var j = Object.defineProperty; var R = (n) => { throw TypeError(n); }; var q = (n, t, e) => t in n ? j(n, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) : n[t] = e; var r = (n, t, e) => q(n, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, e), A = (n, t, e) => t.has(n) || R("Cannot " + e); var i = (n, t, e) => (A(n, t, "read from private field"), e ? : t.get(n)), l = (n, t, e) => t.has(n) ? R("Cannot add the same private member more than once") : t instanceof WeakSet ? t.add(n) : t.set(n, e), u = (n, t, e, s) => (A(n, t, "write to private field"), s ?, e) : t.set(n, e), e), x = (n, t, e) => (A(n, t, "access private method"), e); import { CoreRequestError as T, debug as N, Core as z } from "p2p-media-loader-core"; function F(n, t) { return t ? `${n}|${t.start}-${t.end}` : n; } function J(n, t) { if (n !== void 0 && t !== void 0 && n <= t) return { start: n, end: t }; } var H, C, g, v, f, p, b, G, U; class B { constructor(t, e) { l(this, b); r(this, "context"); r(this, "config"); r(this, "stats"); l(this, H); l(this, C); l(this, g); l(this, v); l(this, f); l(this, p); u(this, v, e), u(this, C, () => new t.loader(t)), this.stats = { aborted: !1, chunkCount: 0, loading: { start: 0, first: 0, end: 0 }, buffering: { start: 0, first: 0, end: 0 }, parsing: { start: 0, end: 0 }, total: 1, loaded: 1, bwEstimate: 0, retry: 0 }; } load(t, e, s) { var L; this.context = t, this.config = e, u(this, H, s); const o = this.stats, { rangeStart: h, rangeEnd: a } = t, y = J(h, a !== void 0 ? a - 1 : void 0); u(this, p, F(t.url, y)); const c = i(this, v).isSegmentLoadable(i(this, p)); if (!i(this, v).hasSegment(i(this, p)) || c === !1) return u(this, g, i(this, C).call(this)), i(this, g).stats = this.stats, void ((L = i(this, g)) == null ? void 0 : L.load(t, e, s)); i(this, v).loadSegment(i(this, p), { onSuccess: (d) => { u(this, f, d); const E = i(this, f).data.byteLength; o.loading = function(I, w, S) { const P = 8e3 * w / I, M = S - P; return { start: M - 10, first: M, end: S }; }(i(this, f).bandwidth, E,, = o.loaded = E, s.onProgress && s.onProgress(this.stats, t, i(this, f).data, void 0), s.onSuccess({ data: i(this, f).data, url: t.url }, this.stats, t, void 0); }, onError: (d) => { d instanceof T && d.type === "aborted" && this.stats.aborted || x(this, b, G).call(this, d); } }); } abort() { var t, e; i(this, g) ? i(this, g).abort() : (x(this, b, U).call(this), (e = (t = i(this, H)) == null ? void 0 : t.onAbort) == null ||, this.stats, this.context, {})); } destroy() { i(this, g) ? i(this, g).destroy() : (this.stats.aborted || x(this, b, U).call(this), u(this, H, null), this.config = null); } } H = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), g = new WeakMap(), v = new WeakMap(), f = new WeakMap(), p = new WeakMap(), b = new WeakSet(), G = function(t) { var s; const e = { code: 0, text: "" }; (t instanceof T && t.type === "failed" || t instanceof Error) && (e.text = t.message), (s = i(this, H)) == null || s.onError(e, this.context, null, this.stats); }, U = function() { !i(this, f) && i(this, p) && (this.stats.aborted = !0, i(this, v).abortSegmentLoading(i(this, p))); }; var m; class X { constructor(t) { l(this, m); r(this, "context"); r(this, "stats"); u(this, m, new t.loader(t)), this.stats = i(this, m).stats, this.context = i(this, m).context; } load(t, e, s) { i(this, m).load(t, e, s); } abort() { i(this, m).abort(); } destroy() { i(this, m).destroy(); } } m = new WeakMap(); class K { constructor(t) { r(this, "core"); this.core = t; } processMainManifest(t) { const { levels: e, audioTracks: s } = t; for (const [o, h] of e.entries()) { const { url: a } = h; this.core.addStreamIfNoneExists({ runtimeId: Array.isArray(a) ? a[0] : a, type: "main", index: o }); } for (const [o, h] of s.entries()) { const { url: a } = h; this.core.addStreamIfNoneExists({ runtimeId: Array.isArray(a) ? a[0] : a, type: "secondary", index: o }); } } updatePlaylist(t) { if (!t.details) return; const { details: { url: e, fragments: s, live: o } } = t, h = this.core.getStream(e); if (!h) return; const a = new Set(h.segments.keys()), y = []; s.forEach((c, L) => { const { url: d, byteRange: E, sn: I, start: w, end: S } = c; if (I === "initSegment") return; const [P, M] = E, k = J(P, M !