfJoinedMembers = fromSummary.numberOfJoinedMembers
numberOfInvitedMembers = fromSummary.numberOfInvitedMembers
mUserMembership = fromSummary.mUserMembership
* @return the room id
fun getRoomId(): String? {
return mRoomId
* @return the room summary event.
fun getLatestReceivedEvent(): Event? {
return mLatestReceivedEvent
* @return the dedicated room state.
fun getLatestRoomState(): RoomState? {
return mLatestRoomState
* To call when the room is in the invited section of the sync response
fun setIsInvited() {
mUserMembership = RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_INVITE
* To call when the room is in the joined section of the sync response
fun setIsJoined() {
mUserMembership = RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_JOIN
* Set the room's [].
* @param topic The topic
* @return This summary for chaining calls.
fun setTopic(topic: String): RoomSummary {
roomTopic = topic
return this
* Set the room's ID..
* @param roomId The room ID
* @return This summary for chaining calls.
fun setRoomId(roomId: String): RoomSummary {
mRoomId = roomId
return this
* Set the latest tracked event (e.g. the latest
* @param event The most-recent event.
* @param roomState The room state
* @return This summary for chaining calls.
fun setLatestReceivedEvent(event: Event?, roomState: RoomState?): RoomSummary {
if (null != roomState) {
return this
* Set the latest tracked event (e.g. the latest
* @param event The most-recent event.
* @return This summary for chaining calls.
fun setLatestReceivedEvent(event: Event?): RoomSummary {
mLatestReceivedEvent = event
return this
* Set the latest RoomState
* @param roomState The room state of the latest event.
* @return This summary for chaining calls.
fun setLatestRoomState(roomState: RoomState?): RoomSummary {
mLatestRoomState = roomState
// Keep this code for compatibility?
var isInvited = false
// check for the invitation status
if (null != mLatestRoomState) {
val member = mLatestRoomState!!.getMember(userId)
isInvited = null != member && RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_INVITE == member.membership
// when invited, the only received message should be the invitation one
if (isInvited) {
mInviterName = null
if (null != mLatestReceivedEvent) {
inviterUserId = mLatestReceivedEvent!!.sender
mInviterName = inviterUserId
// try to retrieve a display name
if (null != mLatestRoomState) {
mInviterName = mLatestRoomState!!.getMemberName(mLatestReceivedEvent!!.sender)
} else {
mInviterName = null
inviterUserId = mInviterName
return this
fun setRoomSyncSummary(roomSyncSummary: RoomSyncSummary) {
if (roomSyncSummary.heroes != null) {
if (roomSyncSummary.joinedMembersCount != null) {
// Update the value
numberOfJoinedMembers = roomSyncSummary.joinedMembersCount
if (roomSyncSummary.invitedMembersCount != null) {
// Update the value
numberOfInvitedMembers = roomSyncSummary.invitedMembersCount
companion object {
private const val serialVersionUID = -3683013938626566489L
// list of supported types
private val supportedType = Arrays.asList(
// List of known unsupported types
private val knownUnsupportedType = Arrays.asList(
* Test if the event can be summarized.
* Some event types are not yet supported.
* @param event the event to test.
* @return true if the event can be summarized
fun isSupportedEvent(event: Event): Boolean {
val type = event.type
var isSupported = false
// check if the msgtype is supported
if (TextUtils.equals(EventType.MESSAGE, type)) {
try {
val eventContent = event.contentAsJsonObject
var msgType = ""
val element = eventContent!!.get("msgtype")
if (null != element) {
msgType = element.asString
isSupported = (TextUtils.equals(msgType, Message.MSGTYPE_TEXT)
|| TextUtils.equals(msgType, Message.MSGTYPE_EMOTE)
|| TextUtils.equals(msgType, Message.MSGTYPE_NOTICE)
|| TextUtils.equals(msgType, Message.MSGTYPE_IMAGE)
|| TextUtils.equals(msgType, Message.MSGTYPE_AUDIO)
|| TextUtils.equals(msgType, Message.MSGTYPE_VIDEO)
|| TextUtils.equals(msgType, Message.MSGTYPE_FILE))
if (!isSupported && !TextUtils.isEmpty(msgType)) {
Timber.e("isSupportedEvent : Unsupported msg type $msgType")
} catch (e: Exception) {
Timber.e(e, "isSupportedEvent failed " + e.message)
} else if (EventType.ENCRYPTED == type) {
isSupported = event.content?.isNotEmpty() ?: false
} else if (EventType.STATE_ROOM_MEMBER == type) {
val eventContentAsJsonObject = event.contentAsJsonObject
if (eventContentAsJsonObject != null) {
if (eventContentAsJsonObject.entrySet().isEmpty()) {
Timber.d("isSupportedEvent : room member with no content is not supported")
} else {
// do not display the avatar / display name update
val prevEventContent = event.prevContent<EventContent>()
val eventContent = event.content<EventContent>()
var membership: String? = null
var preMembership: String? = null
if (eventContent != null) {
membership = eventContent.membership
if (prevEventContent != null) {
preMembership = prevEventContent.membership
isSupported = !TextUtils.equals(membership, preMembership)
if (!isSupported) {
Timber.d("isSupportedEvent : do not support avatar display name update")
} else {
isSupported = supportedType.contains(type) || event.isCallEvent && !TextUtils.isEmpty(type) && EventType.CALL_CANDIDATES != type
if (!isSupported) {
// some events are known to be never traced
// avoid warning when it is not required.
if (!knownUnsupportedType.contains(type)) {
Timber.e("isSupportedEvent : Unsupported event type $type")
return isSupported
Reference in New Issue
Block a user