mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 08:08:45 +01:00
M/S fix and cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,68 @@
#include "exhaleLibPch.h"
#include "stereoProcessing.h"
// static helper functions
static inline uint64_t complexAbsMS (const int32_t realPart, const int32_t imagPart)
const double complexSqr = (double) realPart * (double) realPart + (double) imagPart * (double) imagPart;
return uint64_t (sqrt (complexSqr) + 0.5);
const uint64_t absReal = abs (realPart); // Richard Lyons, 1997; en.wikipedia.org/
const uint64_t absImag = abs (imagPart); // wiki/Alpha_max_plus_beta_min_algorithm
return (absReal > absImag ? absReal + ((absImag * 3) >> 3) : absImag + ((absReal * 3) >> 3));
static inline int32_t getMidSample (const int64_t value1, const int64_t value2)
return int32_t ((value1 + value2 + 1) >> 1);
static inline int32_t getSideSample (const int64_t value1, const int64_t value2)
return int32_t ((value1 - value2 + 1) >> 1);
static inline int32_t getResiSample (const int64_t valueR, const int64_t valueD, const int64_t alphaQ)
return int32_t (valueR - ((valueD * alphaQ - SHRT_MIN) >> 16));
static inline void setStepSizesMS (const uint32_t* const rmsSfbL, const uint32_t* const rmsSfbR,
const uint32_t* const rmsSfbM, const uint32_t* const rmsSfbS,
const uint32_t* const grpRms1, const uint32_t* const grpRms2,
uint32_t* const grpStepSizes1, uint32_t* const grpStepSizes2,
const uint16_t sfb, const uint16_t b, const bool applyPredSte)
const uint16_t idx = sfb + b;
const uint32_t sfbRmsL = __max (SP_EPS, rmsSfbL[b]);
const uint32_t sfbRmsR = __max (SP_EPS, rmsSfbR[b]);
const double sfbFacLR = (sfbRmsL < (grpStepSizes1[idx] >> 1) ? 1.0 : 2.0) * (sfbRmsR < (grpStepSizes2[idx] >> 1) ? 1.0 : 2.0);
const double sfbMaxMS = (applyPredSte ? __max (rmsSfbM[b], rmsSfbS[b]) : __max (grpRms1[idx], grpRms2[idx]));
if ((grpStepSizes1[idx] == 0) || (grpStepSizes2[idx] == 0)) // HF noise filled SFB
grpStepSizes1[idx] = grpStepSizes2[idx] = 0;
else if (sfbFacLR <= 1.0) // simultaneous masking, so no positive SNR in either SFB
const double max = __max (sfbRmsL, sfbRmsR);
grpStepSizes1[idx] = grpStepSizes2[idx] = uint32_t (__max (grpStepSizes1[idx], grpStepSizes2[idx]) * (sfbMaxMS / max) + 0.5);
else // partial/no masking, redistribute positive SNR into at least one channel SFB
const double min = (applyPredSte ? __min (rmsSfbM[b], rmsSfbS[b]) : __min (grpRms1[idx], grpRms2[idx]));
const double rat = __min (1.0, grpStepSizes1[idx] / (sfbRmsL * 2.0)) * __min (1.0, grpStepSizes2[idx] / (sfbRmsR * 2.0)) * sfbFacLR;
grpStepSizes1[idx] = grpStepSizes2[idx] = uint32_t (__max (SP_EPS, (min > rat * sfbMaxMS ? sqrt (rat * sfbMaxMS * min) :
__min (1.0, rat) * sfbMaxMS)) + 0.5);
// constructor
StereoProcessor::StereoProcessor ()
@ -33,7 +95,15 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
const bool eightShorts = (grp.numWindowGroups > 1);
const uint8_t maxSfbSte = (eightShorts ? __min (numSwbFrame, __max (grp.sfbsPerGroup, groupingData2.sfbsPerGroup) + 1) : numSwbFrame);
const bool perCorrData = (usePerCorrData && !eightShorts); // use perceptual correlation?
