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synced 2025-03-08 23:57:44 +01:00
Open-Source iOS Apps
List of open-source iOS apps.
Feel free to contribute: issues, pull requests, or Twitter.
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- Apple TV
- Apple Watch
- Communication
- Content Blocking
- Core Data
- Games
- Developer
- Finance
- Health
- Keyboards
- Location
- Media
- News
- Official
- Parse
- Personal
- React Native
- ReactiveCocoa
- Realm
- Sample
- Social
- Tasks
- Tools
- Weather
- Web
- Xamarin
- Misc
- Bonus
🔶 Swift projects
Projects that are not in English have a flag
🇨🇳 Project is in Chinese
🇪🇸 Project is in Spanish, etc
100+ Stars: 🔥
200+ Stars: 🔥🔥
500+ Stars: 🔥🔥🔥
1000+ Stars: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
2000+ Stars: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Apple TV
- Artsy Shows: Art shows on your TV 🔶🔥
- Provenance: Frontend for multiple emulators, currently supporting Sega Genesis, SNES, NES, GB/GBC, & more 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- UitzendingGemist: Unofficial Apple TV app for Dutch Public Broadcasting video on demand service 🔶
- WWDCTV: Watch the WWDC Videos on your Apple TV.
Apple Watch
- BaiduFM-Swift 🔶🔥🔥
- Bither: Simple and secure Bitcoin wallet
- Brew: Discover craft beer pubs nearby 🔶
- Calculator 🔶
- Calculator 🔶
- Cherry: Mini Pomodoro Timer app 🔶🔥🔥
- Connectivity Demo
- CoolSpot: The missing Spotify ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ app 🔶
- Cortado: Track your caffeine consumption habits 🔥
- Done: Demonstrate data sharing between a WatchKit app and its main app using Realm 🔶
- Gulps: Track of your daily water consumption 🔶🔥🔥
- heartrate: Show streaming heartrate from the watch with watchOS 2 🔶🔥🔥
- HighStreet: Highstreet shopping app 🔶🔥🔥
- HN Reader: Hacker News Reader 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- Impulse: Real-time age ticker for iOS and watchOS 🔶
- KTPomodoro: Mini Pomodoro Timer app
- Lister: List app example by Apple 🔶
- OnTime: Apple Watch app to access the SBB (Swiss railway) timetable
- Parties for WWDC: Aggregator of developers WWDC parties 🔥
- PhoneBattery: Your phone's battery, on your wrist
- Soon: Countdown App 🔶
- WatchKit-Apps: Tutorials app for WatchKit 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- Watchman: A WatchOS2 Hangman Game 🔶
- WatchNotes: Notes on your wrist 🔶
- watchOS-2-Sampler: Code examples for new features of watchOS 2 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- WatchPics: Instagram for the Apple Watch
- WatchSnake: Game of Snake for Watch 🔶
- WatchStocks: App to track your stocks portfolio. Also includes a watch face complication 🔶
- Wunderschnell: Order the right product with one tap on your wrist 🔶
- Chats: Messages app 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥
- ChatSecure: Encrypted chat app that supports OTR encryption over XMPP 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- IRCCloud: An IRC client/service 🔥
- Mumble: Gaming-focused social voice chat utility 🔥
- Signal: Free, world-wide, private messaging and phone calls for iPhone 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Telegram: Messaging app with a focus on speed and security
Content Blocking
- Adblock Fast 🔥🔥
- Adblock Plus
- BlockParty: iOS 9 Safari Content Blocker App 🔥🔥
- Focus: Content blocker by Firefox 🔶
Core Data
- Bequest: Create and replay HTTP/S requests. 🔶
- AppSales-Mobile: App for iTunes Connect Sales 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Monkey: GitHub third party client that shows the rank of coders and repositories 🔥🔥🔥
- MrCode: GitHub iPhone app that can cache Markdown content 🇨🇳 🔥🔥
- Review Time: Shows average review times for iOS and the Mac Apps 🔶
- 翻翻看: Concentration game 🇨🇳 🔶🔥 🇨
- 2048: 2048 game in Objective-C 🔥
- 2048: 2048 game in Swift 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Bridges: A puzzle game with bridges, houses, tolls, and subways 🔥
- Canabalt: Infinite runner 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- CardsAgainst: Cards Against Humanity app 🔶🔥🔥
- Chess: iOS Chess game to learn SpriteKit 🔶
- Chuck: Throw a ball and catch it. Over and over and over.
