/** * Main Updates Page * Belongs to LocalCDN (since 2020-02-26) * (Origin: Decentraleyes) * * @author nobody * @since 2020-03-08 * * @license MPL 2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; /** * Updates */ var updates = {}; /** * Private Methods */ updates._openRuleSet = function({target}) { let urls = mappings; let updateKey = target.getAttribute('data-option'); let textArea = document.getElementById("generated-rules"); let btnCopy = document.getElementById("button-copy-rule-set"); let content = ""; textArea.style.display = "block"; btnCopy.style.display = "block"; for (var domain in urls) { if (updateKey === "uMatrix") { content += "* " + domain + " script allow" + '\n'; content += "* " + domain + " css allow" + '\n'; } else if (updateKey === "uBlock") { content += "* " + domain + " * noop" + '\n'; } } textArea.value = content.replace(/\n+$/, ""); }; updates._copyRuleSet = function() { let textArea = document.getElementById("generated-rules"); navigator.clipboard.writeText(textArea.value).then(function() { textArea.select(); }, function() { alert("Rule set cannot be copied!"); }); }; updates._openHistoryReleaseNotes = function() { let container = document.getElementById('history-release-notes'); let toggle = document.getElementById('history-indicator'); if (container.style.display === 'none') { container.style.display = 'block'; toggle.textContent = '–'; } else { container.style.display = 'none'; toggle.textContent = '+'; } }; updates._onDocumentLoaded = function () { document.getElementById('generate-ublock-rules').checked = false; document.getElementById('generate-umatrix-rules').checked = false; let updateElements = { ['ruleSets']: document.getElementsByName("rule-sets"), ['copyRuleSet']: document.getElementById("button-copy-rule-set") }; for(let i = 0; i < updateElements.ruleSets.length; i++) { updateElements.ruleSets[i].addEventListener('change', updates._openRuleSet); } updateElements.copyRuleSet.addEventListener('click', updates._copyRuleSet); document.getElementById('history').addEventListener('click', updates._openHistoryReleaseNotes); }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', updates._onDocumentLoaded);