diff --git a/docs/supportedsites.md b/docs/supportedsites.md index 0996222405..a8c73e97ce 100644 --- a/docs/supportedsites.md +++ b/docs/supportedsites.md @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ # Supported sites - **1tv**: Первый канал - - **1up.com** - **20min** - **220.ro** - **23video** @@ -394,6 +393,8 @@ - **HungamaSong** - **Hypem** - **ign.com** + - **IGNArticle** + - **IGNVideo** - **IHeartRadio** - **iheartradio:podcast** - **imdb**: Internet Movie Database trailers @@ -701,7 +702,6 @@ - **parliamentlive.tv**: UK parliament videos - **Patreon** - **pbs**: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and member stations: PBS: Public Broadcasting Service, APT - Alabama Public Television (WBIQ), GPB/Georgia Public Broadcasting (WGTV), Mississippi Public Broadcasting (WMPN), Nashville Public Television (WNPT), WFSU-TV (WFSU), WSRE (WSRE), WTCI (WTCI), WPBA/Channel 30 (WPBA), Alaska Public Media (KAKM), Arizona PBS (KAET), KNME-TV/Channel 5 (KNME), Vegas PBS (KLVX), AETN/ARKANSAS ETV NETWORK (KETS), KET (WKLE), WKNO/Channel 10 (WKNO), LPB/LOUISIANA PUBLIC BROADCASTING (WLPB), OETA (KETA), Ozarks Public Television (KOZK), WSIU Public Broadcasting (WSIU), KEET TV (KEET), KIXE/Channel 9 (KIXE), KPBS San Diego (KPBS), KQED (KQED), KVIE Public Television (KVIE), PBS SoCal/KOCE (KOCE), ValleyPBS (KVPT), CONNECTICUT PUBLIC TELEVISION (WEDH), KNPB Channel 5 (KNPB), SOPTV (KSYS), Rocky Mountain PBS (KRMA), KENW-TV3 (KENW), KUED Channel 7 (KUED), Wyoming PBS (KCWC), Colorado Public Television / KBDI 12 (KBDI), KBYU-TV (KBYU), Thirteen/WNET New York (WNET), WGBH/Channel 2 (WGBH), WGBY (WGBY), NJTV Public Media NJ (WNJT), WLIW21 (WLIW), mpt/Maryland Public Television (WMPB), WETA Television and Radio (WETA), WHYY (WHYY), PBS 39 (WLVT), WVPT - Your Source for PBS and More! (WVPT), Howard University Television (WHUT), WEDU PBS (WEDU), WGCU Public Media (WGCU), WPBT2 (WPBT), WUCF TV (WUCF), WUFT/Channel 5 (WUFT), WXEL/Channel 42 (WXEL), WLRN/Channel 17 (WLRN), WUSF Public Broadcasting (WUSF), ETV (WRLK), UNC-TV (WUNC), PBS Hawaii - Oceanic Cable Channel 10 (KHET), Idaho Public Television (KAID), KSPS (KSPS), OPB (KOPB), KWSU/Channel 10 & KTNW/Channel 31 (KWSU), WILL-TV (WILL), Network Knowledge - WSEC/Springfield (WSEC), WTTW11 (WTTW), Iowa Public Television/IPTV (KDIN), Nine Network (KETC), PBS39 Fort Wayne (WFWA), WFYI Indianapolis (WFYI), Milwaukee Public Television (WMVS), WNIN (WNIN), WNIT Public Television (WNIT), WPT (WPNE), WVUT/Channel 22 (WVUT), WEIU/Channel 51 (WEIU), WQPT-TV (WQPT), WYCC PBS Chicago (WYCC), WIPB-TV (WIPB), WTIU (WTIU), CET (WCET), ThinkTVNetwork (WPTD), WBGU-TV (WBGU), WGVU TV (WGVU), NET1 (KUON), Pioneer Public Television (KWCM), SDPB Television (KUSD), TPT (KTCA), KSMQ (KSMQ), KPTS/Channel 8 (KPTS), KTWU/Channel 11 (KTWU), East Tennessee PBS (WSJK), WCTE-TV (WCTE), WLJT, Channel 11 (WLJT), WOSU TV (WOSU), WOUB/WOUC (WOUB), WVPB (WVPB), WKYU-PBS (WKYU), KERA 13 (KERA), MPBN (WCBB), Mountain Lake PBS (WCFE), NHPTV (WENH), Vermont PBS (WETK), witf (WITF), WQED Multimedia (WQED), WMHT Educational Telecommunications (WMHT), Q-TV (WDCQ), WTVS Detroit Public TV (WTVS), CMU Public Television (WCMU), WKAR-TV (WKAR), WNMU-TV Public TV 13 (WNMU), WDSE - WRPT (WDSE), WGTE TV (WGTE), Lakeland Public Television (KAWE), KMOS-TV - Channels 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 (KMOS), MontanaPBS (KUSM), KRWG/Channel 22 (KRWG), KACV (KACV), KCOS/Channel 13 (KCOS), WCNY/Channel 24 (WCNY), WNED (WNED), WPBS (WPBS), WSKG Public TV (WSKG), WXXI (WXXI), WPSU (WPSU), WVIA Public Media Studios (WVIA), WTVI (WTVI), Western Reserve PBS (WNEO), WVIZ/PBS ideastream (WVIZ), KCTS 9 (KCTS), Basin PBS (KPBT), KUHT / Channel 8 (KUHT), KLRN (KLRN), KLRU (KLRU), WTJX Channel 12 (WTJX), WCVE PBS (WCVE), KBTC Public Television (KBTC) - - **pcmag** - **PearVideo** - **PeerTube** - **People** diff --git a/test/test_youtube_signature.py b/test/test_youtube_signature.py index e39634a4fe..2685185918 100644 --- a/test/test_youtube_signature.py +++ b/test/test_youtube_signature.py @@ -19,55 +19,46 @@ from youtube_dlc.compat import compat_str, compat_urlretrieve _TESTS = [ ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-vflHOr_nV.js', - 'js', 86, '>=<;:/.-[+*)(\'&%$#"!ZYX0VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\\yxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba987654321', ), ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-vfldJ8xgI.js', - 'js', 85, '3456789a0cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS[UVWXYZ!