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231 lines
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/* CHAPTER 18. Drawing on PDFs */
/* cpdf_drawBegin sets up the drawing process. It must be called before any
* other cpdf_draw* function. */
void cpdf_drawBegin(void);
/* cpdf_drawEnd(pdf, range) commits the drawing to the given PDF on pages in
* the given range. */
void cpdf_drawEnd(int, int);
/* cpdf_drawExtended(pdf, range, underneath, bates, filename) is the same as
* cpdf_drawEnd, but provides the special parameters which may be required when
* using cpdf_drawSText. */
void cpdf_drawEndExtended(int, int, int, int, char *);
/* cpdf_drawRect(x, y, w, h) adds a rectangle to the current path. */
void cpdf_drawRect(double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawTo(x, y) moves the current point to (x, y). */
void cpdf_drawTo(double, double);
/* cpdf_drawLine(x, y) adds a line from the current point to (x, y) to the
* current path. */
void cpdf_drawLine(double, double);
/* cpdf_drawBez(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) adds a bezier curve to the current
* path. */
void cpdf_drawBez(double, double, double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawBez23(x2, y2, x3, y3) add a bezier curve with (x1, y1) = current
* point. */
void cpdf_drawBez23(double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawBez13(x1, y1, x3, y3) add a bezier curve with (x3, y3) = new
* current point. */
void cpdf_drawBez13(double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawCircle(x, y, r) adds a circle to the current path. */
void cpdf_drawCircle(double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawStroke() strokes the curent path, and clears it. */
void cpdf_drawStroke(void);
/* cpdf_drawFill() fills the current path with a non-zero winding rule, and
* clears it. */
void cpdf_drawFill(void);
/* cpdf_drawFillEo() fills the current path with an even-odd winding rule, and
* clears it. */
void cpdf_drawFillEo(void);
/* cpdf_drawStrokeFill() fills and then strokes the current path with a
* non-zero winding rule, and clears it. */
void cpdf_drawStrokeFill(void);
/* cpdf_drawStrokeFillEo() fills and then strokes the current path with an even
* odd winding rule, and clears it. */
void cpdf_drawStrokeFillEo(void);
/* cpdf_drawClose closes the current path by appending a straight line segment
* from the current point to the starting point of the subpath. */
void cpdf_drawClose(void);
/* cpdf_drawClip uses the current path as a clipping region, using the non-zero
* winding rule. */
void cpdf_drawClip(void);
/* cpdf_drawClipEo uses the current path as a clipping region, using the
* even-odd winding rule. */
void cpdf_drawClipEo(void);
/* cpdf_drawStrokColGrey(g) changes to a greyscale stroke colourspace and sets
* the stroke colour. */
void cpdf_drawStrokeColGrey(double);
/* cpdf_drawStrokeColRGB(r, g, b) changes to an RGB stroke colourspace and sets
* the stroke colour. */
void cpdf_drawStrokeColRGB(double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawStrokeColCYMK(c, y, m, k) changes to a CYMK stroke colourspace and
* sets the stroke colour. */
void cpdf_drawStrokeColCYMK(double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawFillColGrey(g) changes to a greyscale fill colourspace and sets the
* fill colour. */
void cpdf_drawFillColGrey(double);
/* cpdf_drawFillColRGB(r, g, b) changes to an RGB fill colourspace and sets the
* fill colour. */
void cpdf_drawFillColRGB(double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawFillColCYMK(c, y, m, k) changes to a CYMK fill colourspace and sets
* the fill colour. */
void cpdf_drawFillColCYMK(double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawThick(thickness) sets the line thickness. */
void cpdf_drawThick(double);
/* Line caps. */
enum cpdf_cap { cpdf_capButt, cpdf_capRound, cpdf_capSquare };
/* cpdf_drawCap(captype) sets the line cap. */
void cpdf_drawCap(enum cpdf_cap);
/* Line joins. */
enum cpdf_join { cpdf_joinMiter, cpdf_joinRound, cpdf_joinBevel };
/* cpdf_drawJoin(jointype) sets the line join type. */
void cpdf_drawJoin(enum cpdf_join);