- DOOM: Doom Classic for iOS 🔥🔥
- DOOM-IOS2: Doom Classic for iOS version 2 🔥
- FlappySwift: Swift implementation of Flappy Bird 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Game Of Life: Conway's Game of Life 🔶
- GBA4iOS: Gameboy, Gameboy Color & Gameboy Advance emulator for iOS.
- MUDRammer: MUD Client for iPhone and iPad
- Orbit7: iOS Game created in SpriteKit 🔶
- Provenance: Frontend for multiple emulators, currently supporting Sega Genesis, SNES, NES, GB/GBC, & more 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- SceneKitFrogger 🔶
- Spare Parts: Simple 2D point and line physics using Verlet integration
- Stick-Hero-Swift: Universal iOS Game using Swift and iOS SpriteKit 🔶🔥🔥
- Sudoku: Sudoku solver with OCR capability on iOS 🔥🔥
- Wolfenstein 3D: Wolfenstein 3D for iOS 🔥🔥
- AA-Keyboard: ASCI Art Keyboard
- ClickWheelKeyboard: Brings back the classic iPod click wheel as a keyboard for iOS 8
- NaughtyKeyboard: Keyboard that supports The Big List of Naughty Strings 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- Slidden: An open source, customizable, iOS keyboard 🔥🔥
- BitStore: Bitcoin wallet
- breadwallet: Bitcoin wallet
- Buck Tracker: Expense tracker 🔶
- Coins: Bitcoin value tracker 🔶🔥
- Concurrency: Beautiful, intuitive currency converter 🔥🔥
- doughwallet: Dogecoin wallet
- Savings Assistant: Expense tracker 🔶
- TodayStocks: Lightweight stocks app that shows your portfolio in a minimalist today extension
- Arex: App for remembering to take your medications 🔶
- AsthmaHealth: ResearchKit app studying Asthma
- GlucoSuccess: ResearchKit app studying Diabetes
- HealthKit~Swift Sample app for Apple HealthKit 🔶
- mPower: ResearchKit app studying Parkinson's disease
- MyHeartCounts: Personalized tool that can help you measure daily activity, fitness, and cardiovascular risk.
- Share The Journey: ResearchKit app studying Breast Cancer
- EatNow: Get recommendations for nearby restaurants.
- Alarm: Geolocation based alarm app for travelers 🔶🔥
- Moves: Visualize which places you spent the most time at
- GeoTappy: Share your location
- pathlogger: GPS logging application for iOS written in Swift 🔶
- Startups - Mapped In Israel: Discover new startups and locate co-working spaces
- Swift-Walk-Tracker: An open source walk tracking iOS App 🔶
Image, video, audio
- 360 VR Player: A Open Source, Ad-free, Native and Universal 360° video player for iOS. 🔥🔥
- Artsy: The Art World in Your Pocket 🔥🔥🔥
- Artsy Folio: Artwork showcase
- ComicFlow: Comic reader for iPad 🔥
- DoubanFM: douban.fm client for iPhone, using AFN and MPMoviePlayer 🇨🇳 🔥🔥
- Dunk: Dribbble client 🔶🔥🔥
- Eleven: Eleven Player is a simple powerful video player, uses ffmpeg 🔥
- Flickr-Search: Simple app which consumes the Flickr Search API
- FreeStreamer: A low-memory footprint streaming audio player 🔥🔥🔥
- KonaBot: unofficial client for konachan.net 🔶
- lastfm-iphone: Last.fm iPhone app 🔥
- Longboxed: Track the releases of your favorite comics.