== void 0 ? M - 1 : void 0), D = F(d, k); a.delete(D), h.segments.has(D) || y.push({ runtimeId: D, url: d, externalId: o ? I : L, byteRange: k, startTime: w, endTime: S }); }), (y.length || a.size) && this.core.updateStream(e, y, a.values()); } } class $ { constructor(t) { r(this, "core"); r(this, "segmentManager"); r(this, "hlsInstanceGetter"); r(this, "currentHlsInstance"); r(this, "debug", N("p2pml-hlsjs:engine")); r(this, "updateMediaElementEventHandlers", (t) => { var o; const e = (o = this.currentHlsInstance) == null ? void 0 :; if (!e) return; const s = t === "register" ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener"; e[s]("timeupdate", this.handlePlaybackUpdate), e[s]("seeking", this.handlePlaybackUpdate), e[s]("ratechange", this.handlePlaybackUpdate); }); r(this, "handleManifestLoaded", (t, e) => { const s = e.networkDetails; s instanceof XMLHttpRequest ? this.core.setManifestResponseUrl(s.responseURL) : s instanceof Response && this.core.setManifestResponseUrl(s.url), this.segmentManager.processMainManifest(e); }); r(this, "handleLevelSwitching", (t, e) => { e.bitrate && this.core.setActiveLevelBitrate(e.bitrate); }); r(this, "handleLevelUpdated", (t, e) => { this.currentHlsInstance && this.currentHlsInstance.config.liveSyncDurationCount !== e.details.fragments.length - 1 && && e.details.fragments[0].type === "main" && !this.currentHlsInstance.userConfig.liveSyncDuration && !this.currentHlsInstance.userConfig.liveSyncDurationCount && e.details.fragments.length > 4 && (this.debug("set liveSyncDurationCount " + (e.details.fragments.length - 1)), this.currentHlsInstance.config.liveSyncDurationCount = e.details.fragments.length - 1), this.core.setIsLive(, this.segmentManager.updatePlaylist(e); }); r(this, "handleMediaAttached", () => { this.updateMediaElementEventHandlers("register"); }); r(this, "handleMediaDetached", () => { this.updateMediaElementEventHandlers("unregister"); }); r(this, "handlePlaybackUpdate", (t) => { const e =; this.core.updatePlayback(e.currentTime, e.playbackRate); }); r(this, "destroyCore", () => this.core.destroy()); r(this, "destroy", () => { this.destroyCore(), this.updateHlsEventsHandlers("unregister"), this.updateMediaElementEventHandlers("unregister"), this.currentHlsInstance = void 0; }); this.core = new z(t == null ? void 0 : t.core), this.segmentManager = new K(this.core); } static injectMixin(t) { var s, o; return e = t, o = class extends e { constructor(...a) { var E; const y = a[0], { p2p: c, ...L } = y ?? {}, d = new $(c); super({ ...L, ...d.getConfigForHlsJs() }); l(this, s); d.bindHls(this), u(this, s, d), (E = c == null ? void 0 : c.onHlsJsCreated) == null ||, this); } get p2pEngine() { return i(this, s); } }, s = new WeakMap(), o; var e; } addEventListener(t, e) { this.core.addEventListener(t, e); } removeEventListener(t, e) { this.core.removeEventListener(t, e); } getConfigForHlsJs() { return { fLoader: this.createFragmentLoaderClass(), pLoader: this.createPlaylistLoaderClass() }; } getConfig() { return { core: this.core.getConfig() }; } applyDynamicConfig(t) { t.core && this.core.applyDynamicConfig(t.core); } bindHls(t) { this.hlsInstanceGetter = typeof t == "function" ? t : () => t; } initHlsEvents() { var e; const t = (e = this.hlsInstanceGetter) == null ? void 0 :; this.currentHlsInstance !== t && (this.currentHlsInstance && this.destroy(), this.currentHlsInstance = t, this.updateHlsEventsHandlers("register"), this.updateMediaElementEventHandlers("register")); } updateHlsEventsHandlers(t) { const e = this.currentHlsInstance; if (!e) return; const s = t === "register" ? "on" : "off"; e[s]("hlsManifestLoaded", this.handleManifestLoaded), e[s]("hlsLevelSwitching", this.handleLevelSwitching), e[s]("hlsLevelUpdated", this.handleLevelUpdated), e[s]("hlsAudioTrackLoaded", this.handleLevelUpdated), e[s]("hlsDestroying", this.destroy), e[s]("hlsMediaAttaching", this.destroyCore), e[s]("hlsManifestLoading", this.destroyCore), e[s]("hlsMediaDetached", this.handleMediaDetached), e[s]("hlsMediaAttached", this.handleMediaAttached); } createFragmentLoaderClass() { const t = this.core, e = this; return class extends B { constructor(s) { super(s, t); } static getEngine() { return e; } }; } createPlaylistLoaderClass() { const t = this; return class extends X { constructor(e) { super(e), t.initHlsEvents(); } }; } } export { $ as HlsJsP2PEngine }; //#