mirror of https://github.com/fenix-soft/fmeteo.git synced 2025-03-12 22:40:03 +01:00
fenix-soft 7bb84712a1
- now fmmeteo suport 5 day forecast
- add more oprtion: (forecast, all, json)
- update documentation
2018-09-20 18:26:56 +02:00

247 lines
7.1 KiB

# script meteo che usa oopenweathermap per i dati e li riporta a terminale
# v:1.5
# dipendenze: curl,jq,cat,bc
# set api-key
# set global variable
# get jason weather data now and extract city id
rm meteonow.json
curl -s $api1$surc_city$api_par$key_meteo$api_lang > meteonow.json
city_id=`cat meteonow.json | jq '.list[0]|.id'`
# get jason weather data forecast general 5 day
rm meteo5.json
curl -s $api2$city_id$api_par$key_meteo > meteo5.json
# exstract meteo data now to jason file
city_name=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.name'`
L=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.sys[]'`
Lat=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.coord.lat'`
Lon=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.coord.lon'`
data_X=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.dt'`
data_U=`date -d @$data_X`
Wcond_n=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.weather[].main'`
Wcond_nd=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.weather[].description'`
T=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.main.temp'`
Tmax=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.main.temp_max'`
Tmin=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.main.temp_min'`
Hm=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.main.humidity'`
PrS=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.main.pressure'`
ClD=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.clouds[]'`
R=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.rain'`
S=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.snow'`
Ws=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.wind.speed'`
Wsd=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.wind.deg'`
# convert m/s to Km/s
WsKM=$(echo "3.6"*$Ws | bc)
# convert degreese to cardinal name
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 0" | bc))); then W_nc="N"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 11.25" | bc))); then W_nc="N-NE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 33.25" | bc))); then W_nc="NE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 56.25" | bc))); then W_nc="E-NE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 78.75" | bc))); then W_nc="E"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 101.25" | bc))); then W_nc="E-SE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 123.75" | bc))); then W_nc="SE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 146.25" | bc))); then W_nc="S-SE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 168.75" | bc))); then W_nc="S"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 191.25" | bc))); then W_nc="S-SW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 213.75" | bc))); then W_nc="SW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 236.25" | bc))); then W_nc="W-SW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 258.75" | bc))); then W_nc="W"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 281.25" | bc))); then W_nc="W-NW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 303.75" | bc))); then W_nc="NW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 326.25" | bc))); then W_nc="N-NW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 348.75" | bc))); then W_nc="N"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd> 360" | bc))); then W_nc="-?-"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd< 0" | bc))); then W_nc="-?-"; fi
if [ "$Wsd" = "null" ]; then W_nc="-?-"; fi;
# print to video all data..
echo " "
echo " " $city_name","$L " " "Lat: "$Lat " " "Lon: "$Lon " " "id:" $city_id
echo " " $data_U
echo " "
echo " " "Weather: "$Wcond_n"," $Wcond_nd
echo " "
echo " " "Temp (C°): "$T " " "Tmax (C°): "$Tmax" " "Tmin (C°): "$Tmin " " "Humidity (%): "$Hm
echo " "
echo " " "Pressure (hPa): "$PrS " " "Clouds (%): "$ClD " " "Rain (mm): "$R " " "Snow (mm): "$S
echo " "
echo " " "Wind speed (km/h): "$WsKM " " "Wind deg (°): "$Wsd " " "Wind dir: "$W_nc
echo " "
echo " "
# exstract forecast 5 data to jason file
forecast5() {
echo " "
echo "┌---------------------------------------------------------------┐"
echo "└---------------------------------------------------------------┘"
for ((i=0; i<6; i++)); do
city_name=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.name'`
L=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.sys[]'`
Lat=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.coord.lat'`
Lon=`cat meteonow.json | jq -r '.list[0]|.coord.lon'`
data_X=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.dt'`
data_U=`date -d @$data_X`
Wcond_n=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.weather[].main'`
Wcond_nd=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.weather[].description'`
Tmax=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.temp.max'`
Tmin=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.temp.min'`
TM=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.temp.morn'`
TE=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.temp.eve'`
TN=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.temp.night'`
TD=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.temp.day'`
Hm=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.humidity'`
PrS=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.pressure'`
#ClD=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.clouds'`
R=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.rain'`
S=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.snow'`
Ws=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.speed'`
Wsd=`cat meteo5.json | jq -r '.list['$i']|.deg'`
# convert m/s to Km/s
WsKM=$(echo "3.6"*$Ws | bc)
# convert degreese to cardinal name
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 0" | bc))); then W_nc="N"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 11.25" | bc))); then W_nc="N-NE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 33.25" | bc))); then W_nc="NE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 56.25" | bc))); then W_nc="E-NE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 78.75" | bc))); then W_nc="E"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 101.25" | bc))); then W_nc="E-SE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 123.75" | bc))); then W_nc="SE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 146.25" | bc))); then W_nc="S-SE"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 168.75" | bc))); then W_nc="S"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 191.25" | bc))); then W_nc="S-SW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 213.75" | bc))); then W_nc="SW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 236.25" | bc))); then W_nc="W-SW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 258.75" | bc))); then W_nc="W"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 281.25" | bc))); then W_nc="W-NW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 303.75" | bc))); then W_nc="NW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 326.25" | bc))); then W_nc="N-NW"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd>= 348.75" | bc))); then W_nc="N"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd> 360" | bc))); then W_nc="-?-"; fi;
if (($(echo "$Wsd< 0" | bc))); then W_nc="-?-"; fi
if [ "$Wsd" = "null" ]; then W_nc="-?-"; fi;
# print to video all data..
echo " "
echo " "
echo " " $city_name","$L " " "Lat: "$Lat " " "Lon: "$Lon " "
echo " " "Forecast: "$data_U
echo " "
echo " " "Weather: "$Wcond_n"," $Wcond_nd
echo " "
echo " " "T.morn. (C°): "$TM " " "T.day (C°): "$TD " " "T.even. (C°): "$TE " " "T.night (C°): "$TN
echo " "
echo " " "Tmax (C°): "$Tmax" " "Tmin (C°): "$Tmin " " "Humidity (%): "$Hm
echo " "
echo " " "Pressure (hPa): "$PrS " " "Rain (mm): "$R " " "Snow (mm): "$S
echo " "
echo " " "Wind speed (km/h): "$WsKM " " "Wind deg (°): "$Wsd " " "Wind dir: "$W_nc
echo " "
if [ -z "$2" ]; then get_Mdata; Meteo_now ; fi
if [ "$2" = "-f" ]; then get_Mdata; forecast5 ; fi
if [ "$2" = "-a" ]; then get_Mdata; Meteo_now ; forecast5 ; fi
if [ "$2" = "-j" ]; then echo "get weather data.."; get_Mdata; fi