/** * Statistic * Belongs to LocalCDN (since 2020-02-26) * * @author nobody * @since 2020-02-26 * * @license MPL 2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; /** * Statistic */ var statistics = {}; /** * Private Methods */ statistics._onDocumentLoaded = function () { helpers.insertI18nContentIntoDocument(document); helpers.insertI18nTitlesIntoDocument(document); // Default view is 'today' statistics._dateRange = [new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10)]; document.getElementById('date-range').value = statistics._dateUnit; statistics._registerListener(); statistics._getStatistics().then(statistics._renderContents); }; statistics._renderContents = function () { statistics._filterAndSortData(); statistics._determineInjections(); statistics._clearTables(); statistics._determineInjections(); statistics._generateTable(statistics._dataSortedCDNs, 'cdns'); statistics._generateTable(statistics._dataSortedFrameworks, 'frameworks'); }; statistics._generateTable = function (data, type) { let arr = Object.values(data); if (arr.length === 0) { arr = [['no data', '-']]; } for (const value of arr) { let row, keyColumn, valueColumn; row = document.createElement('tr'); keyColumn = document.createElement('td'); keyColumn.appendChild(statistics._displayNameOfFramework(value[0], type)); row.appendChild(keyColumn); valueColumn = document.createElement('td'); valueColumn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value[1])); row.appendChild(valueColumn); document.getElementById('tbody-' + type).appendChild(row); } }; statistics._filterAndSortData = function () { let tmpCDNs, tmpFrameworks; tmpCDNs = {}; tmpFrameworks = {}; // Purge statistics._dataSortedCDNs = {}; statistics._dataSortedFrameworks = {}; statistics._dateRange.forEach(function (entry) { if (entry in statistics._data) { statistics._mergeObjects(statistics._data[entry]['cdns'], tmpCDNs); statistics._mergeObjects(statistics._data[entry]['frameworks'], tmpFrameworks); } }); statistics._dataSortedCDNs = Object.entries(tmpCDNs).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); statistics._dataSortedFrameworks = Object.entries(tmpFrameworks).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); }; statistics._mergeObjects = function (obj, arr) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { // If CDN/Framework exists, add it, otherwise create new one if (arr[key]) { arr[key] += value; } else { arr[key] = value; } } }; statistics._setDateRange = function () { let today, from, days, type; today = new Date(); from = new Date(); type = statistics._dateUnit; // Purge statistics._dateRange = []; if (type === 'week') { days = 7; } else if (type === 'month') { days = 30; } else if (type === 'year') { days = 365; } else { statistics._dateRange = [new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10)]; } if (days > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < days; i++) { // NOTE: setDate/getDate is buggy over day/month/year boundaries let diff = 24 * 3600000 * i; let day = from.setTime(today.getTime() - diff); statistics._dateRange.push(new Date(day).toISOString().slice(0, 10)); } } statistics._renderContents(); }; statistics._determineInjections = function () { // NOTE: Differences between CDNs and frameworks possible. // CDN can be contacted without loading a framework. let sum, days, avg; sum = 0; days = 0; avg = 0; statistics._dataOverview = []; statistics._dateRange.forEach(function (entry) { if (entry in statistics._data) { for (const value of Object.values(statistics._data[entry]['frameworks'])) { sum += parseFloat(value); } days++; } }); avg = sum / days > 0 ? sum / days : 0; avg = Math.round((avg + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100; document.getElementById('avg-quantity').textContent = isNaN(avg) ? '-' : helpers.formatNumber(avg); document.getElementById('quantity-injected-frameworks').textContent = isNaN(sum) ? '-' : sum; }; statistics._getStatistics = function () { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.storage.local.get([Setting.INTERNAL_STATISTICS_DATA], function (items) { statistics._data = items.internalStatisticsData; resolve(); }); }); }; statistics._clearTables = function () { const tbody = document.querySelectorAll('tbody'); tbody.forEach((table) => { while (table.hasChildNodes()) { table.removeChild(table.firstChild); } }); }; statistics._displayNameOfFramework = function (str, type) { // Is used in generateTable(), but should only be used for frameworks if (type === 'frameworks' && str !== 'no data') { let filename, line, lbName, lbVersion, version; // Create elements line = document.createElement('p'); lbName = document.createElement('span'); lbVersion = document.createElement('span'); filename = helpers.extractFilenameFromPath(str); filename = targets.determineResourceName(filename); if (filename === 'Unknown') { filename = targets.determineBundle(str); if (filename === '' && str.startsWith('resources/fontawesome/')) { filename = 'Font Awesome (Fonts)' } } version = str.match(Resource.VERSION_EXPRESSION); if (version !== null && version.length > 0) { version = version === 'latest' ? version : 'v' + version; } else { version = ''; } lbName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(filename)); lbVersion.appendChild(document.createTextNode(version)); lbVersion.classList.add('version'); line.appendChild(lbName); line.appendChild(lbVersion); return line; } // If type is CDN return document.createTextNode(str); }; statistics._handlerDateRange = function ({ target }) { let type = target.value; if (type === 'day' || type === 'week' || type === 'month' || type === 'year') { statistics._dateUnit = type; } else if (type === 'delete') { statistics._deleteStatistic(); } statistics._getStatistics().then(statistics._setDateRange); }; statistics._deleteStatistic = function () { let text = chrome.i18n.getMessage('dialogConfirmDeleteStatistics'); if (confirm(text)) { chrome.storage.local.set({ [Setting.INTERNAL_STATISTICS_DATA]: {} }); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ topic: 'deleteStatistic' }); } }; statistics._registerListener = function () { document.getElementById('date-range').addEventListener('change', statistics._handlerDateRange); document.getElementById('btn-delete').addEventListener('click', function () { statistics._handlerDateRange({ target: { value: 'delete' } }); }); }; /** * Initializations */ statistics._data = {}; statistics._dataSortedCDNs = {}; statistics._dataSortedFrameworks = {}; statistics._dataOverview = []; statistics._dateRange = []; statistics._dateUnit = 'day'; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', statistics._onDocumentLoaded);