/** * Messenger * Belongs to LocalCDN (since 2020-02-26) * (Origin: Decentraleyes) * * @author Thomas Rientjes * @since 2018-05-28 * * @author nobody * @since 2020-02-26 * * @license MPL 2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; /** * Messenger */ var messenger = {}; /** * Private Methods */ messenger._handleMessageReceived = function (message, sender, sendResponse) { let topic, value; topic = message.topic; value = message.value; if (topic === 'tab:fetch-injections') { sendResponse({'value': stateManager.tabs[value].injections}); return MessageResponse.SYNCHRONOUS; } if (topic === 'domain:fetch-is-allowlisted') { let allowlistRecord = requestAnalyzer.allowlistedDomains[value]; sendResponse({'value': Boolean(allowlistRecord)}); return MessageResponse.SYNCHRONOUS; } if (topic === 'allowlist:add-domain') { stateManager.addDomainToAllowlist(value).then(function () { sendResponse({'value': true}); }); return MessageResponse.ASYNCHRONOUS; } if (topic === 'allowlist:remove-domain') { stateManager.removeDomainFromAllowlist(value).then(function () { sendResponse({'value': true}); }); return MessageResponse.ASYNCHRONOUS; } if (topic === 'domain:fetch-is-manipulateDOM') { let manipulateDOMRecord = requestAnalyzer.domainsManipulateDOM[value]; sendResponse({'value': Boolean(manipulateDOMRecord)}); return MessageResponse.SYNCHRONOUS; } if (topic === 'manipulateDOM:add-domain') { stateManager.addDomainToManipulateDOMlist(value).then(function () { sendResponse({'value': true}); }); return MessageResponse.ASYNCHRONOUS; } if (topic === 'manipulateDOM:remove-domain') { stateManager.removeDomainFromManipulateDOMlist(value).then(function () { sendResponse({'value': true}); }); return MessageResponse.ASYNCHRONOUS; } if (topic === 'deleteStatistic') { storageManager.statistics = {}; } }; /** * Event Handlers */ chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(messenger._handleMessageReceived);