uint32_t rmsSfbL[2] = {0, 0}, rmsSfbR[2] = {0, 0};
uint32_t numSfbPredSte = 0; // counter
uint16_t numSfbNoMsSte = 0, idxSfbNoMsSte = 0;
uint32_t rms1NoMsSte[2] = {0, 0}, rms2NoMsSte[2] = {0, 0};
uint32_t rmsMNoMsSte[2] = {0, 0}, rmsSNoMsSte[2] = {0, 0};
uint8_t dataNoMsSte[2] = {0, 0};
bool nonZeroPredNoMsSte = false;
if ((mdctSpectrum1 == nullptr) || (mdctSpectrum2 == nullptr) || (numSwbFrame < maxSfbSte) || (grp.numWindowGroups != groupingData2.numWindowGroups) ||
(sfbStepSize1 == nullptr) || (sfbStepSize2 == nullptr) || (numSwbFrame < MIN_NUM_SWB_SHORT) || (numSwbFrame > MAX_NUM_SWB_LONG))
@ -53,22 +123,22 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
for (uint16_t gr = 0; gr < grp.numWindowGroups; gr++)
const uint16_t grOffset = numSwbFrame * gr;
const bool realOnlyCalc = (filterData1.numFilters > 0 && gr == filterData1.filteredWindow) || (mdstSpectrum1 == nullptr) ||
(filterData2.numFilters > 0 && gr == filterData2.filteredWindow) || (mdstSpectrum2 == nullptr);
const uint16_t* grpOff = &grp.sfbOffsets[numSwbFrame * gr];
uint32_t* const grpRms1 = &groupingData1.sfbRmsValues[numSwbFrame * gr];
uint32_t* const grpRms2 = &groupingData2.sfbRmsValues[numSwbFrame * gr];
uint32_t* grpStepSizes1 = &sfbStepSize1[numSwbFrame * gr];
uint32_t* grpStepSizes2 = &sfbStepSize2[numSwbFrame * gr];
const uint16_t* grpOff = &grp.sfbOffsets[grOffset];
uint32_t* const grpRms1 = &groupingData1.sfbRmsValues[grOffset];
uint32_t* const grpRms2 = &groupingData2.sfbRmsValues[grOffset];
uint32_t* grpStepSizes1 = &sfbStepSize1[grOffset];
uint32_t* grpStepSizes2 = &sfbStepSize2[grOffset];
int32_t b = 0, prevReM = 0, prevReS = 0;
uint32_t rmsSfbL[2] = {0, 0}, rmsSfbR[2] = {0, 0};
if (realOnlyCalc) // preparation for first magnitude value
const uint16_t sPlus1 = grpOff[0] + 1;
const uint16_t sIndex = grpOff[realOnlyOffset] + (grpOff[realOnlyOffset] > 0 ? -1 : 1);
prevReM = int32_t (((int64_t) mdctSpectrum1[sPlus1] + (int64_t) mdctSpectrum2[sPlus1] + 1) >> 1);
prevReS = int32_t (((int64_t) mdctSpectrum1[sPlus1] - (int64_t) mdctSpectrum2[sPlus1] + 1) >> 1);
prevReM = getMidSample (mdctSpectrum1[sIndex], mdctSpectrum2[sIndex]);
prevReS = getSideSample(mdctSpectrum1[sIndex], mdctSpectrum2[sIndex]);
for (uint16_t sfb = 0; sfb < maxSfbSte; sfb++)
@ -78,10 +148,8 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
const uint16_t sfbWidth = grpOff[sfb + 1] - sfbStart;
int32_t* sfbMdct1 = &mdctSpectrum1[sfbStart];
int32_t* sfbMdct2 = &mdctSpectrum2[sfbStart];
int32_t* sfbMdst1 = &mdstSpectrum1[sfbStart];
int32_t* sfbMdst2 = &mdstSpectrum2[sfbStart];
uint64_t sumAbsValM = 0, sumAbsValS = 0;
double sfbTempVar;
@ -96,85 +164,61 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
memcpy (m_originBandMdst2, sfbMdst2, cpyWidth);
if (realOnlyCalc) // real data, only MDCTs are available
if (realOnlyCalc && (sfb >= realOnlyOffset)) // real-valued data, only MDCTs available
const int32_t* sfbNext1 = &sfbMdct1[1];
const int32_t* sfbNext2 = &sfbMdct2[1];
for (uint16_t s = sfbWidth - (sfb + 1 == numSwbFrame ? 1 : 0); s > 0; s--)
const int32_t dmixReM = int32_t (((int64_t) *sfbMdct1 + (int64_t) *sfbMdct2 + 1) >> 1);
const int32_t dmixReS = int32_t (((int64_t) *sfbMdct1 - (int64_t) *sfbMdct2 + 1) >> 1);
const int32_t dmixReM = getMidSample (*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
const int32_t dmixReS = getSideSample(*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
// TODO: improve the following lines since the calculation is partially redundant!
