New in LocalCDN:
- Fixed: Norwegian language package in Chromium (#21)
Please update your uBlock/uMatrix rules
2020-06-06 (v2.2.7)
- Optimised version selection
- Translations updated
- Improved font color for dark mode
- Updated welcome page
- Updated URL for missing translation in option page
- Added note about missing translation in popup
- Toggle for manipulate DOM removed for Chromium (not supported by Chromium)
- Donation methods updated (+Bitcoin, +Ether)
- Fixed: Keep 'Tweak HTML source code' enabled after browser restart (#15)
- Translations updated (Spanish)
- Added: AngularJS Material Design v1.1.21
- Added Bootstrap to
- Added new CDN: PageCDN
- Translations updated (Norwegian)
2020-06-02 (v2.2.6)
- Improved dark mode of popup
- Improved missing translation in popup
- Added: autocomplete.js v0.37.1 (#11)
- Added: algoliasearch to (#11)
2020-05-30 (v2.2.5)
- Typo fixed, so that list for DOM manipulation can be read out again (#8)
- Fixed hide injection panel (http/https/file)
2020-05-30 (v2.2.4)
- Improved charset detection in HTML source code
- Implemented second domainlist to enable/disable DOM manipulation
- Improved the height of the popup: Outsourced when there are too many injections.
2020-05-23 (v2.2.3)
- Fixed: Identify correct charset if its in quotation marks
- Mapping: Removed duplicates
- DOM manipulation: Check if charset is supported by TextDecoder()
- Added: jQuery Mobile v1.4.5
- Added: Twitter-Bootstrap JS and CSS v2.3.2
- Updated: Bootstrap-Select CSS to v1.13.17
- Added: Bootstrap-Select JS v1.13.17
- Added: Angular Sanitize v1.7.9
- Added: Bootstrap Datepicker JS and CSS v1.9.0
2020-05-21 (v2.2.2)
- Addition to the encoding problem (#75)
2020-05-16 (v2.2.1)
- Fixed: Encoding problem with some websites (maybe only temporary, because at the moment only 9 websites are affected) (#75)
- Added: Twitter Bootstrap JS and CSS v4.5.0 (#77)
- Added: Donation button
- Added: Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB) v4.18.0 (#77)
- Added: Tether v1.4.7 (#77)
- Addition to the encoding problem (#75)
2020-05-10 (v2.2.0)
- Fixed typo in urlize
- Remove crossorigin and integrity attributes (#66)
[experimental] It should be working without problems
- Added React and ReactDOM v16.13.1 (Fixed #70)
- Added jQuery-csv v1.0.9, jQuery Ajax AutoComplete (Devbridge) v1.4.10 and Popper.js v1.16.1 (Fixed #68)
- Font Awesome injections in Chromium deactivated (Fixed #67)
- French translation updated
- Error in encoding fixed (#66 comment: 334647377)
- Added fancyBox v2.1.5
- Added AngularUI Bootstrap v0.14.3
- Added AngularJS Toaster v0.4.18 and v2.2.0
- Added AngularUI Router v0.4.3 (Fixed #71)
- Added AngularJS upgraded to v1.6.10 (Fixed #72)
- Added AngularJS v1.4.14 (#71)
- Fixed typo in AngularUI Bootstrap (#71)
- Added Angular Payments v1.0.7 (#71)
- Added Angular Stripe Checkout v5.1.0 (#71)
- Fixed error in AngularJS Toaster v0.4.18 (#71)
2020-04-26 (v2.1.14)
- Added Bootstrap-select v1.13.14
- Added AngularJS v1.5.11 (Fixed #63)
- AngularJS v1.3.13, v1.5.11, v1.6.1, v1.7.9 filled up (Fixed #64)
2020-04-19 (v2.1.13)
- Fixed #55
- Added WebComponents.js and urlize #56
- Added jQuery URLive v1.1.1
- Added AngularJS v1.3.13 (Fixed #59)
2020-04-13 (v2.1.12)
- Added: AlgoliaSearch v3.35.1
- Added: Angular UI Bootstrap v1.3.3
- Added: AngularJS Slider v6.7.0
- Added: AnguComplete v3.0.0
- Added: Angular UI Router v1.0.25
- Added: AngularJS ui-select v0.20.0
- Added: Bootstrap Daterangepicker v2.1.27
- Added: Lodash.js v4.17.10
- Added: ocLazyLoad v1.1.0
- Added: Raven.js v3.26.2
- Added: Socket.IO v2.3.0
- Subdirectories for Angular Animate added
- Added angular-resource.min.js of AngularJS v1.7.9
- Added: jQuery Lazy Load v1.9.1
- Added: AngularJS v1.6.1 (angular.min.js and angular-resource.min.js)
- Added: jQuery UI and jQuery UI Themes v1.8.18
2020-04-08 (v2.1.11)
- Fixed #28 and #44
- Fixed #49 (partly)
- Fixed storage mechanism of lastMappingUpdate and added option to hide release notes
- Updated: Translations
- Fixed: Use default language if translation isn't available.
