require_relative 'osia_helper' require 'date' # Constants README = '' ARCHIVE = '' APPSTORE = '' LATEST = '' ARCHIVE_TAG = 'archive' LATEST_NUM = 30 SHOW_TWITTER = false # Helpers def app_store_total(j) apps = j['projects'] s = apps.reject { |x| x['itunes'].nil? } count = 1 s.each do |x| tags = x['tags'] if tags.nil? t = "#{count} " count = count + 1 else unless tags.include?(ARCHIVE_TAG) t = "#{count} #{tags}" count = count + 1 end end end count end def apps_archived(apps) a = { |a| a['tags'] != nil }.select { |b| b['tags'].include?(ARCHIVE_TAG) } a.sort_by { |k, v| k['title'].downcase } end def apps_for_cat(apps, id) f = do |a| tags = a['tags'] if tags.nil? true else !(tags.include?(ARCHIVE_TAG)) end end s = do |a| cat = a['category-ids'] cat.class == Array ? cat.include?(id) : (cat == id) end s.sort_by { |k, v| k['title'].downcase } end def apps_latest(apps, num) a = { |a| a['date_added'] != nil } .sort_by { |k, v| DateTime.parse(k['date_added']) } .reverse a[0..num - 1] end def apps_updated(apps, num) a = { |a| a['updated'] != nil } .sort_by { |k, v| DateTime.parse(k['updated']) } .reverse a[0..num - 1] end def output_apps(apps, appstoreonly) o = '' apps.each do |a| name = a['title'] link = a['source'] itunes = a['itunes'] homepage = a['homepage'] desc = a['description'] tags = a['tags'] stars = a['stars'] date_updated = a['updated'] screenshots = a['screenshots'] license = a['license'] lines = [] line = [] line.push "[#{name}](#{link})" unless desc.nil? line.push ": #{desc}" if desc.size>0 end lines.push line line = [] unless homepage.nil? line.push "`#{homepage}`" end lines.push line line = [] unless itunes.nil? line.push "[` App Store`](#{itunes})" end if appstoreonly next if itunes.nil? end unless screenshots.nil? || screenshots.empty? screenshots.each_with_index do |s, i| line.push " `Screenshot #{i+1}` " end end lines.push line line = [] unless date_updated.nil? date = DateTime.parse(date_updated) formatted_date = date.strftime "%Y" line.push " `#{formatted_date}` " end unless license.nil? license_display = license == 'other' ? "" : "[`#{license}`]({license}/)" line.push << " #{license_display} " end unless tags.nil? line.push '`swift` ' if tags.include? 'swift' tags.each do |t| line.push "`#{t.downcase}` " if t.downcase != 'swift' end end lines.push line line = [] unless stars.nil? line.push " ☆`#{stars}` " if stars > 0 end lines.push line lines.each_with_index do |item, i| temp = '' item.each { |x| temp << "#{x}" } unless temp.empty? if i == 0 o << "\n- #{temp}" else o << "\n - #{temp}" end end end # o << "\n" end o end def output_badges(count, twitter) date = date_display = date.strftime "%B %e, %Y" date_display = date_display.gsub ' ', '%20' b = "![]({count}-green.svg)" if twitter b << " [![](](" end b << " ![]({date_display}-lightgrey.svg)" return b end def write_archive(j, subtitle) t = j['title'] apps = j['projects'] archived = apps_archived apps footer = j['footer'] output = "\# #{t} Archive\n\n" output << subtitle output << "\n" archived.each do |a| t = a['title'] s = a['source'] output << "- [#{t}](#{s})\n" end output << "\n" output << footer file = ARCHIVE, 'w') { |f| f.write output } puts "wrote #{file} ✨" end def write_latest(j, num, sub1, sub2) t = j['title'] apps = j["projects"] footer = j['footer'] latest = apps_latest(apps, num) output = "\# #{t} Latest\n\n" output << sub1 output << "\n" count = 1 latest.each do |a| t = a['title'] s = a['source'] output << "#{count}. [#{t}](#{s})\n" count = count + 1 end updated = apps_updated(apps, num) output << "\n" output << sub2 output << "\n" count = 1 updated.each do |a| t = a['title'] s = a['source'] output << "#{count}. [#{t}](#{s})\n" count = count + 1 end output << "\n" output << footer file = LATEST, 'w') { |f| f.write output } puts "wrote #{file} ✨" end def write_list(j, file, subtitle, appstoreonly = false) t = j['title'] desc = j['description'] h = j['header'] f = j['footer'] cats = j['categories'] apps = j['projects'] sponsor = j['sponsor'] output = '# ' + t output << "\n\n" output << desc output << "\n\n#{subtitle}\n\n" if appstoreonly == false output << output_badges(apps.count, SHOW_TWITTER) unless sponsor.length == 0 output << "\n\n" output << sponsor output << "\n" end end output << "\n\nJump to\n\n" cats.each do |c| title = c['title'] m = title.match /\[.*?\]/ title = m[0].sub('[', '').sub(']', '') unless m.nil? temp = "#{' ' unless c['parent'] == nil }- [#{title}](\##{c['id']}) \n" output << temp end output << "- [Thanks](#thanks)\n" output << "- [Contact](#contact)\n" output << "\n" output << h output << "\n" cats.each do |c| temp = "\n#\##{'#' unless c['parent']==nil } #{c['title']} \n \n" d = c['description'] temp << "#{d} — " unless d.nil? temp << "[back to top](#readme) \n \n" output << temp cat_apps = apps_for_cat(apps, c['id']) output << output_apps(cat_apps, appstoreonly) end output << "\n" output << f, 'w') { |f| f.write output } puts "wrote #{file} ✨" end # Script begins j = get_json subtitle_readme = j['subtitle'] write_list(j, README, subtitle_readme) subtitle_app_store = "List of **#{app_store_total j}** open-source apps published on the App Store (complete list [here](" write_list(j, APPSTORE, subtitle_app_store, true) subtitle_archive = "This is an archive of the [main list]( for projects that are no longer maintained / old.\n\n" write_archive(j, subtitle_archive) subtitle_latest = "## Lastest additions to the [main list](\n" subtitle_updated = "## Most recently updated\n" write_latest(j, LATEST_NUM, subtitle_latest, subtitle_updated)