const int32_t dmixImM = int32_t ((((*sfbNext1 + (int64_t) *sfbNext2 + 1) >> 1) - (int64_t) prevReM) >> 1); // estimate, see also
const int32_t dmixImS = int32_t ((((*sfbNext1 - (int64_t) *sfbNext2 + 1) >> 1) - (int64_t) prevReS) >> 1); // getMeanAbsValues()
const int32_t dmixImM = int32_t ((getMidSample (*sfbNext1, *sfbNext2) - (int64_t) prevReM) >> 1); // estimate, see also
const int32_t dmixImS = int32_t ((getSideSample(*sfbNext1, *sfbNext2) - (int64_t) prevReS) >> 1); // getMeanAbsValues()
const uint64_t absReM = abs (dmixReM);
const uint64_t absReS = abs (dmixReS); // Richard Lyons, 1997; en.wikipedia.org/
const uint64_t absImM = abs (dmixImM); // wiki/Alpha_max_plus_beta_min_algorithm
const uint64_t absImS = abs (dmixImS);
sumAbsValM += (absReM > absImM ? absReM + ((absImM * 3) >> 3) : absImM + ((absReM * 3) >> 3));
sumAbsValS += (absReS > absImS ? absReS + ((absImS * 3) >> 3) : absImS + ((absReS * 3) >> 3));
sumAbsValM += complexAbsMS (dmixReM, dmixImM);
sumAbsValS += complexAbsMS (dmixReS, dmixImS);
*(sfbMdct1++) = dmixReM;
*(sfbMdct2++) = dmixReS;
*(sfbMdst1++) = dmixImM;
*(sfbMdst2++) = dmixImS;
sfbNext1++; prevReM = dmixReM;
sfbNext2++; prevReS = dmixReS;
if (sfb + 1 == numSwbFrame) // handle remaining sample
if (sfb + 1 == numSwbFrame) // process the last sample
const int32_t dmixReM = int32_t (((int64_t) *sfbMdct1 + (int64_t) *sfbMdct2 + 1) >> 1);
const int32_t dmixReS = int32_t (((int64_t) *sfbMdct1 - (int64_t) *sfbMdct2 + 1) >> 1);
const int32_t dmixReM = getMidSample (*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
const int32_t dmixReS = getSideSample(*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
sumAbsValM += abs (dmixReM);
sumAbsValS += abs (dmixReS);
*sfbMdct1 = dmixReM;
*sfbMdct2 = dmixReS;
*sfbMdst1 = 0;
*sfbMdst2 = 0;
else // complex data, both MDCTs and MDSTs are available
int32_t* sfbMdst1 = &mdstSpectrum1[sfbStart];
int32_t* sfbMdst2 = &mdstSpectrum2[sfbStart];
for (uint16_t s = sfbWidth; s > 0; s--)
const int32_t dmixReM = int32_t (((int64_t) *sfbMdct1 + (int64_t) *sfbMdct2 + 1) >> 1);
const int32_t dmixReS = int32_t (((int64_t) *sfbMdct1 - (int64_t) *sfbMdct2 + 1) >> 1);
const int32_t dmixImM = int32_t (((int64_t) *sfbMdst1 + (int64_t) *sfbMdst2 + 1) >> 1);
const int32_t dmixImS = int32_t (((int64_t) *sfbMdst1 - (int64_t) *sfbMdst2 + 1) >> 1);
const double cplxSqrM = (double) dmixReM * (double) dmixReM + (double) dmixImM * (double) dmixImM;
const double cplxSqrS = (double) dmixReS * (double) dmixReS + (double) dmixImS * (double) dmixImS;
const int32_t dmixReM = getMidSample (*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
const int32_t dmixReS = getSideSample(*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
const int32_t dmixImM = getMidSample (*sfbMdst1, *sfbMdst2);
const int32_t dmixImS = getSideSample(*sfbMdst1, *sfbMdst2);
sumAbsValM += uint64_t (sqrt (cplxSqrM) + 0.5);
sumAbsValS += uint64_t (sqrt (cplxSqrS) + 0.5);
const uint64_t absReM = abs (dmixReM);
const uint64_t absReS = abs (dmixReS); // Richard Lyons, 1997; en.wikipedia.org/
const uint64_t absImM = abs (dmixImM); // wiki/Alpha_max_plus_beta_min_algorithm
const uint64_t absImS = abs (dmixImS);
sumAbsValM += complexAbsMS (dmixReM, dmixImM);
sumAbsValS += complexAbsMS (dmixReS, dmixImS);
sumAbsValM += (absReM > absImM ? absReM + ((absImM * 3) >> 3) : absImM + ((absReM * 3) >> 3));
sumAbsValS += (absReS > absImS ? absReS + ((absImS * 3) >> 3) : absImS + ((absReS * 3) >> 3));
