+ ```
+ @method htmlSafe
+ @for @ember/template
+ @static
+ @return {SafeString} A string that will not be HTML escaped by Handlebars.
+ @public
+ */
+ function htmlSafe(str) {
+ if (str === null || str === undefined) {
+ str = '';
+ } else if (typeof str !== 'string') {
+ str = String(str);
+ }
+ return new SafeString(str);
+ }
+ /**
+ Detects if a string was decorated using `htmlSafe`.
+ ```javascript
+ import { htmlSafe, isHTMLSafe } from '@ember/template';
+ var plainString = 'plain string',
+ safeString = htmlSafe('
+ isHTMLSafe(plainString); // false
+ isHTMLSafe(safeString); // true
+ ```
+ @method isHTMLSafe
+ @for @ember/template
+ @static
+ @return {Boolean} `true` if the string was decorated with `htmlSafe`, `false` otherwise.
+ @public
+ */
+ function isHTMLSafe$1(str) {
+ return str !== null && typeof str === 'object' && typeof str.toHTML === 'function';
+ }
+ function referenceForParts(rootRef, parts) {
+ var isAttrs = parts[0] === 'attrs'; // TODO deprecate this
+ if (isAttrs) {
+ parts.shift();
+ if (parts.length === 1) {
+ return (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, parts[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ return (0, _reference.childRefFromParts)(rootRef, parts);
+ }
+ function parseAttributeBinding(microsyntax) {
+ var colonIndex = microsyntax.indexOf(':');
+ if (colonIndex === -1) {
+ (true && !(microsyntax !== 'class') && (0, _debug.assert)('You cannot use class as an attributeBinding, use classNameBindings instead.', microsyntax !== 'class'));
+ return [microsyntax, microsyntax, true];
+ } else {
+ var prop = microsyntax.substring(0, colonIndex);
+ var attribute = microsyntax.substring(colonIndex + 1);
+ (true && !(attribute !== 'class') && (0, _debug.assert)('You cannot use class as an attributeBinding, use classNameBindings instead.', attribute !== 'class'));
+ return [prop, attribute, false];
+ }
+ }
+ function installAttributeBinding(component, rootRef, parsed, operations) {
+ var [prop, attribute, isSimple] = parsed;
+ if (attribute === 'id') {
+ var elementId = (0, _metal.get)(component, prop);
+ if (elementId === undefined || elementId === null) {
+ elementId = component.elementId;
+ }
+ elementId = (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(elementId);
+ operations.setAttribute('id', elementId, true, null);
+ return;
+ }
+ var isPath = prop.indexOf('.') > -1;
+ var reference = isPath ? referenceForParts(rootRef, prop.split('.')) : (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, prop);
+ (true && !(!(isSimple && isPath)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`Illegal attributeBinding: '${prop}' is not a valid attribute name.`, !(isSimple && isPath)));
+ if (_deprecatedFeatures.EMBER_COMPONENT_IS_VISIBLE && attribute === 'style' && createStyleBindingRef !== undefined) {
+ reference = createStyleBindingRef(reference, (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, 'isVisible'));
+ }
+ operations.setAttribute(attribute, reference, false, null);
+ }
+ var DISPLAY_NONE = 'display: none;';
+ var createStyleBindingRef;
+ var installIsVisibleBinding;
+ if (_deprecatedFeatures.EMBER_COMPONENT_IS_VISIBLE) {
+ createStyleBindingRef = (inner, isVisibleRef) => {
+ return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
+ var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner);
+ var isVisible = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(isVisibleRef);
+ if (true
+ /* DEBUG */
+ && isVisible !== undefined) {
+ (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.deprecate)(`The \`isVisible\` property on classic component classes is deprecated. Was accessed:\n\n${(0, _validator.logTrackingStack)()}`, false, {
+ id: 'ember-component.is-visible',
+ until: '4.0.0',
+ url: 'https://deprecations.emberjs.com/v3.x#toc_ember-component-is-visible',
+ for: 'ember-source',
+ since: {
+ enabled: '3.15.0-beta.1'
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ if (isVisible !== false) {
+ return value;
+ } else if (!value) {
+ } else {
+ var style = value + ' ' + DISPLAY_NONE;
+ return isHTMLSafe$1(value) ? htmlSafe(style) : style;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ installIsVisibleBinding = (rootRef, operations) => {
+ operations.setAttribute('style', createStyleBindingRef(_reference.UNDEFINED_REFERENCE, (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, 'isVisible')), false, null);
+ };
+ }
+ function createClassNameBindingRef(rootRef, microsyntax, operations) {
+ var [prop, truthy, falsy] = microsyntax.split(':');
+ var isStatic = prop === '';
+ if (isStatic) {
+ operations.setAttribute('class', (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(truthy), true, null);
+ } else {
+ var isPath = prop.indexOf('.') > -1;
+ var parts = isPath ? prop.split('.') : [];
+ var value = isPath ? referenceForParts(rootRef, parts) : (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, prop);
+ var ref;
+ if (truthy === undefined) {
+ ref = createSimpleClassNameBindingRef(value, isPath ? parts[parts.length - 1] : prop);
+ } else {
+ ref = createColonClassNameBindingRef(value, truthy, falsy);
+ }
+ operations.setAttribute('class', ref, false, null);
+ }
+ }
+ function createSimpleClassNameBindingRef(inner, path) {
+ var dasherizedPath;
+ return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
+ var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner);
+ if (value === true) {
+ (true && !(path !== undefined) && (0, _debug.assert)('You must pass a path when binding a to a class name using classNameBindings', path !== undefined));
+ return dasherizedPath || (dasherizedPath = (0, _string.dasherize)(path));
+ } else if (value || value === 0) {
+ return String(value);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function createColonClassNameBindingRef(inner, truthy, falsy) {
+ return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
+ return (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner) ? truthy : falsy;
+ });
+ }
+ function NOOP() {}
+ /**
+ @module ember
- A component is an isolated piece of UI, represented by a template and an
- optional class. When a component has a class, its template's `this` value
- is an instance of the component class.
+ Represents the internal state of the component.
- ## Template-only Components
+ @class ComponentStateBucket
+ @private
+ */
+ class ComponentStateBucket {
+ constructor(component, args, argsTag, finalizer, hasWrappedElement, isInteractive) {
+ this.component = component;
+ this.args = args;
+ this.argsTag = argsTag;
+ this.finalizer = finalizer;
+ this.hasWrappedElement = hasWrappedElement;
+ this.isInteractive = isInteractive;
+ this.classRef = null;
+ this.classRef = null;
+ this.argsRevision = args === null ? 0 : (0, _validator.valueForTag)(argsTag);
+ this.rootRef = (0, _reference.createConstRef)(component, 'this');
+ (0, _destroyable.registerDestructor)(this, () => this.willDestroy(), true);
+ (0, _destroyable.registerDestructor)(this, () => this.component.destroy());
+ }
+ willDestroy() {
+ var {
+ component,
+ isInteractive
+ } = this;
+ if (isInteractive) {
+ (0, _validator.beginUntrackFrame)();
+ component.trigger('willDestroyElement');
+ component.trigger('willClearRender');
+ (0, _validator.endUntrackFrame)();
+ var element = (0, _views.getViewElement)(component);
+ if (element) {
+ (0, _views.clearElementView)(element);
+ (0, _views.clearViewElement)(component);
+ }
+ }
+ component.renderer.unregister(component);
+ }
+ finalize() {
+ var {
+ finalizer
+ } = this;
+ finalizer();
+ this.finalizer = NOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ function internalHelper(helper) {
+ return (0, _manager2.setInternalHelperManager)(helper, {});
+ }
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ */
+ var ACTIONS = new _util._WeakSet();
+ var INVOKE = (0, _utils.symbol)('INVOKE');
+ /**
+ The `{{action}}` helper provides a way to pass triggers for behavior (usually
+ just a function) between components, and into components from controllers.
- The simplest way to create a component is to create a template file in
- `app/templates/components`. For example, if you name a template
- `app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs`:
+ ### Passing functions with the action helper
- ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
- ```
- You will be able to use `` to invoke this component elsewhere
- in your application:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- Note that component names are capitalized here in order to distinguish them
- from regular HTML elements, but they are dasherized in the file system.
- While the angle bracket invocation form is generally preferred, it is also
- possible to invoke the same component with the `{{person-profile}}` syntax:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- {{person-profile person=this.currentUser}}
- ```
- Note that with this syntax, you use dashes in the component name and
- arguments are passed without the `@` sign.
- In both cases, Ember will render the content of the component template we
- created above. The end result will be something like this:
- ```html
Out of office this week
- ```
- ## File System Nesting
- Components can be nested inside sub-folders for logical groupping. For
- example, if we placed our template in
- `app/templates/components/person/short-profile.hbs`, we can invoke it as
- ``:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- Or equivalently, `{{person/short-profile}}`:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- {{person/short-profile person=this.currentUser}}
- ```
- ## Yielding Contents
- You can use `yield` inside a template to include the **contents** of any block
- attached to the component. The block will be executed in its original context:
+ There are three contexts an action helper can be used in. The first two
+ contexts to discuss are attribute context, and Handlebars value context.
Admin mode
- {{! Executed in the current context. }}
+ {{! An example of attribute context }}
+ {{! Examples of Handlebars value context }}
+ {{input on-input=(action "save")}}
+ {{yield (action "refreshData") andAnotherParam}}
+ ```
+ In these contexts,
+ the helper is called a "closure action" helper. Its behavior is simple:
+ If passed a function name, read that function off the `actions` property
+ of the current context. Once that function is read, or immediately if a function was
+ passed, create a closure over that function and any arguments.
+ The resulting value of an action helper used this way is simply a function.
+ For example, in the attribute context:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! An example of attribute context }}
+ ```
+ The resulting template render logic would be:
+ ```js
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ var actionFunction = (function(context){
+ return function() {
+ return context.actions.save.apply(context, arguments);
+ };
+ })(context);
+ div.onclick = actionFunction;
+ ```
+ Thus when the div is clicked, the action on that context is called.
+ Because the `actionFunction` is just a function, closure actions can be
+ passed between components and still execute in the correct context.
+ Here is an example action handler on a component:
+ ```app/components/my-component.js
+ import Component from '@glimmer/component';
+ import { action } from '@ember/object';
+ export default class extends Component {
+ @action
+ save() {
+ this.model.save();
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ Actions are always looked up on the `actions` property of the current context.
+ This avoids collisions in the naming of common actions, such as `destroy`.
+ Two options can be passed to the `action` helper when it is used in this way.
+ * `target=someProperty` will look to `someProperty` instead of the current
+ context for the `actions` hash. This can be useful when targeting a
+ service for actions.
+ * `value="target.value"` will read the path `target.value` off the first
+ argument to the action when it is called and rewrite the first argument
+ to be that value. This is useful when attaching actions to event listeners.
+ ### Invoking an action
+ Closure actions curry both their scope and any arguments. When invoked, any
+ additional arguments are added to the already curried list.
+ Actions should be invoked using the [sendAction](/ember/release/classes/Component/methods/sendAction?anchor=sendAction)
+ method. The first argument to `sendAction` is the action to be called, and
+ additional arguments are passed to the action function. This has interesting
+ properties combined with currying of arguments. For example:
+ ```app/components/update-name.js
+ import Component from '@glimmer/component';
+ import { action } from '@ember/object';
+ export default class extends Component {
+ @action
+ setName(model, name) {
+ model.set('name', name);
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ ```app/components/update-name.hbs
+ {{input on-input=(action (action 'setName' @model) value="target.value")}}
+ ```
+ The first argument (`@model`) was curried over, and the run-time argument (`event`)
+ becomes a second argument. Action calls can be nested this way because each simply
+ returns a function. Any function can be passed to the `{{action}}` helper, including
+ other actions.
+ Actions invoked with `sendAction` have the same currying behavior as demonstrated
+ with `on-input` above. For example:
+ ```app/components/my-input.js
+ import Component from '@glimmer/component';
+ import { action } from '@ember/object';
+ export default class extends Component {
+ @action
+ setName(model, name) {
+ model.set('name', name);
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
- {{#person-profile person=this.currentUser}}
Admin mode
- {{! Executed in the current context. }}
- {{/person-profile}}
+ {{my-input submit=(action 'setName' @model)}}
- ```app/templates/components/person-profile.hbs
- {{yield}}
+ ```app/components/my-component.js
+ import Component from '@ember/component';
+ export default Component.extend({
+ click() {
+ // Note that model is not passed, it was curried in the template
+ this.sendAction('submit', 'bob');
+ }
+ });
- ## Customizing Components With JavaScript
+ ### Attaching actions to DOM elements
+ The third context of the `{{action}}` helper can be called "element space".
+ For example:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! An example of element space }}
+ ```
+ Used this way, the `{{action}}` helper provides a useful shortcut for
+ registering an HTML element in a template for a single DOM event and
+ forwarding that interaction to the template's context (controller or component).
+ If the context of a template is a controller, actions used this way will
+ bubble to routes when the controller does not implement the specified action.
+ Once an action hits a route, it will bubble through the route hierarchy.
+ ### Event Propagation
+ `{{action}}` helpers called in element space can control event bubbling. Note
+ that the closure style actions cannot.
+ Events triggered through the action helper will automatically have
+ `.preventDefault()` called on them. You do not need to do so in your event
+ handlers. If you need to allow event propagation (to handle file inputs for
+ example) you can supply the `preventDefault=false` option to the `{{action}}` helper:
+ ```handlebars
+ ```
+ To disable bubbling, pass `bubbles=false` to the helper:
+ ```handlebars
+ ```
+ To disable bubbling with closure style actions you must create your own
+ wrapper helper that makes use of `event.stopPropagation()`:
+ ```handlebars
+ ```
+ ```app/helpers/disable-bubbling.js
+ import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper';
+ export function disableBubbling([action]) {
+ return function(event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ return action(event);
+ };
+ }
+ export default helper(disableBubbling);
+ ```
+ If you need the default handler to trigger you should either register your
+ own event handler, or use event methods on your view class. See
+ ["Responding to Browser Events"](/ember/release/classes/Component)
+ in the documentation for `Component` for more information.
+ ### Specifying DOM event type
+ `{{action}}` helpers called in element space can specify an event type.
+ By default the `{{action}}` helper registers for DOM `click` events. You can
+ supply an `on` option to the helper to specify a different DOM event name:
+ ```handlebars
+ click me
+ ```
+ See ["Event Names"](/ember/release/classes/Component) for a list of
+ acceptable DOM event names.
+ ### Specifying whitelisted modifier keys
+ `{{action}}` helpers called in element space can specify modifier keys.
+ By default the `{{action}}` helper will ignore click events with pressed modifier
+ keys. You can supply an `allowedKeys` option to specify which keys should not be ignored.
+ ```handlebars
+ click me
+ ```
+ This way the action will fire when clicking with the alt key pressed down.
+ Alternatively, supply "any" to the `allowedKeys` option to accept any combination of modifier keys.
+ ```handlebars
+ click me with any key pressed
+ ```
+ ### Specifying a Target
+ A `target` option can be provided to the helper to change
+ which object will receive the method call. This option must be a path
+ to an object, accessible in the current context:
+ ```app/templates/application.hbs
+ click me
+ ```
+ ```app/controllers/application.js
+ import Controller from '@ember/controller';
+ import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
+ export default class extends Controller {
+ @service someService;
+ }
+ ```
+ @method action
+ @for Ember.Templates.helpers
+ @public
+ */
+ _exports.INVOKE = INVOKE;
+ var action = internalHelper(args => {
+ var {
+ named,
+ positional
+ } = args;
+ var capturedArgs = positional.capture(); // The first two argument slots are reserved.
+ // pos[0] is the context (or `this`)
+ // pos[1] is the action name or function
+ // Anything else is an action argument.
+ var [context, action, ...restArgs] = capturedArgs;
+ var debugKey = action.debugLabel;
+ var target = named.has('target') ? named.get('target') : context;
+ var processArgs = makeArgsProcessor(named.has('value') && named.get('value'), restArgs);
+ var fn$$1;
+ if ((0, _reference.isInvokableRef)(action)) {
+ fn$$1 = makeClosureAction(action, action, invokeRef, processArgs, debugKey);
+ } else {
+ fn$$1 = makeDynamicClosureAction((0, _reference.valueForRef)(context), target, action, processArgs, debugKey);
+ }
+ ACTIONS.add(fn$$1);
+ return (0, _reference.createUnboundRef)(fn$$1, '(result of an `action` helper)');
+ });
+ function NOOP$1(args) {
+ return args;
+ }
+ function makeArgsProcessor(valuePathRef, actionArgsRef) {
+ var mergeArgs;
+ if (actionArgsRef.length > 0) {
+ mergeArgs = args => {
+ return actionArgsRef.map(_reference.valueForRef).concat(args);
+ };
+ }
+ var readValue;
+ if (valuePathRef) {
+ readValue = args => {
+ var valuePath = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(valuePathRef);
+ if (valuePath && args.length > 0) {
+ args[0] = (0, _metal.get)(args[0], valuePath);
+ }
+ return args;
+ };
+ }
+ if (mergeArgs && readValue) {
+ return args => {
+ return readValue(mergeArgs(args));
+ };
+ } else {
+ return mergeArgs || readValue || NOOP$1;
+ }
+ }
+ function makeDynamicClosureAction(context, targetRef, actionRef, processArgs, debugKey) {
+ // We don't allow undefined/null values, so this creates a throw-away action to trigger the assertions
+ if (true
+ /* DEBUG */
+ ) {
+ makeClosureAction(context, (0, _reference.valueForRef)(targetRef), (0, _reference.valueForRef)(actionRef), processArgs, debugKey);
+ }
+ return (...args) => {
+ return makeClosureAction(context, (0, _reference.valueForRef)(targetRef), (0, _reference.valueForRef)(actionRef), processArgs, debugKey)(...args);
+ };
+ }
+ function makeClosureAction(context, target, action, processArgs, debugKey) {
+ var self;
+ var fn$$1;
+ (true && !(action !== undefined && action !== null) && (0, _debug.assert)(`Action passed is null or undefined in (action) from ${target}.`, action !== undefined && action !== null));
+ if (typeof action[INVOKE] === 'function') {
+ (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.deprecate)(`Usage of the private INVOKE API to make an object callable via action or fn is no longer supported. Please update to pass in a callback function instead. Received: ${String(action)}`, false, {
+ until: '3.25.0',
+ id: 'actions.custom-invoke-invokable',
+ for: 'ember-source',
+ since: {
+ enabled: '3.23.0-beta.1'
+ }
+ }));
+ self = action;
+ fn$$1 = action[INVOKE];
+ } else {
+ var typeofAction = typeof action;
+ if (typeofAction === 'string') {
+ self = target;
+ fn$$1 = target.actions && target.actions[action];
+ (true && !(Boolean(fn$$1)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`An action named '${action}' was not found in ${target}`, Boolean(fn$$1)));
+ } else if (typeofAction === 'function') {
+ self = context;
+ fn$$1 = action;
+ } else {
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
+ (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.assert)(`An action could not be made for \`${debugKey || action}\` in ${target}. Please confirm that you are using either a quoted action name (i.e. \`(action '${debugKey || 'myAction'}')\`) or a function available in ${target}.`, false));
+ }
+ }
+ return (...args) => {
+ var payload = {
+ target: self,
+ args,
+ label: '@glimmer/closure-action'
+ };
+ return (0, _instrumentation.flaggedInstrument)('interaction.ember-action', payload, () => {
+ return (0, _runloop.join)(self, fn$$1, ...processArgs(args));
+ });
+ };
+ } // The code above:
+ // 1. Finds an action function, usually on the `actions` hash
+ // 2. Calls it with the target as the correct `this` context
+ // Previously, `UPDATE_REFERENCED_VALUE` was a method on the reference itself,
+ // so this made a bit more sense. Now, it isn't, and so we need to create a
+ // function that can have `this` bound to it when called. This allows us to use
+ // the same codepath to call `updateRef` on the reference.
