/** * Options Page (Info) * Belongs to LocalCDN * * @author nobody * @since 2021-02-19 * * @license MPL 2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; /** * Options (Info) */ var optionsInfo = {}; /** * Private Methods */ optionsInfo._renderCdnFrameworkSection = function () { let unsupportedFrameworks, btnCDNs, btnFrameworks; unsupportedFrameworks = 0; optionsInfo._listOfFrameworks = {}; btnCDNs = document.getElementById('cdn'); btnCDNs.value = 'CDNs: '; btnFrameworks = document.getElementById('framework'); btnFrameworks.value = 'Frameworks: '; Object.values(Object.values(resources)).forEach((element) => { let path = Object.values(element)[0]; path = path.split('/'); optionsInfo._listOfFrameworks[path[1]] = true; }); if (!BrowserType.FIREFOX) { // Non-Firefox browser does not support Google Material Icons and Font Awesome document.getElementById('unsupported-frameworks').style.display = 'block'; unsupportedFrameworks = 2; } optionsInfo._createList('cdn'); document.getElementById('cdn').classList.add('btns-active'); btnFrameworks.addEventListener('click', optionsInfo._btnCreateList); btnCDNs.addEventListener('click', optionsInfo._btnCreateList); // Reduce CDNs by 3, because loli.net includes = cdn.css.net, cdnjs.loli.net, ajax.loli.net, fonts.loli.net btnCDNs.value += Object.keys(mappings.cdn).length - 3; btnFrameworks.value += Object.keys(optionsInfo._listOfFrameworks).length - unsupportedFrameworks; }; optionsInfo._renderLinkSection = function () { /* eslint-disable brace-style*/ document.getElementById('btn-info-tab').addEventListener('click', options._changeTab); /* eslint-enable brace-style*/ }; optionsInfo._btnCreateList = function ({target}) { if (target.id === 'cdn') { document.getElementById('cdn').classList.add('btns-active'); document.getElementById('framework').classList.remove('btns-active'); } else { document.getElementById('cdn').classList.remove('btns-active'); document.getElementById('framework').classList.add('btns-active'); } optionsInfo._createList(target.id); }; optionsInfo._createList = function (type) { let textArea, list; textArea = document.getElementById('generated-list'); textArea.value = ''; if (type === 'cdn') { list = Object.keys(mappings.cdn); } else if (type === 'framework') { list = Object.keys(optionsInfo._listOfFrameworks); } else { return; } list.forEach((elem) => { if (!(BrowserType.CHROMIUM && (elem === 'fontawesome' || elem === 'google-material-design-icons'))) { textArea.value += `${elem}\n`; } }); }; /** * Initializations */ optionsInfo._listOfFrameworks = {}; optionsInfo._listOfCDNs = {}; optionsInfo.init = function () { optionsInfo._renderCdnFrameworkSection(); optionsInfo._renderLinkSection(); };