diff --git a/include/Release.htm b/include/Release.htm
index db16b58..022f056 100644
--- a/include/Release.htm
+++ b/include/Release.htm
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
Version 1.0.7 Aug. 2020, this release
minor bugfixes in bit-rate control and higher-rate coding at 32 kHz sampling rate
+ exhaleApp: add support for CVBR mode 0 at codec sampling rates below 44.1 kHz
exhaleApp: write complete MP4 «stss» data for improved compatibility (issue 13)
Version 1.0.6 July 2020
@@ -97,8 +98,8 @@
If you are in need of an additional library or application feature not mentioned below, please contact ecodis or a contributor with a request, and we will see what we can do.
support for coding with a core coder frame length of 768 samples, no version plan
- exhaleLib: completed integration of predictive joint-channel coding, version 1.1.x
- exhaleLib: finalization of support for 3.0–5.1 multichannel coding, no version plan
+ exhaleLib: complete integration of predictive joint-channel coding, no version plan
+ exhaleLib: finalization of support for 5.1–7.1 multichannel coding, no version plan
exhaleLib: speed-ups and further quality tuning for difficult signals, as necessary.
diff --git a/src/lib/exhaleEnc.cpp b/src/lib/exhaleEnc.cpp
index 37b6635..bf70afc 100644
--- a/src/lib/exhaleEnc.cpp
+++ b/src/lib/exhaleEnc.cpp
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ unsigned ExhaleEncoder::quantizationCoding () // apply MDCT quantization and en
const uint8_t maxSfbLong = (samplingRate < 37566 ? 63 - (samplingRate >> 11) : brModeAndFsToMaxSfbLong (m_bitRateMode, samplingRate));
const uint8_t maxSfbShort = (samplingRate < 37566 ? 21 - (samplingRate >> 12) : brModeAndFsToMaxSfbShort(m_bitRateMode, samplingRate));
const uint16_t peakIndex = (shortWinCurr ? 0 : (m_specAnaCurr[ci] >> 5) & 2047);
- const unsigned sfmBasedSfbStart = (shortWinCurr ? maxSfbShort - 4 : maxSfbLong - 6) + (meanSpecFlat[ci] >> 5);
+ const unsigned sfmBasedSfbStart = (shortWinCurr ? maxSfbShort - 2 + (meanSpecFlat[ci] >> 6) : maxSfbLong - 6 + (meanSpecFlat[ci] >> 5));
const unsigned targetBitCount25 = ((60000 + 20000 * m_bitRateMode) * nSamplesInFrame) / (samplingRate * ((grpData.numWindowGroups + 1) >> 1));
unsigned b = grpData.sfbsPerGroup - 1;