+ function invokeRef(value) {
+ (0, _reference.updateRef)(this, value);
+ } // inputs needed by CurlyComponents (attrs and props, with mutable
+ // cells, etc).
+ function processComponentArgs(namedArgs) {
+ var attrs = Object.create(null);
+ var props = Object.create(null);
+ props[ARGS] = namedArgs;
+ for (var name in namedArgs) {
+ var ref = namedArgs[name];
+ var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(ref);
+ var isAction = typeof value === 'function' && ACTIONS.has(value);
+ if ((0, _reference.isUpdatableRef)(ref) && !isAction) {
+ attrs[name] = new MutableCell(ref, value);
+ } else {
+ attrs[name] = value;
+ }
+ props[name] = value;
+ }
+ props.attrs = attrs;
+ return props;
+ }
+ var REF = (0, _utils.symbol)('REF');
+ class MutableCell {
+ constructor(ref, value) {
+ this[_views.MUTABLE_CELL] = true;
+ this[REF] = ref;
+ this.value = value;
+ }
+ update(val) {
+ (0, _reference.updateRef)(this[REF], val);
+ }
+ }
+ var __rest = undefined && undefined.__rest || function (s, e) {
+ var t = {};
+ for (var p in s) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];
+ }
+ if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
+ if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
+ }
+ return t;
+ };
+ var ARGS = (0, _utils.enumerableSymbol)('ARGS');
+ var HAS_BLOCK = (0, _utils.enumerableSymbol)('HAS_BLOCK');
+ var DIRTY_TAG = (0, _utils.symbol)('DIRTY_TAG');
+ var IS_DISPATCHING_ATTRS = (0, _utils.symbol)('IS_DISPATCHING_ATTRS');
+ var BOUNDS = (0, _utils.symbol)('BOUNDS');
+ var EMBER_VIEW_REF = (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)('ember-view');
+ function aliasIdToElementId(args, props) {
+ if (args.named.has('id')) {
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
+ (true && !(!args.named.has('elementId')) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot invoke a component with both 'id' and 'elementId' at the same time.`, !args.named.has('elementId')));
+ props.elementId = props.id;
+ }
+ } // We must traverse the attributeBindings in reverse keeping track of
+ // what has already been applied. This is essentially refining the concatenated
+ // properties applying right to left.
+ function applyAttributeBindings(attributeBindings, component, rootRef, operations) {
+ var seen = [];
+ var i = attributeBindings.length - 1;
+ while (i !== -1) {
+ var binding = attributeBindings[i];
+ var parsed = parseAttributeBinding(binding);
+ var attribute = parsed[1];
+ if (seen.indexOf(attribute) === -1) {
+ seen.push(attribute);
+ installAttributeBinding(component, rootRef, parsed, operations);
+ }
+ i--;
+ }
+ if (seen.indexOf('id') === -1) {
+ var id = component.elementId ? component.elementId : (0, _utils.guidFor)(component);
+ operations.setAttribute('id', (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(id), false, null);
+ }
+ if (_deprecatedFeatures.EMBER_COMPONENT_IS_VISIBLE && installIsVisibleBinding !== undefined && seen.indexOf('style') === -1) {
+ installIsVisibleBinding(rootRef, operations);
+ }
+ }
+ (0, _debug.debugFreeze)(EMPTY_POSITIONAL_ARGS);
+ class CurlyComponentManager {
+ templateFor(component) {
+ var {
+ layout,
+ layoutName
+ } = component;
+ var owner = (0, _owner2.getOwner)(component);
+ var factory;
+ if (layout === undefined) {
+ if (layoutName !== undefined) {
+ var _factory = owner.lookup(`template:${layoutName}`);
+ (true && !(_factory !== undefined) && (0, _debug.assert)(`Layout \`${layoutName}\` not found!`, _factory !== undefined));
+ factory = _factory;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ } else if (isTemplateFactory(layout)) {
+ factory = layout;
+ } else {
+ // no layout was found, use the default layout
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (0, _util.unwrapTemplate)(factory(owner)).asWrappedLayout();
+ }
+ getDynamicLayout(bucket) {
+ return this.templateFor(bucket.component);
+ }
+ getTagName(state) {
+ var {
+ component,
+ hasWrappedElement
+ } = state;
+ if (!hasWrappedElement) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return component && component.tagName || 'div';
+ }
+ getCapabilities() {
+ }
+ prepareArgs(ComponentClass, args) {
+ var _a;
+ if (args.named.has('__ARGS__')) {
+ var _b = args.named.capture(),
+ {
+ __ARGS__
+ } = _b,
+ rest = __rest(_b, ["__ARGS__"]);
+ var prepared = {
+ named: (0, _polyfills.assign)((0, _polyfills.assign)({}, rest), (0, _reference.valueForRef)(__ARGS__))
+ };
+ return prepared;
+ }
+ var {
+ positionalParams
+ } = (_a = ComponentClass.class) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ComponentClass; // early exits
+ if (positionalParams === undefined || positionalParams === null || args.positional.length === 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var named;
+ if (typeof positionalParams === 'string') {
+ (true && !(!args.named.has(positionalParams)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot specify positional parameters and the hash argument \`${positionalParams}\`.`, !args.named.has(positionalParams)));
+ var captured = args.positional.capture();
+ named = {
+ [positionalParams]: (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => (0, _runtime.reifyPositional)(captured))
+ };
+ (0, _polyfills.assign)(named, args.named.capture());
+ } else if (Array.isArray(positionalParams) && positionalParams.length > 0) {
+ var count = Math.min(positionalParams.length, args.positional.length);
+ named = {};
+ (0, _polyfills.assign)(named, args.named.capture());
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ // As of TS 3.7, tsc is giving us the following error on this line without the type annotation
+ //
+ // TS7022: 'name' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation and is
+ // referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer.
+ //
+ // This is almost certainly a TypeScript bug, feel free to try and remove the annotation after
+ // upgrading if it is not needed anymore.
+ var name = positionalParams[i];
+ (true && !(!args.named.has(name)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot specify both a positional param (at position ${i}) and the hash argument \`${name}\`.`, !args.named.has(name)));
+ named[name] = args.positional.at(i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return {
+ positional: _util.EMPTY_ARRAY,
+ named
+ };
+ }
+ /*
+ * This hook is responsible for actually instantiating the component instance.
+ * It also is where we perform additional bookkeeping to support legacy
+ * features like exposed by view mixins like ChildViewSupport, ActionSupport,
+ * etc.
+ */
+ create(owner, ComponentClass, args, {
+ isInteractive
+ }, dynamicScope, callerSelfRef, hasBlock) {
+ // Get the nearest concrete component instance from the scope. "Virtual"
+ // components will be skipped.
+ var parentView = dynamicScope.view; // Capture the arguments, which tells Glimmer to give us our own, stable
+ // copy of the Arguments object that is safe to hold on to between renders.
+ var capturedArgs = args.named.capture();
+ (0, _validator.beginTrackFrame)();
+ var props = processComponentArgs(capturedArgs);
+ var argsTag = (0, _validator.endTrackFrame)(); // Alias `id` argument to `elementId` property on the component instance.
+ aliasIdToElementId(args, props); // Set component instance's parentView property to point to nearest concrete
+ // component.
+ props.parentView = parentView; // Set whether this component was invoked with a block
+ // (`{{#my-component}}{{/my-component}}`) or without one
+ // (`{{my-component}}`).
+ props[HAS_BLOCK] = hasBlock; // Save the current `this` context of the template as the component's
+ // `_target`, so bubbled actions are routed to the right place.
+ props._target = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(callerSelfRef);
+ (0, _owner2.setOwner)(props, owner); // caller:
+ //
+ //
+ // callee:
+ //
+ // Now that we've built up all of the properties to set on the component instance,
+ // actually create it.
+ (0, _validator.beginUntrackFrame)();
+ var component = ComponentClass.create(props);
+ var finalizer = (0, _instrumentation._instrumentStart)('render.component', initialRenderInstrumentDetails, component); // We become the new parentView for downstream components, so save our
+ // component off on the dynamic scope.
+ dynamicScope.view = component; // Unless we're the root component, we need to add ourselves to our parent
+ // component's childViews array.
+ if (parentView !== null && parentView !== undefined) {
+ (0, _views.addChildView)(parentView, component);
+ }
+ component.trigger('didReceiveAttrs');
+ var hasWrappedElement = component.tagName !== ''; // We usually do this in the `didCreateElement`, but that hook doesn't fire for tagless components
+ if (!hasWrappedElement) {
+ if (isInteractive) {
+ component.trigger('willRender');
+ }
+ component._transitionTo('hasElement');
+ if (isInteractive) {
+ component.trigger('willInsertElement');
+ }
+ } // Track additional lifecycle metadata about this component in a state bucket.
+ // Essentially we're saving off all the state we'll need in the future.
+ var bucket = new ComponentStateBucket(component, capturedArgs, argsTag, finalizer, hasWrappedElement, isInteractive);
+ if (args.named.has('class')) {
+ bucket.classRef = args.named.get('class');
+ }
+ if (true
+ /* DEBUG */
+ ) {
+ processComponentInitializationAssertions(component, props);
+ }
+ if (isInteractive && hasWrappedElement) {
+ component.trigger('willRender');
+ }
+ (0, _validator.endUntrackFrame)(); // consume every argument so we always run again
+ (0, _validator.consumeTag)(bucket.argsTag);
+ (0, _validator.consumeTag)(component[DIRTY_TAG]);
+ return bucket;
+ }
+ getDebugName(definition) {
+ var _a;
+ return definition.fullName || definition.normalizedName || ((_a = definition.class) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) || definition.name;
+ }
+ getSelf({
+ rootRef
+ }) {
+ return rootRef;
+ }
+ didCreateElement({
+ component,
+ classRef,
+ isInteractive,
+ rootRef
+ }, element, operations) {
+ (0, _views.setViewElement)(component, element);
+ (0, _views.setElementView)(element, component);
+ var {
+ attributeBindings,
+ classNames,
+ classNameBindings
+ } = component;
+ if (attributeBindings && attributeBindings.length) {
+ applyAttributeBindings(attributeBindings, component, rootRef, operations);
+ } else {
+ var id = component.elementId ? component.elementId : (0, _utils.guidFor)(component);
+ operations.setAttribute('id', (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(id), false, null);
+ if (_deprecatedFeatures.EMBER_COMPONENT_IS_VISIBLE) {
+ installIsVisibleBinding(rootRef, operations);
+ }
+ }
+ if (classRef) {
+ var ref = createSimpleClassNameBindingRef(classRef);
+ operations.setAttribute('class', ref, false, null);
+ }
+ if (classNames && classNames.length) {
+ classNames.forEach(name => {
+ operations.setAttribute('class', (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(name), false, null);
+ });
+ }
+ if (classNameBindings && classNameBindings.length) {
+ classNameBindings.forEach(binding => {
+ createClassNameBindingRef(rootRef, binding, operations);
+ });
+ }
+ operations.setAttribute('class', EMBER_VIEW_REF, false, null);
+ if ('ariaRole' in component) {
+ operations.setAttribute('role', (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, 'ariaRole'), false, null);
+ }
+ component._transitionTo('hasElement');
+ if (isInteractive) {
+ (0, _validator.beginUntrackFrame)();
+ component.trigger('willInsertElement');
+ (0, _validator.endUntrackFrame)();
+ }
+ }
+ didRenderLayout(bucket, bounds) {
+ bucket.component[BOUNDS] = bounds;
+ bucket.finalize();
+ }
+ didCreate({
+ component,
+ isInteractive
+ }) {
+ if (isInteractive) {
+ component._transitionTo('inDOM');
+ component.trigger('didInsertElement');
+ component.trigger('didRender');
+ }
+ }
+ update(bucket) {
+ var {
+ component,
+ args,
+ argsTag,
+ argsRevision,
+ isInteractive
+ } = bucket;
+ bucket.finalizer = (0, _instrumentation._instrumentStart)('render.component', rerenderInstrumentDetails, component);
+ (0, _validator.beginUntrackFrame)();
+ if (args !== null && !(0, _validator.validateTag)(argsTag, argsRevision)) {
+ (0, _validator.beginTrackFrame)();
+ var props = processComponentArgs(args);
+ argsTag = bucket.argsTag = (0, _validator.endTrackFrame)();
+ bucket.argsRevision = (0, _validator.valueForTag)(argsTag);
+ component[IS_DISPATCHING_ATTRS] = true;
+ component.setProperties(props);
+ component[IS_DISPATCHING_ATTRS] = false;
+ component.trigger('didUpdateAttrs');
+ component.trigger('didReceiveAttrs');
+ }
+ if (isInteractive) {
+ component.trigger('willUpdate');
+ component.trigger('willRender');
+ }
+ (0, _validator.endUntrackFrame)();
+ (0, _validator.consumeTag)(argsTag);
+ (0, _validator.consumeTag)(component[DIRTY_TAG]);
+ }
+ didUpdateLayout(bucket) {
+ bucket.finalize();
+ }
+ didUpdate({
+ component,
+ isInteractive
+ }) {
+ if (isInteractive) {
+ component.trigger('didUpdate');
+ component.trigger('didRender');
+ }
+ }
+ getDestroyable(bucket) {
+ return bucket;
+ }
+ }
+ function processComponentInitializationAssertions(component, props) {
+ (true && !((() => {
+ var {
+ classNameBindings
+ } = component;
+ for (var i = 0; i < classNameBindings.length; i++) {
+ var binding = classNameBindings[i];
+ if (typeof binding !== 'string' || binding.length === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ })()) && (0, _debug.assert)(`classNameBindings must be non-empty strings: ${component}`, (() => {
+ var {
+ classNameBindings
+ } = component;
+ for (var i = 0; i < classNameBindings.length; i++) {
+ var binding = classNameBindings[i];
+ if (typeof binding !== 'string' || binding.length === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ })()));
+ (true && !((() => {
+ var {
+ classNameBindings
+ } = component;
+ for (var i = 0; i < classNameBindings.length; i++) {
+ var binding = classNameBindings[i];
+ if (binding.split(' ').length > 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ })()) && (0, _debug.assert)(`classNameBindings must not have spaces in them: ${component}`, (() => {
+ var {
+ classNameBindings
+ } = component;
+ for (var i = 0; i < classNameBindings.length; i++) {
+ var binding = classNameBindings[i];
+ if (binding.split(' ').length > 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ })()));
+ (true && !(component.tagName !== '' || !component.classNameBindings || component.classNameBindings.length === 0) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot use \`classNameBindings\` on a tag-less component: ${component}`, component.tagName !== '' || !component.classNameBindings || component.classNameBindings.length === 0));
+ (true && !(component.tagName !== '' || props.id === component.elementId || !component.elementId && component.elementId !== '') && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot use \`elementId\` on a tag-less component: ${component}`, component.tagName !== '' || props.id === component.elementId || !component.elementId && component.elementId !== ''));
+ (true && !(component.tagName !== '' || !component.attributeBindings || component.attributeBindings.length === 0) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot use \`attributeBindings\` on a tag-less component: ${component}`, component.tagName !== '' || !component.attributeBindings || component.attributeBindings.length === 0));
+ }
+ function initialRenderInstrumentDetails(component) {
+ return component.instrumentDetails({
+ initialRender: true
+ });
+ }
+ function rerenderInstrumentDetails(component) {
+ return component.instrumentDetails({
+ initialRender: false
+ });
+ }
+ dynamicLayout: true,
+ dynamicTag: true,
+ prepareArgs: true,
+ createArgs: true,
+ attributeHook: true,
+ elementHook: true,
+ createCaller: true,
+ dynamicScope: true,
+ updateHook: true,
+ createInstance: true,
+ wrapped: true,
+ willDestroy: true,
+ hasSubOwner: false
+ };
+ var CURLY_COMPONENT_MANAGER = new CurlyComponentManager();
+ function isCurlyManager(manager) {
+ return manager === CURLY_COMPONENT_MANAGER;
+ }
+ /**
+ @module @ember/component
+ */
+ /**
+ A component is a reusable UI element that consists of a `.hbs` template and an
+ optional JavaScript class that defines its behavior. For example, someone
+ might make a `button` in the template and handle the click behavior in the
+ JavaScript file that shares the same name as the template.
+ Components are broken down into two categories:
+ - Components _without_ JavaScript, that are based only on a template. These
+ are called Template-only or TO components.
+ - Components _with_ JavaScript, which consist of a template and a backing
+ class.
+ Ember ships with two types of JavaScript classes for components:
+ 1. Glimmer components, imported from `@glimmer/component`, which are the
+ default component's for Ember Octane (3.15) and more recent editions.
+ 2. Classic components, imported from `@ember/component`, which were the
+ default for older editions of Ember (pre 3.15).
+ Below is the documentation for Classic components. If you are looking for the
+ API documentation for Template-only or Glimmer components, it is
+ [available here](/ember/release/modules/@glimmer%2Fcomponent).
+ ## Defining a Classic Component
If you want to customize the component in order to handle events, transform
arguments or maintain internal state, you implement a subclass of `Component`.