*(sfbMdct1++) = dmixReM;
*(sfbMdct2++) = dmixReS;
*(sfbMdst1++) = dmixImM;
*(sfbMdst2++) = dmixImS;
} // realOnlyCalc
} // realOnlyCalc && sfb >= realOnlyOffset
rmsSfbL[sfbIsOdd] = grpRms1[sfb];
rmsSfbR[sfbIsOdd] = grpRms2[sfb];
@ -182,7 +226,7 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
grpRms1[sfb] = uint32_t ((sumAbsValM + (sfbWidth >> 1)) / sfbWidth);
grpRms2[sfb] = uint32_t ((sumAbsValS + (sfbWidth >> 1)) / sfbWidth);
if (applyPredSte) sfbStereoData[sfb + numSwbFrame * gr] = 16; // initialize to alpha=0
if (applyPredSte) sfbStereoData[sfb + grOffset] = 16; // initialize to alpha_q to zero
if ((sfbIsOdd) || (sfb + 1 == maxSfbSte)) // finish pair
@ -196,15 +240,12 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
const uint16_t width = grpOff[sfb + 1] - offEv;
const int32_t* mdctA = (alterPredDir ? &mdctSpectrum2[offEv] : &mdctSpectrum1[offEv]);
const int32_t* mdctB = (alterPredDir ? &mdctSpectrum1[offEv] : &mdctSpectrum2[offEv]);
const int32_t* mdstA = (alterPredDir ? &mdstSpectrum2[offEv] : &mdstSpectrum1[offEv]);
const int32_t* mdstB = (alterPredDir ? &mdstSpectrum1[offEv] : &mdstSpectrum2[offEv]);
int64_t sumPrdImAReB = 0, sumPrdImAImA = SP_EPS;
int64_t sumPrdReAReB = 0, sumPrdReAReA = SP_EPS; // stabilizes the division below
int64_t sumPrdImAReB = 0, sumPrdImAImA = SP_EPS;
double d, alphaLimit = 1.5; // max alpha_q magnitude
for (uint16_t s = width; s > 0; s--, mdctA++, mdctB++, mdstA++, mdstB++)
const int64_t prdReAReA = ((int64_t) *mdctA * (int64_t) *mdctA + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
@ -220,57 +261,6 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
sumPrdImAReB -= ((int64_t) *mdctA * (int64_t) *mdstB + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
sumPrdImAImA += prdReAReA;
for (uint16_t s = width; s > 0; s--, mdctA++, mdctB++)
sumPrdReAReB += ((int64_t) *mdctA * (int64_t) *mdctB + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
sumPrdReAReA += ((int64_t) *mdctA * (int64_t) *mdctA + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
if (realOnlyCalc) // real data, only MDCTs available
const int32_t* nextA = (alterPredDir ? &mdctSpectrum2[offEv + 1] : &mdctSpectrum1[offEv + 1]);
const int32_t* nextB = (alterPredDir ? &mdctSpectrum1[offEv + 1] : &mdctSpectrum2[offEv + 1]);
if (sfbEv == 0) // exclude unavailable DC estimate
mdctA -= width; nextA++;
mdctB -= width; nextB++;
mdctA -= (width + 1); // point to pre-
mdctB -= (width + 1); // vious samples
for (uint16_t s = width - (sfbEv == 0 ? 2 : 1); s > 0; s--) // exclude unavailable final estimate
const int64_t mdstA = ((int64_t) *(nextA++) - (int64_t) *(mdctA++)) >> 1; // estimate, see also
const int64_t mdstB = ((int64_t) *(nextB++) - (int64_t) *(mdctB++)) >> 1; // getMeanAbsValues()
sumPrdReAReB += (mdstA * mdstB + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
sumPrdReAReA += (mdstA * mdstA + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
if (sfb + 1 < numSwbFrame) // process final sample
const int64_t msSgn = (alterPredDir ? -1 : 1);
const int64_t mdstA = ((((int64_t) *nextB + *nextA * msSgn + 1) >> 1) - (int64_t) *mdctA) >> 1;
const int64_t mdstB = ((((int64_t) *nextA - *nextB * msSgn + 1) >> 1) - (int64_t) *mdctB) >> 1;
sumPrdReAReB += (mdstA * mdstB + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
sumPrdReAReA += (mdstA * mdstA + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