2020-04-05 (v2.1.10)
- Fixed "#38"
- Fixed "#26" (
- Added: Select2 v4.0.12 ("Fixed #44")
- Added: jQuery Migrate v3.1.0 and v1.4.1 ("Fixed #42")
- Fixed: jsDelivr combined file (jQuery v2.2.4, Hogan.js v3.0.2, AlgoliaSearch v3.30.0 and Autocomplete.js v0.31.0) "Issue#45" (Just a workaround!)
2020-03-29 (v2.1.9)
- Added animate.css v3.7.2
- Fixed bootstrap-slider
- Fixed Twitter Bootstrap CSS & JS v3.4.1
- Added toastr.js v2.1.4
- Added WOW v1.1.2
- Added lazysizes v4.1.8
- Added jQuery Validation Plugin v1.19.1
- Added rickshaw v1.6.6
- Added jQuery jeditable v1.8.0
- Added D3.js v3.5.17
- Added P2P Media Loader Core v0.6.2
- Added JavaScript Cookie v2.2.1
- Added clipboard.js v2.0.6
- Added WebRTC adapter v6.4.8
- Added spin.js v2.3.2
- Added jQuery BlockUI v2.70
- Added plyr CSS v3.5.10
- Fixed "#31" and Store.js v2.0.4 added
- Added Vue.js v2.6.11
- Fixed "#28"
- Added flv.js v1.5.0 and hls.js v0.13.2
- Logging implemented (Wiki page: How to logging)
2020-03-25 (v2.1.7)
- New CDN: "" (Akamai WebCDN)
- Fixed issue with lozad.js in v2.1.7
2020-03-25 (v2.1.7)
- Added lozad v1.14.0
- Added Findify v6.9.15
- Added detection of framework-bundles (e.g. Findify)
- Fixed Moment.js (File extension and detection of resource name)
- Added Vue.js v1.0.28 and page.js v1.7.1
- Fixed file extensions to prevent warnigns of Mozillas validation tests
- Added new endpoint for webfont
- Added new endpoint for bootstrap-slider
- Added "" and "Rocket Loader" ("#24")
- Added Font Awesome v3.2.1
2020-03-22 (v2.1.6)
2020-03-17 (v2.1.5)
- Simple enable/disable button replaced with toggle switch
- Added: Moment.js (v2.24.0)
- Added: bootstrap-slider (v10.6.2)
- Size reduced: For each request the latest framework (depends on major release) is selected
- Updated: (UNPKG)
- Updated: Backbone.js (v1.4.0)
- Updated: Dojo Toolkit (v1.14.1)
- Updated: Ember.js (v1.13.13, v2.18.2, v3.12.3)
- Updated: MooTools (v1.6.0)
- Updated: Web Font Loader (v1.6.28)
2020-03-13 (v2.1.4)
2020-03-12 (v2.1.3)
- Fixed file extensions misstakes in mappings.js
2020-03-12 (v2.1.2)
- Added Domain name for
- Fixed wrong file extensions in BootstrapJS and BootstrapCSS
- Fixed wrong file extension #11
- Implemented: Font Awesome v4.7.0 by
- jQuery unified
- Fixed dark mode issue
- Replaced innerHTML with textContent to remove warning of Mozillas add-on validation
2020-03-08 (v2.1.1)
- CDN: Bootstrap JavaScript to
2020-03-03 (v2.0.24)
- Framework: Bootstrap CSS v3.3.6, v3.1.1
- Framework: Bootstrap JavaScript v3.3.6, v3.1.1
2020-03-01 (v2.0.22)
- Framework: Bootstrap CSS v4.1.0
- Framework: Bootstrap JavaScript v4.1.0
2020-02-29 (v2.0.20)
- CDN: Baidu CDN, Staticfile CDN, BootCDN, Tencent Public Libraries, Qihoo 360 CDN
- CDN: Added endpoint for jsDelivr
- CDN: Baidu CDN
- CDN: Baidu CDN
- CDN: Added endpoints for Bootstrap (NetDNA Bootstrap, MaxCDN Bootstrap
- Framework: AngularJS (Standard, Animated, Sanitize, Cookies, Touch) v1.6.9, v1.7.0, v1.7.1, v1.7.2, v1.7.3, v1.7.4, v1.7.5, v1.7.6, v1.7.7, v1.7.8, v1.7.9
2020-02-28 (v2.0.19)
- Framework: Bootstrap CSS v4.0.0, v3.3.7, v3.2.0, v2.3.2
- Framework: Bootstrap JavaScript v4.0.0, v3.3.7, v3.2.0, v2.3.2
2020-02-28 (v2.0.17)
- CDN:
- Framework: Bootstrap CSS v4.4.1
- Framework: Bootstrap CSS v4.3.1
- Framework: Bootstrap JavaScript v4.4.1
- Framework: Bootstrap JavaScript v4.3.1