@@ -2563,7 +3760,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
export default Component.extend({
displayName: computed('person.title', 'person.firstName', 'person.lastName', function() {
- let { title, firstName, lastName } = this;
+ let { title, firstName, lastName } = this.person;
if (title) {
return `${title} ${lastName}`;
@@ -2581,7 +3778,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- ## Customizing a Component's HTML Element in JavaScript
+ ## Customizing a Classic Component's HTML Element in JavaScript
### HTML Tag
@@ -3142,7 +4339,8 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- var Component = _views.CoreView.extend(_views.ChildViewsSupport, _views.ViewStateSupport, _views.ClassNamesSupport, _runtime.TargetActionSupport, _views.ActionSupport, _views.ViewMixin, {
+ var Component = _views.CoreView.extend(_views.ChildViewsSupport, _views.ViewStateSupport, _views.ClassNamesSupport, _runtime2.TargetActionSupport, _views.ActionSupport, _views.ViewMixin, {
isComponent: true,
init() {
@@ -3154,9 +4352,9 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
if (true
/* DEBUG */
- && this.renderer._destinedForDOM && this.tagName === '') {
+ && this.renderer._isInteractive && this.tagName === '') {
var eventNames = [];
- var eventDispatcher = (0, _owner.getOwner)(this).lookup('event_dispatcher:main');
+ var eventDispatcher = (0, _owner2.getOwner)(this).lookup('event_dispatcher:main');
var events = eventDispatcher && eventDispatcher._finalEvents || {}; // tslint:disable-next-line:forin
for (var key in events) {
@@ -3263,7 +4461,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
var {
- } = (0, _runtime2.normalizeProperty)(element, name);
+ } = (0, _runtime.normalizeProperty)(element, name);
if (isSVG || type === 'attr') {
return element.getAttribute(normalized);
@@ -3437,10 +4635,12 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
isComponentFactory: true,
positionalParams: []
+ (0, _manager2.setInternalComponentManager)(CURLY_COMPONENT_MANAGER, Component);
var layout = (0, _opcodeCompiler.templateFactory)({
- "id": "3IKjaxWN",
- "block": "{\"symbols\":[],\"statements\":[],\"hasEval\":false,\"upvars\":[]}",
- "moduleName": "packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/lib/templates/empty.hbs"
+ "id": "14evwHqT",
+ "block": "[[],[],false,[]]",
+ "moduleName": "packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/lib/templates/empty.hbs",
+ "isStrictMode": false
@module @ember/component
@@ -3892,9 +5092,10 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
TextArea.toString = () => '@ember/component/text-area';
var layout$1 = (0, _opcodeCompiler.templateFactory)({
- "id": "ddnfgiDJ",
- "block": "{\"symbols\":[\"&default\"],\"statements\":[[6,[37,0],[[27,[32,1]]],null,[[\"default\",\"else\"],[{\"statements\":[[18,1,null]],\"parameters\":[]},{\"statements\":[[1,[32,0,[\"linkTitle\"]]]],\"parameters\":[]}]]]],\"hasEval\":false,\"upvars\":[\"if\"]}",
- "moduleName": "packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/lib/templates/link-to.hbs"
+ "id": "Hma8ydcX",
+ "block": "[[[41,[48,[30,1]],[[[18,1,null]],[]],[[[1,[30,0,[\"linkTitle\"]]]],[]]]],[\"&default\"],false,[\"if\",\"has-block\",\"yield\"]]",
+ "moduleName": "packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/lib/templates/link-to.hbs",
+ "isStrictMode": false
@module ember
@@ -4116,8 +5317,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- In general, this is not recommended. Instead, you can use the `transition-to` helper together
- with a click event handler on the HTML tag of your choosing.
+ In general, this is not recommended.
### Supplying query parameters
@@ -4368,10 +5568,10 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
_currentRouterState: (0, _metal.alias)('_routing.currentState'),
_targetRouterState: (0, _metal.alias)('_routing.targetState'),
_isEngine: (0, _metal.computed)(function () {
- return (0, _engine.getEngineParent)((0, _owner.getOwner)(this)) !== undefined;
+ return (0, _engine.getEngineParent)((0, _owner2.getOwner)(this)) !== undefined;
_engineMountPoint: (0, _metal.computed)(function () {
- return (0, _owner.getOwner)(this).mountPoint;
+ return (0, _owner2.getOwner)(this).mountPoint;
_route: (0, _metal.computed)('route', '_currentRouterState', function computeLinkToComponentRoute() {
var {
@@ -4626,7 +5826,8 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
return routing.generateURL(route, models, query);
} catch (e) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
- (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You attempted to generate a link for the "${this.route}" route, but did not ` + `pass the models required for generating its dynamic segments. ` + e.message));
+ e.message = `While generating link to route "${this.route}": ${e.message}`;
+ throw e;
} else {
return routing.generateURL(route, models, query);
@@ -4735,616 +5936,245 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
positionalParams: 'params'
+ dynamicLayout: false,
+ dynamicTag: false,
+ prepareArgs: false,
+ createArgs: true,
+ attributeHook: false,
+ elementHook: false,
+ createCaller: true,
+ dynamicScope: false,
+ updateHook: false,
+ createInstance: true,
+ wrapped: false,
+ willDestroy: false,
+ hasSubOwner: false
+ };
- function convertToInt(prop) {
- if (typeof prop === 'symbol') return null;
- var num = Number(prop);
- if (isNaN(num)) return null;
- return num % 1 === 0 ? num : null;
- }
+ class InternalManager {
+ constructor(ComponentClass, name) {
+ this.ComponentClass = ComponentClass;
+ this.name = name;
+ }
- function tagForNamedArg(namedArgs, key) {
- return (0, _validator.track)(() => {
- if (key in namedArgs) {
- (0, _reference.valueForRef)(namedArgs[key]);
- }
- });
- }
+ getCapabilities() {
+ }
- function tagForPositionalArg(positionalArgs, key) {
- return (0, _validator.track)(() => {
- if (key === '[]') {
- // consume all of the tags in the positional array
- positionalArgs.forEach(_reference.valueForRef);
- }
- var parsed = convertToInt(key);
- if (parsed !== null && parsed < positionalArgs.length) {
- // consume the tag of the referenced index
- (0, _reference.valueForRef)(positionalArgs[parsed]);
- }
- });
- }
- var argsProxyFor;
- if (_utils.HAS_NATIVE_PROXY) {
- argsProxyFor = (capturedArgs, type) => {
+ create(owner, _definition, args, env, _dynamicScope, caller) {
+ (true && !((0, _reference.isConstRef)(caller)) && (0, _debug.assert)('caller must be const', (0, _reference.isConstRef)(caller)));
+ (true && !(args.positional.length === 0) && (0, _debug.assert)(`The ${this.name} component does not take any positional arguments`, args.positional.length === 0));
var {
- named,
- positional
- } = capturedArgs;
- var getNamedTag = key => tagForNamedArg(named, key);
- var getPositionalTag = key => tagForPositionalArg(positional, key);
- var namedHandler = {
- get(_target, prop) {
- var ref = named[prop];
- if (ref !== undefined) {
- return (0, _reference.valueForRef)(ref);
- } else if (prop === _metal.CUSTOM_TAG_FOR) {
- return getNamedTag;
- }
- },
- has(_target, prop) {
- return prop in named;
- },
- ownKeys(_target) {
- return Object.keys(named);
- },
- isExtensible() {
- return false;
- },
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_target, prop) {
- (true && !(prop in named) && (0, _debug.assert)('args proxies do not have real property descriptors, so you should never need to call getOwnPropertyDescriptor yourself. This code exists for enumerability, such as in for-in loops and Object.keys()', prop in named));
- return {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- };
- }
+ ComponentClass
+ } = this;
+ var instance = new ComponentClass(owner, args.named.capture(), (0, _reference.valueForRef)(caller));
+ var state = {
+ env,
+ instance
- var positionalHandler = {
- get(target, prop) {
- if (prop === 'length') {
- return positional.length;
- }
+ return state;
+ }
- var parsed = convertToInt(prop);
+ didCreate() {}
- if (parsed !== null && parsed < positional.length) {
- return (0, _reference.valueForRef)(positional[parsed]);
- }
+ didUpdate() {}
- if (prop === _metal.CUSTOM_TAG_FOR) {
- return getPositionalTag;
- }
+ didRenderLayout() {}
- return target[prop];
- },
+ didUpdateLayout() {}
- isExtensible() {
- return false;
- },
+ getDebugName() {
+ return this.name;
+ }
- has(_target, prop) {
- var parsed = convertToInt(prop);
- return parsed !== null && parsed < positional.length;
- }
+ getSelf({
+ instance
+ }) {
+ return (0, _reference.createConstRef)(instance, 'this');
+ }
- };
- var namedTarget = Object.create(null);
- var positionalTarget = [];
+ getDestroyable(state) {
+ return state.instance;
+ }
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- var setHandler = function (_target, prop) {
- throw new Error(`You attempted to set ${String(prop)} on the arguments of a component, helper, or modifier. Arguments are immutable and cannot be updated directly, they always represent the values that is passed down. If you want to set default values, you should use a getter and local tracked state instead.`);
- };
+ }
- var forInDebugHandler = () => {
- throw new Error(`Object.keys() was called on the positional arguments array for a ${type}, which is not supported. This function is a low-level function that should not need to be called for positional argument arrays. You may be attempting to iterate over the array using for...in instead of for...of.`);
- };
+ var InputTemplate = (0, _opcodeCompiler.templateFactory)({
+ "id": "sAKl8rD7",
+ "block": "[[[44,[[50,\"-checkbox\",0,null,null],[50,\"-text-field\",0,null,null]],[[[41,[30,0,[\"isCheckbox\"]],[[[8,[30,1],[[17,3]],[[\"@target\",\"@__ARGS__\"],[[30,0,[\"caller\"]],[30,0,[\"args\"]]]],null]],[]],[[[8,[30,2],[[17,3]],[[\"@target\",\"@__ARGS__\"],[[30,0,[\"caller\"]],[30,0,[\"args\"]]]],null]],[]]]],[1,2]]]],[\"Checkbox\",\"TextField\",\"&attrs\"],false,[\"let\",\"component\",\"if\"]]",
+ "moduleName": "packages/@ember/-internals/glimmer/lib/templates/input.hbs",
+ "isStrictMode": false
+ });
- namedHandler.set = setHandler;
- positionalHandler.set = setHandler;
- positionalHandler.ownKeys = forInDebugHandler;
- }
+ class InternalComponent {
+ constructor(owner, args, caller) {
+ this.owner = owner;
+ this.args = args;
+ this.caller = caller;
+ (0, _owner2.setOwner)(this, owner);
+ }
- return {
- named: new Proxy(namedTarget, namedHandler),
- positional: new Proxy(positionalTarget, positionalHandler)
- };
- };
- } else {
- argsProxyFor = (capturedArgs, _type) => {
- var {
- named,
- positional
- } = capturedArgs;
+ static get class() {
+ return this;
+ }
- var getNamedTag = key => tagForNamedArg(named, key);
+ static get fullName() {
+ return this.name;
+ }
- var getPositionalTag = key => tagForPositionalArg(positional, key);
+ static get normalizedName() {
+ return this.name;
+ }
- var namedProxy = {};
- Object.defineProperty(namedProxy, _metal.CUSTOM_TAG_FOR, {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- value: getNamedTag
- });
- Object.keys(named).forEach(name => {
- Object.defineProperty(namedProxy, name, {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
+ arg(key) {
+ var ref = this.args[key];
+ return ref ? (0, _reference.valueForRef)(ref) : undefined;
+ }
- get() {
- return (0, _reference.valueForRef)(named[name]);
- }
+ toString() {
+ return `<${this.constructor.toString()}:${(0, _utils.guidFor)(this)}>`;
+ }
- });
- });
- var positionalProxy = [];
- Object.defineProperty(positionalProxy, _metal.CUSTOM_TAG_FOR, {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- value: getPositionalTag
- });
- positional.forEach((ref, index) => {
- Object.defineProperty(positionalProxy, index, {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get() {
- return (0, _reference.valueForRef)(ref);
- }
- });
- });
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- // Prevent mutations in development mode. This will not prevent the
- // proxy from updating, but will prevent assigning new values or pushing
- // for instance.
- Object.freeze(namedProxy);
- Object.freeze(positionalProxy);
- }
- return {
- named: namedProxy,
- positional: positionalProxy
- };
- };
- @module @ember/helper
+ @module @ember/component
- `capabilities` returns a capabilities configuration which can be used to modify
- the behavior of the manager. Manager capabilities _must_ be provided using the
- `capabilities` function, as the underlying implementation can change over time.
+ See [Ember.Templates.components.Input](/ember/release/classes/Ember.Templates.components/methods/Input?anchor=Input).
- The first argument to capabilities is a version string, which is the version of
- Ember that the capabilities were defined in. Ember can add new versions at any
- time, and these may have entirely different behaviors, but it will not remove
- old versions until the next major version.
+ @method input
+ @for Ember.Templates.helpers
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @public
+ */
+ /**
+ The `Input` component lets you create an HTML `` element.
- ```js
- capabilities('3.23');
+ ```handlebars
- The second argument is an object of capabilities and boolean values indicating
- whether they are enabled or disabled.
+ creates an `` element with `type="text"` and value set to 987.
- ```js
- capabilities('3.23', {
- hasValue: true,
- hasDestructor: true,
- });
+ ### Text field
+ If no `type` argument is specified, a default of type 'text' is used.
+ ```handlebars
+ Search:
- If no value is specified, then the default value will be used.
+ In this example, the initial value in the `` will be set to the value of
+ `this.searchWord`. If the user changes the text, the value of `this.searchWord` will also be
+ updated.
- ### `3.23` capabilities
+ ### Actions
- #### `hasDestroyable`
+ The `Input` component takes a number of arguments with callbacks that are invoked in response to
+ user events.
- - Default value: false
+ * `enter`
+ * `insert-newline`
+ * `escape-press`
+ * `focus-in`
+ * `focus-out`
+ * `key-down`
+ * `key-press`
+ * `key-up`
- Determines if the helper has a destroyable to include in the destructor
- hierarchy. If enabled, the `getDestroyable` hook will be called, and its result
- will be associated with the destroyable parent block.
+ These callbacks are passed to `Input` like this:
- #### `hasValue`
+ ```handlebars
+ ```
- - Default value: false
+ ### `` HTML Attributes to Avoid
- Determines if the helper has a value which can be used externally. The helper's
- `getValue` hook will be run whenever the value of the helper is accessed if this
- capability is enabled.
+ In most cases, if you want to pass an attribute to the underlying HTML `` element, you
+ can pass the attribute directly, just like any other Ember component.
- @method capabilities
- @for @ember/helper
- @static
- @param {String} managerApiVersion The version of capabilities that are being used
- @param options The capabilities values
- @return {Capabilities} The capabilities object instance
+ ```handlebars
+ ```
+ In this example, the `size` attribute will be applied to the underlying `` element in the
+ outputted HTML.
+ However, there are a few attributes where you **must** use the `@` version.
+ * `@type`: This argument is used to control which Ember component is used under the hood
+ * `@value`: The `@value` argument installs a two-way binding onto the element. If you wanted a
+ one-way binding, use `` with the `value` property and the `input` event instead.
+ * `@checked` (for checkboxes): like `@value`, the `@checked` argument installs a two-way binding
+ onto the element. If you wanted a one-way binding, use `` with
+ `checked` and the `input` event instead.
+ ### Extending `TextField`
+ Internally, `` creates an instance of `TextField`, passing arguments from
+ the helper to `TextField`'s `create` method. Subclassing `TextField` is supported but not
+ recommended.
+ See [TextField](/ember/release/classes/TextField)
+ ### Checkbox
+ To create an ``:
+ ```handlebars
+ Emberize Everything:
+ ```
+ This will bind the checked state of this checkbox to the value of `isEmberized` -- if either one
+ changes, it will be reflected in the other.
+ ### Extending `Checkbox`
+ Internally, `` creates an instance of `Checkbox`. Subclassing
+ `TextField` is supported but not recommended.
+ See [Checkbox](/ember/release/classes/Checkbox)
+ @method Input
+ @for Ember.Templates.components
+ @see {TextField}
+ @see {Checkbox}
+ @param {Hash} options
- function helperCapabilities(managerAPI, options = {}) {
- (true && !(managerAPI === '3.23') && (0, _debug.assert)('Invalid helper manager compatibility specified', managerAPI === '3.23'));
- (true && !((options.hasValue || options.hasScheduledEffect) && !(options.hasValue && options.hasScheduledEffect)) && (0, _debug.assert)('You must pass either the `hasValue` OR the `hasScheduledEffect` capability when defining a helper manager. Passing neither, or both, is not permitted.', (options.hasValue || options.hasScheduledEffect) && !(options.hasValue && options.hasScheduledEffect)));
- (true && !(!options.hasScheduledEffect) && (0, _debug.assert)('The `hasScheduledEffect` capability has not yet been implemented for helper managers. Please pass `hasValue` instead', !options.hasScheduledEffect));
- return (0, _runtime2.buildCapabilities)({
- hasValue: Boolean(options.hasValue),
- hasDestroyable: Boolean(options.hasDestroyable),
- hasScheduledEffect: Boolean(options.hasScheduledEffect)
- });
- }
- /**
- Sets the helper manager for an object or function.
- ```js
- setHelperManager((owner) => new ClassHelperManager(owner), Helper)
- ```
- When a value is used as a helper in a template, the helper manager is looked up
- on the object by walking up its prototype chain and finding the first helper
- manager. This manager then receives the value and can create and manage an
- instance of a helper from it. This provides a layer of indirection that allows
- users to design high-level helper APIs, without Ember needing to worry about the
- details. High-level APIs can be experimented with and iterated on while the
- core of Ember helpers remains stable, and new APIs can be introduced gradually
- over time to existing code bases.
- `setHelperManager` receives two arguments:
- 1. A factory function, which receives the `owner` and returns an instance of a
- helper manager.
- 2. A helper definition, which is the object or function to associate the factory function with.
- The first time the object is looked up, the factory function will be called to
- create the helper manager. It will be cached, and in subsequent lookups the
- cached helper manager will be used instead.
- Only one helper manager is guaranteed to exist per `owner` and per usage of
- `setHelperManager`, so many helpers will end up using the same instance of the
- helper manager. As such, you should only store state that is related to the
- manager itself. If you want to store state specific to a particular helper
- definition, you should assign a unique helper manager to that helper. In
- general, most managers should either be stateless, or only have the `owner` they
- were created with as state.
- Helper managers must fulfill the following interface (This example uses
- [TypeScript interfaces](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/interfaces.html)
- for precision, you do not need to write helper managers using TypeScript):
- ```ts
- interface HelperManager {
- capabilities: HelperCapabilities;
- createHelper(definition: HelperDefinition, args: TemplateArgs): HelperStateBucket;
- getValue?(bucket: HelperStateBucket): unknown;
- runEffect?(bucket: HelperStateBucket): void;
- getDestroyable?(bucket: HelperStateBucket): object;
- }
- ```
- The capabilities property _must_ be provided using the `capabilities()` function
- imported from the same module as `setHelperManager`:
- ```js
- import { capabilities } from '@ember/helper';
- class MyHelperManager {
- capabilities = capabilities('3.21.0', { hasValue: true });
- // ...snip...