else // complex data, both MDCTs and MDSTs available
const int32_t* mdstA = (alterPredDir ? &mdstSpectrum2[offEv] : &mdstSpectrum1[offEv]);
const int32_t* mdstB = (alterPredDir ? &mdstSpectrum1[offEv] : &mdstSpectrum2[offEv]);
for (uint16_t s = width; s > 0; s--, mdstA++, mdstB++)
sumPrdReAReB += ((int64_t) *mdstA * (int64_t) *mdstB + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
sumPrdReAReA += ((int64_t) *mdstA * (int64_t) *mdstA + SA_BW) >> (SA_BW_SHIFT + 1);
for (b = sfbIsOdd; b >= 0; b--) // limit alpha_q to prevent residual RMS increases
const int idx = sfbEv + b;
@ -285,7 +275,7 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
b = int32_t (10.0 * sfbTempVar + (sfbTempVar < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5));// nearest integer
sfbStereoData[sfbEv + numSwbFrame * gr] = uint8_t (b + 16); // finished alpha_q_re
sfbStereoData[sfbEv + grOffset] = uint8_t (b + 16); // save SFB's final alpha_q_re
alphaLimit = CLIP_PM ((double) sumPrdImAReB / (double) sumPrdImAImA, alphaLimit);
@ -295,7 +285,7 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
b = int32_t (10.0 * alphaLimit + (alphaLimit < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5));// nearest integer
# endif
if (sfbEv + 1 < numSwbFrame)
sfbStereoData[sfbEv + 1 + numSwbFrame * gr] = uint8_t (b + 16); // init alpha_q_im
sfbStereoData[sfbEv + 1 + grOffset] = uint8_t (b + 16); // save initial alpha_q_im
if (perCorrData && ((offEv & (SA_BW - 1)) == 0) && ((width & (SA_BW - 1)) == 0))
@ -307,8 +297,8 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
else b = UCHAR_MAX; // previous correlation data unavailable, assume maximum value
if ((b > SCHAR_MAX && sfbStereoData[sfbEv + numSwbFrame * gr] != 16) || // signi-
(2 <= abs ( (int) sfbStereoData[sfbEv + numSwbFrame * gr] - 16))) // ficant?
if ((b > SCHAR_MAX && sfbStereoData[sfbEv + grOffset] != 16) || // if perceptually
(2 <= abs ( (int) sfbStereoData[sfbEv + grOffset] - 16))) // significant pred.
nonZeroPredCoef = true;
@ -350,7 +340,7 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
const uint64_t bandSumS = (applyPredSte ? (uint64_t) rmsSfbS[0] + (uint64_t) rmsSfbS[1] : bandSum2) >> 1;
if ((__min (bandSumM, bandSumS) * __max (bandSumL, bandSumR) >= __min (bandSumL, bandSumR) * __max (bandSumM, bandSumS)) ||
(nonZeroPredCoef && (abs ( (int) sfbStereoData[sfbEv + numSwbFrame * gr] - 16) >= 10)))
(nonZeroPredCoef && (abs ( (int) sfbStereoData[sfbEv + grOffset] - 16) >= 10)))
const uint16_t sfbOffEv = grpOff[sfbEv];
const uint16_t cpyWidth = (grpOff[sfb + 1] - sfbOffEv) * sizeof (int32_t);
@ -364,48 +354,102 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
const int idx = sfbEv + b;
grpRms1[idx] = rmsSfbL[b];
if (numSfbNoMsSte == 0)
rms1NoMsSte[b] = grpRms1[idx];
rms2NoMsSte[b] = grpRms2[idx];
grpRms1[idx] = rmsSfbL[b]; // recover left/right band energies
grpRms2[idx] = rmsSfbR[b];
if (applyPredSte) sfbStereoData[idx + numSwbFrame * gr] = 0; // zeroed ms_used
if (applyPredSte)
if (numSfbNoMsSte == 0)
rmsMNoMsSte[b] = rmsSfbM[b];
rmsSNoMsSte[b] = rmsSfbS[b];
dataNoMsSte[b] = sfbStereoData[idx + grOffset];
sfbStereoData[idx + grOffset] = 0; // set ms_used flag to 0
idxSfbNoMsSte = sfbEv + grOffset;
nonZeroPredNoMsSte = nonZeroPredCoef;
continue; // M/S is not used
} // if !useFullFrameMS
if (nonZeroPredCoef) numSfbPredSte++; // a perceptually significant prediction band
for (b = sfbIsOdd; b >= 0; b--)
const int idx = sfbEv + b;
