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/* quantization.h - header file for class with nonuniform quantization functionality
* written by C. R. Helmrich, last modified in 2023 - see License.htm for legal notices
* The copyright in this software is being made available under the exhale Copyright License
* and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This software may be subject to other third-
* party rights, including patent rights. No such rights are granted under this License.
* Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Christian R. Helmrich, project ecodis. All rights reserved.
#include "exhaleLibPch.h"
#include "entropyCoding.h"
// constants, experimental macros
#define FOUR_LOG102 13.28771238 // 4 / log10 (2)
#define SF_QUANT_OFFSET 0.4783662 // for scale fac
#define SF_THRESH_NEG 0.92044821 // round -1.5 dB
#define SF_THRESH_POS 1.09460356 // round +1.5 dB
#define SFB_QUANT_OFFSET 0.496094 // 13 - 29^(3/4)
#define SFB_QUANT_PERCEPT_OPT 1 // psych. quant.
#define SFB_QUANT_SSE 0
// class for BL USAC quantization
class SfbQuantizer
// member variables
unsigned* m_coeffMagn; // temp memory
uint8_t* m_coeffTemp; // temp result
uint8_t m_coeffTemp[200]; // 40 * 5 - NOTE: increase this when maximum grpLength > 5
double* m_lut2ExpX4; // for 2^(X/4)
double* m_lutSfNorm; // 1 / 2^(X/4)
double* m_lutXExp43; // for X^(4/3)
uint8_t m_maxSfIndex; // 1,..., 127
uint8_t m_maxSize8M1; // (size/8)-1
uint8_t m_numCStates; // states/SFB
uint8_t m_rateIndex; // lambda mode
// trellis memory, max. 8 KB @ num_swb=51
double* m_quantDist[52]; // quantizing distortion
uint8_t* m_quantInSf[52]; // initial scale factors
uint16_t* m_quantRate[52]; // MDCT and SF bit count
// helper functions
double getQuantDist (const unsigned* const coeffMagn, const uint8_t scaleFactor,
const uint8_t* const coeffQuant, const uint16_t numCoeffs);
uint8_t quantizeMagnSfb (const unsigned* const coeffMagn, const uint8_t scaleFactor,
/*mod*/uint8_t* const coeffQuant, const uint16_t numCoeffs,
EntropyCoder* const arithmCoder, const uint16_t coeffOffset,
short* const sigMaxQ = nullptr, short* const sigNumQ = nullptr);
uint32_t quantizeMagnRDOC (EntropyCoder& entropyCoder, const uint8_t optimalSf, const unsigned targetBitCount,
const uint16_t coeffOffset, const unsigned* const coeffMagn, // initial MDCT magnitudes
const uint16_t numCoeffs, uint8_t* const quantCoeffs); // returns updated SFB statistics
// constructor
SfbQuantizer ();
// destructor
~SfbQuantizer ();
// public functions
unsigned* getCoeffMagnPtr () const { return m_coeffMagn; }
double* getSfNormTabPtr () const { return m_lutSfNorm; }
uint8_t getScaleFacOffset (const double absValue) const { return uint8_t (SF_QUANT_OFFSET + FOUR_LOG102 * log10 (__max (1.0, absValue))); }
unsigned initQuantMemory (const unsigned maxTransfLength,
const uint8_t numSwb, const uint8_t bitRateMode, const unsigned samplingRate,
const uint8_t maxScaleFacIndex = SCHAR_MAX);
uint8_t quantizeSpecSfb (EntropyCoder& entropyCoder, const int32_t* const inputCoeffs, const uint8_t grpLength,
const uint16_t* const grpOffsets, uint32_t* const grpStats, // quant./coding statistics
const unsigned sfb, const uint8_t sfIndex, const uint8_t sfIndexPred = UCHAR_MAX,
uint8_t* const quantCoeffs = nullptr); // returns index of the RD optimized scale factor
unsigned quantizeSpecRDOC (EntropyCoder& entropyCoder, uint8_t* const optimalSf, const unsigned targetBitCount,
const uint16_t* const grpOffsets, uint32_t* const grpStats, // quant./coding statistics
const unsigned numSfb, uint8_t* const quantCoeffs); // returns RD optimization bit count
}; // SfbQuantizer
#endif // _QUANTIZATION_H_