- }
- ```
- Below is a description of each of the methods on the interface and their
- functions.
- #### `createHelper`
- `createHelper` is a required hook on the HelperManager interface. The hook is
- passed the definition of the helper that is currently being created, and is
- expected to return a _state bucket_. This state bucket is what represents the
- current state of the helper, and will be passed to the other lifecycle hooks at
- appropriate times. It is not necessarily related to the definition of the
- helper itself - for instance, you could return an object _containing_ an
- instance of the helper:
- ```js
- class MyManager {
- createHelper(Definition, args) {
- return {
- instance: new Definition(args);
- };
- }
- }
- ```
- This allows the manager to store metadata that it doesn't want to expose to the
- user.
- This hook is _not_ autotracked - changes to tracked values used within this hook
- will _not_ result in a call to any of the other lifecycle hooks. This is because
- it is unclear what should happen if it invalidates, and rather than make a
- decision at this point, the initial API is aiming to allow as much expressivity
- as possible. This could change in the future with changes to capabilities and
- their behaviors.
- If users do want to autotrack some values used during construction, they can
- either create the instance of the helper in `runEffect` or `getValue`, or they
- can use the `cache` API to autotrack the `createHelper` hook themselves. This
- provides maximum flexibility and expressiveness to manager authors.
- This hook has the following timing semantics:
- **Always**
- - called as discovered during DOM construction
- - called in definition order in the template
- #### `getValue`
- `getValue` is an optional hook that should return the value of the helper. This
- is the value that is returned from the helper and passed into the template.
- This hook is called when the value is requested from the helper (e.g. when the
- template is rendering and the helper value is needed). The hook is autotracked,
- and will rerun whenever any tracked values used inside of it are updated.
- Otherwise it does not rerun.
- > Note: This means that arguments which are not _consumed_ within the hook will
- > not trigger updates.
- This hook is only called for helpers with the `hasValue` capability enabled.
- This hook has the following timing semantics:
- **Always**
- - called the first time the helper value is requested
- - called after autotracked state has changed
- **Never**
- - called if the `hasValue` capability is disabled
- #### `runEffect`
- `runEffect` is an optional hook that should run the effect that the helper is
- applying, setting it up or updating it.
- This hook is scheduled to be called some time after render and prior to paint.
- There is not a guaranteed, 1-to-1 relationship between a render pass and this
- hook firing. For instance, multiple render passes could occur, and the hook may
- only trigger once. It may also never trigger if it was dirtied in one render
- pass and then destroyed in the next.
- The hook is autotracked, and will rerun whenever any tracked values used inside
- of it are updated. Otherwise it does not rerun.
- The hook is also run during a time period where state mutations are _disabled_
- in Ember. Any tracked state mutation will throw an error during this time,
- including changes to tracked properties, changes made using `Ember.set`, updates
- to computed properties, etc. This is meant to prevent infinite rerenders and
- other antipatterns.
- This hook is only called for helpers with the `hasScheduledEffect` capability
- enabled. This hook is also not called in SSR currently, though this could be
- added as a capability in the future. It has the following timing semantics:
- **Always**
- - called after the helper was first created, if the helper has not been
- destroyed since creation
- - called after autotracked state has changed, if the helper has not been
- destroyed during render
- **Never**
- - called if the `hasScheduledEffect` capability is disabled
- - called in SSR
- #### `getDestroyable`
- `getDestroyable` is an optional hook that users can use to register a
- destroyable object for the helper. This destroyable will be registered to the
- containing block or template parent, and will be destroyed when it is destroyed.
- See the [Destroyables RFC](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/blob/master/text/0580-destroyables.md)
- for more details.
- `getDestroyable` is only called if the `hasDestroyable` capability is enabled.
- This hook has the following timing semantics:
- **Always**
- - called immediately after the `createHelper` hook is called
- **Never**
- - called if the `hasDestroyable` capability is disabled
- @method setHelperManager
- @for @ember/helper
- @static
- @param {Function} factory A factory function which receives an optional owner, and returns a helper manager
- @param {object} definition The definition to associate the manager factory with
- @return {object} The definition passed into setHelperManager
- @public
- */
- function hasValue(manager) {
- return manager.capabilities.hasValue;
- }
- function hasDestroyable(manager) {
- return manager.capabilities.hasDestroyable;
- }
- var ARGS_CACHES = true
- /* DEBUG */
- ? new WeakMap() : undefined;
- function getArgs(proxy) {
- return (0, _validator.getValue)(true
- /* DEBUG */
- ? ARGS_CACHES.get(proxy) : proxy.argsCache);
- }
- class SimpleArgsProxy {
- constructor(context, computeArgs = () => _runtime2.EMPTY_ARGS) {
- var argsCache = (0, _validator.createCache)(() => computeArgs(context));
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- ARGS_CACHES.set(this, argsCache);
- Object.freeze(this);
- } else {
- this.argsCache = argsCache;
- }
+ class Input extends InternalComponent {
+ get isCheckbox() {
+ return this.arg('type') === 'checkbox';
- get named() {
- return getArgs(this).named || _runtime2.EMPTY_NAMED;
+ } // Use an opaque handle so implementation details are
+ var InputComponent = {
+ // Factory interface
+ create() {
+ throw (0, _debug.assert)('Use constructor instead of create');
- get positional() {
- return getArgs(this).positional || _runtime2.EMPTY_POSITIONAL;
- }
+ };
+ _exports.Input = InputComponent;
+ (0, _manager2.setInternalComponentManager)(new InternalManager(Input, 'input'), InputComponent);
+ (0, _manager2.setComponentTemplate)(InputTemplate, InputComponent);
- }
- /**
- The `invokeHelper` function can be used to create a helper instance in
- JavaScript.
- ```js
- // app/components/data-loader.js
- import Component from '@glimmer/component';
- import Helper from '@ember/component/helper';
- import { invokeHelper } from '@ember/helper';
- class PlusOne extends Helper {
- compute([num]) {
- return number + 1;
- }
- }
- export default class PlusOne extends Component {
- plusOne = invokeHelper(this, RemoteData, () => {
- return {
- positional: [this.args.number],
- };
- });
- }
- ```
- ```hbs
- {{this.plusOne.value}}
- ```
- It receives three arguments:
- * `context`: The parent context of the helper. When the parent is torn down and
- removed, the helper will be as well.
- * `definition`: The definition of the helper.
- * `computeArgs`: An optional function that produces the arguments to the helper.
- The function receives the parent context as an argument, and must return an
- object with a `positional` property that is an array and/or a `named`
- property that is an object.
- And it returns a Cache instance that contains the most recent value of the
- helper. You can access the helper using `getValue()` like any other cache. The
- cache is also destroyable, and using the `destroy()` function on it will cause
- the helper to be torn down.
- Note that using `getValue()` on helpers that have scheduled effects will not
- trigger the effect early. Effects will continue to run at their scheduled time.
- @method invokeHelper
- @for @ember/helper
- @static
- @param {object} context The parent context of the helper
- @param {object} definition The helper definition
- @param {Function} computeArgs An optional function that produces args
- @returns
- @public
- */
- function invokeHelper(context, definition, computeArgs) {
- (true && !(context !== null && typeof context === 'object') && (0, _debug.assert)(`Expected a context object to be passed as the first parameter to invokeHelper, got ${context}`, context !== null && typeof context === 'object'));
- var owner = (0, _owner.getOwner)(context);
- var manager = (0, _runtime2.getHelperManager)(owner, definition); // TODO: figure out why assert isn't using the TS assert thing
- (true && !(manager) && (0, _debug.assert)(`Expected a helper definition to be passed as the second parameter to invokeHelper, but no helper manager was found. The definition value that was passed was \`${(0, _utils.getDebugName)(definition)}\`. Did you use setHelperManager to associate a helper manager with this value?`, manager));
- (true && !(!(0, _runtime2.isInternalHelper)(manager)) && (0, _debug.assert)('Invoke helper does not support internal helpers yet', !(0, _runtime2.isInternalHelper)(manager)));
- var args = new SimpleArgsProxy(context, computeArgs);
- var bucket = manager.createHelper(definition, args);
- var cache;
- if (hasValue(manager)) {
- cache = (0, _validator.createCache)(() => {
- (true && !(!(0, _runtime2.isDestroying)(cache) && !(0, _runtime2.isDestroyed)(cache)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You attempted to get the value of a helper after the helper was destroyed, which is not allowed`, !(0, _runtime2.isDestroying)(cache) && !(0, _runtime2.isDestroyed)(cache)));
- return manager.getValue(bucket);
- });
- (0, _runtime2.associateDestroyableChild)(context, cache);
- } else {
- throw new Error('TODO: unreachable, to be implemented with hasScheduledEffect');
- }
- if (hasDestroyable(manager)) {
- var destroyable = manager.getDestroyable(bucket);
- (0, _runtime2.associateDestroyableChild)(cache, destroyable);
- }
- return cache;
- }
- function customHelper(manager, definition) {
- return (vmArgs, vm) => {
- var args = argsProxyFor(vmArgs.capture(), 'helper');
- var bucket = manager.createHelper(definition, args);
- if (hasDestroyable(manager)) {
- vm.associateDestroyable(manager.getDestroyable(bucket));
- }
- if (hasValue(manager)) {
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => manager.getValue(bucket), null, true
- /* DEBUG */
- && manager.getDebugName && manager.getDebugName(definition));
- } else {
- return _reference.UNDEFINED_REFERENCE;
- }
- };
- }
+ Input.toString = () => '@ember/component/input';
@module @ember/component
var RECOMPUTE_TAG = (0, _utils.symbol)('RECOMPUTE_TAG');
- var CLASSIC_HELPER_MANAGERS = new _util._WeakSet();
- function isClassicHelperManager(obj) {
- return CLASSIC_HELPER_MANAGERS.has(obj);
- }
Ember Helpers are functions that can compute values, and are used in templates.
For example, this code calls a helper named `format-currency`:
@@ -5390,8 +6220,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
@since 1.13.0
- var Helper = _runtime.FrameworkObject.extend({
+ var Helper = _runtime2.FrameworkObject.extend({
init() {
@@ -5428,17 +6257,22 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
_exports.Helper = Helper;
+ var IS_CLASSIC_HELPER = (0, _utils.symbol)('IS_CLASSIC_HELPER');
Helper.isHelperFactory = true;
+ Helper[IS_CLASSIC_HELPER] = true;
+ function isClassicHelper(obj) {
+ return obj[IS_CLASSIC_HELPER] === true;
+ }
class ClassicHelperManager {
constructor(owner) {
- this.capabilities = helperCapabilities('3.23', {
+ this.capabilities = (0, _manager2.helperCapabilities)('3.23', {
hasValue: true,
hasDestroyable: true
var ownerInjection = {};
- (0, _owner.setOwner)(ownerInjection, owner);
+ (0, _owner2.setOwner)(ownerInjection, owner);
this.ownerInjection = ownerInjection;
@@ -5486,7 +6320,10 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- (0, _runtime2.setHelperManager)(owner => new ClassicHelperManager(owner), Helper); ///////////
+ (0, _manager2.setHelperManager)(owner => {
+ return new ClassicHelperManager(owner);
+ }, Helper);
+ var CLASSIC_HELPER_MANAGER = (0, _manager2.getInternalHelperManager)(Helper); ///////////
class Wrapper {
constructor(compute) {
@@ -5505,7 +6342,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
class SimpleClassicHelperManager {
constructor() {
- this.capabilities = helperCapabilities('3.23', {
+ this.capabilities = (0, _manager2.helperCapabilities)('3.23', {
hasValue: true
@@ -5530,8 +6367,8 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
return () => compute.call(null, args.positional, args.named);
- getValue(fn) {
- return fn();
+ getValue(fn$$1) {
+ return fn$$1();
getDebugName(definition) {
@@ -5541,7 +6378,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
var SIMPLE_CLASSIC_HELPER_MANAGER = new SimpleClassicHelperManager();
- (0, _runtime2.setHelperManager)(() => SIMPLE_CLASSIC_HELPER_MANAGER, Wrapper.prototype);
+ (0, _manager2.setHelperManager)(() => SIMPLE_CLASSIC_HELPER_MANAGER, Wrapper.prototype);
In many cases it is not necessary to use the full `Helper` class.
The `helper` method create pure-function helpers without instances.
@@ -5566,175 +6403,6 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
function helper(helperFn) {
return new Wrapper(helperFn);
- /**
- @module @ember/template
- */
- class SafeString {
- constructor(string) {
- this.string = string;
- }
- toString() {
- return `${this.string}`;
- }
- toHTML() {
- return this.toString();
- }
- }
- _exports.SafeString = SafeString;
- var escape = {
- '&': '&',
- '<': '<',
- '>': '>',
- '"': '"',
- "'": ''',
- '`': '`',
- '=': '='
- };
- var possible = /[&<>"'`=]/;
- var badChars = /[&<>"'`=]/g;
- function escapeChar(chr) {
- return escape[chr];
- }
- function escapeExpression(string) {
- if (typeof string !== 'string') {
- // don't escape SafeStrings, since they're already safe
- if (string && string.toHTML) {
- return string.toHTML();
- } else if (string === null || string === undefined) {
- return '';
- } else if (!string) {
- return String(string);
- } // Force a string conversion as this will be done by the append regardless and
- // the regex test will do this transparently behind the scenes, causing issues if
- // an object's to string has escaped characters in it.
- string = String(string);
- }
- if (!possible.test(string)) {
- return string;
- }
- return string.replace(badChars, escapeChar);
- }
- /**
- Mark a string as safe for unescaped output with Ember templates. If you
- return HTML from a helper, use this function to
- ensure Ember's rendering layer does not escape the HTML.
- ```javascript
- import { htmlSafe } from '@ember/template';
- htmlSafe('
- ```
- @method htmlSafe
- @for @ember/template
- @static
- @return {SafeString} A string that will not be HTML escaped by Handlebars.
- @public
- */
- function htmlSafe(str) {
- if (str === null || str === undefined) {
- str = '';
- } else if (typeof str !== 'string') {
- str = String(str);
- }
- return new SafeString(str);
- }
- /**
- Detects if a string was decorated using `htmlSafe`.
- ```javascript
- import { htmlSafe, isHTMLSafe } from '@ember/template';
- var plainString = 'plain string',
- safeString = htmlSafe('
- isHTMLSafe(plainString); // false
- isHTMLSafe(safeString); // true
- ```
- @method isHTMLSafe
- @for @ember/template
- @static
- @return {Boolean} `true` if the string was decorated with `htmlSafe`, `false` otherwise.
- @public
- */
- function isHTMLSafe(str) {
- return str !== null && typeof str === 'object' && typeof str.toHTML === 'function';
- }
- function isStaticComponentManager(_manager, capabilities) {
- return !capabilities.dynamicLayout;
- }
- class CompileTimeResolverImpl {
- constructor(resolver) {
- this.resolver = resolver;
- }
- lookupHelper(name, owner) {
- return this.resolver.lookupHelper(name, owner);
- }
- lookupModifier(name, owner) {
- return this.resolver.lookupModifier(name, owner);
- }
- lookupComponent(name, owner) {
- var definitionHandle = this.resolver.lookupComponentHandle(name, owner);
- if (definitionHandle === null) {
- return null;
- }
- var {
- manager,
- state
- } = this.resolver.resolve(definitionHandle);
- var capabilities = manager.getCapabilities(state);
- if (!isStaticComponentManager(manager, capabilities)) {
- return {
- handle: definitionHandle,
- capabilities,
- compilable: null
- };
- }
- var template = (0, _util.unwrapTemplate)(manager.getStaticLayout(state));
- var layout = capabilities.wrapped ? template.asWrappedLayout() : template.asLayout();
- return {
- handle: definitionHandle,
- capabilities,
- compilable: layout
- };
- }
- lookupPartial(name, owner) {
- return this.resolver.lookupPartial(name, owner);
- }
- resolve() {
- return null;
- }
- }
function instrumentationPayload(def) {
return {
@@ -5742,7 +6410,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
+ var CAPABILITIES$1 = {
dynamicLayout: false,
dynamicTag: false,
prepareArgs: false,
@@ -5754,11 +6422,12 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
updateHook: false,
createInstance: true,
wrapped: false,
- willDestroy: false
+ willDestroy: false,
+ hasSubOwner: false
- class OutletComponentManager extends _runtime2.BaseInternalComponentManager {
- create(env, definition, _args, dynamicScope) {
+ class OutletComponentManager {
+ create(_owner, definition, _args, env, dynamicScope) {
var parentStateRef = dynamicScope.get('outletState');
var currentStateRef = definition.ref;
dynamicScope.set('outletState', currentStateRef);
@@ -5804,7 +6473,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
bucket: state.outlet,
type: 'outlet',
name: state.outlet.name,
- args: _runtime2.EMPTY_ARGS,
+ args: _runtime.EMPTY_ARGS,
instance: undefined,
template: undefined
@@ -5815,7 +6484,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
bucket: state.engineBucket,
type: 'engine',
name: state.engineBucket.mountPoint,
- args: _runtime2.EMPTY_ARGS,
+ args: _runtime.EMPTY_ARGS,
instance: state.engine,
template: undefined
@@ -5827,20 +6496,13 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
name: definition.name,
args: args,
instance: definition.controller,
- template: definition.template
+ template: (0, _util.unwrapTemplate)(definition.template).moduleName
return nodes;
- getStaticLayout({
- template
- }) {
- // The router has already resolved the template
- return template;
- }
getCapabilities() {
+ return CAPABILITIES$1;
@@ -5849,10 +6511,16 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
return self;
+ didCreate() {}
+ didUpdate() {}
didRenderLayout(state) {
+ didUpdateLayout() {}
getDestroyable() {
return null;
@@ -5864,14 +6532,20 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
class OutletComponentDefinition {
constructor(state, manager = OUTLET_MANAGER) {
this.state = state;
- this.manager = manager;
+ this.manager = manager; // handle is not used by this custom definition
+ this.handle = -1;
+ var capabilities = manager.getCapabilities();
+ this.capabilities = (0, _manager2.capabilityFlagsFrom)(capabilities);
+ this.compilable = capabilities.wrapped ? (0, _util.unwrapTemplate)(state.template).asWrappedLayout() : (0, _util.unwrapTemplate)(state.template).asLayout();
+ this.resolvedName = state.name;
function createRootOutlet(outletView) {
- var WRAPPED_CAPABILITIES = (0, _polyfills.assign)({}, CAPABILITIES, {
+ var WRAPPED_CAPABILITIES = (0, _polyfills.assign)({}, CAPABILITIES$1, {
dynamicTag: true,
elementHook: true,
wrapped: true
@@ -5881,13 +6555,6 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
return 'div';
- getStaticLayout({
- template
- }) {
- // The router has already resolved the template
- return template;
- }
getCapabilities() {
@@ -5906,1184 +6573,28 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- function NOOP() {}
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /**
- Represents the internal state of the component.
