## makefile - master user make-file for compiling exhale on Linux and MacOS platforms
 # written by C. R. Helmrich, last modified in 2020 - see License.htm for legal notices
 # The copyright in this software is being made available under the exhale Copyright License
 # and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This software may be subject to other third-
 # party rights, including patent rights. No such rights are granted under this License.
 # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Christian R. Helmrich, project ecodis. All rights reserved.

## BUILD32=1: compile for 32-bit platforms, BUILD32=0: compile for 64-bit platforms

export BUILD32

	$(MAKE) -C src/lib  MM32=$(BUILD32)
	$(MAKE) -C src/app  MM32=$(BUILD32)

	$(MAKE) -C src/lib  debug MM32=$(BUILD32)
	$(MAKE) -C src/app  debug MM32=$(BUILD32)

	$(MAKE) -C src/lib  release MM32=$(BUILD32)
	$(MAKE) -C src/app  release MM32=$(BUILD32)

	$(MAKE) -C src/lib  clean MM32=$(BUILD32)
	$(MAKE) -C src/app  clean MM32=$(BUILD32)