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@', ), ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-vfle-mVwz.js', - 'js', 90, ']\\[@?>=<;:/.-,+*)(\'&%$#"hZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAzyxwvutsrqponmlkjiagfedcb39876', ), ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vfl0Cbn9e.js', - 'js', 84, 'O1I3456789abcde0ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHfJKLMN2PQRSTUVW@YZ!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=', ), ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflXGBaUN.js', - 'js', '2ACFC7A61CA478CD21425E5A57EBD73DDC78E22A.2094302436B2D377D14A3BBA23022D023B8BC25AA', 'A52CB8B320D22032ABB3A41D773D2B6342034902.A22E87CDD37DBE75A5E52412DC874AC16A7CFCA2', ), ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflBb0OQx.js', - 'js', 84, '123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ0STUVWXYZ!"#$%&\'()*+,@./:;<=>' ), ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vfl9FYC6l.js', - 'js', 83, '123456789abcdefghijklmnopqr0tuvwxyzABCDETGHIJKLMNOPQRS>UVWXYZ!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=F' ), ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflCGk6yw/html5player.js', - 'js', '4646B5181C6C3020DF1D9C7FCFEA.AD80ABF70C39BD369CCCAE780AFBB98FA6B6CB42766249D9488C288', '82C8849D94266724DC6B6AF89BBFA087EACCD963.B93C07FBA084ACAEFCF7C9D1FD0203C6C1815B6B' ), ( 'https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/html5player-en_US-vflKjOTVq/html5player.js', - 'js', '312AA52209E3623129A412D56A40F11CB0AF14AE.3EE09501CB14E3BCDC3B2AE808BF3F1D14E7FBF12', '112AA5220913623229A412D56A40F11CB0AF14AE.3EE0950FCB14EEBCDC3B2AE808BF331D14E7FBF3', ) @@ -78,6 +69,10 @@ class TestPlayerInfo(unittest.TestCase): def test_youtube_extract_player_info(self): PLAYER_URLS = ( ('https://www.youtube.com/s/player/64dddad9/player_ias.vflset/en_US/base.js', '64dddad9'), + ('https://www.youtube.com/s/player/64dddad9/player_ias.vflset/fr_FR/base.js', '64dddad9'), + ('https://www.youtube.com/s/player/64dddad9/player-plasma-ias-phone-en_US.vflset/base.js', '64dddad9'), + ('https://www.youtube.com/s/player/64dddad9/player-plasma-ias-phone-de_DE.vflset/base.js', '64dddad9'), + ('https://www.youtube.com/s/player/64dddad9/player-plasma-ias-tablet-en_US.vflset/base.js', '64dddad9'), # obsolete ('https://www.youtube.com/yts/jsbin/player_ias-vfle4-e03/en_US/base.js', 'vfle4-e03'), ('https://www.youtube.com/yts/jsbin/player_ias-vfl49f_g4/en_US/base.js', 'vfl49f_g4'), @@ -100,13 +95,13 @@ class TestSignature(unittest.TestCase): os.mkdir(self.TESTDATA_DIR) -def make_tfunc(url, stype, sig_input, expected_sig): +def make_tfunc(url, sig_input, expected_sig): m = re.match(r'.*-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(?:/watch_as3|/html5player)?\.[a-z]+$', url) assert m, '%r should follow URL format' % url test_id = m.group(1) def test_func(self): - basename = 'player-%s.%s' % (test_id, stype) + basename = 'player-%s.js' % test_id fn = os.path.join(self.TESTDATA_DIR, basename) if not os.path.exists(fn): @@ -114,22 +109,16 @@ def make_tfunc(url, stype, sig_input, expected_sig): ydl = FakeYDL() ie = YoutubeIE(ydl) - if stype == 'js': - with io.open(fn, encoding='utf-8') as testf: - jscode = testf.read() - func = ie._parse_sig_js(jscode) - else: - assert stype == 'swf' - with open(fn, 'rb') as testf: - swfcode = testf.read() - func = ie._parse_sig_swf(swfcode) + with io.open(fn, encoding='utf-8') as testf: + jscode = testf.read() + func = ie._parse_sig_js(jscode) src_sig = ( compat_str(string.printable[:sig_input]) if isinstance(sig_input, int) else sig_input) got_sig = func(src_sig) self.assertEqual(got_sig, expected_sig) - test_func.__name__ = str('test_signature_' + stype + '_' + test_id) + test_func.__name__ = str('test_signature_js_' + test_id) setattr(TestSignature, test_func.__name__, test_func) diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/cda.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/cda.py index 6429454fb2..1b4362144a 100644 --- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/cda.py +++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/cda.py @@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ class CDAIE(InfoExtractor): if 'Ten film jest dostępny dla użytkowników premium' in webpage: raise ExtractorError('This video is only available for premium users.', expected=True) + if re.search(r'niedostępn[ey] w(?: |\s+)Twoim kraju\s*<', webpage): + self.raise_geo_restricted() + need_confirm_age = False if self._html_search_regex(r'(]+action="[^"]*/a/validatebirth[^"]*")', webpage, 'birthday validate form', default=None): diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/extractors.