- @class ComponentStateBucket
- @private
- */
- class ComponentStateBucket {
- constructor(environment, component, args, argsTag, finalizer, hasWrappedElement) {
- this.environment = environment;
- this.component = component;
- this.args = args;
- this.argsTag = argsTag;
- this.finalizer = finalizer;
- this.hasWrappedElement = hasWrappedElement;
- this.classRef = null;
- this.classRef = null;
- this.argsRevision = args === null ? 0 : (0, _validator.valueForTag)(argsTag);
- this.rootRef = (0, _reference.createConstRef)(component, 'this');
- (0, _runtime2.registerDestructor)(this, () => this.willDestroy(), true);
- (0, _runtime2.registerDestructor)(this, () => this.component.destroy());
- }
- willDestroy() {
- var {
- component,
- environment
- } = this;
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
- (0, _validator.beginUntrackFrame)();
- component.trigger('willDestroyElement');
- component.trigger('willClearRender');
- (0, _validator.endUntrackFrame)();
- var element = (0, _views.getViewElement)(component);
- if (element) {
- (0, _views.clearElementView)(element);
- (0, _views.clearViewElement)(component);
- }
- }
- component.renderer.unregister(component);
- }
- finalize() {
- var {
- finalizer
- } = this;
- finalizer();
- this.finalizer = NOOP;
- }
- }
- function isTemplateFactory(template) {
- return typeof template === 'function';
- }
- function referenceForParts(rootRef, parts) {
- var isAttrs = parts[0] === 'attrs'; // TODO deprecate this
- if (isAttrs) {
- parts.shift();
- if (parts.length === 1) {
- return (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, parts[0]);
- }
- }
- return (0, _reference.childRefFromParts)(rootRef, parts);
- }
- function parseAttributeBinding(microsyntax) {
- var colonIndex = microsyntax.indexOf(':');
- if (colonIndex === -1) {
- (true && !(microsyntax !== 'class') && (0, _debug.assert)('You cannot use class as an attributeBinding, use classNameBindings instead.', microsyntax !== 'class'));
- return [microsyntax, microsyntax, true];
- } else {
- var prop = microsyntax.substring(0, colonIndex);
- var attribute = microsyntax.substring(colonIndex + 1);
- (true && !(attribute !== 'class') && (0, _debug.assert)('You cannot use class as an attributeBinding, use classNameBindings instead.', attribute !== 'class'));
- return [prop, attribute, false];
- }
- }
- function installAttributeBinding(component, rootRef, parsed, operations) {
- var [prop, attribute, isSimple] = parsed;
- if (attribute === 'id') {
- var elementId = (0, _metal.get)(component, prop);
- if (elementId === undefined || elementId === null) {
- elementId = component.elementId;
- }
- elementId = (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(elementId);
- operations.setAttribute('id', elementId, true, null);
- return;
- }
- var isPath = prop.indexOf('.') > -1;
- var reference = isPath ? referenceForParts(rootRef, prop.split('.')) : (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, prop);
- (true && !(!(isSimple && isPath)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`Illegal attributeBinding: '${prop}' is not a valid attribute name.`, !(isSimple && isPath)));
- if (_deprecatedFeatures.EMBER_COMPONENT_IS_VISIBLE && attribute === 'style' && createStyleBindingRef !== undefined) {
- reference = createStyleBindingRef(reference, (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, 'isVisible'));
- }
- operations.setAttribute(attribute, reference, false, null);
- }
- var DISPLAY_NONE = 'display: none;';
- var createStyleBindingRef;
- var installIsVisibleBinding;
- if (_deprecatedFeatures.EMBER_COMPONENT_IS_VISIBLE) {
- createStyleBindingRef = (inner, isVisibleRef) => {
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner);
- var isVisible = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(isVisibleRef);
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- && isVisible !== undefined) {
- (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.deprecate)(`The \`isVisible\` property on classic component classes is deprecated. Was accessed:\n\n${(0, _validator.logTrackingStack)()}`, false, {
- id: 'ember-component.is-visible',
- until: '4.0.0',
- url: 'https://deprecations.emberjs.com/v3.x#toc_ember-component-is-visible',
- for: 'ember-source',
- since: {
- enabled: '3.15.0-beta.1'
- }
- }));
- }
- if (isVisible !== false) {
- return value;
- } else if (!value) {
- } else {
- var style = value + ' ' + DISPLAY_NONE;
- return isHTMLSafe(value) ? htmlSafe(style) : style;
- }
- });
- };
- installIsVisibleBinding = (rootRef, operations) => {
- operations.setAttribute('style', createStyleBindingRef(_reference.UNDEFINED_REFERENCE, (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, 'isVisible')), false, null);
- };
- }
- function createClassNameBindingRef(rootRef, microsyntax, operations) {
- var [prop, truthy, falsy] = microsyntax.split(':');
- var isStatic = prop === '';
- if (isStatic) {
- operations.setAttribute('class', (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(truthy), true, null);
- } else {
- var isPath = prop.indexOf('.') > -1;
- var parts = isPath ? prop.split('.') : [];
- var value = isPath ? referenceForParts(rootRef, parts) : (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, prop);
- var ref;
- if (truthy === undefined) {
- ref = createSimpleClassNameBindingRef(value, isPath ? parts[parts.length - 1] : prop);
- } else {
- ref = createColonClassNameBindingRef(value, truthy, falsy);
- }
- operations.setAttribute('class', ref, false, null);
- }
- }
- function createSimpleClassNameBindingRef(inner, path) {
- var dasherizedPath;
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner);
- if (value === true) {
- (true && !(path !== undefined) && (0, _debug.assert)('You must pass a path when binding a to a class name using classNameBindings', path !== undefined));
- return dasherizedPath || (dasherizedPath = (0, _string.dasherize)(path));
- } else if (value || value === 0) {
- return String(value);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- });
- }
- function createColonClassNameBindingRef(inner, truthy, falsy) {
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- return (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner) ? truthy : falsy;
- });
- }
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- var ACTIONS = new _util._WeakSet();
- var INVOKE = (0, _utils.symbol)('INVOKE');
- /**
- The `{{action}}` helper provides a way to pass triggers for behavior (usually
- just a function) between components, and into components from controllers.
- ### Passing functions with the action helper
- There are three contexts an action helper can be used in. The first two
- contexts to discuss are attribute context, and Handlebars value context.
- ```handlebars
- {{! An example of attribute context }}
- {{! Examples of Handlebars value context }}
- {{input on-input=(action "save")}}
- {{yield (action "refreshData") andAnotherParam}}
- ```
- In these contexts,
- the helper is called a "closure action" helper. Its behavior is simple:
- If passed a function name, read that function off the `actions` property
- of the current context. Once that function is read, or immediately if a function was
- passed, create a closure over that function and any arguments.
- The resulting value of an action helper used this way is simply a function.
- For example, in the attribute context:
- ```handlebars
- {{! An example of attribute context }}
- ```
- The resulting template render logic would be:
- ```js
- var div = document.createElement('div');
- var actionFunction = (function(context){
- return function() {
- return context.actions.save.apply(context, arguments);
- };
- })(context);
- div.onclick = actionFunction;
- ```
- Thus when the div is clicked, the action on that context is called.
- Because the `actionFunction` is just a function, closure actions can be
- passed between components and still execute in the correct context.
- Here is an example action handler on a component:
- ```app/components/my-component.js
- import Component from '@glimmer/component';
- import { action } from '@ember/object';
- export default class extends Component {
- @action
- save() {
- this.model.save();
- }
- }
- ```
- Actions are always looked up on the `actions` property of the current context.
- This avoids collisions in the naming of common actions, such as `destroy`.
- Two options can be passed to the `action` helper when it is used in this way.
- * `target=someProperty` will look to `someProperty` instead of the current
- context for the `actions` hash. This can be useful when targeting a
- service for actions.
- * `value="target.value"` will read the path `target.value` off the first
- argument to the action when it is called and rewrite the first argument
- to be that value. This is useful when attaching actions to event listeners.
- ### Invoking an action
- Closure actions curry both their scope and any arguments. When invoked, any
- additional arguments are added to the already curried list.
- Actions should be invoked using the [sendAction](/ember/release/classes/Component/methods/sendAction?anchor=sendAction)
- method. The first argument to `sendAction` is the action to be called, and
- additional arguments are passed to the action function. This has interesting
- properties combined with currying of arguments. For example:
- ```app/components/update-name.js
- import Component from '@glimmer/component';
- import { action } from '@ember/object';
- export default class extends Component {
- @action
- setName(model, name) {
- model.set('name', name);
- }
- }
- ```
- ```app/components/update-name.hbs
- {{input on-input=(action (action 'setName' @model) value="target.value")}}
- ```
- The first argument (`@model`) was curried over, and the run-time argument (`event`)
- becomes a second argument. Action calls can be nested this way because each simply
- returns a function. Any function can be passed to the `{{action}}` helper, including
- other actions.
- Actions invoked with `sendAction` have the same currying behavior as demonstrated
- with `on-input` above. For example:
- ```app/components/my-input.js
- import Component from '@glimmer/component';
- import { action } from '@ember/object';
- export default class extends Component {
- @action
- setName(model, name) {
- model.set('name', name);
- }
- }
- ```
- ```handlebars
- ```
- or
- ```handlebars
- {{my-input submit=(action 'setName' @model)}}
- ```
- ```app/components/my-component.js
- import Component from '@ember/component';
- export default Component.extend({
- click() {
- // Note that model is not passed, it was curried in the template
- this.sendAction('submit', 'bob');
- }
- });
- ```
- ### Attaching actions to DOM elements
- The third context of the `{{action}}` helper can be called "element space".
- For example:
- ```handlebars
- {{! An example of element space }}
- ```
- Used this way, the `{{action}}` helper provides a useful shortcut for
- registering an HTML element in a template for a single DOM event and
- forwarding that interaction to the template's context (controller or component).
- If the context of a template is a controller, actions used this way will
- bubble to routes when the controller does not implement the specified action.
- Once an action hits a route, it will bubble through the route hierarchy.
- ### Event Propagation
- `{{action}}` helpers called in element space can control event bubbling. Note
- that the closure style actions cannot.
- Events triggered through the action helper will automatically have
- `.preventDefault()` called on them. You do not need to do so in your event
- handlers. If you need to allow event propagation (to handle file inputs for
- example) you can supply the `preventDefault=false` option to the `{{action}}` helper:
- ```handlebars
- ```
- To disable bubbling, pass `bubbles=false` to the helper:
- ```handlebars
- ```
- To disable bubbling with closure style actions you must create your own
- wrapper helper that makes use of `event.stopPropagation()`:
- ```handlebars
- ```
- ```app/helpers/disable-bubbling.js
- import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper';
- export function disableBubbling([action]) {
- return function(event) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- return action(event);
- };
- }
- export default helper(disableBubbling);
- ```
- If you need the default handler to trigger you should either register your
- own event handler, or use event methods on your view class. See
- ["Responding to Browser Events"](/ember/release/classes/Component)
- in the documentation for `Component` for more information.
- ### Specifying DOM event type
- `{{action}}` helpers called in element space can specify an event type.
- By default the `{{action}}` helper registers for DOM `click` events. You can
- supply an `on` option to the helper to specify a different DOM event name:
- ```handlebars
- click me
- ```
- See ["Event Names"](/ember/release/classes/Component) for a list of
- acceptable DOM event names.
- ### Specifying whitelisted modifier keys
- `{{action}}` helpers called in element space can specify modifier keys.
- By default the `{{action}}` helper will ignore click events with pressed modifier
- keys. You can supply an `allowedKeys` option to specify which keys should not be ignored.
- ```handlebars
- click me
- ```
- This way the action will fire when clicking with the alt key pressed down.
- Alternatively, supply "any" to the `allowedKeys` option to accept any combination of modifier keys.
- ```handlebars
- click me with any key pressed
- ```
- ### Specifying a Target
- A `target` option can be provided to the helper to change
- which object will receive the method call. This option must be a path
- to an object, accessible in the current context:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- click me
- ```
- ```app/controllers/application.js
- import Controller from '@ember/controller';
- import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
- export default class extends Controller {
- @service someService;
- }
- ```
- @method action
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @public
- */
- _exports.INVOKE = INVOKE;
- function action(args) {
- var {
- named,
- positional
- } = args;
- var capturedArgs = positional.capture(); // The first two argument slots are reserved.
- // pos[0] is the context (or `this`)
- // pos[1] is the action name or function
- // Anything else is an action argument.
- var [context, action, ...restArgs] = capturedArgs;
- var debugKey = action.debugLabel;
- var target = named.has('target') ? named.get('target') : context;
- var processArgs = makeArgsProcessor(named.has('value') && named.get('value'), restArgs);
- var fn;
- if ((0, _reference.isInvokableRef)(action)) {
- fn = makeClosureAction(action, action, invokeRef, processArgs, debugKey);
- } else {
- fn = makeDynamicClosureAction((0, _reference.valueForRef)(context), target, action, processArgs, debugKey);
- }
- ACTIONS.add(fn);
- return (0, _reference.createUnboundRef)(fn, '(result of an `action` helper)');
- }
- function NOOP$1(args) {
- return args;
- }
- function makeArgsProcessor(valuePathRef, actionArgsRef) {
- var mergeArgs;
- if (actionArgsRef.length > 0) {
- mergeArgs = args => {
- return actionArgsRef.map(_reference.valueForRef).concat(args);
- };
- }
- var readValue;
- if (valuePathRef) {
- readValue = args => {
- var valuePath = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(valuePathRef);
- if (valuePath && args.length > 0) {
- args[0] = (0, _metal.get)(args[0], valuePath);
- }
- return args;
- };
- }
- if (mergeArgs && readValue) {
- return args => {
- return readValue(mergeArgs(args));
- };
- } else {
- return mergeArgs || readValue || NOOP$1;
- }
- }
- function makeDynamicClosureAction(context, targetRef, actionRef, processArgs, debugKey) {
- // We don't allow undefined/null values, so this creates a throw-away action to trigger the assertions
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- makeClosureAction(context, (0, _reference.valueForRef)(targetRef), (0, _reference.valueForRef)(actionRef), processArgs, debugKey);
- }
- return (...args) => {
- return makeClosureAction(context, (0, _reference.valueForRef)(targetRef), (0, _reference.valueForRef)(actionRef), processArgs, debugKey)(...args);
- };
- }
- function makeClosureAction(context, target, action, processArgs, debugKey) {
- var self;
- var fn;
- (true && !(action !== undefined && action !== null) && (0, _debug.assert)(`Action passed is null or undefined in (action) from ${target}.`, action !== undefined && action !== null));
- if (typeof action[INVOKE] === 'function') {
- (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.deprecate)(`Usage of the private INVOKE API to make an object callable via action or fn is no longer supported. Please update to pass in a callback function instead. Received: ${String(action)}`, false, {
- until: '3.25.0',
- id: 'actions.custom-invoke-invokable',
- for: 'ember-source',
- since: {
- enabled: '3.23.0-beta.1'
- }
- }));
- self = action;
- fn = action[INVOKE];
- } else {
- var typeofAction = typeof action;
- if (typeofAction === 'string') {
- self = target;
- fn = target.actions && target.actions[action];
- (true && !(Boolean(fn)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`An action named '${action}' was not found in ${target}`, Boolean(fn)));
- } else if (typeofAction === 'function') {
- self = context;
- fn = action;
- } else {
- // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
- (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.assert)(`An action could not be made for \`${debugKey || action}\` in ${target}. Please confirm that you are using either a quoted action name (i.e. \`(action '${debugKey || 'myAction'}')\`) or a function available in ${target}.`, false));
- }
- }
- return (...args) => {
- var payload = {
- target: self,
- args,
- label: '@glimmer/closure-action'
- };
- return (0, _instrumentation.flaggedInstrument)('interaction.ember-action', payload, () => {
- return (0, _runloop.join)(self, fn, ...processArgs(args));
- });
- };
- } // The code above:
- // 1. Finds an action function, usually on the `actions` hash
- // 2. Calls it with the target as the correct `this` context
- // Previously, `UPDATE_REFERENCED_VALUE` was a method on the reference itself,
- // so this made a bit more sense. Now, it isn't, and so we need to create a
- // function that can have `this` bound to it when called. This allows us to use
- // the same codepath to call `updateRef` on the reference.
- function invokeRef(value) {
- (0, _reference.updateRef)(this, value);
- } // inputs needed by CurlyComponents (attrs and props, with mutable
- // cells, etc).
- function processComponentArgs(namedArgs) {
- var attrs = Object.create(null);
- var props = Object.create(null);
- props[ARGS] = namedArgs;
- for (var name in namedArgs) {
- var ref = namedArgs[name];
- var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(ref);
- var isAction = typeof value === 'function' && ACTIONS.has(value);
- if ((0, _reference.isUpdatableRef)(ref) && !isAction) {
- attrs[name] = new MutableCell(ref, value);
- } else {
- attrs[name] = value;
- }
- props[name] = value;
- }
- props.attrs = attrs;
- return props;
- }
- var REF = (0, _utils.symbol)('REF');
- class MutableCell {
- constructor(ref, value) {
- this[_views.MUTABLE_CELL] = true;
- this[REF] = ref;
- this.value = value;
- }
- update(val) {
- (0, _reference.updateRef)(this[REF], val);
- }
- }
- var __rest = undefined && undefined.__rest || function (s, e) {
- var t = {};
- for (var p in s) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p];
- }
- if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
- if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
- }
- return t;
- };
- var EMBER_VIEW_REF = (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)('ember-view');
- function aliasIdToElementId(args, props) {
- if (args.named.has('id')) {
- // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
- (true && !(!args.named.has('elementId')) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot invoke a component with both 'id' and 'elementId' at the same time.`, !args.named.has('elementId')));
- props.elementId = props.id;
- }
- } // We must traverse the attributeBindings in reverse keeping track of
- // what has already been applied. This is essentially refining the concatenated
- // properties applying right to left.
