 * Global Constants
 * Belongs to Decentraleyes.
 * @author      Thomas Rientjes
 * @since       2017-10-27
 * @author      nobody42
 * @since       2020-02-26
 * @license     MPL 2.0
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

'use strict';

 * Constants

const Address = {
    'ANY': '*://*/*',
    'ANY_PATH': '/*',
    'ANY_PROTOCOL': '*://',
    'CHROME': 'chrome:',
    'CHROME_EXTENSION': 'chrome-extension:',
    'DECENTRALEYES': 'decentraleyes.org',
    'EXAMPLE': 'example.org',
    'HTTP': 'http:',
    'HTTPS': 'https:',
    'RESOURCE_PATH': '/resources',
    'ROOT_PATH': '/',
    'WWW_PREFIX': 'www.'

const Environment = {
    'STABLE': 'stable',
    'STAGING': 'staging'

const Header = {
    'COOKIE': 'Cookie',
    'ORIGIN': 'Origin',
    'REFERER': 'Referer'

const MessageResponse = {
    'ASYNCHRONOUS': true,
    'SYNCHRONOUS': false

const Resource = {
    'MAPPING_EXPRESSION': /\.map$/i,
    'VERSION_EXPRESSION': /(?:\d{1,2}\.){1,3}\d{1,2}/,
    'VERSION_PLACEHOLDER': '{version}'

const Setting = {
    'AMOUNT_INJECTED': 'amountInjected',
    'BLOCK_MISSING': 'blockMissing',
    'DISABLE_PREFETCH': 'disablePrefetch',
    'ENFORCE_STAGING': 'enforceStaging',
    'SHOW_ICON_BADGE': 'showIconBadge',
    'HIDE_RELEASE_NOTES': 'hideReleaseNotes',
    'STRIP_METADATA': 'stripMetadata',
    'LAST_MAPPING_UPDATE': 'lastMappingUpdate',
    'WHITELISTED_DOMAINS': 'whitelistedDomains',
    'XHR_TEST_DOMAIN': 'xhrTestDomain',
    'LOGGING': 'enableLogging'

const WebRequest = {
    'GET': 'GET',
    'BLOCKING': 'blocking',
    'HEADERS': 'requestHeaders',
    'RESPONSE_HEADERS': 'responseHeaders'

const WebRequestType = {
    'MAIN_FRAME': 'main_frame',
    'XHR': 'xmlhttprequest'

const Whitelist = {
    'TRIM_EXPRESSION': /^;+|;+$/g,

const BrowserType = {
    'CHROMIUM': chrome.runtime.getURL("/").startsWith("chrome-extension"),
    'FIREFOX': chrome.runtime.getURL("/").startsWith("moz-extension")

const CharsetDomains = {
    'dejure.org': 'iso-8859-1',
    'privacy-handbuch.de': 'iso-8859-1',
    'winfuture.de': 'iso-8859-1',
    'drwindows.de': 'iso-8859-1',
    'sphinx-soft.com': 'iso-8859-1',
    'ekaterinaguseva.ru': 'windows-1251',
    'hobbybrauerversand.de': 'iso-8859-1',
    'pro-linux.de': 'iso-8859-15',
    'gwdg.de': 'windows-1252',
    'tyurem.net': 'windows-1251'