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/extractors.py index 752e7bee5d..cbbc8f7cd6 100644 --- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/extractors.py +++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/extractors.py @@ -502,8 +502,8 @@ from .hungama import ( from .hypem import HypemIE from .ign import ( IGNIE, - OneUPIE, - PCMagIE, + IGNVideoIE, + IGNArticleIE, ) from .iheart import ( IHeartRadioIE, diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/ign.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/ign.py index a96ea80101..0d9f50ed2a 100644 --- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/ign.py +++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/ign.py @@ -3,230 +3,255 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from .common import InfoExtractor +from ..compat import ( + compat_parse_qs, + compat_urllib_parse_urlparse, +) from ..utils import ( + HEADRequest, + determine_ext, int_or_none, parse_iso8601, + strip_or_none, + try_get, ) -class IGNIE(InfoExtractor): +class IGNBaseIE(InfoExtractor): + def _call_api(self, slug): + return self._download_json( + 'http://apis.ign.com/{0}/v3/{0}s/slug/{1}'.format(self._PAGE_TYPE, slug), slug) + + +class IGNIE(IGNBaseIE): """ Extractor for some of the IGN sites, like www.ign.com, es.ign.com de.ign.com. Some videos of it.ign.com are also supported """ - _VALID_URL = r'https?://.+?\.ign\.com/(?:[^/]+/)?(?Pvideos|show_videos|articles|feature|(?:[^/]+/\d+/video))(/.+)?/(?P.+)' + _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:.+?\.ign|www\.pcmag)\.com/videos/(?:\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/)?(?P[^/?&#]+)' IE_NAME = 'ign.com' + _PAGE_TYPE = 'video' - _API_URL_TEMPLATE = 'http://apis.ign.com/video/v3/videos/%s' - _EMBED_RE = r']+?["\']((?:https?:)?//.+?\.ign\.com.+?/embed.+?)["\']' - - _TESTS = [ - { - 'url': 'http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/06/05/the-last-of-us-review', - 'md5': 'febda82c4bafecd2d44b6e1a18a595f8', - 'info_dict': { - 'id': '8f862beef863986b2785559b9e1aa599', - 'ext': 'mp4', - 'title': 'The Last of Us Review', - 'description': 'md5:c8946d4260a4d43a00d5ae8ed998870c', - 'timestamp': 1370440800, - 'upload_date': '20130605', - 'uploader_id': 'cberidon@ign.com', - } - }, - { - 'url': 'http://me.ign.com/en/feature/15775/100-little-things-in-gta-5-that-will-blow-your-mind', - 'info_dict': { - 'id': '100-little-things-in-gta-5-that-will-blow-your-mind', - }, - 'playlist': [ - { - 'info_dict': { - 'id': '5ebbd138523268b93c9141af17bec937', - 'ext': 'mp4', - 'title': 'GTA 5 Video Review', - 'description': 'Rockstar drops the mic on this generation of games. Watch our review of the masterly Grand Theft Auto V.', - 'timestamp': 1379339880, - 'upload_date': '20130916', - 'uploader_id': 'danieljkrupa@gmail.com', - }, - }, - { - 'info_dict': { - 'id': '638672ee848ae4ff108df2a296418ee2', - 'ext': 'mp4', - 'title': '26 Twisted Moments from GTA 5 in Slow Motion', - 'description': 'The twisted beauty of GTA 5 in stunning slow motion.', - 'timestamp': 1386878820, - 'upload_date': '20131212', - 'uploader_id': 'togilvie@ign.com', - }, - }, - ], - 'params': { - 'skip_download': True, - }, - }, - { - 'url': 'http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/08/15/rewind-theater-wild-trailer-gamescom-2014?watch', - 'md5': '618fedb9c901fd086f6f093564ef8558', - 'info_dict': { - 'id': '078fdd005f6d3c02f63d795faa1b984f', - 'ext': 'mp4', - 'title': 'Rewind Theater - Wild Trailer Gamescom 2014', - 'description': 'Brian and Jared explore Michel Ancel\'s captivating new preview.', - 'timestamp': 1408047180, - 'upload_date': '20140814', - 'uploader_id': 'jamesduggan1990@gmail.com', - }, - }, - { - 'url': 'http://me.ign.com/en/videos/112203/video/how-hitman-aims-to-be-different-than-every-other-s', - 'only_matching': True, - }, - { - 'url': 'http://me.ign.com/ar/angry-birds-2/106533/video/lrd-ldyy-lwl-lfylm-angry-birds', - 'only_matching': True, - }, - { - # videoId pattern - 'url': 'http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/08/new-ducktales-short-donalds-birthday-doesnt-go-as-planned', - 'only_matching': True, - }, - ] - - def _find_video_id(self, webpage): - res_id = [ - r'"video_id"\s*:\s*"(.