- function applyAttributeBindings(attributeBindings, component, rootRef, operations) {
- var seen = [];
- var i = attributeBindings.length - 1;
- while (i !== -1) {
- var binding = attributeBindings[i];
- var parsed = parseAttributeBinding(binding);
- var attribute = parsed[1];
- if (seen.indexOf(attribute) === -1) {
- seen.push(attribute);
- installAttributeBinding(component, rootRef, parsed, operations);
- }
- i--;
- }
- if (seen.indexOf('id') === -1) {
- var id = component.elementId ? component.elementId : (0, _utils.guidFor)(component);
- operations.setAttribute('id', (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(id), false, null);
- }
- if (_deprecatedFeatures.EMBER_COMPONENT_IS_VISIBLE && installIsVisibleBinding !== undefined && seen.indexOf('style') === -1) {
- installIsVisibleBinding(rootRef, operations);
- }
- }
- var DEFAULT_LAYOUT = (0, _container.privatize)`template:components/-default`;
- (0, _debug.debugFreeze)(EMPTY_POSITIONAL_ARGS);
- class CurlyComponentManager extends _runtime2.BaseInternalComponentManager {
- templateFor(component) {
- var {
- layout,
- layoutName
- } = component;
- var owner = (0, _owner.getOwner)(component);
- var factory;
- if (layout === undefined) {
- if (layoutName !== undefined) {
- var _factory = owner.lookup(`template:${layoutName}`);
- (true && !(_factory !== undefined) && (0, _debug.assert)(`Layout \`${layoutName}\` not found!`, _factory !== undefined));
- factory = _factory;
- } else {
- factory = owner.lookup(DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
- }
- } else if (isTemplateFactory(layout)) {
- factory = layout;
- } else {
- // we were provided an instance already
- return layout;
- }
- return factory(owner);
- }
- getDynamicLayout(bucket) {
- return this.templateFor(bucket.component);
- }
- getTagName(state) {
- var {
- component,
- hasWrappedElement
- } = state;
- if (!hasWrappedElement) {
- return null;
- }
- return component && component.tagName || 'div';
- }
- getCapabilities(state) {
- return state.capabilities;
- }
- prepareArgs(state, args) {
- if (args.named.has('__ARGS__')) {
- var _a = args.named.capture(),
- {
- __ARGS__
- } = _a,
- rest = __rest(_a, ["__ARGS__"]);
- var prepared = {
- named: (0, _polyfills.assign)((0, _polyfills.assign)({}, rest), (0, _reference.valueForRef)(__ARGS__))
- };
- return prepared;
- }
- var {
- positionalParams
- } = state.ComponentClass.class; // early exits
- if (positionalParams === undefined || positionalParams === null || args.positional.length === 0) {
- return null;
- }
- var named;
- if (typeof positionalParams === 'string') {
- (true && !(!args.named.has(positionalParams)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot specify positional parameters and the hash argument \`${positionalParams}\`.`, !args.named.has(positionalParams)));
- var captured = args.positional.capture();
- named = {
- [positionalParams]: (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => (0, _runtime2.reifyPositional)(captured))
- };
- (0, _polyfills.assign)(named, args.named.capture());
- } else if (Array.isArray(positionalParams) && positionalParams.length > 0) {
- var count = Math.min(positionalParams.length, args.positional.length);
- named = {};
- (0, _polyfills.assign)(named, args.named.capture());
- for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- // As of TS 3.7, tsc is giving us the following error on this line without the type annotation
- //
- // TS7022: 'name' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation and is
- // referenced directly or indirectly in its own initializer.
- //
- // This is almost certainly a TypeScript bug, feel free to try and remove the annotation after
- // upgrading if it is not needed anymore.
- var name = positionalParams[i];
- (true && !(!args.named.has(name)) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot specify both a positional param (at position ${i}) and the hash argument \`${name}\`.`, !args.named.has(name)));
- named[name] = args.positional.at(i);
- }
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- return {
- positional: _util.EMPTY_ARRAY,
- named
- };
- }
- /*
- * This hook is responsible for actually instantiating the component instance.
- * It also is where we perform additional bookkeeping to support legacy
- * features like exposed by view mixins like ChildViewSupport, ActionSupport,
- * etc.
- */
- create(environment, state, args, dynamicScope, callerSelfRef, hasBlock) {
- // Get the nearest concrete component instance from the scope. "Virtual"
- // components will be skipped.
- var parentView = dynamicScope.view; // Get the Ember.Component subclass to instantiate for this component.
- var factory = state.ComponentClass; // Capture the arguments, which tells Glimmer to give us our own, stable
- // copy of the Arguments object that is safe to hold on to between renders.
- var capturedArgs = args.named.capture();
- (0, _validator.beginTrackFrame)();
- var props = processComponentArgs(capturedArgs);
- var argsTag = (0, _validator.endTrackFrame)(); // Alias `id` argument to `elementId` property on the component instance.
- aliasIdToElementId(args, props); // Set component instance's parentView property to point to nearest concrete
- // component.
- props.parentView = parentView; // Set whether this component was invoked with a block
- // (`{{#my-component}}{{/my-component}}`) or without one
- // (`{{my-component}}`).
- props[HAS_BLOCK] = hasBlock; // Save the current `this` context of the template as the component's
- // `_target`, so bubbled actions are routed to the right place.
- props._target = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(callerSelfRef); // static layout asserts CurriedDefinition
- if (state.template) {
- props.layout = state.template;
- } // caller:
- //
- //
- // callee:
- //
- // Now that we've built up all of the properties to set on the component instance,
- // actually create it.
- (0, _validator.beginUntrackFrame)();
- var component = factory.create(props);
- var finalizer = (0, _instrumentation._instrumentStart)('render.component', initialRenderInstrumentDetails, component); // We become the new parentView for downstream components, so save our
- // component off on the dynamic scope.
- dynamicScope.view = component; // Unless we're the root component, we need to add ourselves to our parent
- // component's childViews array.
- if (parentView !== null && parentView !== undefined) {
- (0, _views.addChildView)(parentView, component);
- }
- component.trigger('didReceiveAttrs');
- var hasWrappedElement = component.tagName !== ''; // We usually do this in the `didCreateElement`, but that hook doesn't fire for tagless components
- if (!hasWrappedElement) {
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
- component.trigger('willRender');
- }
- component._transitionTo('hasElement');
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
- component.trigger('willInsertElement');
- }
- } // Track additional lifecycle metadata about this component in a state bucket.
- // Essentially we're saving off all the state we'll need in the future.
- var bucket = new ComponentStateBucket(environment, component, capturedArgs, argsTag, finalizer, hasWrappedElement);
- if (args.named.has('class')) {
- bucket.classRef = args.named.get('class');
- }
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- processComponentInitializationAssertions(component, props);
- }
- if (environment.isInteractive && hasWrappedElement) {
- component.trigger('willRender');
- }
- (0, _validator.endUntrackFrame)(); // consume every argument so we always run again
- (0, _validator.consumeTag)(bucket.argsTag);
- (0, _validator.consumeTag)(component[DIRTY_TAG]);
- return bucket;
- }
- getDebugName({
- name
- }) {
- return name;
- }
- getSelf({
- rootRef
- }) {
- return rootRef;
- }
- didCreateElement({
- component,
- classRef,
- environment,
- rootRef
- }, element, operations) {
- (0, _views.setViewElement)(component, element);
- (0, _views.setElementView)(element, component);
- var {
- attributeBindings,
- classNames,
- classNameBindings
- } = component;
- if (attributeBindings && attributeBindings.length) {
- applyAttributeBindings(attributeBindings, component, rootRef, operations);
- } else {
- var id = component.elementId ? component.elementId : (0, _utils.guidFor)(component);
- operations.setAttribute('id', (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(id), false, null);
- if (_deprecatedFeatures.EMBER_COMPONENT_IS_VISIBLE) {
- installIsVisibleBinding(rootRef, operations);
- }
- }
- if (classRef) {
- var ref = createSimpleClassNameBindingRef(classRef);
- operations.setAttribute('class', ref, false, null);
- }
- if (classNames && classNames.length) {
- classNames.forEach(name => {
- operations.setAttribute('class', (0, _reference.createPrimitiveRef)(name), false, null);
- });
- }
- if (classNameBindings && classNameBindings.length) {
- classNameBindings.forEach(binding => {
- createClassNameBindingRef(rootRef, binding, operations);
- });
- }
- operations.setAttribute('class', EMBER_VIEW_REF, false, null);
- if ('ariaRole' in component) {
- operations.setAttribute('role', (0, _reference.childRefFor)(rootRef, 'ariaRole'), false, null);
- }
- component._transitionTo('hasElement');
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
- (0, _validator.beginUntrackFrame)();
- component.trigger('willInsertElement');
- (0, _validator.endUntrackFrame)();
- }
- }
- didRenderLayout(bucket, bounds) {
- bucket.component[BOUNDS] = bounds;
- bucket.finalize();
- }
- didCreate({
- component,
- environment
- }) {
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
- component._transitionTo('inDOM');
- component.trigger('didInsertElement');
- component.trigger('didRender');
- }
- }
- update(bucket) {
- var {
- component,
- args,
- argsTag,
- argsRevision,
- environment
- } = bucket;
- bucket.finalizer = (0, _instrumentation._instrumentStart)('render.component', rerenderInstrumentDetails, component);
- (0, _validator.beginUntrackFrame)();
- if (args !== null && !(0, _validator.validateTag)(argsTag, argsRevision)) {
- (0, _validator.beginTrackFrame)();
- var props = processComponentArgs(args);
- argsTag = bucket.argsTag = (0, _validator.endTrackFrame)();
- bucket.argsRevision = (0, _validator.valueForTag)(argsTag);
- component[IS_DISPATCHING_ATTRS] = true;
- component.setProperties(props);
- component[IS_DISPATCHING_ATTRS] = false;
- component.trigger('didUpdateAttrs');
- component.trigger('didReceiveAttrs');
- }
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
- component.trigger('willUpdate');
- component.trigger('willRender');
- }
- (0, _validator.endUntrackFrame)();
- (0, _validator.consumeTag)(argsTag);
- (0, _validator.consumeTag)(component[DIRTY_TAG]);
- }
- didUpdateLayout(bucket) {
- bucket.finalize();
- }
- didUpdate({
- component,
- environment
- }) {
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
- component.trigger('didUpdate');
- component.trigger('didRender');
- }
- }
- getDestroyable(bucket) {
- return bucket;
- }
- }
- function processComponentInitializationAssertions(component, props) {
- (true && !((() => {
- var {
- classNameBindings
- } = component;
- for (var i = 0; i < classNameBindings.length; i++) {
- var binding = classNameBindings[i];
- if (typeof binding !== 'string' || binding.length === 0) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- })()) && (0, _debug.assert)(`classNameBindings must be non-empty strings: ${component}`, (() => {
- var {
- classNameBindings
- } = component;
- for (var i = 0; i < classNameBindings.length; i++) {
- var binding = classNameBindings[i];
- if (typeof binding !== 'string' || binding.length === 0) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- })()));
- (true && !((() => {
- var {
- classNameBindings
- } = component;
- for (var i = 0; i < classNameBindings.length; i++) {
- var binding = classNameBindings[i];
- if (binding.split(' ').length > 1) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- })()) && (0, _debug.assert)(`classNameBindings must not have spaces in them: ${component}`, (() => {
- var {
- classNameBindings
- } = component;
- for (var i = 0; i < classNameBindings.length; i++) {
- var binding = classNameBindings[i];
- if (binding.split(' ').length > 1) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- })()));
- (true && !(component.tagName !== '' || !component.classNameBindings || component.classNameBindings.length === 0) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot use \`classNameBindings\` on a tag-less component: ${component}`, component.tagName !== '' || !component.classNameBindings || component.classNameBindings.length === 0));
- (true && !(component.tagName !== '' || props.id === component.elementId || !component.elementId && component.elementId !== '') && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot use \`elementId\` on a tag-less component: ${component}`, component.tagName !== '' || props.id === component.elementId || !component.elementId && component.elementId !== ''));
- (true && !(component.tagName !== '' || !component.attributeBindings || component.attributeBindings.length === 0) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You cannot use \`attributeBindings\` on a tag-less component: ${component}`, component.tagName !== '' || !component.attributeBindings || component.attributeBindings.length === 0));
- }
- function initialRenderInstrumentDetails(component) {
- return component.instrumentDetails({
- initialRender: true
- });
- }
- function rerenderInstrumentDetails(component) {
- return component.instrumentDetails({
- initialRender: false
- });
- }
- dynamicLayout: true,
- dynamicTag: true,
- prepareArgs: true,
- createArgs: true,
- attributeHook: true,
- elementHook: true,
- createCaller: true,
- dynamicScope: true,
- updateHook: true,
- createInstance: true,
- wrapped: true,
- willDestroy: true
- };
- var CURLY_COMPONENT_MANAGER = new CurlyComponentManager();
- class CurlyComponentDefinition {
- constructor(name, ComponentClass, template, args) {
- this.name = name;
- this.ComponentClass = ComponentClass;
- this.template = template;
- this.args = args;
- this.state = {
- name,
- ComponentClass,
- template,
- capabilities: CURLY_CAPABILITIES
- };
- }
- }
class RootComponentManager extends CurlyComponentManager {
constructor(component) {
this.component = component;
- getStaticLayout() {
- return this.templateFor(this.component);
- }
- create(environment, _state, _args, dynamicScope) {
+ create(_owner, _state, _args, {
+ isInteractive
+ }, dynamicScope) {
var component = this.component;
var finalizer = (0, _instrumentation._instrumentStart)('render.component', initialRenderInstrumentDetails, component);
dynamicScope.view = component;
var hasWrappedElement = component.tagName !== ''; // We usually do this in the `didCreateElement`, but that hook doesn't fire for tagless components
if (!hasWrappedElement) {
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
+ if (isInteractive) {
- if (environment.isInteractive) {
+ if (isInteractive) {
@@ -7094,7 +6605,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
processComponentInitializationAssertions(component, {});
- var bucket = new ComponentStateBucket(environment, component, null, _validator.CONSTANT_TAG, finalizer, hasWrappedElement);
+ var bucket = new ComponentStateBucket(component, null, _validator.CONSTANT_TAG, finalizer, hasWrappedElement, isInteractive);
(0, _validator.consumeTag)(component[DIRTY_TAG]);
return bucket;
@@ -7104,7 +6615,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- dynamicLayout: false,
+ dynamicLayout: true,
dynamicTag: true,
prepareArgs: false,
createArgs: false,
@@ -7115,20 +6626,19 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
updateHook: true,
createInstance: true,
wrapped: true,
- willDestroy: false
+ willDestroy: false,
+ hasSubOwner: false
class RootComponentDefinition {
constructor(component) {
- this.component = component;
- var manager = new RootComponentManager(component);
- this.manager = manager;
- var factory = (0, _container.getFactoryFor)(component);
- this.state = {
- name: factory.fullName.slice(10),
- capabilities: ROOT_CAPABILITIES,
- ComponentClass: factory
- };
+ // handle is not used by this custom definition
+ this.handle = -1;
+ this.resolvedName = '-top-level';
+ this.capabilities = (0, _manager2.capabilityFlagsFrom)(ROOT_CAPABILITIES);
+ this.compilable = null;
+ this.manager = new RootComponentManager(component);
+ this.state = (0, _container.getFactoryFor)(component);
@@ -7291,7 +6801,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- function eachIn(args) {
+ var eachIn = internalHelper(args => {
var inner = args.positional.at(0);
return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
var iterable = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner);
@@ -7300,12 +6810,12 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
if ((0, _utils.isProxy)(iterable)) {
// this is because the each-in doesn't actually get(proxy, 'key') but bypasses it
// and the proxy's tag is lazy updated on access
- iterable = (0, _runtime._contentFor)(iterable);
+ iterable = (0, _runtime2._contentFor)(iterable);
return new EachInWrapper(iterable);
- }
+ });
function toIterator(iterable) {
if (iterable instanceof EachInWrapper) {
@@ -7385,9 +6895,9 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
class ArrayIterator extends BoundedIterator {
- constructor(array) {
- super(array.length);
- this.array = array;
+ constructor(array$$1) {
+ super(array$$1.length);
+ this.array = array$$1;
static from(iterable) {
@@ -7395,9 +6905,9 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
static fromForEachable(object) {
- var array = [];
- object.forEach(item => array.push(item));
- return this.from(array);
+ var array$$1 = [];
+ object.forEach(item => array$$1.push(item));
+ return this.from(array$$1);
valueFor(position) {
@@ -7407,9 +6917,9 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
class EmberArrayIterator extends BoundedIterator {
- constructor(array) {
- super(array.length);
- this.array = array;
+ constructor(array$$1) {
+ super(array$$1.length);
+ this.array = array$$1;
static from(iterable) {
@@ -7579,13 +7089,15 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
return value !== null && (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function');
- function toBool$1(predicate) {
+ function toBool(predicate) {
if ((0, _utils.isProxy)(predicate)) {
(0, _validator.consumeTag)((0, _metal.tagForProperty)(predicate, 'content'));
return Boolean((0, _metal.get)(predicate, 'isTruthy'));
- } else if ((0, _runtime.isArray)(predicate)) {
+ } else if ((0, _runtime2.isArray)(predicate)) {
(0, _validator.consumeTag)((0, _metal.tagForProperty)(predicate, '[]'));
return predicate.length !== 0;
+ } else if ((0, _glimmer.isHTMLSafe)(predicate)) {
+ return Boolean(predicate.toString());
} else {
return Boolean(predicate);
@@ -7597,11 +7109,12 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- toBool: toBool$1,
+ toBool,
getProp: _metal._getProp,
- setProp: _metal.set,
+ setProp: _metal._setProp,
getPath: _metal.get,
+ setPath: _metal.set,
scheduleDestroy(destroyable, destructor) {
(0, _runloop.schedule)('actions', null, destructor, destroyable);
@@ -7613,7 +7126,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
warnIfStyleNotTrusted(value) {
(true && (0, _debug.warn)((0, _views.constructStyleDeprecationMessage)(value), (() => {
- if (value === null || value === undefined || isHTMLSafe(value)) {
+ if (value === null || value === undefined || isHTMLSafe$1(value)) {
return true;
@@ -7621,6 +7134,36 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
})(), {
id: 'ember-htmlbars.style-xss-warning'
+ },
+ assert(test, msg, options) {
+ var _a;
+ if (true
+ /* DEBUG */
+ ) {
+ var id = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.id;
+ var override = VM_ASSERTION_OVERRIDES.filter(o => o.id === id)[0];
+ (true && !(test) && (0, _debug.assert)((_a = override === null || override === void 0 ? void 0 : override.message) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : msg, test));
+ }
+ },
+ deprecate(msg, test, options) {
+ var _a;
+ if (true
+ /* DEBUG */
+ ) {
+ var {
+ id
+ } = options;
+ var override = VM_DEPRECATION_OVERRIDES.filter(o => o.id === id)[0];
+ if (!override) throw new Error(`deprecation override for ${id} not found`); // allow deprecations to be disabled in the VM_DEPRECATION_OVERRIDES array below
+ if (!override.disabled) {
+ (true && !(Boolean(test)) && (0, _debug.deprecate)((_a = override.message) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : msg, Boolean(test), override));
+ }
+ }
@@ -7628,32 +7171,37 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
if (true
/* DEBUG */
) {
- (0, _validator.setTrackingTransactionEnv)({
- assert(message) {
- (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.assert)(message, false));
- },
- deprecate(message) {
- (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.deprecate)(message, false, {
- id: 'autotracking.mutation-after-consumption',
- until: '4.0.0',
- for: 'ember-source',
- since: {
- enabled: '3.21.0'
- }
- }));
- },
+ _validator.setTrackingTransactionEnv === null || _validator.setTrackingTransactionEnv === void 0 ? void 0 : (0, _validator.setTrackingTransactionEnv)({
debugMessage(obj, keyName) {
- var dirtyString = keyName ? `\`${keyName}\` on \`${(0, _utils.getDebugName)(obj)}\`` : `\`${(0, _utils.getDebugName)(obj)}\``;
+ var dirtyString = keyName ? `\`${keyName}\` on \`${_utils.getDebugName === null || _utils.getDebugName === void 0 ? void 0 : (0, _utils.getDebugName)(obj)}\`` : `\`${_utils.getDebugName === null || _utils.getDebugName === void 0 ? void 0 : (0, _utils.getDebugName)(obj)}\``;
return `You attempted to update ${dirtyString}, but it had already been used previously in the same computation. Attempting to update a value after using it in a computation can cause logical errors, infinite revalidation bugs, and performance issues, and is not supported.`;
} ///////////
- // Define environment delegate
+ // VM Assertion/Deprecation overrides
+ id: 'autotracking.mutation-after-consumption',
+ until: '4.0.0',
+ for: 'ember-source',
+ since: {
+ enabled: '3.21.0'
+ }
+ }, {
+ id: 'this-property-fallback',
+ disabled: true,
+ url: 'https://deprecations.emberjs.com/v3.x#toc_this-property-fallback',
+ until: '4.0.0',
+ for: 'ember-source',
+ since: {
+ enabled: '3.26.0'
+ }
+ }];
+ var VM_ASSERTION_OVERRIDES = []; ///////////
+ // Define environment delegate
class EmberEnvironmentDelegate {
constructor(owner, isInteractive) {
this.owner = owner;
@@ -7665,354 +7213,12 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- var CAPABILITIES$1 = {
- dynamicLayout: false,
- dynamicTag: false,
- prepareArgs: false,
- createArgs: true,
- attributeHook: false,
- elementHook: false,
- createCaller: false,
- dynamicScope: true,
- updateHook: true,
- createInstance: true,
- wrapped: false,
- willDestroy: false
- };
- function capabilities(managerAPI, options = {}) {
- (true && !(managerAPI === '3.4' || managerAPI === '3.13') && (0, _debug.assert)('Invalid component manager compatibility specified', managerAPI === '3.4' || managerAPI === '3.13'));
- var updateHook = true;
- if (managerAPI === '3.13') {
- updateHook = Boolean(options.updateHook);
- }
- return (0, _runtime2.buildCapabilities)({
- asyncLifeCycleCallbacks: Boolean(options.asyncLifecycleCallbacks),
- destructor: Boolean(options.destructor),
- updateHook
- });
- }
- function hasAsyncLifeCycleCallbacks(delegate) {
- return delegate.capabilities.asyncLifeCycleCallbacks;
- }
- function hasUpdateHook(delegate) {
- return delegate.capabilities.updateHook;
- }
- function hasAsyncUpdateHook(delegate) {
- return hasAsyncLifeCycleCallbacks(delegate) && hasUpdateHook(delegate);
- }
- function hasDestructors(delegate) {
- return delegate.capabilities.destructor;
- }
- /**
- The CustomComponentManager allows addons to provide custom component
- implementations that integrate seamlessly into Ember. This is accomplished
- through a delegate, registered with the custom component manager, which
- implements a set of hooks that determine component behavior.
