/** * Entry Point * Belongs to Decentraleyes. * * @author Thomas Rientjes * @since 2016-04-04 * @license MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; /** * Main */ var main = {}; /** * Private Methods */ main._initializeSettings = function () { let settingDefaults = { [Setting.XHR_TEST_DOMAIN]: Address.DECENTRALEYES, [Setting.SHOW_ICON_BADGE]: true, [Setting.BLOCK_MISSING]: false, [Setting.DISABLE_PREFETCH]: true, [Setting.ENFORCE_STAGING]: false, [Setting.HIDE_RELEASE_NOTES]: false, [Setting.STRIP_METADATA]: true, [Setting.WHITELISTED_DOMAINS]: {}, [Setting.LOGGING]: false, [Setting.DOMAINS_MANIPULATE_DOM]: {} }; chrome.storage.sync.get(settingDefaults, function (items) { if (items === null) { items = settingDefaults; // Restore setting defaults. } if (items.blockMissing === true || items.enforceStaging === true) { stateManager.updateEnvironment(Environment.STAGING); } else { stateManager.updateEnvironment(Environment.STABLE); } if (items.disablePrefetch !== false) { chrome.privacy.network.networkPredictionEnabled.set({ 'value': false }); } chrome.storage.sync.set(items); }); }; main._showReleaseNotes = function (details) { let location, updateAdBlockerRules, previousVersion; location = chrome.extension.getURL('pages/welcome/welcome.html'); updateAdBlockerRules = chrome.extension.getURL('pages/updates/updates.html'); if (details.reason === chrome.runtime.OnInstalledReason.INSTALL) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ [Setting.LAST_MAPPING_UPDATE]: lastMappingUpdate }, function() { previousVersion = details.previousVersion; if (previousVersion && previousVersion.charAt(0) === '2') { return; // Do not show release notes after minor updates. } if (details.temporary !== true) { chrome.storage.sync.get([Setting.HIDE_RELEASE_NOTES], function (items) { if (items.hideReleaseNotes !== true) { chrome.tabs.create({ 'url': location, 'active': false }); } }); } }); } else if (details.reason === chrome.runtime.OnInstalledReason.UPDATE) { let newValue = lastMappingUpdate; let oldValue = ""; // If add-on update true, check last update of mappings.js chrome.storage.sync.get([Setting.LAST_MAPPING_UPDATE, Setting.HIDE_RELEASE_NOTES], function (items) { oldValue = items.lastMappingUpdate; if (oldValue !== newValue) { // Updated mappings.js chrome.storage.sync.set({ [Setting.LAST_MAPPING_UPDATE]: newValue }, function() { if (!items.hideReleaseNotes) { chrome.tabs.create({ 'url': updateAdBlockerRules, 'active': true }); } }); } else { // No mappings.js update return; } }); } }; /** * Initializations */ chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(main._showReleaseNotes); main._initializeSettings(); wrappers.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ 'color': [74, 130, 108, 255] }); wrappers.setBadgeTextColor({ 'color': [255, 255, 255, 255] });