- movies: Movie info app 🔥🔥🔥
- OCiney: Movie info app 🔥
- PhotoBrowser: A simple iOS Instagram photo browser 🔶🔥🔥
- Poppins: House all your favorite GIFs and easily share them with your friends and family 🔶
- PhishOD: Listen to any song from Phish.in and view concert ratings and reviews from phish.net
- PopcornTime: PopcornTime movie app 🔶
- Swift ASCII Art Generator 🔶
- Swifteroid: A manual HDR exposure camera app written in Swift 🔶
- SwiftFlickrApp: Flickr popular photo viewer 🔶🔥🔥
- Swift-Radio-Pro: Professional Radio Station App, created w/ Swift 2.0 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥
- SwiftSpace: CoreMotion Controlled Drawing in 3D Space 🔶
- That Movie With: Find common movies among actors
- Upupu: Simple camera app that can backup pictures on a WebDAV server or Dropbox
- VLC: Media Player 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- VoiceMemos: Universal audio recorder app 🔶🔥
- xkcd: iPhone app
- xkcd Open Source: An xkcd Comic Reader
- Designer News App 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Feeds4U: Well architected RSS reader 🔶
- GrinnellEvents: Grinnell Events gathers all events on campus, and lists them so you can see what's happening
- NirZhihuDaily2.0 🇨🇳 🔥🔥🔥
- Reddit: Reddit news app 🔶
- RSSRead: A RSS reader with offline feature 🇨🇳 🔥🔥
- TabDump: TabDump news app
- The Oakland Post: App for student-run newspaper at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan 🔶🔥🔥
- v2ex: An iOS client for the technical and creative website v2ex.com 🇨🇳 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Hacker News
- Hacker News Client: Hacker News API-Based iOS Reader (Firebase) 🔥
- HackerNews (Y): Built using pure Objective C with official HN API (uses Firebase and Fabric)
- HackerNews: Hacker News reader 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- Hackers 🔶🔥🔥
- HN Reader: Hacker News Reader 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- News/YC: Hacker News client with user management, commenting, submitting and themes 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- news:yc 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Simple Reader: A small, read-only app for Hacker News
- Coding: Official Coding App 🔥🔥🔥
- Firefox: Official Firefox app 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- VLC: Media Player 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- WhiteHouse: Official White House App 🔥🔥🔥
- Wikipedia: Official Wikipedia App 🔥🔥
- WordPress: Official WordPress App 🔥🔥🔥
- 2CITY: Find out the coolest things to do in your city
- Anypic: Mobile and web app that lets users share photos similar to Instagram
- AnyWall: A fun geolocation app built with Parse 🔥🔥
- how-much: Simple app to record how much things cost using Parse
- iBeaconTasks: iBeacon TODO reminder app based on Parse
- Parse-Challenge-App: iPhone app built using Parse w/ likes, comments, posting images/video 🔥
- ParseDeveloperDay: Developer Conference App
- ParseStore: Backend provider for selling physical goods using Parse 🔥
- Paws: Building an Instagram-Like App with Parse and Swift 🔶
- iContactU: Reminds you to contact people you ought to 🔶
- iGrades: Track your class grades
- MasterPassword: Stateless password management solution 🔥🔥
- Onions: Cloud encrypted text storage app
- ownCloud: Client for a personal open-source cloud data provider 🔥
- Runner-Stats: iPhone app to record running data
- SimpleMemo: Sync notes to EverNote 🔥
- SwiftNote: Simple note taking app with today widget and iCloud syncing 🔶🔥
- Theseus: An open-source iOS personal analytics tool 🔥🔥🔥
React Native
- App examples by Facebook: Sample apps including 2048, movies, tic tac toe and more
- Around Me: Display Instagram photos around your location
- Calculator 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Currency Converter
- Den: View houses for sale in the Northwest 🔥
- Dribbble 🔥🔥🔥
- Facebook Login 🔥🔥
- Finance: iOS's Stocks app written in React Native 🔥
- Foreign Exchange
- Hacker News 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Iceland Earthquakes
- iTunes Catalog Search
- london-react
- newswatch: News app using YouTube playlists
- NortalTechDay: Conference app 🔥
- Product Kitty
- Property Finder 🔥
- RSS Reader
- Songkick
- Spacepics: A small app displaying NASA's Picture of the Day
- Sudoku
- To Do List
- WeatherApp
- BrewMobile: App for managing the beer brewing process 🔶
- C-41: Make developing film easier and more reliable by using this simple timer 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- GitBucket: GitHub client using MVVM & ReactiveCocoa 🔥🔥🔥