- To create a custom component manager, instantiate a new CustomComponentManager
- class and pass the delegate as the first argument:
- ```js
- let manager = new CustomComponentManager({
- // ...delegate implementation...
- });
- ```
- ## Delegate Hooks
- Throughout the lifecycle of a component, the component manager will invoke
- delegate hooks that are responsible for surfacing those lifecycle changes to
- the end developer.
- * `create()` - invoked when a new instance of a component should be created
- * `update()` - invoked when the arguments passed to a component change
- * `getContext()` - returns the object that should be
- */
- class CustomComponentManager extends _runtime2.BaseInternalComponentManager {
- create(env, definition, vmArgs) {
- var {
- delegate
- } = definition;
- var args = argsProxyFor(vmArgs.capture(), 'component');
- var component;
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- && _validator.deprecateMutationsInTrackingTransaction !== undefined) {
- (0, _validator.deprecateMutationsInTrackingTransaction)(() => {
- component = delegate.createComponent(definition.ComponentClass.class, args);
- });
- } else {
- component = delegate.createComponent(definition.ComponentClass.class, args);
- }
- var bucket = new CustomComponentState(delegate, component, args, env);
- return bucket;
- }
- getDebugName({
- name
- }) {
- return name;
- }
- update(bucket) {
- if (hasUpdateHook(bucket.delegate)) {
- var {
- delegate,
- component,
- args
- } = bucket;
- delegate.updateComponent(component, args);
- }
- }
- didCreate({
- delegate,
- component
- }) {
- if (hasAsyncLifeCycleCallbacks(delegate)) {
- delegate.didCreateComponent(component);
- }
- }
- didUpdate({
- delegate,
- component
- }) {
- if (hasAsyncUpdateHook(delegate)) {
- delegate.didUpdateComponent(component);
- }
- }
- didRenderLayout() {}
- didUpdateLayout() {}
- getSelf({
- delegate,
- component
- }) {
- return (0, _reference.createConstRef)(delegate.getContext(component), 'this');
- }
- getDestroyable(bucket) {
- return bucket;
- }
- getCapabilities() {
- return CAPABILITIES$1;
- }
- getStaticLayout(state) {
- return state.template;
- }
- }
- var CUSTOM_COMPONENT_MANAGER = new CustomComponentManager();
- /**
- * Stores internal state about a component instance after it's been created.
- */
- class CustomComponentState {
- constructor(delegate, component, args, env) {
- this.delegate = delegate;
- this.component = component;
- this.args = args;
- this.env = env;
- if (hasDestructors(delegate)) {
- (0, _runtime2.registerDestructor)(this, () => delegate.destroyComponent(component));
- }
- }
- }
- class CustomManagerDefinition {
- constructor(name, ComponentClass, delegate, template) {
- this.name = name;
- this.ComponentClass = ComponentClass;
- this.delegate = delegate;
- this.template = template;
- this.state = {
- name,
- ComponentClass,
- template,
- delegate
- };
- }
- }
- var CAPABILITIES$2 = {
- dynamicLayout: false,
- dynamicTag: false,
- prepareArgs: false,
- createArgs: true,
- attributeHook: false,
- elementHook: false,
- createCaller: true,
- dynamicScope: false,
- updateHook: false,
- createInstance: true,
- wrapped: false,
- willDestroy: false
- };
- class InternalComponentDefinition {
- constructor(manager, ComponentClass, layout) {
- this.manager = manager;
- this.state = {
- ComponentClass,
- layout
- };
- }
- }
- class InternalManager extends _runtime2.BaseInternalComponentManager {
- constructor(owner, name) {
- super();
- this.owner = owner;
- this.name = name;
- }
- static for(name) {
- return owner => new InternalManager(owner, name);
- }
- getCapabilities() {
- return CAPABILITIES$2;
- }
- create(env, {
- ComponentClass
- }, args, _dynamicScope, caller) {
- (true && !((0, _reference.isConstRef)(caller)) && (0, _debug.assert)('caller must be const', (0, _reference.isConstRef)(caller)));
- (true && !(args.positional.length === 0) && (0, _debug.assert)(`The ${this.name} component does not take any positional arguments`, args.positional.length === 0));
- var instance = new ComponentClass(this.owner, args.named.capture(), (0, _reference.valueForRef)(caller));
- var state = {
- env,
- instance
- };
- return state;
- }
- getDebugName() {
- return this.name;
- }
- getSelf({
- instance
- }) {
- return (0, _reference.createConstRef)(instance, 'this');
- }
- getDestroyable(state) {
- return state.instance;
- }
- getStaticLayout({
- layout: template
- }) {
- return template;
- }
- }
- var CAPABILITIES$3 = {
- dynamicLayout: false,
- dynamicTag: false,
- prepareArgs: false,
- createArgs: false,
- attributeHook: false,
- elementHook: false,
- createCaller: false,
- dynamicScope: false,
- updateHook: false,
- createInstance: false,
- wrapped: false,
- willDestroy: false
- };
- class TemplateOnlyComponentManager {
- getStaticLayout({
- template
- }) {
- return template;
- }
- getCapabilities() {
- return CAPABILITIES$3;
- }
- getDebugName({
- name
- }) {
- return name;
- }
- getSelf() {
- return _reference.NULL_REFERENCE;
- }
- getDestroyable() {
- return null;
- }
- }
- var MANAGER = new TemplateOnlyComponentManager();
- class TemplateOnlyComponentDefinition {
- constructor(name, template) {
- this.name = name;
- this.template = template;
- this.manager = MANAGER;
- }
- get state() {
- return this;
- }
- }
var helper$1;
if (true
/* DEBUG */
) {
helper$1 = args => {
- var inner = args.positional.at(0);
- var messageRef = args.positional.at(1);
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner);
- (true && !(typeof value !== 'string') && (0, _debug.assert)((0, _reference.valueForRef)(messageRef), typeof value !== 'string'));
- return value;
- });
- };
- } else {
- helper$1 = args => args.positional.at(0);
- }
- var componentAssertionHelper = helper$1;
- var helper$2;
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- helper$2 = args => {
var inner = args.positional.at(0);
return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner);
@@ -8021,12 +7227,11 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
} else {
- helper$2 = args => args.positional.at(0);
+ helper$1 = args => args.positional.at(0);
- var inElementNullCheckHelper = helper$2;
- function normalizeClassHelper(args) {
+ var inElementNullCheckHelper = internalHelper(helper$1);
+ var normalizeClassHelper = internalHelper(args => {
var positional = args.positional.capture();
return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
var classNameParts = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(positional[0]).split('.');
@@ -8041,7 +7246,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
return String(value);
- }
+ });
@module ember
@@ -8052,8 +7257,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
transform at build time, similar to the (-each-in) helper
- function trackArray(args) {
+ var trackArray = internalHelper(args => {
var inner = args.positional.at(0);
return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
var iterable = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(inner);
@@ -8064,631 +7268,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
return iterable;
- }
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /**
- Use the `{{array}}` helper to create an array to pass as an option to your
- components.
- ```handlebars
- ```
- or
- ```handlebars
- {{my-component people=(array
- 'Tom Dale'
- 'Yehuda Katz'
- this.myOtherPerson)
- }}
- ```
- Would result in an object such as:
- ```js
- ['Tom Dale', 'Yehuda Katz', this.get('myOtherPerson')]
- ```
- Where the 3rd item in the array is bound to updates of the `myOtherPerson` property.
- @method array
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @param {Array} options
- @return {Array} Array
- @since 3.8.0
- @public
- */
- function array(args) {
- var captured = args.positional.capture();
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => (0, _runtime2.reifyPositional)(captured), null, 'array');
- }
- var isEmpty = value => {
- return value === null || value === undefined || typeof value.toString !== 'function';
- };
- var normalizeTextValue = value => {
- if (isEmpty(value)) {
- return '';
- }
- return String(value);
- };
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /**
- Concatenates the given arguments into a string.
- Example:
- ```handlebars
- {{some-component name=(concat firstName " " lastName)}}
- {{! would pass name="" to the component}}
- ```
- or for angle bracket invocation, you actually don't need concat at all.
- ```handlebars
- ```
- @public
- @method concat
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @since 1.13.0
- */
- function concat(args) {
- var captured = args.positional.capture();
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => (0, _runtime2.reifyPositional)(captured).map(normalizeTextValue).join(''), null, 'concat');
- }
- function buildUntouchableThis(source) {
- var context = null;
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- && _utils.HAS_NATIVE_PROXY) {
- var assertOnProperty = property => {
- (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You accessed \`this.${String(property)}\` from a function passed to the ${source}, but the function itself was not bound to a valid \`this\` context. Consider updating to usage of \`@action\`.`));
- };
- context = new Proxy({}, {
- get(_target, property) {
- assertOnProperty(property);
- },
- set(_target, property) {
- assertOnProperty(property);
- return false;
- },
- has(_target, property) {
- assertOnProperty(property);
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
- return context;
- }
- var context = buildUntouchableThis('`fn` helper');
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /**
- The `fn` helper allows you to ensure a function that you are passing off
- to another component, helper, or modifier has access to arguments that are
- available in the template.
- For example, if you have an `each` helper looping over a number of items, you
- may need to pass a function that expects to receive the item as an argument
- to a component invoked within the loop. Here's how you could use the `fn`
- helper to pass both the function and its arguments together:
- ```app/templates/components/items-listing.hbs
- {{#each @items as |item|}}
- {{/each}}
- ```
- ```app/components/items-list.js
- import Component from '@glimmer/component';
- import { action } from '@ember/object';
- export default class ItemsList extends Component {
- @action
- handleSelected(item) {
- // ...snip...
- }
- }
- ```
- In this case the `display-item` component will receive a normal function
- that it can invoke. When it invokes the function, the `handleSelected`
- function will receive the `item` and any arguments passed, thanks to the
- `fn` helper.
- Let's take look at what that means in a couple circumstances:
- - When invoked as `this.args.select()` the `handleSelected` function will
- receive the `item` from the loop as its first and only argument.
- - When invoked as `this.args.select('foo')` the `handleSelected` function
- will receive the `item` from the loop as its first argument and the
- string `'foo'` as its second argument.
- In the example above, we used `@action` to ensure that `handleSelected` is
- properly bound to the `items-list`, but let's explore what happens if we
- left out `@action`:
- ```app/components/items-list.js
- import Component from '@glimmer/component';
- export default class ItemsList extends Component {
- handleSelected(item) {
- // ...snip...
- }
- }
- ```
- In this example, when `handleSelected` is invoked inside the `display-item`
- component, it will **not** have access to the component instance. In other
- words, it will have no `this` context, so please make sure your functions
- are bound (via `@action` or other means) before passing into `fn`!
- See also [partial application](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_application).
- @method fn
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @public
- @since 3.11.0
- */
- function fn(args) {
- var positional = args.positional.capture();
- var callbackRef = positional[0];
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) assertCallbackIsFn(callbackRef);
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- return (...invocationArgs) => {
- var [fn, ...args] = (0, _runtime2.reifyPositional)(positional);
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) assertCallbackIsFn(callbackRef);
- if ((0, _reference.isInvokableRef)(callbackRef)) {
- var value = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : invocationArgs[0];
- return (0, _reference.updateRef)(callbackRef, value);
- } else {
- return fn.call(context, ...args, ...invocationArgs);
- }
- };
- }, null, 'fn');
- }
- function assertCallbackIsFn(callbackRef) {
- (true && !(callbackRef && ((0, _reference.isInvokableRef)(callbackRef) || typeof (0, _reference.valueForRef)(callbackRef) === 'function')) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You must pass a function as the \`fn\` helpers first argument, you passed ${callbackRef ? (0, _reference.valueForRef)(callbackRef) : callbackRef}. While rendering:\n\n${callbackRef === null || callbackRef === void 0 ? void 0 : callbackRef.debugLabel}`, callbackRef && ((0, _reference.isInvokableRef)(callbackRef) || typeof (0, _reference.valueForRef)(callbackRef) === 'function')));
- }
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /**
- Dynamically look up a property on an object. The second argument to `{{get}}`
- should have a string value, although it can be bound.
- For example, these two usages are equivalent:
- ```app/components/developer-detail.js
- import Component from '@glimmer/component';
- import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
- export default class extends Component {
- @tracked developer = {
- name: "Sandi Metz",
- language: "Ruby"
- }
- }
- ```
- ```handlebars
- {{this.developer.name}}
- {{get this.developer "name"}}
- ```
- If there were several facts about a person, the `{{get}}` helper can dynamically
- pick one:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- ```handlebars
- {{get this.developer @factName}}
- ```
- For a more complex example, this template would allow the user to switch
- between showing the user's height and weight with a click:
- ```app/components/developer-detail.js
- import Component from '@glimmer/component';
- import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
- export default class extends Component {
- @tracked developer = {
- name: "Sandi Metz",
- language: "Ruby"
- }
- @tracked currentFact = 'name'
- @action
- showFact(fact) {
- this.currentFact = fact;
- }
- }
- ```
- ```app/components/developer-detail.js
- {{get this.developer this.currentFact}}
- ```
- The `{{get}}` helper can also respect mutable values itself. For example:
- ```app/components/developer-detail.js
- ```
- Would allow the user to swap what fact is being displayed, and also edit
- that fact via a two-way mutable binding.
- @public
- @method get
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @since 2.1.0
- */
- function get$1(args) {
- var sourceRef = args.positional.at(0);
- var pathRef = args.positional.at(1);
- if ((0, _reference.isConstRef)(pathRef)) {
- // Since the path is constant, we can create a normal chain of property
- // references. The source reference will update like normal, and all of the
- // child references will update accordingly.
- var path = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(pathRef);
- if (path === undefined || path === null || path === '') {
- return _reference.NULL_REFERENCE;
- } else if (typeof path === 'string' && path.indexOf('.') > -1) {
- return (0, _reference.childRefFromParts)(sourceRef, path.split('.'));
- } else {
- return (0, _reference.childRefFor)(sourceRef, String(path));
- }
- } else {
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- var source = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(sourceRef);
- if ((0, _utils.isObject)(source)) {
- return (0, _metal.get)(source, String((0, _reference.valueForRef)(pathRef)));
- }
- }, value => {
- var source = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(sourceRef);
- if ((0, _utils.isObject)(source)) {
- return (0, _metal.set)(source, String((0, _reference.valueForRef)(pathRef)), value);
- }
- }, 'get');
- }
- }
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /**
- Use the `{{hash}}` helper to create a hash to pass as an option to your
- components. This is specially useful for contextual components where you can
- just yield a hash:
- ```handlebars
- {{yield (hash
- name='Sarah'
- title=office
- )}}
- ```
- Would result in an object such as:
- ```js
- { name: 'Sarah', title: this.get('office') }
- ```
- Where the `title` is bound to updates of the `office` property.