const uint32_t sfbRmsL = __max (SP_EPS, rmsSfbL[b]);
const uint32_t sfbRmsR = __max (SP_EPS, rmsSfbR[b]);
const double sfbFacLR = (sfbRmsL < (grpStepSizes1[idx] >> 1) ? 1.0 : 2.0) * (sfbRmsR < (grpStepSizes2[idx] >> 1) ? 1.0 : 2.0);
sfbTempVar = (applyPredSte ? __max (rmsSfbM[b], rmsSfbS[b]) : __max (grpRms1[idx], grpRms2[idx]));
if ((grpStepSizes1[idx] == 0) || (grpStepSizes2[idx] == 0)) // HF noise filled SFB
grpStepSizes1[idx] = grpStepSizes2[idx] = 0;
else if (sfbFacLR <= 1.0) // simultaneous masking - no positive SNR in either SFB
const double max = __max (sfbRmsL, sfbRmsR);
grpStepSizes1[idx] = grpStepSizes2[idx] = uint32_t (__max (grpStepSizes1[idx], grpStepSizes2[idx]) * (sfbTempVar / max) + 0.5);
else // partial/no masking - redistribute positive SNR into at least 1 channel SFB
const double min = (applyPredSte ? __min (rmsSfbM[b], rmsSfbS[b]) : __min (grpRms1[idx], grpRms2[idx]));
const double rat = __min (1.0, grpStepSizes1[idx] / (sfbRmsL * 2.0)) * __min (1.0, grpStepSizes2[idx] / (sfbRmsR * 2.0)) * sfbFacLR;
grpStepSizes1[idx] = grpStepSizes2[idx] = uint32_t (__max (SP_EPS, (min > rat * sfbTempVar ? sqrt (rat * sfbTempVar * min) :
__min (1.0, rat) * sfbTempVar)) + 0.5);
for (b = sfbIsOdd; b >= 0; b--) setStepSizesMS (rmsSfbL, rmsSfbR, rmsSfbM, rmsSfbS, grpRms1, grpRms2,
grpStepSizes1, grpStepSizes2, sfbEv, (uint16_t) b, applyPredSte);
if (nonZeroPredCoef) numSfbPredSte++; // if perceptually significant prediction band
} // if pair completed
} // for gr
if (numSfbNoMsSte == 1) // upgrade single L/R to M/S band to reduce M/S signaling overhead
const uint16_t grNoMS = idxSfbNoMsSte / numSwbFrame;
const uint16_t offNoMS = numSwbFrame * grNoMS;
const uint16_t sfbNoMS = idxSfbNoMsSte - offNoMS;
const bool realOnlyCalc = (filterData1.numFilters > 0 && grNoMS == filterData1.filteredWindow) || (mdstSpectrum1 == nullptr) ||
(filterData2.numFilters > 0 && grNoMS == filterData2.filteredWindow) || (mdstSpectrum2 == nullptr);
const uint16_t* grpOff = &grp.sfbOffsets[offNoMS];
uint32_t* const grpRms1 = &groupingData1.sfbRmsValues[offNoMS];
uint32_t* const grpRms2 = &groupingData2.sfbRmsValues[offNoMS];
for (int32_t b = (sfbNoMS + 1 < maxSfbSte ? 1 : 0); b >= 0; b--)
const int idx = sfbNoMS + b; // sfbNoMS = even SFB index
const uint16_t sfbStart = grpOff[idx];
const uint16_t sfbWidth = grpOff[idx + 1] - sfbStart;
int32_t* sfbMdct1 = &mdctSpectrum1[sfbStart];
int32_t* sfbMdct2 = &mdctSpectrum2[sfbStart];
rmsSfbL[b] = grpRms1[idx]; // save left/right band RMSs
rmsSfbR[b] = grpRms2[idx];
grpRms1[idx] = rms1NoMsSte[b]; // recover M/S band RMSs
grpRms2[idx] = rms2NoMsSte[b];
if (applyPredSte) sfbStereoData[idx + offNoMS] = dataNoMsSte[b];
if (realOnlyCalc && (idx >= realOnlyOffset)) // real-valued data, only MDCTs available
for (uint16_t s = sfbWidth; s > 0; s--)
const int32_t dmixReM = getMidSample (*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
const int32_t dmixReS = getSideSample(*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
*(sfbMdct1++) = dmixReM;
*(sfbMdct2++) = dmixReS;
else // complex data, both MDCTs and MDSTs are available
int32_t* sfbMdst1 = &mdstSpectrum1[sfbStart];
int32_t* sfbMdst2 = &mdstSpectrum2[sfbStart];
for (uint16_t s = sfbWidth; s > 0; s--)
const int32_t dmixReM = getMidSample (*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
const int32_t dmixReS = getSideSample(*sfbMdct1, *sfbMdct2);
const int32_t dmixImM = getMidSample (*sfbMdst1, *sfbMdst2);