*?)"', - r'class="hero-poster[^"]*?"[^>]*id="(.+?)"', - r'data-video-id="(.+?)"', - r']*value="[^"]*?url=(https?://www\.ign\.com/videos/.*?)["&]', - webpage) - if multiple_urls: - entries = [self.url_result(u, ie='IGN') for u in multiple_urls] - return { - '_type': 'playlist', - 'id': name_or_id, - 'entries': entries, - } - - video_id = self._find_video_id(webpage) - if not video_id: - return self.url_result(self._search_regex( - self._EMBED_RE, webpage, 'embed url')) - return self._get_video_info(video_id) - - def _get_video_info(self, video_id): - api_data = self._download_json( - self._API_URL_TEMPLATE % video_id, video_id) + display_id = self._match_id(url) + video = self._call_api(display_id) + video_id = video['videoId'] + metadata = video['metadata'] + title = metadata.get('longTitle') or metadata.get('title') or metadata['name'] formats = [] - m3u8_url = api_data['refs'].get('m3uUrl') + refs = video.get('refs') or {} + + m3u8_url = refs.get('m3uUrl') if m3u8_url: formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats( m3u8_url, video_id, 'mp4', 'm3u8_native', m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False)) - f4m_url = api_data['refs'].get('f4mUrl') + + f4m_url = refs.get('f4mUrl') if f4m_url: formats.extend(self._extract_f4m_formats( f4m_url, video_id, f4m_id='hds', fatal=False)) - for asset in api_data['assets']: + + for asset in (video.get('assets') or []): + asset_url = asset.get('url') + if not asset_url: + continue formats.append({ - 'url': asset['url'], - 'tbr': asset.get('actual_bitrate_kbps'), - 'fps': asset.get('frame_rate'), + 'url': asset_url, + 'tbr': int_or_none(asset.get('bitrate'), 1000), + 'fps': int_or_none(asset.get('frame_rate')), 'height': int_or_none(asset.get('height')), 'width': int_or_none(asset.get('width')), }) + + mezzanine_url = try_get(video, lambda x: x['system']['mezzanineUrl']) + if mezzanine_url: + formats.append({ + 'ext': determine_ext(mezzanine_url, 'mp4'), + 'format_id': 'mezzanine', + 'preference': 1, + 'url': mezzanine_url, + }) + self._sort_formats(formats) - thumbnails = [{ - 'url': thumbnail['url'] - } for thumbnail in api_data.get('thumbnails', [])] + thumbnails = [] + for thumbnail in (video.get('thumbnails') or []): + thumbnail_url = thumbnail.get('url') + if not thumbnail_url: + continue + thumbnails.append({ + 'url': thumbnail_url, + }) - metadata = api_data['metadata'] + tags = [] + for tag in (video.get('tags') or []): + display_name = tag.get('displayName') + if not display_name: + continue + tags.append(display_name) return { - 'id': api_data.get('videoId') or video_id, - 'title': metadata.get('longTitle') or metadata.get('name') or metadata.get['title'], - 'description': metadata.get('description'), + 'id': video_id, + 'title': title, + 'description': strip_or_none(metadata.get('description')), 'timestamp': parse_iso8601(metadata.get('publishDate')), 'duration': int_or_none(metadata.get('duration')), - 'display_id': metadata.get('slug') or video_id, - 'uploader_id': metadata.get('creator'), + 'display_id': display_id, 'thumbnails': thumbnails, 'formats': formats, + 'tags': tags, } -class OneUPIE(IGNIE): - _VALID_URL = r'https?://gamevideos\.1up\.com/(?Pvideo)/id/(?P.+)\.html' - IE_NAME = '1up.com' - +class IGNVideoIE(InfoExtractor): + _VALID_URL = r'https?://.+?\.ign\.com/(?:[a-z]{2}/)?[^/]+/(?P\d+)/(?:video|trailer)/' _TESTS = [{ - 'url': 'http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/34976.html', - 'md5': 'c9cc69e07acb675c31a16719f909e347', + 'url': 'http://me.ign.com/en/videos/112203/video/how-hitman-aims-to-be-different-than-every-other-s', + 'md5': 'dd9aca7ed2657c4e118d8b261e5e9de1', 'info_dict': { - 'id': '34976', + 'id': 'e9be7ea899a9bbfc0674accc22a36cc8', 'ext': 'mp4', - 'title': 'Sniper Elite V2 - Trailer', - 'description': 'md5:bf0516c5ee32a3217aa703e9b1bc7826', - 'timestamp': 1313099220, - 'upload_date': '20110811', - 'uploader_id': 'IGN', + 'title': 'How Hitman Aims to Be Different Than Every Other Stealth Game - NYCC 2015', + 'description': 'Taking out assassination targets in Hitman has never been more stylish.', + 'timestamp': 1444665600, + 'upload_date': '20151012', } + }, { + 'url': 'http://me.ign.com/ar/angry-birds-2/106533/video/lrd-ldyy-lwl-lfylm-angry-birds', + 