require 'json' OUTPUT = '' def output_stars(number) case number when 100...200 '🔥' when 200...500 '🔥🔥' when 500...1000 '🔥🔥🔥' when 1000...2000 '🔥🔥🔥🔥' when 2000...100000 '🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥' end end def output_flag(lang) case lang when 'jpn' '🇯🇵' when 'ltz' '🇱🇺' when 'por' '🇧🇷' when 'spa' '🇪🇸' when 'zho' '🇨🇳' end end def apps_for_cat(apps, id) s = do |a| cat = a['category'] cat.class == Array ? cat.include?(id) : (cat == id) end s.sort_by { |k, v| k['title'] } end def output_apps(apps) o = '' apps.each do |a| name = a['title'] link = a['source'] itunes = a['itunes'] homepage = a['homepage'] desc = a['description'] tags = a['tags'] stars = a['stars'] lang = a['lang'] o << "- #{name}" if desc.nil? o << ' ' else o << ": #{desc} " if desc.size>0 end unless tags.nil? o << "🔶" if tags.include? 'swift' end unless lang.nil? o << output_flag(lang) end unless stars.nil? o << output_stars(stars) end o << "\n" o << " - #{link}\n" o << " - #{homepage}\n" unless homepage.nil? o << " - #{itunes}\n" unless itunes.nil? end o end c = 'contents.json' j = JSON.parse c t = j['title'] desc = j['description'] h = j['header'] f = j['footer'] cats = j['categories'] apps = j['projects'] output = '# ' + t output << "\n\n" output << desc output << "\n \nJump to \n \n" cats.each do |c| temp = "#{' ' unless c['parent']==nil }- [#{c['title']}](\##{c['id']}) \n" output << temp end output << "- [Bonus](#bonus) \n" output << "\n" output << h output << "\n" cats.each do |c| temp = "\n#\##{'#' unless c['parent']==nil } #{c['title']} \n \n" d = c['description'] temp << "#{d} — " unless d.nil? temp << "[back to top](#readme) \n \n" output << temp cat_apps = apps_for_cat(apps, c['id']) output << output_apps(cat_apps) end output << "\n" output << f, 'w') { |f| f.write output } puts "wrote #{OUTPUT} ✨"