- GroceryList: iPhone grocery list app, synchronized using GitHub 🔥🔥🔥
- HausClock: Minimal Chess Clock using MVVM and ReactiveCocoa 🔶
- ReactiveHackerNews: Hacker News reader with Tinder style interface, written in ObjC, uses MVVM & ReactiveCocoa
- ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch: A Flickr-search app that uses MVVM & ReactiveCocoa 🔶🔥🔥
- SimpleAuth: Simple authentication (OAuth for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and more) 🔥🔥🔥
- Tropos: A weather app using ReactiveCocoa and Forecast.io 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Done: Demonstrate data sharing between a WatchKit app and its main app using Realm 🔶
- RealmToDo: A small todo list with Realm integration 🔶
- Cannonball: Fun way to create and share stories and poems using Fabric 🔶🔥
- Code by Apple 🔥🔥
- CloudKit
- CloudKit 🔶
- Federal Data SDK 🔶
- HomeKit-Demo 🔶🔥🔥
- iOS 8 Sampler: Code examples for the new functions in iOS 8 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- iOS 9 Sampler: Code examples for the new functions in iOS 9 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- LayerPlayer: Explore the capabilities of Apple's Core Animation API 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- Polls: iOS Client for Polls API by Apiary 🔶
- RKGist: GitHub Gist app using RestKit
- Peggsite: App for sharing a social board
- CloudKit-To-Do-List: Store & retrieve tasks using CloudKit 🔶
- RealmToDo: A small todo list with Realm integration 🔶
- Task: Designed to quickly and easily add tasks to your iPhone 🔶
- Todo.txt: If you have a file called todo.txt on your computer right now, you're in the right place. 🔥🔥
- Be my eyes: An app that connects blind people with volunteer helpers via live video chat 🔥🔥
- Coffee Timer 🔶
- Colo: Color themes hunter
- ColorBlur: Add blur to your photos
- DeckRocket: Turn your iPhone into a remote for Deckset presentations 🔶🔥🔥
- Edhita: Text editor 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- Fojusi: Work timer with today extension 🔶🔥🔥
- ForceSketch: Demonstration of a Sketching App Using 3D Touch
- GammaThingy: Change screen gamma dynamically 🔥🔥🔥
- GreatReader: "Great" PDF reader designed for both iPhone and iPad 🔥🔥
- OneBusAway: Real-time arrival & schedule information for public transit in Seattle, Atlanta, Tampa, and more 🔥
- https://github.com/OneBusAway/onebusaway-iphone
- https://itunes.apple.com/app/onebusaway/id329380089
- Plum-O-Meter: 3D Touch Application for Weighing Plums (and other small fruit!) 🔶🔥🔥
- Round & Split: Tip Calculator 🔶
- Speak: AAC & Speech Therapy
- Tether: Tethering for non-jailbroken iOS Devices over USB
- VPN On: Today Widget to turn on VPN 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Words: Thesaurus app
- Workdays: Simple iPhone calendar with operating schedule
- https://github.com/mpak/Workdays
- https://itunes.apple.com/app/workdays-calendar/id889712978
- ZeroStore: password storage without the storage
- Pocket Forecast: Swift weather application for Typhoon 🔶🔥🔥
- RainMan: Uses Forecast.io 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- Sol: Uses Weather Underground 🔥🔥🔥
- SmileWeather: Uses Weather Underground & OpenWeatherMap 🔥🔥
- SwiftWeather 🔶🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Tropos: A weather app using ReactiveCocoa and Forecast.io 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- WeatherApp: Weather app using React Native
- WeatherMap: Weather around you in a glance, uses OpenWeatherMap 🔶🔥🔥
- YoCelsius 🔥🔥
- PHPHub: Universal app for PHPHub Forum 🔥🔥🇨🇳
- ProMonster: Store 🇧🇷
- QiitaCollection: Technical knowledge sharing and collaboration platform 🇯🇵
- Toggl Timer 🔥
- A Menjar: Food menu app 🇪🇸
- bar: Cocktail Menu 🔶
- ChineseZodiac 🔶🔥
- Frameless: A full-screen web browser 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- HackCancer: Hackathon app 🔶
- Jupp: App with share extension for ADN 🔶
- Kiosk: The Artsy Auction Kiosk App 🔶🔥🔥🔥
- LidderbuchApp: Songbook for Luxembourgish Students 🔶🇱🇺
- Malendar: A redesigned calendar app 🔶
- OpenCB: Interactive chess book reader
- PebCiti: Pebble app to show nearest CitiBike NYC dock
- Valio: Valio Con 2014 Schedule 🔶🔥🔥
- TheReservist: Check availability of iPhones 🔶
- Vinylogue: A simple Last.fm client
- VisitBCN: City guide for Barcelona
See archive, mac-apps, awesome-osx and android-apps.
This list was inspired by awesome-ios and awesome-swift.