'only_matching': True, + }, { + # Youtube embed + 'url': 'https://me.ign.com/ar/ratchet-clank-rift-apart/144327/trailer/embed', + 'only_matching': True, + }, { + # Twitter embed + 'url': 'http://adria.ign.com/sherlock-season-4/9687/trailer/embed', + 'only_matching': True, + }, { + # Vimeo embed + 'url': 'https://kr.ign.com/bic-2018/3307/trailer/embed', + 'only_matching': True, }] def _real_extract(self, url): - mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) - result = super(OneUPIE, self)._real_extract(url) - result['id'] = mobj.group('name_or_id') - return result + video_id = self._match_id(url) + req = HEADRequest(url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/embed') + url = self._request_webpage(req, video_id).geturl() + ign_url = compat_parse_qs( + compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(url).query).get('url', [None])[0] + if ign_url: + return self.url_result(ign_url, IGNIE.ie_key()) + return self.url_result(url) -class PCMagIE(IGNIE): - _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?pcmag\.com/(?Pvideos|article2)(/.+)?/(?P.+)' - IE_NAME = 'pcmag' - - _EMBED_RE = r'iframe\.setAttribute\("src",\s*__util.objToUrlString\("http://widgets\.ign\.com/video/embed/content\.html?[^"]*url=([^"]+)["&]' - +class IGNArticleIE(IGNBaseIE): + _VALID_URL = r'https?://.+?\.ign\.com/(?:articles(?:/\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2})?|(?:[a-z]{2}/)?feature/\d+)/(?P[^/?&#]+)' + _PAGE_TYPE = 'article' _TESTS = [{ - 'url': 'http://www.pcmag.com/videos/2015/01/06/010615-whats-new-now-is-gogo-snooping-on-your-data', - 'md5': '212d6154fd0361a2781075f1febbe9ad', + 'url': 'http://me.ign.com/en/feature/15775/100-little-things-in-gta-5-that-will-blow-your-mind', 'info_dict': { - 'id': 'ee10d774b508c9b8ec07e763b9125b91', - 'ext': 'mp4', - 'title': '010615_What\'s New Now: Is GoGo Snooping on Your Data?', - 'description': 'md5:a7071ae64d2f68cc821c729d4ded6bb3', - 'timestamp': 1420571160, - 'upload_date': '20150106', - 'uploader_id': 'cozzipix@gmail.com', - } + 'id': '524497489e4e8ff5848ece34', + 'title': '100 Little Things in GTA 5 That Will Blow Your Mind', + }, + 'playlist': [ + { + 'info_dict': { + 'id': '5ebbd138523268b93c9141af17bec937', + 'ext': 'mp4', + 'title': 'GTA 5 Video Review', + 'description': 'Rockstar drops the mic on this generation of games. Watch our review of the masterly Grand Theft Auto V.', + 'timestamp': 1379339880, + 'upload_date': '20130916', + }, + }, + { + 'info_dict': { + 'id': '638672ee848ae4ff108df2a296418ee2', + 'ext': 'mp4', + 'title': '26 Twisted Moments from GTA 5 in Slow Motion', + 'description': 'The twisted beauty of GTA 5 in stunning slow motion.', + 'timestamp': 1386878820, + 'upload_date': '20131212', + }, + }, + ], + 'params': { + 'playlist_items': '2-3', + 'skip_download': True, + }, }, { - 'url': 'http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2470156,00.asp', - 'md5': '94130c1ca07ba0adb6088350681f16c1', + 'url': 'http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/08/15/rewind-theater-wild-trailer-gamescom-2014?watch', 'info_dict': { - 'id': '042e560ba94823d43afcb12ddf7142ca', - 'ext': 'mp4', - 'title': 'HTC\'s Weird New Re Camera - What\'s New Now', - 'description': 'md5:53433c45df96d2ea5d0fda18be2ca908', - 'timestamp': 1412953920, - 'upload_date': '20141010', - 'uploader_id': 'chris_snyder@pcmag.com', - } + 'id': '53ee806780a81ec46e0790f8', + 'title': 'Rewind Theater - Wild Trailer Gamescom 2014', + }, + 'playlist_count': 2, + }, { + # videoId pattern + 'url': 'http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/06/08/new-ducktales-short-donalds-birthday-doesnt-go-as-planned', + 'only_matching': True, + }, { + # Youtube embed + 'url': 'https://www.ign.com/articles/2021-mvp-named-in-puppy-bowl-xvii', + 'only_matching': True, + }, { + # IMDB embed + 'url': 'https://www.ign.com/articles/2014/08/07/sons-of-anarchy-final-season-trailer', + 'only_matching': True, + }, { + # Facebook embed + 'url': 'https://www.ign.com/articles/2017/09/20/marvels-the-punisher-watch-the-new-trailer-for-the-netflix-series', + 'only_matching': True, + }, { + # Brightcove embed + 'url': 'https://www.ign.com/articles/2016/01/16/supergirl-goes-flying-with-martian-manhunter-in-new-clip', + 'only_matching': True, }] + + def _real_extract(self, url): + display_id = self._match_id(url) + article = self._call_api(display_id) + + def entries(): + media_url = try_get(article, lambda x: x['mediaRelations'][0]['media']['metadata']['url']) + if media_url: + yield self.url_result(media_url, IGNIE.ie_key()) + for content in (article.get('content') or []): + for video_url in re.findall(r'(?:\[(?:ignvideo\s+url|youtube\s+clip_id)|]+src)="([^"]+)"', content): + yield self.url_result(video_url) + + return self.playlist_result( + entries(), article.get('articleId'), + strip_or_none(try_get(article, lambda x: x['metadata']['headline']))) diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/urplay.