
34 lines
1006 B

fdkaac - command line frontend encoder for libfdk-aac
You need libfdk-aac.
On Posix environment, you will also need GNU gettext (for iconv.m4) and
GNU autoconf/automake.
How to build on Posix environment
First, you need to build libfdk-aac and install on your system.
Once you have done it, the following will do the task.
(MinGW build can be done the same way, and doesn't require gettext/iconv)
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure && make && make install
How to build on MSVC
First you have to extract libfdk-aac source here, so that directory tree will
look like the following:
+- fdk-aac ---+-documentation
| +-libAACdec
| +-libAACenc
| :
+- m4
+- missings
+- src
MSVC solution for Visual Studio 2010 is under MSVC directory.