# flake8: noqa: F405 from urllib.request import * # noqa: F403 from ..compat_utils import passthrough_module passthrough_module(__name__, 'urllib.request') del passthrough_module from .. import compat_os_name if compat_os_name == 'nt': # On older Python versions, proxies are extracted from Windows registry erroneously. [1] # If the https proxy in the registry does not have a scheme, urllib will incorrectly add https:// to it. [2] # It is unlikely that the user has actually set it to be https, so we should be fine to safely downgrade # it to http on these older Python versions to avoid issues # This also applies for ftp proxy type, as ftp:// proxy scheme is not supported. # 1: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/86793 # 2: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/51f1ae5ceb0673316c4e4b0175384e892e33cc6e/Lib/urllib/request.py#L2683-L2698 import sys from urllib.request import getproxies_environment, getproxies_registry def getproxies_registry_patched(): proxies = getproxies_registry() if ( sys.version_info >= (3, 10, 5) # https://docs.python.org/3.10/whatsnew/changelog.html#python-3-10-5-final or (3, 9, 13) <= sys.version_info < (3, 10) # https://docs.python.org/3.9/whatsnew/changelog.html#python-3-9-13-final ): return proxies for scheme in ('https', 'ftp'): if scheme in proxies and proxies[scheme].startswith(f'{scheme}://'): proxies[scheme] = 'http' + proxies[scheme][len(scheme):] return proxies def getproxies(): return getproxies_environment() or getproxies_registry_patched() del compat_os_name