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/urplay.py index 2c41f78bd7..e901be7d7b 100644 --- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/urplay.py +++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/urplay.py @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ class URPlayIE(InfoExtractor): url = url.replace('skola.se/Produkter', 'play.se/program') webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) urplayer_data = self._parse_json(self._html_search_regex( - r'data-react-class="components/Player/Player"[^>]+data-react-props="({.+?})"', - webpage, 'urplayer data'), video_id)['currentProduct'] + r'data-react-class="routes/Product/components/ProgramContainer/ProgramContainer"[^>]+data-react-props="({.+?})"', + webpage, 'urplayer data'), video_id)['accessibleEpisodes'][0] episode = urplayer_data['title'] host = self._download_json('http://streaming-loadbalancer.ur.se/loadbalancer.json', video_id)['redirect'] diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/xhamster.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/xhamster.py index 76aeaf9a46..f73b9778f6 100644 --- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/xhamster.py +++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/xhamster.py @@ -11,11 +11,14 @@ from ..utils import ( dict_get, extract_attributes, ExtractorError, + float_or_none, int_or_none, parse_duration, + str_or_none, try_get, unified_strdate, url_or_none, + urljoin, ) @@ -146,36 +149,89 @@ class XHamsterIE(InfoExtractor): video = initials['videoModel'] title = video['title'] formats = [] - for format_id, formats_dict in video['sources'].items(): + format_urls = set() + format_sizes = {} + sources = try_get(video, lambda x: x['sources'], dict) or {} + for format_id, formats_dict in sources.items(): if not isinstance(formats_dict, dict): continue + download_sources = try_get(sources, lambda x: x['download'], dict) or {} + for quality, format_dict in download_sources.items(): + if not isinstance(format_dict, dict): + continue + format_sizes[quality] = float_or_none(format_dict.get('size')) for quality, format_item in formats_dict.items(): if format_id == 'download': # Download link takes some time to be generated, # skipping for now continue - if not isinstance(format_item, dict): - continue - format_url = format_item.get('link') - filesize = int_or_none( - format_item.get('size'), invscale=1000000) - else: - format_url = format_item - filesize = None + format_url = format_item format_url = url_or_none(format_url) - if not format_url: + if not format_url or format_url in format_urls: continue + format_urls.add(format_url) formats.append({ 'format_id': '%s-%s' % (format_id, quality), 'url': format_url, 'ext': determine_ext(format_url, 'mp4'), 'height': get_height(quality), - 'filesize': filesize, + 'filesize': format_sizes.get(quality), 'http_headers': { 'Referer': urlh.geturl(), }, }) - self._sort_formats(formats) + xplayer_sources = try_get( + initials, lambda x: x['xplayerSettings']['sources'], dict) + if xplayer_sources: + hls_sources = xplayer_sources.get('hls') + if isinstance(hls_sources, dict): + for hls_format_key in ('url', 'fallback'): + hls_url = hls_sources.get(hls_format_key) + if not hls_url: + continue + hls_url = urljoin(url, hls_url) + if not hls_url or hls_url in format_urls: + continue + format_urls.add(hls_url) + formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats( + hls_url, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native', + m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False)) + standard_sources = xplayer_sources.get('standard') + if isinstance(standard_sources, dict): + for format_id, formats_list in standard_sources.items(): + if not isinstance(formats_list, list): + continue + for standard_format in formats_list: + if not isinstance(standard_format, dict): + continue + for standard_format_key in ('url', 