const int32_t dmixImS = getSideSample(*sfbMdst1, *sfbMdst2);
*(sfbMdct1++) = dmixReM;
*(sfbMdct2++) = dmixReS;
*(sfbMdst1++) = dmixImM;
*(sfbMdst2++) = dmixImS;
} // realOnlyCalc && idx >= realOnlyOffset
setStepSizesMS (rmsSfbL, rmsSfbR, rmsMNoMsSte, rmsSNoMsSte, grpRms1, grpRms2,
&sfbStepSize1[offNoMS], &sfbStepSize2[offNoMS], sfbNoMS, (uint16_t) b, applyPredSte);
if (nonZeroPredNoMsSte) numSfbPredSte++; // was perceptually significant prediction band
} // if numSfbNoMsSte == 1
if (numSfbPredSte == 0) // discard prediction coefficients and stay with legacy M/S stereo
if (applyPredSte)
@ -424,21 +468,22 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
for (uint16_t gr = 0; gr < grp.numWindowGroups; gr++)
const uint16_t grOffset = numSwbFrame * gr;
const bool realOnlyCalc = (filterData1.numFilters > 0 && gr == filterData1.filteredWindow) || (mdstSpectrum1 == nullptr) ||
(filterData2.numFilters > 0 && gr == filterData2.filteredWindow) || (mdstSpectrum2 == nullptr);
const uint16_t* grpOff = &grp.sfbOffsets[numSwbFrame * gr];
uint32_t* const grpRms1 = &groupingData1.sfbRmsValues[numSwbFrame * gr];
uint32_t* const grpRms2 = &groupingData2.sfbRmsValues[numSwbFrame * gr];
uint8_t* const grpSData = &sfbStereoData[numSwbFrame * gr];
const uint16_t* grpOff = &grp.sfbOffsets[grOffset];
uint32_t* const grpRms1 = &groupingData1.sfbRmsValues[grOffset];
uint32_t* const grpRms2 = &groupingData2.sfbRmsValues[grOffset];
uint8_t* const grpSData = &sfbStereoData[grOffset];
int32_t prevResi = 0;
if (realOnlyCalc) // preparation of res. magnitude value
const int64_t alphaRe = (grpSData[0] > 0 ? (int) grpSData[0] - 16 : 0) * SP_0_DOT_1_16BIT;
const uint16_t sPlus1 = grpOff[0] + 1;
const int64_t alphaRe = (grpSData[realOnlyOffset & 0xFE] > 0 ? (int) grpSData[realOnlyOffset & 0xFE] - 16 : 0) * SP_0_DOT_1_16BIT;
const uint16_t sIndex = grpOff[realOnlyOffset] + (grpOff[realOnlyOffset] > 0 ? -1 : 1);
prevResi = (alterPredDir ? mdctSpectrum1[sPlus1] - int32_t ((mdctSpectrum2[sPlus1] * alphaRe - SHRT_MIN) >> 16)
: mdctSpectrum2[sPlus1] - int32_t ((mdctSpectrum1[sPlus1] * alphaRe - SHRT_MIN) >> 16));
prevResi = (alterPredDir ? getResiSample (mdctSpectrum1[sIndex], mdctSpectrum2[sIndex], alphaRe)
: getResiSample (mdctSpectrum2[sIndex], mdctSpectrum1[sIndex], alphaRe));
for (uint16_t sfb = 0; sfb < maxSfbSte; sfb++)
@ -453,7 +498,7 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
if (alphaRe == 0)
if (realOnlyCalc) // update previous res. MDCT value
if (realOnlyCalc && (sfb >= realOnlyOffset)) // update previous residual MDCT data
sfbMdctR += sfbWidth - 1;
prevResi = (grpSData[sfbEv] > 0 ? *sfbMdctR : int32_t (((int64_t) sfbMdctD[sfbWidth - 1] +
@ -462,22 +507,18 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
continue; // nothing more to do, i.e., no prediction
if (realOnlyCalc) // real data, only MDCT is available
if (realOnlyCalc && (sfb >= realOnlyOffset)) // real-valued, only MDCT is available
const int32_t* sfbNextD = &sfbMdctD[1];
const int32_t* sfbNextR = &sfbMdctR[1];
for (uint16_t s = sfbWidth - (sfb + 1 == numSwbFrame ? 1 : 0); s > 0; s--)
const int32_t resiRe = *sfbMdctR - int32_t ((*sfbMdctD * alphaRe - SHRT_MIN) >> 16);
const int32_t resiRe = getResiSample (*sfbMdctR, *sfbMdctD, alphaRe);
// TODO: improve the following line since the calculation is partially redundant
// Also, in the final s index of this band, the wrong alphaRe may be used!
