#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2013 nu774 # For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in COPYING import sys import re from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from itertools import groupby from collections import namedtuple GITLOG_FMT = 'commit %H%nauthor %cn <%ae>%ndate %ad%nsubject %s%nref %d%n%n' GITLOG_CMD = ['git','log','--date=short','--format={0}'.format(GITLOG_FMT)] Commit = namedtuple('Commit', 'commit author date subject ref') def parse_gitlog(stream): re_decode_ref = re.compile(r'(?<=\()([^,)]+)') re_strip_tag = re.compile(r'^tag: ') commit = dict() for line in stream: fields = line.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\r\n').split(' ', 1) if len(fields) == 2: key, value = fields if key == 'ref': m = re_decode_ref.search(value) if m: value = ' [{0}]'.format(re_strip_tag.sub('', m.group())) else: value = '' commit[key] = value elif commit: yield Commit(**commit) commit = dict() output=sys.stdout.write with Popen(GITLOG_CMD, shell=False, stdout=PIPE).stdout as pipe: commits = parse_gitlog(pipe) commits_by_date_author = groupby(commits, key=lambda x: (x.date, x.author)) for (date, author), commits in commits_by_date_author: output('{0} {1}\n\n'.format(date, author)) for c in commits: output(' * {0}{1}\n\n'.format(c.subject, c.ref))