- Note that the hash is an empty object with no prototype chain, therefore
- common methods like `toString` are not available in the resulting hash.
- If you need to use such a method, you can use the `call` or `apply`
- approach:
- ```js
- function toString(obj) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.apply(obj);
- }
- ```
- @method hash
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @param {Object} options
- @return {Object} Hash
- @since 2.3.0
- @public
- */
- function hash(args) {
- var positional = args.named.capture();
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => (0, _runtime2.reifyNamed)(positional), null, 'hash');
- }
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /**
- The `if` helper allows you to conditionally render one of two branches,
- depending on the "truthiness" of a property.
- For example the following values are all falsey: `false`, `undefined`, `null`, `""`, `0`, `NaN` or an empty array.
- This helper has two forms, block and inline.
- ## Block form
- You can use the block form of `if` to conditionally render a section of the template.
- To use it, pass the conditional value to the `if` helper,
- using the block form to wrap the section of template you want to conditionally render.
- Like so:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- ```app/components/weather.hbs
- {{! will not render because greeting is undefined}}
- {{#if @isRaining}}
- Yes, grab an umbrella!
- {{/if}}
- ```
- You can also define what to show if the property is falsey by using
- the `else` helper.
- ```app/components/weather.hbs
- {{#if @isRaining}}
- Yes, grab an umbrella!
- {{else}}
- No, it's lovely outside!
- {{/if}}
- ```
- You are also able to combine `else` and `if` helpers to create more complex
- conditional logic.
- For the following template:
- ```app/components/weather.hbs
- {{#if @isRaining}}
- Yes, grab an umbrella!
- {{else if @isCold}}
- Grab a coat, it's chilly!
- {{else}}
- No, it's lovely outside!
- {{/if}}
- ```
- If you call it by saying `isCold` is true:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- Then `Grab a coat, it's chilly!` will be rendered.
- ## Inline form
- The inline `if` helper conditionally renders a single property or string.
- In this form, the `if` helper receives three arguments, the conditional value,
- the value to render when truthy, and the value to render when falsey.
- For example, if `useLongGreeting` is truthy, the following:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- ```app/components/greeting.hbs
- {{if @useLongGreeting "Hello" "Hi"}} Alex
- ```
- Will render:
- ```html
- Hello Alex
- ```
- One detail to keep in mind is that both branches of the `if` helper will be evaluated,
- so if you have `{{if condition "foo" (expensive-operation "bar")`,
- `expensive-operation` will always calculate.
- @method if
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @public
- */
- function inlineIf(args) {
- var positional = args.positional.capture();
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- (true && !(positional.length === 3 || positional.length === 2) && (0, _debug.assert)('The inline form of the `if` helper expects two or three arguments, e.g. `{{if trialExpired "Expired" expiryDate}}`.', positional.length === 3 || positional.length === 2));
- var [condition, truthyValue, falsyValue] = positional;
- if ((0, _globalContext.toBool)((0, _reference.valueForRef)(condition)) === true) {
- return (0, _reference.valueForRef)(truthyValue);
- } else {
- return falsyValue !== undefined ? (0, _reference.valueForRef)(falsyValue) : undefined;
- }
- }, null, 'if');
- }
- /**
- The `unless` helper is the inverse of the `if` helper. It displays if a value
- is falsey ("not true" or "is false"). Example values that will display with
- `unless`: `false`, `undefined`, `null`, `""`, `0`, `NaN` or an empty array.
- ## Inline form
- The inline `unless` helper conditionally renders a single property or string.
- This helper acts like a ternary operator. If the first property is falsy,
- the second argument will be displayed, otherwise, the third argument will be
- displayed
- For example, if you pass a falsey `useLongGreeting` to the `Greeting` component:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- ```app/components/greeting.hbs
- {{unless @useLongGreeting "Hi" "Hello"}} Ben
- ```
- Then it will display:
- ```html
- Hi Ben
- ```
- ## Block form
- Like the `if` helper, the `unless` helper also has a block form.
- The following will not render anything:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- ```app/components/greeting.hbs
- {{#unless @greeting}}
- No greeting was found. Why not set one?
- {{/unless}}
- ```
- You can also use an `else` helper with the `unless` block. The
- `else` will display if the value is truthy.
- If you have the following component:
- ```app/components/logged-in.hbs
- {{#unless @userData}}
- Please login.
- {{else}}
- Welcome back!
- {{/unless}}
- ```
- Calling it with a truthy `userData`:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- Will render:
- ```html
- Welcome back!
- ```
- and calling it with a falsey `userData`:
- ```app/templates/application.hbs
- ```
- Will render:
- ```html
- Please login.
- ```
- @method unless
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @public
- */
- function inlineUnless(args) {
- var positional = args.positional.capture();
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- (true && !(positional.length === 3 || positional.length === 2) && (0, _debug.assert)('The inline form of the `unless` helper expects two or three arguments, e.g. `{{unless isFirstLogin "Welcome back!"}}`.', positional.length === 3 || positional.length === 2));
- var [condition, falsyValue, truthyValue] = positional;
- if ((0, _globalContext.toBool)((0, _reference.valueForRef)(condition)) === true) {
- return truthyValue !== undefined ? (0, _reference.valueForRef)(truthyValue) : undefined;
- } else {
- return (0, _reference.valueForRef)(falsyValue);
- }
- }, null, 'unless');
- }
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /**
- `log` allows you to output the value of variables in the current rendering
- context. `log` also accepts primitive types such as strings or numbers.
- ```handlebars
- {{log "myVariable:" myVariable }}
- ```
- @method log
- @for Ember.Templates.helpers
- @param {Array} params
- @public
- */
- function log(args) {
- var positional = args.positional.capture();
- return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
- /* eslint-disable no-console */
- console.log(...(0, _runtime2.reifyPositional)(positional));
- /* eslint-enable no-console */
- });
- }
+ });
@module ember
@@ -8767,8 +7347,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- function mut(args) {
+ var mut = internalHelper(args => {
var ref = args.positional.at(0); // TODO: Improve this error message. This covers at least two distinct
// cases:
@@ -8784,7 +7363,7 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
(true && !((0, _reference.isUpdatableRef)(ref)) && (0, _debug.assert)('You can only pass a path to mut', (0, _reference.isUpdatableRef)(ref)));
return (0, _reference.createInvokableRef)(ref);
- }
+ });
@module ember
@@ -8811,17 +7390,16 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- function queryParams(args) {
+ var queryParams = internalHelper(args => {
var {
} = args.capture();
return (0, _reference.createComputeRef)(() => {
(true && !(positional.length === 0) && (0, _debug.assert)("The `query-params` helper only accepts hash parameters, e.g. (query-params queryParamPropertyName='foo') as opposed to just (query-params 'foo')", positional.length === 0));
- return new _routing.QueryParams((0, _polyfills.assign)({}, (0, _runtime2.reifyNamed)(named)));
+ return new _routing.QueryParams((0, _polyfills.assign)({}, (0, _runtime.reifyNamed)(named)));
- }
+ });
The `readonly` helper let's you specify that a binding is one-way only,
instead of two-way.
@@ -8938,10 +7516,9 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- function readonly(args) {
+ var readonly = internalHelper(args => {
return (0, _reference.createReadOnlyRef)(args.positional.at(0));
- }
+ });
@module ember
@@ -8974,12 +7551,10 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- function unbound(args) {
+ var unbound = internalHelper(args => {
(true && !(args.positional.length === 1 && args.named.length === 0) && (0, _debug.assert)('unbound helper cannot be called with multiple params or hash params', args.positional.length === 1 && args.named.length === 0));
return (0, _reference.createUnboundRef)((0, _reference.valueForRef)(args.positional.at(0)), '(resurt of an `unbound` helper)');
- }
+ });
var MODIFIERS = ['alt', 'shift', 'meta', 'ctrl'];
var POINTER_EVENT_TYPE_REGEX = /^click|mouse|touch/;
@@ -9037,14 +7612,14 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
this.positional = positionalArgs;
this.dom = dom;
this.eventName = this.getEventName();
- (0, _runtime2.registerDestructor)(this, () => ActionHelper.unregisterAction(this));
+ (0, _destroyable.registerDestructor)(this, () => ActionHelper.unregisterAction(this));
getEventName() {
var {
- on
+ on: on$$1
} = this.namedArgs;
- return on !== undefined ? (0, _reference.valueForRef)(on) : 'click';
+ return on$$1 !== undefined ? (0, _reference.valueForRef)(on$$1) : 'click';
getActionArgs() {
@@ -9149,11 +7724,10 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
return shouldBubble;
- } // implements ModifierManager
+ }
class ActionModifierManager {
- create(element, _state, args, _dynamicScope, dom) {
+ create(_owner, element, _state, args, _dynamicScope, dom) {
var {
@@ -9244,566 +7818,9 @@ define("@ember/-internals/glimmer/index", ["exports", "@ember/polyfills", "@glim
- function capabilities$1(managerAPI, optionalFeatures = {}) {
- (true && !(managerAPI === '3.13' || managerAPI === '3.22') && (0, _debug.assert)('Invalid modifier manager compatibility specified', managerAPI === '3.13' || managerAPI === '3.22'));
- return (0, _runtime2.buildCapabilities)({
- disableAutoTracking: Boolean(optionalFeatures.disableAutoTracking),
- useArgsProxy: managerAPI === '3.13' ? false : true,
- passFactoryToCreate: managerAPI === '3.13'
- });
- }
- class CustomModifierDefinition {
- constructor(name, ModifierClass, delegate, isInteractive) {
- this.name = name;
- this.ModifierClass = ModifierClass;
- this.delegate = delegate;
- this.state = {
- ModifierClass,
- name,
- delegate
- };
- }
- }
- /**
- The CustomModifierManager allows addons to provide custom modifier
- implementations that integrate seamlessly into Ember. This is accomplished
- through a delegate, registered with the custom modifier manager, which
- implements a set of hooks that determine modifier behavior.
- To create a custom modifier manager, instantiate a new CustomModifierManager
- class and pass the delegate as the first argument:
- ```js
- let manager = new CustomModifierManager({
- // ...delegate implementation...
- });
- ```
- ## Delegate Hooks
- Throughout the lifecycle of a modifier, the modifier manager will invoke
- delegate hooks that are responsible for surfacing those lifecycle changes to
- the end developer.
- * `createModifier()` - invoked when a new instance of a modifier should be created
- * `installModifier()` - invoked when the modifier is installed on the element
- * `updateModifier()` - invoked when the arguments passed to a modifier change
- * `destroyModifier()` - invoked when the modifier is about to be destroyed
- */
- class InteractiveCustomModifierManager {
- create(element, definition, vmArgs) {
- var {
- delegate,
- ModifierClass
- } = definition;
- var capturedArgs = vmArgs.capture();
- var {
- useArgsProxy,
- passFactoryToCreate
- } = delegate.capabilities;
- var args = useArgsProxy ? argsProxyFor(capturedArgs, 'modifier') : (0, _runtime2.reifyArgs)(capturedArgs);
- var instance;
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- && _validator.deprecateMutationsInTrackingTransaction !== undefined) {
- (0, _validator.deprecateMutationsInTrackingTransaction)(() => {
- instance = delegate.createModifier(passFactoryToCreate ? ModifierClass : ModifierClass.class, args);
- });
- } else {
- instance = delegate.createModifier(passFactoryToCreate ? ModifierClass : ModifierClass.class, args);
- }
- var tag = (0, _validator.createUpdatableTag)();
- var state;
- if (useArgsProxy) {
- state = {
- tag,
- element,
- delegate,
- args,
- modifier: instance
- };
- } else {
- state = {
- tag,
- element,
- delegate,
- modifier: instance,
- get args() {
- return (0, _runtime2.reifyArgs)(capturedArgs);
- }
- };
- }
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- state.debugName = definition.name;
- }
- (0, _runtime2.registerDestructor)(state, () => delegate.destroyModifier(instance, state.args));
- return state;
- }
- getDebugName({
- debugName
- }) {
- return debugName;
- }
- getTag({
- tag
- }) {
- return tag;
- }
- install(state) {
- var {
- element,
- args,
- delegate,
- modifier
- } = state;
- var {
- capabilities
- } = delegate;
- if (capabilities.disableAutoTracking === true) {
- (0, _validator.untrack)(() => delegate.installModifier(modifier, element, args));
- } else {
- delegate.installModifier(modifier, element, args);
- }
- }
- update(state) {
- var {
- args,
- delegate,
- modifier
- } = state;
- var {
- capabilities
- } = delegate;
- if (capabilities.disableAutoTracking === true) {
- (0, _validator.untrack)(() => delegate.updateModifier(modifier, args));
- } else {
- delegate.updateModifier(modifier, args);
- }
- }
- getDestroyable(state) {
- return state;
- }
- }
- class NonInteractiveCustomModifierManager {
- create() {
- return null;
- }
- getDebugName() {
- return '';
- }
- getTag() {
- return null;
- }
- install() {}
- update() {}
- getDestroyable() {
- return null;
- }
- }
- var CUSTOM_INTERACTIVE_MODIFIER_MANAGER = new InteractiveCustomModifierManager();
- var CUSTOM_NON_INTERACTIVE_MODIFIER_MANAGER = new NonInteractiveCustomModifierManager();
- var untouchableContext = buildUntouchableThis('`on` modifier');
- /**
- @module ember
- */
- /*
- Internet Explorer 11 does not support `once` and also does not support
- passing `eventOptions`. In some situations it then throws a weird script
- error, like:
- ```
- Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101
- ```
- This flag determines, whether `{ once: true }` and thus also event options in
- general are supported.
- */
- try {
- var div = document.createElement('div');
- var counter = 0;
- div.addEventListener('click', () => counter++, {
- once: true
- });
- var event;
- if (typeof Event === 'function') {
- event = new Event('click');
- } else {
- event = document.createEvent('Event');
- event.initEvent('click', true, true);
- }
- div.dispatchEvent(event);
- div.dispatchEvent(event);
- return counter === 1;
- } catch (error) {
- return false;
- }
- })();
- class OnModifierState {
- constructor(owner, element, args) {
- this.tag = (0, _validator.createUpdatableTag)();
- this.shouldUpdate = true;
- this.owner = owner;
- this.element = element;
- this.args = args;
- }
- updateFromArgs() {
- var {
- args
- } = this;
- var {
- once,
- passive,
- capture
- } = (0, _runtime2.reifyNamed)(args.named);
- if (once !== this.once) {
- this.once = once;
- this.shouldUpdate = true;
- }
- if (passive !== this.passive) {
- this.passive = passive;
- this.shouldUpdate = true;
- }
- if (capture !== this.capture) {
- this.capture = capture;
- this.shouldUpdate = true;
- }
- var options;
- if (once || passive || capture) {
- options = this.options = {
- once,
- passive,
- capture
- };
- } else {
- this.options = undefined;
- }
- (true && !(args.positional[0] !== undefined && typeof (0, _reference.valueForRef)(args.positional[0]) === 'string') && (0, _debug.assert)('You must pass a valid DOM event name as the first argument to the `on` modifier', args.positional[0] !== undefined && typeof (0, _reference.valueForRef)(args.positional[0]) === 'string'));
- var eventName = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(args.positional[0]);
- if (eventName !== this.eventName) {
- this.eventName = eventName;
- this.shouldUpdate = true;
- }
- var userProvidedCallbackReference = args.positional[1];
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- (true && !(args.positional[1] !== undefined) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You must pass a function as the second argument to the \`on\` modifier.`, args.positional[1] !== undefined));
- var value = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(userProvidedCallbackReference);
- (true && !(typeof value === 'function') && (0, _debug.assert)(`You must pass a function as the second argument to the \`on\` modifier, you passed ${value === null ? 'null' : typeof value}. While rendering:\n\n${userProvidedCallbackReference.debugLabel}`, typeof value === 'function'));
- }
- var userProvidedCallback = (0, _reference.valueForRef)(userProvidedCallbackReference);
- if (userProvidedCallback !== this.userProvidedCallback) {
- this.userProvidedCallback = userProvidedCallback;
- this.shouldUpdate = true;
- }
- (true && !(args.positional.length === 2) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You can only pass two positional arguments (event name and callback) to the \`on\` modifier, but you provided ${args.positional.length}. Consider using the \`fn\` helper to provide additional arguments to the \`on\` callback.`, args.positional.length === 2));
- var needsCustomCallback = SUPPORTS_EVENT_OPTIONS === false && once ||
- /* needs manual once implementation */
- true
- /* DEBUG */
- && passive;
- /* needs passive enforcement */
- if (this.shouldUpdate) {
- if (needsCustomCallback) {
- var callback = this.callback = function (event) {
- if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- && passive) {
- event.preventDefault = () => {
- (true && !(false) && (0, _debug.assert)(`You marked this listener as 'passive', meaning that you must not call 'event.preventDefault()': \n\n${userProvidedCallback}`));
- };
- }
- if (!SUPPORTS_EVENT_OPTIONS && once) {
- removeEventListener(this, eventName, callback, options);
- }
- return userProvidedCallback.call(untouchableContext, event);
- };
- } else if (true
- /* DEBUG */
- ) {
- // prevent the callback from being bound to the element
- this.callback = userProvidedCallback.bind(untouchableContext);
- } else {
- this.callback = userProvidedCallback;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var adds = 0;
- var removes = 0;
- function removeEventListener(element, eventName, callback, options) {
- removes++;
- // when options are supported, use them across the board
- element.removeEventListener(eventName, callback, options);
- } else if (options !== undefined && options.capture) {
- // used only in the following case:
- //
- // `{ once: true | false, passive: true | false, capture: true }
- //
- // `once` is handled via a custom callback that removes after first
- // invocation so we only care about capture here as a boolean
- element.removeEventListener(eventName, callback, true);
- } else {
- // used only in the following cases:
- //
- // * where there is no options
- // * `{ once: true | false, passive: true | false, capture: false }
- element.removeEventListener(eventName, callback);
- }
- }
- function addEventListener(element, eventName, callback, options) {
- adds++;
- // when options are supported, use them across the board
- element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, options);
- } else if (options !== undefined && options.capture) {
- // used only in the following case:
- //
- // `{ once: true | false, passive: true | false, capture: true }
- //
- // `once` is handled via a custom callback that removes after first
- // invocation so we only care about capture here as a boolean
- element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, true);
- } else {
- // used only in the following cases:
- //
- // * where there is no options
- // * `{ once: true | false, passive: true | false, capture: false }
- element.addEventListener(eventName, callback);
- }
- }
- /**
- The `{{on}}` modifier lets you easily add event listeners (it uses
- [EventTarget.addEventListener](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener)
- internally).
- For example, if you'd like to run a function on your component when a `