const int32_t resiIm = int32_t (((*sfbNextR - ((*sfbNextD * alphaRe - SHRT_MIN) >> 16)) - (int64_t) prevResi) >> 1);
const int32_t resiIm = int32_t ((getResiSample (*sfbNextR, *sfbNextD, alphaRe) - (int64_t) prevResi) >> 1);
const uint64_t absReR = abs (resiRe); // Richard Lyons, 1997; en.wikipedia.org/
const uint64_t absImR = abs (resiIm); // wiki/Alpha_max_plus_beta_min_algorithm
sumAbsValR += (absReR > absImR ? absReR + ((absImR * 3) >> 3) : absImR + ((absReR * 3) >> 3));
sumAbsValR += complexAbsMS (resiRe, resiIm);
*(sfbMdctR++) = resiRe;
@ -486,7 +527,7 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
if (sfb + 1 == numSwbFrame) // process final sample
const int32_t resiRe = *sfbMdctR - int32_t ((*sfbMdctD * alphaRe - SHRT_MIN) >> 16);
const int32_t resiRe = getResiSample (*sfbMdctR, *sfbMdctD, alphaRe);
sumAbsValR += abs (resiRe);
@ -500,24 +541,17 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
for (uint16_t s = sfbWidth; s > 0; s--)
const int32_t resiRe = *sfbMdctR - int32_t ((*sfbMdctD * alphaRe - SHRT_MIN) >> 16);
const int32_t resiIm = *sfbMdstR - int32_t ((*sfbMdstD * alphaRe - SHRT_MIN) >> 16);
const double cplxSqrR = (double) resiRe * (double) resiRe + (double) resiIm * (double) resiIm;
const int32_t resiRe = getResiSample (*sfbMdctR, *sfbMdctD, alphaRe);
const int32_t resiIm = getResiSample (*sfbMdstR, *sfbMdstD, alphaRe);
sumAbsValR += uint64_t (sqrt (cplxSqrR) + 0.5);
const uint64_t absReR = abs (resiRe); // Richard Lyons, 1997; en.wikipedia.org/
const uint64_t absImR = abs (resiIm); // wiki/Alpha_max_plus_beta_min_algorithm
sumAbsValR += complexAbsMS (resiRe, resiIm);
sumAbsValR += (absReR > absImR ? absReR + ((absImR * 3) >> 3) : absImR + ((absReR * 3) >> 3));
*(sfbMdctR++) = resiRe;
*(sfbMdstR++) = resiIm;
} // realOnlyCalc
} // realOnlyCalc && sfb >= realOnlyOffset
// average spectral res. magnitude across current band
sumAbsValR = (sumAbsValR + (sfbWidth >> 1)) / sfbWidth;
@ -533,7 +567,7 @@ unsigned StereoProcessor::applyPredJointStereo (int32_t* const mdctSpectrum1, in
int32_t* sfbMdct1 = &mdctSpectrum1[sfbStart];
int32_t* sfbMdct2 = &mdctSpectrum2[sfbStart];
if (grpSData[sfb] == 0) continue; // M/S is not used
if (grpSData[sfb & 0xFFFE] == 0) continue; // no M/S
for (uint16_t s = grpOff[sfb + 1] - sfbStart; s > 0; s--)
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