'fallback'): + standard_url = standard_format.get(standard_format_key) + if not standard_url: + continue + standard_url = urljoin(url, standard_url) + if not standard_url or standard_url in format_urls: + continue + format_urls.add(standard_url) + ext = determine_ext(standard_url, 'mp4') + if ext == 'm3u8': + formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats( + standard_url, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native', + m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False)) + continue + quality = (str_or_none(standard_format.get('quality')) + or str_or_none(standard_format.get('label')) + or '') + formats.append({ + 'format_id': '%s-%s' % (format_id, quality), + 'url': standard_url, + 'ext': ext, + 'height': get_height(quality), + 'filesize': format_sizes.get(quality), + 'http_headers': { + 'Referer': standard_url, + }, + }) + self._sort_formats(formats, field_preference=('height', 'width', 'tbr', 'format_id')) categories_list = video.get('categories') if isinstance(categories_list, list): diff --git a/youtube_dlc/extractor/youtube.py b/youtube_dlc/extractor/youtube.py index e286e33dc0..15ff2905cb 100644 --- a/youtube_dlc/extractor/youtube.py +++ b/youtube_dlc/extractor/youtube.py @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from ..utils import ( mimetype2ext, parse_codecs, parse_duration, - # qualities, + # qualities, # TODO: Enable this after fixing formatSort remove_start, smuggle_url, str_or_none, @@ -414,7 +414,8 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): (?(1).+)? # if we found the ID, everything can follow $""" % {'playlist_id': YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor._PLAYLIST_ID_RE} _PLAYER_INFO_RE = ( - r'/(?P[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{8,})/player_ias\.vflset(?:/[a-zA-Z]{2,3}_[a-zA-Z]{2,3})?/base\.js$', + r'/s/player/(?P[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{8,})/player', + r'/(?P[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{8,})/player(?:_ias\.vflset(?:/[a-zA-Z]{2,3}_[a-zA-Z]{2,3})?|-plasma-ias-(?:phone|tablet)-[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}\.vflset)/base\.js$', r'\b(?Pvfl[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\b.*?\.js$', ) _formats = { @@ -621,6 +622,7 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): 'uploader': 'AfrojackVEVO', 'uploader_id': 'AfrojackVEVO', 'upload_date': '20131011', + 'abr': 129.495, }, 'params': { 'youtube_include_dash_manifest': True, @@ -1134,10 +1136,26 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): 'only_matching': True, }, { - # Age-gated video only available with authentication (unavailable - # via embed page workaround) - 'url': 'XgnwCQzjau8', - 'only_matching': True, + # https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/pull/28094 + 'url': 'OtqTfy26tG0', + 'info_dict': { + 'id': 'OtqTfy26tG0', + 'ext': 'mp4', + 'title': 'Burn Out', + 'description': 'md5:8d07b84dcbcbfb34bc12a56d968b6131', + 'upload_date': '20141120', + 'uploader': 'The Cinematic Orchestra - Topic', + 'uploader_id': 'UCIzsJBIyo8hhpFm1NK0uLgw', + 'uploader_url': r're:https?://(?:www\.)?youtube\.com/channel/UCIzsJBIyo8hhpFm1NK0uLgw', + 'artist': 'The Cinematic Orchestra', + 'track': 'Burn Out', + 'album': 'Every Day', + 'release_data': None, + 'release_year': None, + }, + 'params': { + 'skip_download': True, + }, }, ] @@ -1230,6 +1248,9 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): funcname = self._search_regex( (r'\b[cs]\s*&&\s*[adf]\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*encodeURIComponent\s*\(\s*(?P[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(', r'\b[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s*&&\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*encodeURIComponent\s*\(\s*(?P[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(', + r'\bm=(?P[a-zA-Z0-9$]{2})\(decodeURIComponent\(h\.s\)\)', + r'\bc&&\(c=(?P[a-zA-Z0-9$]{2})\(decodeURIComponent\(c\)\)', + r'(?:\b|[^a-zA-Z0-9$])(?P[a-zA-Z0-9$]{2})\s*=\s*function\(\s*a\s*\)\s*{\s*a\s*=\s*a\.split\(\s*""\s*\);[a-zA-Z0-9$]{2}\.