description:For the template example, we are releasing the version 1.1.10. Replace 1.1.10 with the version in the issue body.
If you are reading this, you have deleted the content of the release template:undo the deletion or start again.
### Before the release
- []Weblate sync, fix lint issue if any (in a dedicated PR)
- []Check the update of the store descriptions (using Google Translate if necessary) to ensure that the changes are acceptable to be published to the stores.
- []Run the script `./tools/release/`. You can check in the GooglePlay console the Activity log to check the effect.
### Do the release
- []Create release with gitflow, branch name `release/1.1.10`
- []Run `./tools/` and commit the change if any.
- []Run `./tools/` and commit the change if any. If there is no change since a while, ping Travis
- []Check the crashes from the PlayStore
- [ ] Check the rageshake with the current dev version:
- []Run the integration test, and especially `UiAllScreensSanityTest.allScreensTest()`
- []Create an account on
- [ ] Run towncrier:`towncrier --version v1.1.10 --draft` (remove `--draft` do write the file
- []Add file for fastlane under ./fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs
- []Push the branch and start a draft PR (will not be merged), to check that the CI is happy with all the changes.
- []Finish release with gitflow, delete the draft PR
- []Push `main` and the new tag `v1.1.10` to origin
- []Update the files `./build.gradle` and `./gradle/` manually, to use the latest version for the dependency. You can get inspired by the same files on Element Android project.
- []Run the script `./tools/`
- [ ] Check the diff in the file `./matrix-sdk-android/build.gradle` and restore what may have been erased (in particular the line `apply plugin:"com.vanniktech.maven.publish"` and the line about the version)
- []Update the dependency to the new version of the SDK2. It can take some time for MavenCentral to make the librarie available. You can check status on