Update faq

Christian R. Helmrich 2020-01-27 23:00:14 +00:00
parent 30cda1b007
commit 33340295a9


@ -40,6 +40,20 @@ The reason is an incompatibility between exhale's file write-out routine and foo
Then click on `Back`. If you use the "Converter Setup" window to convert your audio files into the xHE-AAC format, don't forget to select the exhale encoder under `Output format` (see the [README.md](https://gitlab.com/ecodis/exhale/blob/master/README.md) file for details).
I compiled exhale into a DLL. How can I use it in my own applications?
This depends on whether you want to use implicit (load-time) or explicit (run-time) linking to the exhale DLL. [This page](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/cpp-docs/blob/master/docs/build/linking-an-executable-to-a-dll.md) describes the difference between the two linking methods and is a recommended read to anyone new to the subject.
An example of implicit linking to the exhale DLL is actually provided by the exhaleApp source code, but you need to do the following in Visual Studio to configure it that way:
1. Build the DLL as described in the [Compilation](https://gitlab.com/ecodis/exhale#microsoft-windows-visual-studio-2012-and-later) section of exhale's README.md file. This creates a file "exhaleLib.dll" somewhere (depending on your compiler and its configuration) in the `lib` subdirectory of your exhale distribution.
2. Open the file "exhaleApp.cpp" of the `exhaleApp` project and uncomment the line starting with `// #define USE_EXHALELIB_DLL ...` at the top of that source file. Then it should be possible for you to build the exhaleApp project, e.g., by pressing `F7`, without any errors.
3. Before you can run the DLL compatible exhale application that you just created, you need to place the exhale DLL into the application's directory. To do so, copy the "exhaleLib.dll" file located in step 1 into the subdirectory of the `bin` subdirectory where the "exhaleApp.exe" executable is located.
Why is the exhale encoder so slow? Is there a switch for fast encoding?