[a-zA-Z0-9$]{2}\(a,\d+\)', r'(?:\b|[^a-zA-Z0-9$])(?P[a-zA-Z0-9$]{2})\s*=\s*function\(\s*a\s*\)\s*{\s*a\s*=\s*a\.split\(\s*""\s*\)', r'(?P[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\s*=\s*function\(\s*a\s*\)\s*{\s*a\s*=\s*a\.split\(\s*""\s*\)', # Obsolete patterns @@ -1493,7 +1514,9 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): formats = [] itags = [] + itag_qualities = {} player_url = None + # TODO: Enable this after fixing formatSort # q = qualities(['tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'hd720', 'hd1080', 'hd1440', 'hd2160', 'hd2880', 'highres']) streaming_data = player_response.get('streamingData') or {} streaming_formats = streaming_data.get('formats') or [] @@ -1502,6 +1525,16 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): if fmt.get('targetDurationSec') or fmt.get('drmFamilies'): continue + itag = str_or_none(fmt.get('itag')) + quality = fmt.get('quality') + if itag and quality: + itag_qualities[itag] = quality + # FORMAT_STREAM_TYPE_OTF(otf=1) requires downloading the init fragment + # (adding `&sq=0` to the URL) and parsing emsg box to determine the + # number of fragment that would subsequently requested with (`&sq=N`) + if fmt.get('type') == 'FORMAT_STREAM_TYPE_OTF': + continue + fmt_url = fmt.get('url') if not fmt_url: sc = compat_parse_qs(fmt.get('signatureCipher')) @@ -1521,10 +1554,10 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): sp = try_get(sc, lambda x: x['sp'][0]) or 'signature' fmt_url += '&' + sp + '=' + signature - itag = str_or_none(fmt.get('itag')) if itag: itags.append(itag) - quality = fmt.get('quality') + tbr = float_or_none( + fmt.get('averageBitrate') or fmt.get('bitrate'), 1000) dct = { 'asr': int_or_none(fmt.get('audioSampleRate')), 'filesize': int_or_none(fmt.get('contentLength')), @@ -1532,9 +1565,8 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): 'format_note': fmt.get('qualityLabel') or quality, 'fps': int_or_none(fmt.get('fps')), 'height': int_or_none(fmt.get('height')), - # 'quality': q(quality), # This does not correctly reflect the overall quality of the format - 'tbr': float_or_none(fmt.get( - 'averageBitrate') or fmt.get('bitrate'), 1000), + # 'quality': q(quality), # TODO: Enable this after fixing formatSort + 'tbr': tbr, 'url': fmt_url, 'width': fmt.get('width'), } @@ -1545,7 +1577,13 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): if mobj: dct['ext'] = mimetype2ext(mobj.group(1)) dct.update(parse_codecs(mobj.group(2))) - if dct.get('acodec') == 'none' or dct.get('vcodec') == 'none': + no_audio = dct.get('acodec') == 'none' + no_video = dct.get('vcodec') == 'none' + if no_audio: + dct['vbr'] = tbr + if no_video: + dct['abr'] = tbr + if no_audio or no_video: dct['downloader_options'] = { # Youtube throttles chunks >~10M 'http_chunk_size': 10485760, @@ -1565,22 +1603,19 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): if self._downloader.params.get('youtube_include_dash_manifest'): dash_manifest_url = streaming_data.get('dashManifestUrl') if dash_manifest_url: - dash_formats = [] for f in self._extract_mpd_formats( dash_manifest_url, video_id, fatal=False): + itag = f['format_id'] + if itag in itags: + continue + # if itag in itag_qualities: # TODO: Enable this after fixing formatSort + # f['quality'] = q(itag_qualities[itag]) filesize = int_or_none(self._search_regex( r'/clen/(\d+)', f.get('fragment_base_url') or f['url'], 'file size', default=None)) if filesize: f['filesize'] = filesize - dash_formats.append(f) - # Until further investigation prefer DASH formats as non-DASH - # may not be available (see [1]) - # 1. https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28070 - if dash_formats: - dash_formats_keys = [f['format_id'] for f in dash_formats] - formats = [f for f in formats if f['format_id'] not in dash_formats_keys] - formats.extend(dash_formats) + formats.append(f) if not formats: if streaming_data.get('licenseInfos'): @@ -1747,7 +1782,7 @@ class YoutubeIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): 'artist': mobj.group('clean_artist') or ', '.join(a.strip() for a in mobj.group('artist').split('·')), 'track': mobj.group('track').strip(), 'release_date': release_date, - 'release_year': int(release_year), + 'release_year': int_or_none(release_year), }) initial_data = None @@ -2597,9 +2632,9 @@ class YoutubeTabIE(YoutubeBaseInfoExtractor): next_continuation = cls._extract_next_continuation_data(renderer) if next_continuation: return next_continuation - contents = renderer.get('contents') or renderer.get('items') - if not isinstance(contents, list): - return + contents = [] + for key in ('contents', 'items'): + contents.extend(try_get(renderer, lambda x: x[key], list) or []) for content in contents: if not isinstance(content, dict): continue