/* cpdf_drawMiter(m) sets the miter limit. */
void cpdf_drawMiter(double);
/* cpdf_drawDash(dash description) sets the line dash style. */
void cpdf_drawDash(char *);
/* cpdf_drawPush() saves the current graphics state on the stack. */
void cpdf_drawPush(void);
/* cpdf_drawPop() restores the graphics state from the stack. */
void cpdf_drawPop(void);
/* cpdf_drawMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) appends the given matrix to the Current
* Transformation Matrix. */
void cpdf_drawMatrix(double, double, double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawMTrans(tx, ty) appends a translation by (tx, ty) to the Current
* Transformation Matrix. */
void cpdf_drawMTrans(double, double);
/* cpdf_drawMRot(x, y, a) appends a rotation by a around (a, y) to the Current
* Transformation Matrix. */
void cpdf_drawMRot(double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawMScale(x, y, sx, sy) appends a scaling by (sx, sy) around (x, y) to
* the Current Transformation Matrix. */
void cpdf_drawMScale(double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawMShearX(x, y, a) appends an X shearing of angle a around (x, y) to
* the Current Transformation Matrix. */
void cpdf_drawMShearX(double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawMShearY(x, y, a) appends an Y shearing of angle a around (x, y) to
* the Current Transformation Matrix. */
void cpdf_drawMShearY(double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawXObjBBox(x, y, w, h) sets the XObject bounding box. */
void cpdf_drawXObjBBox(double, double, double, double);
/* cpdf_drawXObj(name) begins the storing of an XObject. */
void cpdf_drawXObj(char *);
/* cpdf_drawEndXObj() ends the storing of an XObject. */
void cpdf_drawEndXObj(void);
/* cpdf_drawUse(name) uses the named XObject. */
void cpdf_drawUse(char *);
/* cpdf_drawJPEG(name, filename) loads a JPEG from the given file, storing it
* under the given name. */
void cpdf_drawJPEG(char *, char *);
/* cpdf_drawJPEGMemory(name, data, length) loads a JPEG from the given file,
* storing it under the given name. */
void cpdf_drawJPEGMemory(char *, void *, int);
/* cpdf_drawPNG(name, filename) loads a non-interlaced non-transparent
* PNG from the given file, storing it under the given name. */
void cpdf_drawPNG(char *, char *);
/* cpdf_drawPNG(name, data, length) loads a non-interlaced non-transparent
* PNG from the given file, storing it under the given name. */
void cpdf_drawPNGMemory(char *, void *, int);
/* cpdf_drawImage(name) draws a stored image. To draw at the expected size, it
* is required to scale the Current Transformation Matrix by the width and
* height of the image. */
void cpdf_drawImage(char *);
/* cpdf_drawFillOpacity(n) sets the fill opacity. */
void cpdf_drawFillOpacity(double);
/* cpdf_drawStrokeOpacity(n) sets the stroke opacity. */
void cpdf_drawStrokeOpacity(double);
/* cpdf_drawBT() begins a text section. */
void cpdf_drawBT(void);
/* cpdf_drawET() ends a text section. */
void cpdf_drawET(void);
/* cpdf_drawFont(fontname) sets the font. */
void cpdf_drawFont(char *);
/* cpdf_drawFontSize(n) sets the font size. */
void cpdf_drawFontSize(double);
/* cpdf_drawText(text) draws text. */
void cpdf_drawText(char *);
/* cpdf_drawSText(text) draws text with %Specials. You may need to use
* cpdf_drawEndExtended instead of cpdf_drawEnd later, to provide the extra
* information required. */
void cpdf_drawSText(char *);
/* cpdf_drawLeading(n) sets the leading. */
void cpdf_drawLeading(double);
/* cpdf_drawCharSpace(n) sets the character spacing. */
void cpdf_drawCharSpace(double);
/* cpdf_drawWordSpace(n) sets the word spacing. */
void cpdf_drawWordSpace(double);
/* cpdf_drawTextScale(n) sets the text scaling. */
void cpdf_drawTextScale(double);
/* cpdf_drawRenderMode(n) sets the text rendering mode. */
void cpdf_drawRenderMode(int);
/* cpdf_drawRise(n) sets the text rise. */
void cpdf_drawRise(double);
/* cpdf_drawNL() moves to the next line. */
void cpdf_drawNL(void);
/* cpdf_drawNewPage() moves to the next page, creating it if necessary, and
* setting the range to just that new page. */
void cpdf_drawNewPage(void);